Epson Projector PowerLite 3100 User Manual
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191 List ofMIT License programs • jquery-1.11.2 • jquery-mobile-1.4.5 License termsofconditions ofeach program whichareprovided byowner ofthe copyright tothe MIT License areasfollows. Copyright (c)2012 jQuery Foundation andother contributors, Copyright (c)Nicolas Gallagher andJonathan Neal Permission ishereby granted, freeofcharge, toany person obtaining acopy ofthis software and associated documentation files(theSoftware), todeal inthe Software withoutrestriction, including without limitation therights touse, copy, modify, merge,publish, distribute, sublicense, and/orsellcopies of the Software, andtopermit persons towhom theSoftware isfurnished todo so, subject tothe following conditions: The above copyright noticeandthispermission noticeshallbeincluded inall copies orsubstantial portions ofthe Software. THE SOFTWARE ISPROVIDED ASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTY OFANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUTNOT LIMITED TOTHE WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSEANDNONINFRINGEMENT. INNO EVENT SHALLTHEAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERSBELIABLE FORANYCLAIM, DAMAGES OROTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER INAN ACTION OFCONTRACT, TORTOROTHERWISE, ARISINGFROM,OUTOFOR IN CONNECTION WITHTHESOFTWARE ORTHE USE OROTHER DEALINGS INTHE SOFTWARE. TOPPERS/JSP This projector productincludes theopen source software programTOPPERS/JSP whichapplies the terms andconditions providedbyowner ofthe copyright tothe TOPPERS/JSP. The TOPPERS/JSP areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteventheimplied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE. List ofTOPPERS/JSP programs • jsp-1.4.3 License termsofconditions ofeach program whichareprovided byowner ofthe copyright tothe TOPPERS/JSP areasfollows. TOPPERS/JSP Kernel Toyohashi OpenPlatform forEmbedded Real-TimeSystems/Just StandardProfileKernel

192 Copyright (C)2000-2003 byEmbedded andReal-Time SystemsLaboratory ToyohashiUniv.of Technology, JAPAN Copyright (C)2004 byEmbedded andReal-Time SystemsLaboratory GraduateSchoolofInformation Science, NagoyaUniv.,JAPAN. The above copyright holder,limitedtocases inwhich onesatisfies conditions (1)~(4) below, orthe conditions describedinVersion 2of the GNU Public License officially announced bythe Free Software Foundation, consentstothe use, reproduction, alteration,andredistribution (hereaftercalledutilization) of this software (thissoftware includesalterations, likewisebelow)without compensation. (1) When thissoftware isutilized inthe form ofsource code,theabove copyright declaration, these conditions ofutilization, andthefollowing stipulation ofno guarantee shallbeincluded inunchanged form inside thesource code. (2) When thissoftware isredistributed inaform inwhich itcan beused inthe development ofother software, libraryform,etc.,theabove copyright display,theseterms ofutilization, andthefollowing stipulation ofno guarantee shallbeinserted indocumentation accompanyingredistribution(users manual, etc.). (3) When thissoftware isredistributed inaform inwhich itcannot beused inthe development ofother software, embedded indevices, etc.,oneofthe following conditions shallbesatisfied. (a) The above copyright display,theseterms ofutilization, andthefollowing stipulation ofno guarantee shall beinserted indocumentation accompanyingredistribution(usersmanual, etc.). (b) The TOPPERS Projectshallbenotified owingtoamethod inwhich theform ofdistribution isdecided otherwise. (4) The above copyright holderandtheTOPPERS Projectshallbeexempt fromresponsibility for whatever damages occureither directly orindirectly throughtheutilization ofthis software. This software issomething thatisprovided withnoguarantee. Theabove copyright holderandthe TOPPERS Projectmakenoguarantee whatsoever inregard tothis software, includingthepossibility of its application. Inaddition, theabove copyright holderandtheTOPPERS Projectshallalsonotbear responsibility forwhatever damages occureither directly orindirectly throughtheutilization ofthis software. Note: TheTOPPERS Licensehasbeen revised severaltimes;whatisshown aboveisthe latest version that isto be applied tosoftware madepublic hereafter. TINET This projector productincludes theopen source software programTINETwhichapplies theterms and conditions providedbyowner ofthe copyright tothe TINET.

