Epson Projector PowerLite Home Cinema 3510 User Manual
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3. You seethisscreen: 4. Select oneofthe following options: • Load Memory :Overwrites yourcurrent settings withsaved settings • Save Memory :Saves yourcurrent settings tomemory (10memories withdifferent namesare available) Note: Amemory namethathasalready beenusedisindicated byagreenblue mark.Saving over a previously savedmemory overwrites thesettings withyour current settings. • Erase Memory :Erases theselected memorysettings • Rename Memory:Renames asaved memory 5. Press Esctoexit. Parent topic:Adjusting ProjectorFeatures Related references Projector MemoryOptions-Memory Menu Projector SecurityFeatures You cansecure yourprojector todeter theftorprevent unintended usebysetting upthe following security features: • Button locksecurity toblock operation ofthe projector usingthebuttons onthe control panel. 81

• Security cablingtophysically cabletheprojector inplace. Locking theProjector s Buttons Installing aSecurity Cable Parent topic:Adjusting ProjectorFeatures Locking theProjector s Buttons You canlock thebuttons onthe projectors controlpaneltoprevent anyonefromusing theprojector. Note: Youcanusetheremote controltocontrol theprojector whenthecontrol panelbuttons arelocked. 1. Press theMenu button. 2. Select theSettings menuandpress Enter. 3. Select theLock Setting settingandpress Enter. 4. Select oneofthese locktypes andpress Enter: • To lock theprojectors powerbutton, selectChildLock.To turn theprojector on,you must press the power button forlonger thanthree seconds. Note: ChildLockdoesnotprevent theprojector fromturning onwhen thepower cordis connected ifthe Direct Power OnSetting isset toOn 82

• To lock allbuttons exceptthepower button, selectControl PanelLock.The lockicon is displayed onthe screen ifany control panelbuttons arepressed whilethissetting isenabled. You seeaconfirmation prompt. 5. Select Yesandpress Enter. 6. Restart theprojector forthe lock settings totake effect. Unlocking theProjector s Buttons Parent topic:Projector SecurityFeatures Related references Projector FeatureSettings -Settings Menu Unlocking theProjector s Buttons If the projectors buttonshavebeen locked, holdtheEnter button onthe projectors controlpanelfor seven seconds tounlock them. Parent topic:Locking theProjector s Buttons Related references Projector FeatureSettings -Settings Menu Installing aSecurity Cable You canusethesecurity slotonthe back ofthe projector toattach aKensington MicrosaverSecurity system, available fromEpson. Parent topic:Projector SecurityFeatures Related references Optional Equipment andReplacement Parts Projector Parts-Rear 83

Using WirelessHD You canusetheincluded WirelessHD transmittertowirelessly streamHDcontent fromavideo device to the projector (PowerLite HomeCinema 3600e). WirelessHD TransmitterParts WirelessHD TransmitterPlacement Connecting theWirelessHD Transmitter Viewing WirelessHD Content Switching WirelessHD Sources Using theWirelessHD PictureinPicture Feature WirelessHD TransmitterParts 1 power button (turnsthetransmitter onoroff) 2 Input button (cycles through imagesources) 3 Output button(cycles outputsignalbetween theprojector andadisplay deviceconnected tothe transmitter s Output port) 4 Power switch(turnsthetransmitter onoroff) 5 AC adapter port(connects theACadapter) 6 Optical (OUT)port(connects todevices withanoptical digitalaudioinputport) 84

