Epson Projector PowerLite Pro Z9750UNL User Manual
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Changing theImage Aspect Ratio You canchange theaspect ratioofthe displayed imagetoresize it. Note: SettheScreen Typesetting inthe projectors Extendedmenubefore changing theaspect ratio. 1. Turn onthe projector andswitch tothe image source youwant touse. 2. Press theAspect buttononthe remote control. The shape andsize ofthe displayed imagechanges, andthename ofthe aspect ratioappears briefly onthe screen. 3. Tocycle through theavailable aspectratiosforyour input signal, presstheAspect button repeatedly. Parent topic:Image Aspect Ratio Available ImageAspect Ratios You canselect thefollowing imageaspect ratios,depending onthe selected ScreenTypesetting and the input signal fromyourimage source. Note: Blackbands andcropped orstretched imagesmayproject incertain aspectratios,depending on the aspect ratioandresolution ofyour input signal. Screen Typesetting Available aspectratios 4:3 Auto orNormal, 4:3,6:9,Native* 16:9 Auto orNormal, Full,Zoom, Native 16:10 Auto orNormal, 16:9,Full,Zoom, Native 111
*Available onlywhen projecting computerimagesorfrom theHDMI orHDBaseT port Aspect ratiosetting Description Auto Automatically setstheaspect ratioaccording tothe input signal. Normal Displays imagesinthe same aspect ratioofthe input signal. 4:3 Displays imagesata4:3 aspect ratio. 16:9 Displays imagesata16:9 aspect ratio. Full Displays imagesusingthefullsize ofthe projection area,butdoes not maintain theaspect ratio. Zoom Displays imagesusingthefullwidth ofthe projection areaand maintains theaspect ratioofthe image. Areasthatexceed the edges ofthe projected screenarenotprojected. Native Displays imagesasis(aspect ratioandresolution aremaintained). Parent topic:Image Aspect Ratio Related tasks Setting theScreen Type Color Mode The projector offersdifferent ColorModes toprovide optimum brightness, contrast,andcolor fora variety ofviewing environments andimage types.Youcanselect amode designed tomatch yourimage and environment, orexperiment withtheavailable modes. If you always wanttouse aparticular colormode foracertain videoinputsource, youcanselect itusing the projector menus. Changing theColor Mode Available ColorModes Turning OnAuto Iris Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Related references Image Quality Settings -Image Menu 112
Changing theColor Mode You canchange theprojectors ColorMode usingtheremote controltooptimize theimage foryour viewing environment. 1. Turn onthe projector andswitch tothe image source youwant touse. 2. Ifyou areprojecting fromaDVD player orother video source, insertadisc orother video media and press theplay button, ifnecessary. 3. Press theColor Mode button onthe remote controltochange theColor Mode. The image appearance changesandthename ofthe Color Mode appears brieflyonthe screen. 4. Tocycle through allthe available ColorModes foryour input signal, presstheColor Mode button repeatedly. Parent topic:ColorMode Available ColorModes You cansetthe projector touse these ColorModes, depending onthe input source youareusing: Color Mode Description Dynamic Best forprojecting inabright room Presentation Best forcolor presentations inabright room Theatre Best formovies projected inadark room Photo 1 Best forstill images projected inabright room Sports 2 Best fortelevision imagesinabright room sRGB Best forstandard sRGBcomputer displays DICOM SIM1 Best forprojecting X-rayphotographs andother medical images 113
Color Mode Description Multi-Projection Best forprojecting frommultiple projectors (reducesthecolor tone difference betweenimages) 1 Only available wheninputting RGBsignals 2 Only available whentheinput signal iscomponent video,orwhen theinput source isVideo orS-Video Note: TheDICOM SIMColor Mode isfor reference purposesonlyandshould notbeused tomake medical diagnoses. Parent topic:ColorMode Turning OnAuto Iris In certain colormodes, youcanturn onthe Auto Irissetting toautomatically optimizetheimage based on the brightness ofthe content youproject. 1. Turn onthe projector andswitch tothe image source youwant touse. 2. Press theMenu button. 3. Select theImage menuandpress Enter. 114
4. Select theAuto Irissetting andchoose oneofthe following: • High Speed toadjust brightness assoon asthe scene changes. • Normal forstandard brightness adjustment. Note: YoucansetAuto Irisforeach Color Mode thatsupports thefeature. TheAuto Irissetting is disabled whentheEdge Blending settingisOn . 5. Press Menu orEsc toexit themenus. Parent topic:ColorMode Setting theDate andTime You cansetthe date andtime forthe projector. 1. Press theMenu button. 2. Select theExtended menuandpress Enter. 3. Select theOperation settingandpress Enter. 4. Select theDate &Time setting andpress Enter. You seeascreen likethis: 5. Select theDate &Time setting andpress Enter. 6. Use thedisplayed keyboardtoenter thedate andtime. 7. When youarefinished, pressMenu. Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features 115