193 The TINET areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteventheimplied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE. List ofTINET programs • tinet-1.4.4 License termsofconditions ofeach program whichareprovided byowner ofthe copyright tothe TINET areasfollows. (1) FreeBSD Copyright (c)1980, 1986,1993 The Regents ofthe University ofCalifornia. Allrights reserved. Redistribution anduseinsource andbinary forms, withorwithout modification, arepermitted provided that thefollowing conditions aremet: 1. Redistributions ofsource codemustretain theabove copyright notice,thislistofconditions andthe following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions inbinary formmust reproduce theabove copyright notice,thislistofconditions andthe following disclaimer inthe documentation and/orothermaterials providedwiththedistribution. 3. All advertising materialsmentioning featuresoruse ofthis software mustdisplay thefollowing acknowledgement: This product includes software developed bythe University ofCalifornia, Berkeleyanditscontributors. 4. Neither thename ofthe University northenames ofits contributors maybeused toendorse or promote products derivedfromthissoftware withoutspecific priorwritten permission. THIS SOFTWARE ISPROVIDED BYTHE REGENTS ANDCONTRIBUTORS ASISAND ANY EXPRESS ORIMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING,BUTNOT LIMITED TO,THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSEARE DISCLAIMED. INNO EVENT SHALLTHEREGENTS ORCONTRIBUTORS BELIABLE FORANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUTNOT LIMITED TO,PROCUREMENT OFSUBSTITUTE GOODSORSERVICES; LOSS OFUSE, DATA, ORPROFITS; ORBUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVERCAUSEDANDON ANY THEORY OFLIABILITY, WHETHER INCONTRACT, STRICTLIABILITY, ORTORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OROTHERWISE) ARISINGINANY WAY OUTOFTHE USE OFTHIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IFADVISED OFTHE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGE. (6) TINET andTOPPERS TINET (TCP/IP Protocol Stack)

194 Copyright (C)2001-2006 byDep. ofComputer ScienceandEngineering TomakomaiNationalCollegeof Technology, JAPAN The above copyright holder,limitedtocases inwhich onesatisfies conditions (1)~(4) below, orthe conditions describedinVersion 2of the GNU Public License officially announced bythe Free Software Foundation, consentstothe use, reproduction, alteration,andredistribution (hereaftercalledutilization) of this software (thissoftware includesalterations, likewisebelow)without compensation. (1) When thissoftware isutilized inthe form ofsource code,theabove copyright declaration, these conditions ofutilization, andthefollowing stipulation ofno guarantee shallbeincluded inunchanged form inside thesource code. (2) When thissoftware isredistributed inaform inwhich itcan beused inthe development ofother software, libraryform,etc.,theabove copyright display,theseterms ofutilization, andthefollowing stipulation ofno guarantee shallbeinserted indocumentation accompanyingredistribution(users manual, etc.). (3) When thissoftware isredistributed inaform inwhich itcannot beused inthe development ofother software, embedded indevices, etc.,following conditions shallbesatisfied. (a) The above copyright display,theseterms ofutilization, andthefollowing stipulation ofno guarantee shall beinserted indocumentation accompanyingredistribution(usersmanual, etc.). (4) The above copyright holderandtheTOPPERS Projectshallbeexempt fromresponsibility for whatever damages occureither directly orindirectly throughtheutilization ofthis software. This software issomething thatisprovided withnoguarantee. Theabove copyright holderandthe TOPPERS Projectmakenoguarantee whatsoever inregard tothis software, includingthepossibility of its application. Inaddition, theabove copyright holderandtheTOPPERS Projectshallalsonotbear responsibility forwhatever damages occureither directly orindirectly throughtheutilization ofthis software. WPA Supplicant This projector productincludes theopen source software programwhichapplies theterms and conditions providedbyowner ofthe copyright tothe WPA Supplicant. The WPA Supplicant areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteventheimplied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE. List ofWPA Supplicant programs • wpa_supplicant-2.3 License termsofconditions ofeach program whichareprovided byowner ofthe copyright tothe WPA Supplicant areasfollows. Copyright (c)2003-2014, JouniMalinen and contributors