7 HDMI (OUT) port(connects todisplay devices suchasatelevision) 8 HDMI inputports (connect toyour input devices; HDMI/MHL portonthe side oftransmitter) 9 3D glasses charging port(connects aUSB cable tocharge the3Dglasses) 10 Setup button (pressfor5seconds toreset thetransmitter s settings) 11 power light(lights greenwhentransmitter isoperating orturned on;lights orange whenthe transmitter ison standby) 12 WiHD light(lights orange whensending awireless signaltothe projector) 13 Link light(lights orange whenconnected tothe projector; flashesorangewhensearching forthe projector orwhen onstandby) Parent topic:UsingWirelessHD WirelessHD TransmitterPlacement Keep these considerations inmind asyou select aWirelessHD transmitterlocation: • Orient theWirelessHD transmitterwithitslights facing thefront ofthe projector. • Place theWirelessHD transmitterwithin32feet (10m)ofthe projector andinthe same room. • Ensure thereisaclear pathbetween theprojector andtheWirelessHD transmitter. • Avoid placing theWirelessHD transmitterinan area withmany largeormetal objects. Donot place the WirelessHD transmitteronametal surface, asthis may interfere withthesignal. Parent topic:UsingWirelessHD Connecting theWirelessHD Transmitter You canconnect uptofive HDMI inputsources andoneHDMI output source toyour WirelessHD transmitter. 85

1. Plug theACadapter intotheACinput portonthe WirelessHD transmitterandintoanelectrical outlet. 2. Connect HDMIcables toyour video devices andtothe HDMI inputports onthe side andback ofthe WirelessHD transmitter. Note: Youcanconnect anMHL-compatible smartphoneortablet tothe HDMI 5/MHL (IN)port on the WirelessHD Transmitter. 86

3. Touse theWirelessHD transmitterasapass-through devicetoatelevision orother display, connect an HDMI cabletothe display deviceandtothe HDMI (OUT) portonthe back ofthe transmitter. Parent topic:UsingWirelessHD Viewing WirelessHD Content You canproject content wirelessly fromanydevice connected tothe WirelessHD transmitter. 1. Turn onthe video equipment orcomputer youconnected tothe transmitter andwant toproject from. 2. Press thepower switch onthe side ofthe transmitter toturn onthe transmitter. 3. Turn onthe projector. 4. Press theWirelessHD buttononthe remote control. The WiHD lightonthe transmitter lightsupand your projector displayscontentwirelessly. Note: Ifthe WirelessHD connectionfails,press theSetup button onthe bottom ofthe WirelessHD transmitter andtryagain. Parent topic:UsingWirelessHD 87

Switching WirelessHD Sources If you have connected multipleHDMIinputsources toyour WirelessHD transmitter,youcanusethe projector remotecontroltoswitch between sources. 1. Aim theremote controlatthe WirelessHD transmitter. 2. Press theInput button onthe remote controlorthe WirelessHD transmitter. You seethisscreen: 88

3. Press theInput button repeatedly tohighlight differentinputsources. 4. When youhave highlighted thesource youwant toswitch to,release theInput button. After afew seconds, thedisplay switches tothe highlighted source. Parent topic:UsingWirelessHD Using theWirelessHD PictureinPicture Feature If you have connected multiplevideosources tothe WirelessHD transmitter,youcanusethePicture in Picture (P-in-P) featuretowirelessly projectimages fromtwoseparate sourcesatthe same time. 1. Press theP-in-P buttononthe remote control. 2. Dothe following tocontrol theP-in-P display: • Press theInput button onthe remote controlorthe WirelessHD transmittertochange thevideo source displayed inthe sub-screen. Keeppressing thebutton tocycle through allofthe connected video devices. • Press theOutput buttononthe remote controlorthe WirelessHD transmittertochange the position ofthe sub-screen. Thescreen movescounterclockwise fromcorner tocorner eachtime you press theOutput button. • Press andhold theP-in-P buttononthe remote controltoswitch thesources showninthe main display andthesub-screen. 3. When youarefinished usingPicture inPicture, presstheP-in-P buttononthe remote controlto resume normalprojection. Parent topic:UsingWirelessHD 89

Adjusting theMenu Settings Follow theinstructions inthese sections toaccess theprojector menusystem andchange projector settings. Using theProjector s Menus Image Quality Settings -Image Menu Input Signal Settings -Signal Menu Projector FeatureSettings -Settings Menu Projector MemoryOptions-Memory Menu Projector NetworkSettings-Network Menu Projector Information Display-Info Menu Projector ResetOptions -Reset Menu Using theProjector s Menus You canusetheprojectors menustoadjust thesettings thatcontrol howyour projector works.The projector displaysthemenus onthe screen. 1. Press theMenu button onthe control panelorremote control. 90