Adjusting ProjectorFeatures Follow theinstructions inthese sections touse your projectors featureadjustments. Shutting Offthe Picture Temporarily Stopping VideoAction Temporarily Zooming Intoand OutofImages Projector SecurityFeatures Using Multiple Projectors Using Frame Interpolation Viewing 3DImages Saving Settings toMemory andUsing Saved Settings Scheduling ProjectorEvents Shutting Offthe Picture Temporarily You cantemporarily turnoffthe projected pictureifyou want toredirect youraudiences attentionduring a presentation. Anyvideo action continues torun, however, soyou cannot resume projection atthe point that youstopped it. 1. Press theShutter buttononthe projectors controlpanelorremote controltotemporarily stop projection. 2. Toturn thepicture backon,press theShutter buttonagain. Parent topic:Adjusting ProjectorFeatures Related references Projector SetupSettings -Extended Menu 116
Stopping VideoAction Temporarily You cantemporarily stoptheaction inavideo orcomputer presentation andkeep thecurrent imageon the screen. Anyvideo action continues torun, however, soyou cannot resume projection atthe point that youstopped it. 1. Press theFreeze buttononthe remote controltostop thevideo action. 2. Torestart thevideo action inprogress, pressFreeze again. Parent topic:Adjusting ProjectorFeatures Zooming IntoandOutofImages You candraw attention toparts ofapresentation byzooming intoaportion ofthe image andenlarging it on the screen. 1. Press theE-Zoom +button onthe remote control. You seeacrosshair onthe screen indicating thecenter ofthe zoom area. 2. Use thefollowing buttonsonthe remote controltoadjust thezoomed image: • Use thearrow buttons toposition thecrosshair inthe image areayouwant tozoom into. • Press theE-Zoom +button repeatedly tozoom intotheimage area,enlarging itas necessary. 117
• To pan around thezoomed imagearea,usethearrow buttons. • To zoom outofthe image, presstheE-Zoom –button asnecessary. • To return tothe original imagesize,press Esc. Parent topic:Adjusting ProjectorFeatures Projector SecurityFeatures You cansecure yourprojector todeter theftorprevent unintended usebysetting upthe following security features: • Password securitytoprevent theprojector frombeing turned on,and prevent changes tothe startup screen andother settings. • Button locksecurity toblock operation ofthe projector usingthebuttons onthe control panelorremote control. • Security cablingtophysically cabletheprojector inplace. Password SecurityTypes Locking theProjector s Buttons Installing aSecurity Cable Parent topic:Adjusting ProjectorFeatures Password SecurityTypes You cansetupthese typesofpassword securityusingoneshared password: • Power OnProtection passwordpreventsanyonefromusing theprojector withoutfirstentering a password. • Users LogoProtection passwordpreventsanyonefromchanging thecustom screentheprojector can display whenitturns onorwhen youusetheA/V Mute feature. Thepresence ofthe custom screen discourages theftbyidentifying theprojector ’s owner. • Network Protection passwordpreventsanyonefromchanging thenetwork settingsinthe projector menus. • Time/Schedule Protectionpasswordpreventsanyonefromchanging theprojectors timeor schedule settings. Setting aPassword Selecting Password SecurityTypes Entering aPassword toUse theProjector 118
Saving aUser s Logo Image toDisplay Parent topic:Projector SecurityFeatures Setting aPassword To use password security,youmust setapassword. 1. Hold down theFreeze buttononthe remote controlforabout tenseconds oruntil youseethismenu. 2. Press thedown arrow toselect Password andpress Enter. You seetheprompt Change thepassword?. 3. Select Yesandpress Enter. 4. Press andhold down theNum button onthe remote controlandusethenumeric buttonstoset a four-digit password. The password displaysas**** asyou enter it.Then youseetheconfirmation prompt. 5. Enter thepassword again. You seethemessage Password accepted. 119
6. Press Esctoreturn tothe menu. 7. Make anote ofthe password andkeep itin asafe place incase youforget it. Parent topic:Password SecurityTypes Selecting Password SecurityTypes After setting apassword, youseethismenu, allowing youtoselect thepassword securitytypesyouwant to use. If you donot see thismenu, holddown theFreeze buttononthe remote controlforabout 10seconds or until themenu appears. 1. Toprevent unauthorized useofthe projector, selectPower OnProtection ,press Enter,select On, press Enter again, andpress Esc. 2. Toprevent changes tothe Users Logoscreen orrelated display settings, selectUsers Logo Protection ,press Enter,select On,press Enter again, andpress Esc. 3. Toprevent changes tonetwork settings, selectNetwork Protection ,press Enter,select On,press Enter again, andpress Esc. 4. Toprevent changes tothe projectors timeorschedule settings,selectTime/Schedule Protection, press Enter,select On,press Enter again, andpress Esc. Note: Besure tokeep theremote controlinasafe place; ifyou lose it,you willnot beable toenter the password requiredtouse theprojector. Parent topic:Password SecurityTypes 120