Epson Projector PowerLite 3900 User Manual
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171 This software iscopyright (C)1991-1998, ThomasG.Lane. AllRights Reserved exceptasspecified below. Permission ishereby granted touse, copy, modify, anddistribute thissoftware (orportions thereof)for any purpose, withoutfee,subject tothese conditions: (1) Ifany part ofthe source codeforthis software isdistributed, thenthisREADME filemust beincluded, with thiscopyright andno-warranty noticeunaltered; andanyadditions, deletions,orchanges tothe original filesmust beclearly indicated inaccompanying...
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172 simplified toproduce uncompressed GIFs.Thistechnique doesnotuse theLZW algorithm; the resulting GIFfiles arelarger thanusual, butare readable byallstandard GIFdecoders. We arerequired tostate thatThe Graphics Interchange Format(c)isthe Copyright propertyof CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm)isaService Markproperty ofCompuServe Incorporated. libpng This projector productincludes theopen source software programlibpngwhichapplies theterms and conditions providedbyowner ofthe copyright tothe...
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173 library isprovided withallfaults, andtheentire riskofsatisfactory quality,performance, accuracy,and effort iswith theuser. libpng versions 0.97,January 1998,through 1.0.6,March 20,2000, areCopyright (c)1998, 1999Glenn Randers-Pehrson, andaredistributed accordingtothe same disclaimer andlicense aslibpng-0.96, with the following individuals addedtothe listofContributing Authors: Tom Lane Glenn Randers-Pehrson Willem vanSchaik libpng versions 0.89,June1996, through 0.96,May1997, areCopyright...
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174 Permission ishereby granted touse, copy, modify, anddistribute thissource code,orportions hereof,for any purpose, withoutfee,subject tothe following restrictions: 1. The origin ofthis source codemustnotbemisrepresented. 2. Altered versions mustbeplainly marked assuch andmust notbemisrepresented asbeing the original source. 3. This Copyright noticemaynotberemoved oraltered fromanysource oraltered sourcedistribution. The Contributing AuthorsandGroup 42,Inc. specifically permit,without fee,and...
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175 Permission isgranted toanyone touse thissoftware forany purpose, including commercial applications, and toalter itand redistribute itfreely, subject tothe following restrictions: 1. The origin ofthis software mustnotbemisrepresented; youmust notclaim thatyouwrote theoriginal software. Ifyou usethissoftware inaproduct, anacknowledgment inthe product documentation would be appreciated butisnot required. 2. Altered sourceversions mustbeplainly marked assuch, andmust notbemisrepresented asbeing...
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176 TERMS ANDCONDITIONS FORUSE, REPRODUCTION, ANDDISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. License shallmean theterms andconditions foruse, reproduction, anddistribution asdefined by Sections 1through 9of this document. Licensor shallmean thecopyright ownerorentity authorized bythe copyright ownerthatisgranting the License. Legal Entity shallmean theunion ofthe acting entityandallother entities thatcontrol, arecontrolled by, orare under common controlwiththatentity. Forthepurposes ofthis definition,...
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177 2. Grant ofCopyright License.Subjecttothe terms andconditions ofthis License, eachContributor hereby grantstoYou aperpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge,royalty-free, irrevocable copyright licensetoreproduce, prepareDerivative Worksof,publicly display, publiclyperform, sublicense, anddistribute theWork andsuch Derivative WorksinSource orObject form. 3. Grant ofPatent License. Subjecttothe terms andconditions ofthis License, eachContributor hereby grants toYou aperpetual, worldwide,...
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178 5. Submission ofContributions. UnlessYouexplicitly stateotherwise, anyContribution intentionally submitted forinclusion inthe Work byYou tothe Licensor shallbeunder theterms andconditions ofthis License, withoutanyadditional termsorconditions. Notwithstanding theabove, nothing hereinshallsupersede ormodify theterms ofany separate license agreement youmay have executed withLicensor regarding suchContributions. 6. Trademarks. ThisLicense doesnotgrant permission touse thetrade names, trademarks,...
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179 Copyright [yyyy][name ofcopyright owner] Licensed undertheApache License, Version2.0(the License); you may notuse thisfileexcept incompliance withtheLicense. You may obtain acopy ofthe License at Unless required byapplicable laworagreed toinwriting, software distributed undertheLicense is distributed onanAS ISBASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES ORCONDITIONS OFANY KIND, either express orimplied. See theLicense forthe specific language governing permissions...
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180 newlib This projector productincludes theopen source software programnewlibwhichapplies theterms and conditions providedbyowner ofthe copyright tothe newlib. The newlib areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteventheimplied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE. List ofnewlib programs • newlib 1.17.0 License termsofconditions ofeach program whichareprovided byowner ofthe copyright tothe newlib are asfollows. The newlib subdirectory isacollection ofsoftware fromseveral...