Epson Projector PowerLite 3900 User Manual
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151 No. Symbol Approved Standards Description 6 IEC60417 No.6042 ISO3864-B3.6 Caution, riskofelectric shock To identify equipment thathasriskof electric shock. 7 IEC60417 No.5957 For indoor useonly To identify electrical equipment designed primarily forindoor use. 8 IEC60417 No.5926 Polarity ofDC power connector To identify thepositive andnegative connections (thepolarity) onapiece of equipment towhich aDC power supply may beconnected. 9 IEC60417 No.5001B Battery, general...
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152 No. Symbol Approved Standards Description 12 IEC60417 No.5017 Earth To identify anearth (ground) terminalin cases where neither thesymbol No.13is explicitly required. 13 IEC60417 No.5032 Alternating current To indicate onthe rating platethatthe equipment issuitable foralternating current only;toidentify relevant terminals. 14 IEC60417 No.5031 Direct current To indicate onthe rating platethatthe equipment issuitable fordirect current only; toidentify relevant terminals. 15...
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153 No. Symbol Approved Standards Description 20 ISO3864 IEC60825-1 Caution, laserradiation To indicate theequipment hasalaser radiation part. 21 ISO 3864 Disassembly prohibition To indicate arisk ofinjury, suchas electric shock,ifthe equipment is disassembled. 22 — Never lookintothelens while theLED for lighting ison. 23 IEC60417 No. 5266 Standby, partialstandby To indicate thatpart ofthe equipment is in the ready status. 24 ISO3864 IEC60417 No. 5057 Caution, movable...
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154 • Increase theseparation betweentheequipment andreceiver. • Connect theequipment intoanoutlet onacircuit different fromthattowhich thereceiver isconnected. • Consult thedealer oran experienced radio/TVtechnician forhelp. WARNING The connection ofanon-shielded equipmentinterfacecabletothis equipment willinvalidate theFCC Certification orDeclaration ofthis device andmay cause interference levelswhichexceed thelimits established bythe FCC forthis equipment. Itis the responsibility ofthe user...
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155 • udhcp 0.9.8 • wireless_tools 29 • dbus-1.6.18 • EPSON originaldrivers • Stonestreet OneDrivers The GNU General PublicLicense Version2is as follows. Youalso canseetheGNU General Public License Version2at GNU GENERAL PUBLICLICENSE Version 2,June 1991 Copyright (C)1989, 1991FreeSoftware Foundation, Inc.,51Franklin Street,FifthFloor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USAEveryone ispermitted tocopy anddistribute verbatimcopiesofthis license document, but changing itis not...
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156 we want itsrecipients toknow thatwhat theyhave isnot theoriginal, sothat anyproblems introduced by others willnot reflect onthe original authors reputations. Finally, anyfree program isthreatened constantlybysoftware patents.Wewish toavoid thedanger that redistributors ofafree program willindividually obtainpatent licenses, ineffect making theprogram proprietary. Toprevent this,wehave made itclear thatanypatent mustbelicensed foreveryones free use ornot licensed atall. The precise...
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157 c) Ifthe modified programnormally readscommands interactively whenrun,youmust cause it,when started running forsuch interactive useinthe most ordinary way,toprint ordisplay anannouncement including anappropriate copyrightnoticeandanotice thatthere isno warranty (orelse, saying thatyou provide awarranty) andthatusers mayredistribute theprogram undertheseconditions, andtelling the user howtoview acopy ofthis License. (Exception: ifthe Program itselfisinteractive butdoes not normally printsuch...
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158 so on) ofthe operating systemonwhich theexecutable runs,unless thatcomponent itselfaccompanies the executable. If distribution ofexecutable orobject codeismade byoffering accesstocopy fromadesignated place, then offering equivalent accesstocopy thesource codefromthesame placecounts asdistribution of the source code,eventhough thirdparties arenotcompelled tocopy thesource alongwiththeobject code. 4. You may notcopy, modify, sublicense, ordistribute theProgram exceptasexpressly providedunder...
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159 This section isintended tomake thoroughly clearwhatisbelieved tobe aconsequence ofthe rest ofthis License. 8. Ifthe distribution and/oruseofthe Program isrestricted incertain countries eitherbypatents orby copyrighted interfaces,theoriginal copyright holderwhoplaces theProgram underthisLicense mayadd an explicit geographical distributionlimitationexcluding thosecountries, sothat distribution ispermitted only inor among countries notthus excluded. Insuch case, thisLicense incorporates...
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160 END OFTERMS ANDCONDITIONS How toApply These Terms toYour NewPrograms If you develop anew program, andyouwant itto be ofthe greatest possible usetothe public, thebest way toachieve thisisto make itfree software whicheveryone canredistribute andchange underthese terms. To doso, attach thefollowing noticestothe program. Itis safest toattach themtothe start ofeach source filetomost effectively conveytheexclusion ofwarranty; andeach fileshould haveatleast the copyright lineand apointer towhere...