Epson Vs350w Users Guide
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Requirement Windows Mac Operating system Windows 2000(Service Pack4only) Mac OSX10.5.x or10.6.x Windows XPProfessional, Home Edition, andTablet PCEdition (32-bit); except forService Pack1 Windows VistaUltimate, Enterprise, Business, HomePremium, andHome Basic (32-bit) Windows 7Ultimate, Enterprise, Professional, andHome Premium (32- and 64-bit); HomeBasicandStarter (32- bit) CPU Mobil Pentium III1.2 GHz orfaster Power PCG41GHz orfaster (1.6 GHz orfaster recommended) (1.83...
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Notices Check thesesections forimportant noticesaboutyourprojector. Recycling Important SafetyInformation Important SafetyInstructions FCC Compliance Statement Trademarks Copyright Notice Recycling Epson offersarecycling programforend oflife products. for information onhow toreturn yourproducts forproper disposal. Parent topic:Notices Important SafetyInformation Caution: Neverlookintotheprojector lenswhen thelamp isturned on;thebright lightcandamage your...
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• Do not place theprojector onanunstable cart,stand, ortable. • Do not operate theprojector onitsside, orwhile tiltedtoone side. Donot tiltthe projector morethan forward orback. • Ifthe projector ismounted onaceiling, itshould beinstalled byqualified technicians usingmounting hardware designedforuse with thisprojector. • When installing oradjusting aceiling mount, donot use adhesives toprevent thescrews from loosening anddonot use oilsorlubricants. Thismay cause theprojector casetocrack andthe...
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• You may need toclean theairfilter andvent. Aclogged airfilter orvent canblock ventilation needed to cool theprojector. Donot use canned air,orthe gases mayleave aresidue. • Do not store theprojector outdoors foranextended lengthoftime. • Except asspecifically explainedinthis manual, donot attempt toservice thisproduct yourself. Refer all servicing toqualified personnel. Openingorremoving coversmayexpose youtodangerous voltages andother hazards. • Never openanycovers onthe projector...
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• Do not disassemble thelamp orsubject itto impacts. • Do not place thesource ofan open flame, suchasalit candle, onornear theprojector. • Do not modify thepower cord.Donot place heavy objects ontop ofthe power cordorbend, twist,or pull itexcessively. Keepthepower cordaway fromhotelectrical appliances. • Ifthe lamp breaks, ventilate theroom toprevent gasescontained inthe lamp frombeing inhaled or coming incontact withyour eyes ormouth. Ifyou doinhale gasesorgases comeincontact withyour eyes...
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WARNING The connection ofanon-shielded equipmentinterfacecabletothis equipment willinvalidate theFCC Certification orDeclaration ofthis device andmay cause interference levelswhichexceed thelimits established bythe FCC forthis equipment. Itis the responsibility ofthe user toobtain anduseashielded equipment interfacecablewiththisdevice. Ifthis equipment hasmore thanoneinterface connector, do not leave cables connected tounused interfaces. Changesormodifications notexpressly approvedby the...
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Neither SeikoEpson Corporation noritsaffiliates shallbeliable tothe purchaser ofthis product orthird parties fordamages, losses,costs,orexpenses incurredbypurchaser orthird parties asaresult of: accident, misuse,orabuse ofthis product orunauthorized modifications, repairs,oralterations tothis product, or(excluding theU.S.) failure tostrictly comply withSeiko Epson Corporations operatingand maintenance instructions. Seiko Epson Corporation shallnotbeliable forany damages orproblems...