Epson Projector PowerLite 3900 User Manual
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201 Release 8of PCRE isdistributed undertheterms ofthe BSD licence, asspecified below.The documentation forPCRE, supplied inthe doc directory, isdistributed underthesame terms asthe software itself. The basic library functions arewritten inCand arefreestanding. Alsoincluded inthe distribution isaset of C++ wrapper functions, andajust-in-time compilerthatcanbeused tooptimize patternmatching. These areboth optional features thatcanbeomitted whenthelibrary isbuilt. THE BASIC LIBRARY FUNCTIONS ----------- Written by:Philip Hazel Email localpart:ph10 Email domain: University ofCambridge ComputingService,Cambridge, England. Copyright (c)1997-2012 UniversityofCambridge All rights reserved. PCRE JUST-IN-TIME COMPILATION SUPPORT ----------- Written by:Zoltan Herczeg Email localpart:hzmester Emain domain: Copyright(c) 2010-2012ZoltanHerczeg All rights reserved. STACK-LESS JUST-IN-TIME COMPILER ----------- Written by:Zoltan Herczeg Email localpart:hzmester Emain domain: Copyright(c) 2009-2012ZoltanHerczeg All rights reserved.
202 THE C++WRAPPER FUNCTIONS ----------- Contributed by:Google Inc. Copyright (c)2007-2012, GoogleInc. All rights reserved. THE BSD LICENCE ----------- Redistribution anduseinsource andbinary forms, withorwithout modification, arepermitted provided that thefollowing conditions aremet: * Redistributions ofsource codemustretain theabove copyright notice,thislistofconditions andthe following disclaimer. * Redistributions inbinary formmust reproduce theabove copyright notice,thislistofconditions andthe following disclaimer inthe documentation and/orothermaterials providedwiththedistribution. * Neither thename ofthe University ofCambridge northename ofGoogle Inc.northenames oftheir contributors maybeused toendorse orpromote products derivedfromthissoftware withoutspecific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE ISPROVIDED BYTHE COPYRIGHT HOLDERSANDCONTRIBUTORS ASIS AND ANYEXPRESS ORIMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING,BUTNOT LIMITED TO,THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSEARE DISCLAIMED. INNO EVENT SHALLTHECOPYRIGHT OWNERORCONTRIBUTORS BELIABLE FOR ANYDIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUTNOT LIMITED TO,PROCUREMENT OFSUBSTITUTE GOODSOR SERVICES; LOSSOFUSE, DATA, ORPROFITS; ORBUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED ANDONANY THEORY OFLIABILITY, WHETHER INCONTRACT, STRICTLIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OROTHERWISE) ARISINGINANY WAY OUTOFTHE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVENIFADVISED OFTHE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGE. End FastCGI This projector productincludes theopen source software programFastCGI whichapplies theterms and conditions providedbyowner ofthe copyright tothe FastCGI The FastCGI areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteventheimplied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE.
203 List ofFastCGI programs • fcgi-2.4.0 License termsofconditions ofeach program whichareprovided byowner ofthe copyright tothe FastCGI areasfollows. This FastCGI application librarysource andobject code(theSoftware) anditsdocumentation (the Documentation) arecopyrighted byOpen Market, Inc(Open Market). Thefollowing termsapplytoall files associated withtheSoftware andDocumentation unlessexplicitly disclaimed inindividual files. Open Market permits youtouse, copy, modify, distribute, andlicense thisSoftware andthe Documentation forany purpose, providedthatexisting copyright noticesareretained inall copies and that thisnotice isincluded verbatim inany distributions. Nowritten agreement, license,orroyalty feeis required forany ofthe authorized uses.Modifications tothis Software andDocumentation maybe copyrighted bytheir authors andneed notfollow thelicensing termsdescribed here.Ifmodifications to this Software andDocumentation havenewlicensing terms,thenew terms mustbeclearly indicated on the first page ofeach filewhere theyapply. OPEN MARKET MAKESNOEXPRESS ORIMPLIED WARRANTY WITHRESPECT TOTHE SOFTWARE ORTHE DOCUMENTATION, INCLUDINGWITHOUTLIMITATION ANYWARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY ORFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE.INNO EVENT SHALLOPEN MARKET BELIABLE TOYOU ORANY THIRD PARTY FORANYDAMAGES ARISINGFROMOR RELATING TOTHIS SOFTWARE ORTHE DOCUMENTATION, INCLUDING,WITHOUTLIMITATION, ANY INDIRECT, SPECIALORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGESORSIMILAR DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS ORLOST DATA, EVENIFOPEN MARKET HASBEEN ADVISED OFTHE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGES. THESOFTWARE ANDDOCUMENTATION AREPROVIDED AS IS. OPEN MARKET HASNOLIABILITY INCONTRACT, TORT,NEGLIGENCE OROTHERWISE ARISING OUTOFTHIS SOFTWARE ORTHE DOCUMENTATION. Parent topic:Notices Binding Arbitration andClass Waiver 1. DISPUTES, BINDINGINDIVIDUAL ARBITRATION, ANDWAIVER OFCLASS ACTIONS AND CLASS ARBITRATIONS 1.1 Disputes .The terms ofthis Section 1shall apply toall Disputes betweenyouand Epson. Theterm Dispute ismeant tohave thebroadest meaningpermissible underlawand includes anydispute, claim, controversy oraction between youand Epson arising outofor relating tothis Agreement, Epson branded products (hardware andincluding anyrelated software), orother transaction involvingyouand Epson, whether incontract, warranty, misrepresentation, fraud,tort,intentional tort,statute, regulation, ordinance, orany other legalorequitable basis.DISPUTE DOESNOTINCLUDE IPCLAIMS, ormore specifically, aclaim orcause ofaction for(a) trademark infringement ordilution, (b)patent infringement,
204 (c) copyright infringement ormisuse, or(d) trade secret misappropriation (anIPClaim). YouandEpson also agree, notwithstanding Section1.6,thatacourt, notanarbitrator, maydecide ifa claim orcause of action isfor anIPClaim. 1.2 Binding Arbitration .You andEpson agreethatallDisputes shallberesolved bybinding arbitration according tothis Agreement. ARBITRATION MEANSTHATYOUWAIVE YOURRIGHT TOAJUDGE OR JURY INACOURT PROCEEDING ANDYOUR GROUNDS FORAPPEAL ARELIMITED . Pursuant tothis Agreement, bindingarbitration shallbeadministered byJAMS, anationally recognized arbitration authority,pursuanttoits code ofprocedures thenineffect forconsumer relateddisputes, but excluding anyrules thatpermit joinder orclass actions inarbitration (formore detail onprocedure, see Section 1.6below). YouandEpson understand andagree that(a)the Federal Arbitration Act(9U.S.C. § 1, etseq.) governs theinterpretation andenforcement ofthis Section 1,(b) this Agreement memorializes atransaction ininterstate commerce, and(c)this Section 1shall survive termination ofthis Agreement. 1.3 Pre-Arbitration StepsandNotice .Before submitting aclaim forarbitration, youand Epson agreeto try, forsixty (60)days, toresolve anyDispute informally. IfEpson andyoudonot reach anagreement to resolve theDispute withinthesixty (60)days), youorEpson maycommence anarbitration. Noticeto Epson mustbeaddressed to:Epson America, Inc.,ATTN: LegalDepartment, 3840Kilroy Airport Way, Long Beach, CA90806 (theEpson Address). TheDispute Noticetoyou willbesent tothe most recent address Epsonhasinits records foryou. Forthis reason, itis important tonotify usifyour address changes byemailing [email protected] orwriting usatthe Epson Address above.Noticeof the Dispute shallinclude thesenders name,address andcontact information, thefacts giving risetothe Dispute, andtherelief requested (theDispute Notice). Following receiptofthe Dispute Notice,Epson and youagree toact ingood faithtoresolve theDispute beforecommencing arbitration. 1.4 Small Claims Court.Notwithstanding theforegoing, youmay bring anindividual actioninthe small claims courtofyour state ormunicipality ifthe action iswithin thatcourts jurisdiction andispending only in that court. 1.5 WAIVER OFCLASS ACTIONS ANDCLASS ARBITRATIONS. YOUAND EPSON AGREE THAT EACH PARTY MAYBRING DISPUTES AGAINSTTHEOTHER PARTYONLYINAN INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, ANDNOTASAPLAINTIFF ORCLASS MEMBER INANY CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING,INCLUDINGWITHOUTLIMITATION FEDERALORSTATE CLASS ACTIONS, ORCLASS ARBITRATIONS. CLASSACTION LAWSUITS, CLASS-WIDE ARBITRATIONS, PRIVATEATTORNEY-GENERAL ACTIONS,ANDANYOTHER PROCEEDING WHERE SOMEONE ACTSINAREPRESENTATIVE CAPACITYARENOTALLOWED. ACCORDINGLY, UNDERTHEARBITRATION PROCEDURES OUTLINEDINTHIS SECTION, AN ARBITRATOR SHALLNOTCOMBINE ORCONSOLIDATE MORETHANONEPARTYS CLAIMS WITHOUT THEWRITTEN CONSENT OFALL AFFECTED PARTIESTOAN ARBITRATION PROCEEDING. 1.6 Arbitration Procedure.If you orEpson commences arbitration,thearbitration shallbegoverned by the rules ofJAMS thatareineffect whenthearbitration isfiled, excluding anyrules thatpermit arbitration