195 All Rights Reserved. This program islicensed undertheBSD license (theonewith advertisement clauseremoved). If you aresubmitting changestothe project, pleaseseeCONTRIBUTIONS fileformore instructions. License ----------- This software maybedistributed, used,andmodified undertheterms ofBSD license: Redistribution anduseinsource andbinary forms, withorwithout modification, arepermitted provided that thefollowing conditions aremet: 1. Redistributions ofsource codemustretain theabove copyright notice,thislistofconditions andthe following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions inbinary formmust reproduce theabove copyright notice,thislistofconditions andthe following disclaimer inthe documentation and/orothermaterials providedwiththedistribution. 3. Neither thename(s) ofthe above-listed copyrightholder(s)northenames ofits contributors maybe used toendorse orpromote products derivedfromthissoftware withoutspecific priorwritten permission. THIS SOFTWARE ISPROVIDED BYTHE COPYRIGHT HOLDERSANDCONTRIBUTORS ASIS AND ANYEXPRESS ORIMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING,BUTNOT LIMITED TO,THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSEARE DISCLAIMED. INNO EVENT SHALLTHECOPYRIGHT OWNERORCONTRIBUTORS BELIABLE FOR ANYDIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUTNOT LIMITED TO,PROCUREMENT OFSUBSTITUTE GOODSOR SERVICES; LOSSOFUSE, DATA, ORPROFITS; ORBUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED ANDONANY THEORY OFLIABILITY, WHETHER INCONTRACT, STRICTLIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OROTHERWISE) ARISINGINANY WAY OUTOFTHE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVENIFADVISED OFTHE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGE. lighttpd This projector productincludes theopen source software programlighttpd whichapplies theterms and conditions providedbyowner ofthe copyright tothe lighttpd. The lighttpd areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteventheimplied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE. List oflighttpd programs • lighttpd-1.4.35 License termsofconditions ofeach program whichareprovided byowner ofthe copyright tothe lighttpd areasfollows.

196 Copyright (c)2004, JanKneschke, incremental All rights reserved. Redistribution anduseinsource andbinary forms, withorwithout modification, arepermitted provided that thefollowing conditions aremet: - Redistributions ofsource codemustretain theabove copyright notice,thislistofconditions andthe following disclaimer. - Redistributions inbinary formmust reproduce theabove copyright notice,thislistofconditions andthe following disclaimer inthe documentation and/orothermaterials providedwiththedistribution. - Neither thename ofthe incremental northenames ofits contributors maybeused toendorse or promote products derivedfromthissoftware withoutspecific priorwritten permission. THIS SOFTWARE ISPROVIDED BYTHE COPYRIGHT HOLDERSANDCONTRIBUTORS ASIS AND ANYEXPRESS ORIMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING,BUTNOT LIMITED TO,THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSEARE DISCLAIMED. INNO EVENT SHALLTHECOPYRIGHT OWNERORCONTRIBUTORS BELIABLE FOR ANYDIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUTNOT LIMITED TO,PROCUREMENT OFSUBSTITUTE GOODSOR SERVICES; LOSSOFUSE, DATA, ORPROFITS; ORBUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED ANDONANY THEORY OFLIABILITY, WHETHER INCONTRACT, STRICTLIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OROTHERWISE) ARISINGINANY WAY OUTOFTHE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVENIFADVISED OFTHE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGE PCRE This projector productincludes theopen source software programPCREwhichapplies theterms and conditions providedbyowner ofthe copyright tothe PCRE. The PCRE areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteventheimplied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE. List ofPCRE programs • pcre-8.32 License termsofconditions ofeach program whichareprovided byowner ofthe copyright tothe PCRE are asfollows. PCRE LICENCE ----------- PCRE isalibrary offunctions tosupport regularexpressions whosesyntaxandsemantics areasclose as possible tothose ofthe Perl 5language.

197 Release 8of PCRE isdistributed undertheterms ofthe BSD licence, asspecified below.The documentation forPCRE, supplied inthe doc directory, isdistributed underthesame terms asthe software itself. The basic library functions arewritten inCand arefreestanding. Alsoincluded inthe distribution isaset of C++ wrapper functions, andajust-in-time compilerthatcanbeused tooptimize patternmatching. These areboth optional features thatcanbeomitted whenthelibrary isbuilt. THE BASIC LIBRARY FUNCTIONS ----------- Written by:Philip Hazel Email localpart:ph10 Email domain: University ofCambridge ComputingService,Cambridge, England. Copyright (c)1997-2012 UniversityofCambridge All rights reserved. PCRE JUST-IN-TIME COMPILATION SUPPORT ----------- Written by:Zoltan Herczeg Email localpart:hzmester Emain domain: Copyright(c) 2010-2012ZoltanHerczeg All rights reserved. STACK-LESS JUST-IN-TIME COMPILER ----------- Written by:Zoltan Herczeg Email localpart:hzmester Emain domain: Copyright(c) 2009-2012ZoltanHerczeg All rights reserved.

