Epson Projector PowerLite Home Cinema 3510 User Manual
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Parent topic:UsingPicture inPicture Controlling theVolume withtheVolume Buttons You canusetheVolume buttonsonthe projector orthe remote controltoadjust thevolume asyou project apresentation withaudio. Thevolume buttons controltheprojector ’s internal speaker systemor any external speakers youconnected tothe projector (PowerLite HomeCinema 3500/3510/3600e). You must adjust thevolume separately foreach connected inputsource. 1. Turn onthe projector andstart apresentation thatincludes audio. 2. Tolower orraise thevolume, presstheVolume buttonsonthe remote controlorthese buttons on the control panel. A volume gaugeappears onthe screen. 3. Toset the volume toaspecific levelforaninput source, usetheprojector menus. Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Related references Projector FeatureSettings -Settings Menu Projecting aSlide Show You canuseyour projectors Slideshowfeaturewhenever youconnect aUSB device thatcontains compatible imagefiles.Thisletsyou quickly andeasily display aslide show, andcontrol itusing the projectors remotecontrol. Supported SlideshowFileTypes Slideshow Features Starting aSlide Show Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features 71

Related concepts USB Device Projection Related tasks Connecting aUSB Device orCamera tothe Projector Supported SlideshowFileTypes You canproject thesetypesoffiles using theprojectors Slideshowfeature. Note: Forbest results, placeyourfilesonmedia thatisformatted inFAT16/32. File contents File type Details (extension) Image .jpg Make surethefileisnot: • CMYK format • Progressive format • Highly compressed • Above 8192×8192 resolution Parent topic:Projecting aSlide Show Slideshow Features Your projectors Slideshowfeatureletsyou dothe following: • Display individual images • Present aslide show ofall images inafolder Parent topic:Projecting aSlide Show Starting aSlide Show After connecting aUSB device tothe projector, youcanswitch tothe USB input source andstart your slide show. Note: Youcanchange theSlideshow operationoptionsoradd special effectsbyhighlighting Optionat the bottom ofthe screen andpressing Enter. 72

1. Press theUSB/LAN buttononthe projector remotecontrol. The Slideshow screenappears. 2. Dothe following asnecessary tolocate yourfiles: • Ifyou need todisplay filesinside asubfolder onyour device, pressthearrow buttons tohighlight the folder andpress theEnter button. • To move backupafolder levelonyour device, highlight BacktoTop andpress Enter. • To view additional imagesinafolder, highlight Nextpage orPrevious pageandpress Enter. 3. Doone ofthe following tostart your slide show: • To display anindividual image,pressthearrow buttons tohighlight theimage andpress Enter. (Press theEsc button toreturn tothe filelistscreen.) • To display aslide show ofall the images inafolder, pressthearrow buttons tohighlight the Slideshow optionatthe bottom ofthe screen andpress Enter. Note: Ifany filenames arelonger than8characters orinclude unsupported symbols,thefilenames may beshortened orchanged onlyinthe screen display. 4. While projecting, usethefollowing commands tocontrol thedisplay asnecessary: • To rotate adisplayed image,presstheupordown arrow button. • To move tothe next orprevious image,presstheleftorright arrow button. 73

5. Tostop thedisplay, followtheon-screen instructions orpress theEsc button. Slideshow DisplayOptions Parent topic:Projecting aSlide Show Related tasks Connecting aUSB Device orCamera tothe Projector Disconnecting aUSB Device orCamera FromtheProjector Slideshow DisplayOptions You canselect thesedisplay options whenusingtheprojectors Slideshowfeature. Setting Options Description Display Order Name Order Displays filesinname order Date Order Displays filesindate order Sort Order In Ascending Sorts filesinfirst-to-last order In Descending Sorts filesinlast-to-first order Continuous Play On Displays aslide show continuously Off Displays aslide show onetime through 74