205 on aclass orrepresentative basis(theJAMS Rules), available at orby calling 1-800-352-5267, andunder therules setforth inthis Agreement. AllDisputes shallberesolved bya single neutral arbitrator, andboth parties shallhave areasonable opportunitytoparticipate inthe selection ofthe arbitrator. Thearbitrator isbound bythe terms ofthis Agreement. Thearbitrator, andnot any federal, stateorlocal court oragency, shallhave exclusive authoritytoresolve alldisputes arising out ofor relating tothe interpretation, applicability,enforceability orformation ofthis Agreement, including anyclaim thatallorany part ofthis Agreement isvoid orvoidable. Notwithstanding thisbroad delegation ofauthority tothe arbitrator, acourt maydetermine thelimited question ofwhether aclaim or cause ofaction isfor anIPClaim, whichisexcluded fromthedefinition ofDisputes inSection 1.1 above. Thearbitrator shallbeempowered togrant whatever reliefwould beavailable inacourt under law orinequity. Thearbitrator mayaward youthesame damages asacourt could, andmay award declaratory orinjunctive reliefonlyinfavor ofthe individual partyseeking reliefandonly tothe extent necessary toprovide reliefwarranted bythat partys individual claim.Insome instances, thecosts of arbitration canexceed thecosts oflitigation andtheright todiscovery maybemore limited inarbitration than incourt. Thearbitrators awardisbinding andmay beentered asajudgment inany court of competent jurisdiction. You may choose toengage inarbitration hearingsbytelephone. Arbitrationhearingsnotconducted by telephone shalltakeplace inalocation reasonably accessiblefromyourprimary residence, orinOrange County, California, atyour option. a) Initiation ofArbitration Proceeding. Ifeither youorEpson decides toarbitrate aDispute, bothparties agree tothe following procedure: (i) Write aDemand forArbitration. Thedemand mustinclude adescription ofthe Dispute andtheamount of damages soughttobe recovered. Youcanfindacopy ofaDemand forArbitration at (DemandforArbitration). (ii) Send threecopies ofthe Demand forArbitration, plustheappropriate filingfee,to:JAMS, 500North State College Blvd.,Suite600Orange, CA92868, U.S.A. (iii) Send onecopy ofthe Demand forArbitration tothe other party(same address asthe Dispute Notice), oras otherwise agreedbythe parties. b) Hearing Format.Duringthearbitration, theamount ofany settlement offermade shallnotbedisclosed to the arbitrator untilafter thearbitrator determines theamount, ifany, towhich youorEpson isentitled. The discovery orexchange ofnon-privileged informationrelevanttothe Dispute maybeallowed during the arbitration. c) Arbitration Fees.Epson shallpay,or(ifapplicable) reimburseyoufor,allJAMS filingsandarbitrator fees forany arbitration commenced (byyou orEpson) pursuant toprovisions ofthis Agreement. d) Award inYour Favor. ForDisputes inwhich youorEpson seeks$75,000 orless indamages exclusive of attorneys feesandcosts, ifthe arbitrators decisionresultsinan award toyou inan amount greater than Epsons lastwritten offer,ifany, tosettle theDispute, Epsonwill:(i)pay you$1,000 orthe amount
206 of the award, whichever isgreater; (ii)pay youtwice theamount ofyour reasonable attorneysfees,if any; and(iii)reimburse youforany expenses (includingexpertwitness feesandcosts) thatyour attorney reasonably accruesforinvestigating, preparing,andpursuing theDispute inarbitration. Exceptas agreed uponbyyou and Epson inwriting, thearbitrator shalldetermine theamount offees, costs, and expenses tobe paid byEpson pursuant tothis Section 1.6d). e) Attorneys Fees.Epson willnot seek itsattorneys feesandexpenses forany arbitration commenced involving aDispute underthisAgreement. Yourrighttoattorneys feesandexpenses underSection 1.6d) above doesnotlimit your rights toattorneys feesandexpenses underapplicable law; notwithstanding theforegoing, thearbitrator maynotaward duplicative awardsofattorneys feesand expenses. 