198 THE C++WRAPPER FUNCTIONS ----------- Contributed by:Google Inc. Copyright (c)2007-2012, GoogleInc. All rights reserved. THE BSD LICENCE ----------- Redistribution anduseinsource andbinary forms, withorwithout modification, arepermitted provided that thefollowing conditions aremet: * Redistributions ofsource codemustretain theabove copyright notice,thislistofconditions andthe following disclaimer. * Redistributions inbinary formmust reproduce theabove copyright notice,thislistofconditions andthe following disclaimer inthe documentation and/orothermaterials providedwiththedistribution. * Neither thename ofthe University ofCambridge northename ofGoogle Inc.northenames oftheir contributors maybeused toendorse orpromote products derivedfromthissoftware withoutspecific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE ISPROVIDED BYTHE COPYRIGHT HOLDERSANDCONTRIBUTORS ASIS AND ANYEXPRESS ORIMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING,BUTNOT LIMITED TO,THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSEARE DISCLAIMED. INNO EVENT SHALLTHECOPYRIGHT OWNERORCONTRIBUTORS BELIABLE FOR ANYDIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUTNOT LIMITED TO,PROCUREMENT OFSUBSTITUTE GOODSOR SERVICES; LOSSOFUSE, DATA, ORPROFITS; ORBUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED ANDONANY THEORY OFLIABILITY, WHETHER INCONTRACT, STRICTLIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OROTHERWISE) ARISINGINANY WAY OUTOFTHE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVENIFADVISED OFTHE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGE. End FastCGI This projector productincludes theopen source software programFastCGI whichapplies theterms and conditions providedbyowner ofthe copyright tothe FastCGI The FastCGI areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteventheimplied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE.

199 List ofFastCGI programs • fcgi-2.4.0 License termsofconditions ofeach program whichareprovided byowner ofthe copyright tothe FastCGI areasfollows. This FastCGI application librarysource andobject code(theSoftware) anditsdocumentation (the Documentation) arecopyrighted byOpen Market, Inc(Open Market). Thefollowing termsapplytoall files associated withtheSoftware andDocumentation unlessexplicitly disclaimed inindividual files. Open Market permits youtouse, copy, modify, distribute, andlicense thisSoftware andthe Documentation forany purpose, providedthatexisting copyright noticesareretained inall copies and that thisnotice isincluded verbatim inany distributions. Nowritten agreement, license,orroyalty feeis required forany ofthe authorized uses.Modifications tothis Software andDocumentation maybe copyrighted bytheir authors andneed notfollow thelicensing termsdescribed here.Ifmodifications to this Software andDocumentation havenewlicensing terms,thenew terms mustbeclearly indicated on the first page ofeach filewhere theyapply. OPEN MARKET MAKESNOEXPRESS ORIMPLIED WARRANTY WITHRESPECT TOTHE SOFTWARE ORTHE DOCUMENTATION, INCLUDINGWITHOUTLIMITATION ANYWARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY ORFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE.INNO EVENT SHALLOPEN MARKET BELIABLE TOYOU ORANY THIRD PARTY FORANYDAMAGES ARISINGFROMOR RELATING TOTHIS SOFTWARE ORTHE DOCUMENTATION, INCLUDING,WITHOUTLIMITATION, ANY INDIRECT, SPECIALORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGESORSIMILAR DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS ORLOST DATA, EVENIFOPEN MARKET HASBEEN ADVISED OFTHE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGES. THESOFTWARE ANDDOCUMENTATION AREPROVIDED AS IS. OPEN MARKET HASNOLIABILITY INCONTRACT, TORT,NEGLIGENCE OROTHERWISE ARISING OUTOFTHIS SOFTWARE ORTHE DOCUMENTATION. Parent topic:Notices Binding Arbitration andClass Waiver 1. DISPUTES, BINDINGINDIVIDUAL ARBITRATION, ANDWAIVER OFCLASS ACTIONS AND CLASS ARBITRATIONS 1.1 Disputes .The terms ofthis Section 1shall apply toall Disputes betweenyouand Epson. Theterm Dispute ismeant tohave thebroadest meaningpermissible underlawand includes anydispute, claim, controversy oraction between youand Epson arising outofor relating tothis Agreement, Epson branded products (hardware andincluding anyrelated software), orother transaction involvingyouand Epson, whether incontract, warranty, misrepresentation, fraud,tort,intentional tort,statute, regulation, ordinance, orany other legalorequitable basis.DISPUTE DOESNOTINCLUDE IPCLAIMS, ormore specifically, aclaim orcause ofaction for(a) trademark infringement ordilution, (b)patent infringement,