Setting Options Description Screen Switching No Does notdisplay thenext fileautomatically Time 1 Second to60 Seconds Displays filesforthe selected timeand switches tothe next fileautomatically; high resolution imagesmayswitch ataslightly slower rate Effect Wipe Transitions betweenimageswithawipe effect Dissolve Transitions betweenimageswithadissolve effect Random Transitions betweenimagesusingarandom variety ofeffects Parent topic:Starting aSlide Show 75

Adjusting ProjectorFeatures Follow theinstructions inthese sections touse your projectors featureadjustments. Shutting Offthe Picture andSound Temporarily Adjusting theColor Convergence (PanelAlignment) Saving Settings toMemory andUsing Saved Settings Projector SecurityFeatures Shutting Offthe Picture andSound Temporarily You cantemporarily turnoffthe projected pictureandsound ifyou want toredirect youraudiences attention duringapresentation. Anysound orvideo action continues torun, however, soyou cannot resume projection atthe point thatyoustopped it. 1. Press theA/V Mute button onthe remote controltotemporarily stopprojection andmute anysound. 2. Toturn thepicture andsound backon,press A/VMute again. Note: Tomute onlytheaudio, presstheMute button onthe remote control. Parent topic:Adjusting ProjectorFeatures Adjusting theColor Convergence (PanelAlignment) You canusethePanel Alignment featuretomanually adjustthecolor convergence (thealignment ofthe red, green andblue colors) inthe projected image. Note: Allowyourprojector towarm upfor atleast 10to15 minutes andmake suretheimage isin focus before youusethePanel Alignment feature.Theprojected imageshould beaminimum of60 inches (152 cm)diagonally andtheprojection surfaceshouldnotbecolored ortextured, otherwise the adjustment gridswillbedifficult toalign. 76

1. Turn onthe projector. 2. Press theMenu button. 3. Select theSettings menuandpress Enter. 4. Select thePanel Alignment settingandpress Enter. 5. Select thePanel Alignment settingandpress Enter. 6. Select Onand press Enter. 7. Select theSelect Colorsetting andchoose oneofthe following: • Rto adjust thered color convergence. • Bto adjust theblue color convergence. Note: Youcanonly adjust thered orblue color convergence. Greenisthe standard colorpanel and cannot beadjusted. 8. Select thePattern Colorsetting andpress Enter. 9. Select thepattern youwant touse and press Enter. 10. Select StartAdjustments andpress Enter. 77

You seethisscreen: 11. Press Enter. You seeascreen likethis: 12. Use thearrow buttons onthe remote controltoadjust thecolor alignment ofthe color youselected for the Select Colorsetting. Note: Youradjustments affectthegridlines inthe entire screen. Youcanfine-tune youradjustments by continuing withthenext steps. 13. When youarefinished adjusting thescreen, pressEnter. 78

You seethisscreen: 14. Select Adjust thefour corners andpress Enter. 15. Use thearrow buttons onthe remote controltoadjust thecolor alignment inthe corner ofthe screen highlighted bythe orange box. 16. Press theEnter button tomove tothe next corner ofthe screen. 17. When youarefinished adjusting eachcorner ofthe screen, pressEnter. 79

You seethisscreen: 18. Doone ofthe following: • Ifyour projectors panelalignment isnow correct, selectExitandpress Enter toreturn tothe Panel Alignment menu. • Ifyour projector needsadditional panelalignment, selectSelect intersection andadjust and press Enter.Use thearrow keysonthe remote controltohighlight thecorner ofany boxonthe screen thatismisaligned andpress Enter toadjust thecolor convergence. Repeatthisstep as necessary. Parent topic:Adjusting ProjectorFeatures Saving Settings toMemory andUsing Saved Settings You cansave customized settingsforeach ofyour video inputs andthen select thesaved settings whenever youwant touse them. 1. Turn onthe projector anddisplay animage. 2. Press theMenu button. Note: Youcanalso press theMemory buttononthe remote controltoaccess theMemory menu directly. 80