1.7 Opt-out. Youmay elect toopt-out (exclude yourself) fromthefinal, binding, individual arbitration procedureandwaiver ofclass andrepresentative proceedingsspecifiedinthis Agreement bysending awritten lettertothe Epson Address withinthirty(30)days ofyour assent to this Agreement (includingwithoutlimitation thepurchase, download, installation ofthe Software orother applicable useofEpson Hardware, productsandservices) thatspecifies (i) your name, (ii)your mailing address, and(iii)your request tobe excluded fromthefinal, binding individual arbitration procedureandwaiver ofclass andrepresentative proceedingsspecifiedin this Section 1.In the event thatyouopt-out consistent withtheprocedure setforth above, all other terms shallcontinue toapply, including therequirement toprovide noticepriortolitigation. 1.8 Amendments toSection 1.Notwithstanding anyprovision inthis Agreement tothe contrary, you and Epson agreethatifEpson makes anyfuture amendments tothe dispute resolution procedure and class action waiver provisions (otherthanachange toEpsons address) inthis Agreement, Epsonwill obtain youraffirmative assenttothe applicable amendment. Ifyou donot affirmatively assenttothe applicable amendment, youareagreeing thatyouwillarbitrate anyDispute between theparties in accordance withthelanguage ofthis Section 1(or resolve disputes asprovided forinSection 1.7,ifyou timely elected toopt-out whenyoufirstassented tothis Agreement). 1.9 Severability .If any provision inthis Section 1is found tobe unenforceable, thatprovision shallbe severed withtheremainder ofthis Agreement remaininginfull force andeffect. Theforegoing shallnot apply tothe prohibition againstclassorrepresentative actionsasprovided inSection 1.5.This means thatifSection 1.5isfound tobe unenforceable, theentire Section 1(but only Section 1) shall benull and void. Parent topic:Notices Trademarks EPSON ® , EasyMP ® , PowerLite ® , and Quick Corner ® are registered trademarks, andEPSON Exceed Your Vision isaregistered logomarkofSeiko Epson Corporation. PrivateLine ® is aregistered trademark; andExtra CareSM isaservice marksofEpson America, Inc.
207 Mac andOSXare trademarks ofApple Inc.,registered inthe U.S. andother countries. Google ® is aregistered trademark andAndroid TM isatrademark ofGoogle Inc. HDMI andHigh-Definition MultimediaInterfacearethetrademarks orregistered trademarks ofHDMI Licensing LLC. General Notice:Otherproduct namesusedherein areforidentification purposesonlyandmay be trademarks oftheir respective owners.Epsondisclaims anyand allrights inthose marks. Parent topic:Notices Copyright Notice All rights reserved. Nopart ofthis publication maybereproduced, storedinaretrieval system,or transmitted inany form orby any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,orotherwise, without theprior written permission ofSeiko Epson Corporation. Theinformation containedhereinis designed onlyforuse with thisEpson product. Epsonisnot responsible forany useofthis information as applied toother products. Neither SeikoEpson Corporation noritsaffiliates shallbeliable tothe purchaser ofthis product orthird parties fordamages, losses,costs,orexpenses incurredbypurchaser orthird parties asaresult of: accident, misuse,orabuse ofthis product orunauthorized modifications, repairs,oralterations tothis product, or(excluding theU.S.) failure tostrictly comply withSeiko Epson Corporations operatingand maintenance instructions. Seiko Epson Corporation shallnotbeliable forany damages orproblems arisingfromtheuse ofany options orany consumable productsotherthanthose designated asOriginal EpsonProducts orEpson Approved ProductsbySeiko Epson Corporation. This information issubject tochange withoutnotice. A Note Concerning Responsible UseofCopyrighted Materials Copyright Attribution Parent topic:Notices
208 A Note Concerning Responsible UseofCopyrighted Materials Epson encourages eachusertobe responsible andrespectful ofthe copyright lawswhen usingany Epson product. Whilesomecountries lawspermit limited copying orreuse ofcopyrighted materialin certain circumstances, thosecircumstances maynotbeasbroad assome people assume. Contactyour legal advisor forany questions regardingcopyrightlaw. Parent topic:Copyright Notice Copyright Attribution © 2016 Epson America, Inc. 9/16 CPD-51854 Parent topic:Copyright Notice