200 (c) copyright infringement ormisuse, or(d) trade secret misappropriation (anIPClaim). YouandEpson also agree, notwithstanding Section1.6,thatacourt, notanarbitrator, maydecide ifa claim orcause of action isfor anIPClaim. 1.2 Binding Arbitration .You andEpson agreethatallDisputes shallberesolved bybinding arbitration according tothis Agreement. ARBITRATION MEANSTHATYOUWAIVE YOURRIGHT TOAJUDGE OR JURY INACOURT PROCEEDING ANDYOUR GROUNDS FORAPPEAL ARELIMITED . Pursuant tothis Agreement, bindingarbitration shallbeadministered byJAMS, anationally recognized arbitration authority,pursuanttoits code ofprocedures thenineffect forconsumer relateddisputes, but excluding anyrules thatpermit joinder orclass actions inarbitration (formore detail onprocedure, see Section 1.6below). YouandEpson understand andagree that(a)the Federal Arbitration Act(9U.S.C. § 1, etseq.) governs theinterpretation andenforcement ofthis Section 1,(b) this Agreement memorializes atransaction ininterstate commerce, and(c)this Section 1shall survive termination ofthis Agreement. 1.3 Pre-Arbitration StepsandNotice .Before submitting aclaim forarbitration, youand Epson agreeto try, forsixty (60)days, toresolve anyDispute informally. IfEpson andyoudonot reach anagreement to resolve theDispute withinthesixty (60)days), youorEpson maycommence anarbitration. Noticeto Epson mustbeaddressed to:Epson America, Inc.,ATTN: LegalDepartment, 3840Kilroy Airport Way, Long Beach, CA90806 (theEpson Address). TheDispute Noticetoyou willbesent tothe most recent address Epsonhasinits records foryou. Forthis reason, itis important tonotify usifyour address changes byemailing [email protected] orwriting usatthe Epson Address above.Noticeof the Dispute shallinclude thesenders name,address andcontact information, thefacts giving risetothe Dispute, andtherelief requested (theDispute Notice). Following receiptofthe Dispute Notice,Epson and youagree toact ingood faithtoresolve theDispute beforecommencing arbitration. 1.4 Small Claims Court.Notwithstanding theforegoing, youmay bring anindividual actioninthe small claims courtofyour state ormunicipality ifthe action iswithin thatcourts jurisdiction andispending only in that court. 1.5 WAIVER OFCLASS ACTIONS ANDCLASS ARBITRATIONS. YOUAND EPSON AGREE THAT EACH PARTY MAYBRING DISPUTES AGAINSTTHEOTHER PARTYONLYINAN INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, ANDNOTASAPLAINTIFF ORCLASS MEMBER INANY CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING,INCLUDINGWITHOUTLIMITATION FEDERALORSTATE CLASS ACTIONS, ORCLASS ARBITRATIONS. CLASSACTION LAWSUITS, CLASS-WIDE ARBITRATIONS, PRIVATEATTORNEY-GENERAL ACTIONS,ANDANYOTHER PROCEEDING WHERE SOMEONE ACTSINAREPRESENTATIVE CAPACITYARENOTALLOWED. ACCORDINGLY, UNDERTHEARBITRATION PROCEDURES OUTLINEDINTHIS SECTION, AN ARBITRATOR SHALLNOTCOMBINE ORCONSOLIDATE MORETHANONEPARTYS CLAIMS WITHOUT THEWRITTEN CONSENT OFALL AFFECTED PARTIESTOAN ARBITRATION PROCEEDING. 1.6 Arbitration Procedure.If you orEpson commences arbitration,thearbitration shallbegoverned by the rules ofJAMS thatareineffect whenthearbitration isfiled, excluding anyrules thatpermit arbitration