Epson Projector PowerLite 2045 User Manual
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Copyright (c)1997-2012 UniversityofCambridge All rights reserved. PCRE JUST-IN-TIME COMPILATION SUPPORT ----------- Written by:Zoltan Herczeg Email localpart:hzmester Emain domain: Copyright(c) 2010-2012ZoltanHerczeg All rights reserved. STACK-LESS JUST-IN-TIME COMPILER ----------- Written by:Zoltan Herczeg Email localpart:hzmester Emain domain: Copyright(c) 2009-2012ZoltanHerczeg All rights reserved. THE C++WRAPPER FUNCTIONS ----------- Contributed by:Google Inc. Copyright (c)2007-2012, GoogleInc. All rights reserved. THE BSD LICENCE ----------- Redistribution anduseinsource andbinary forms, withorwithout modification, arepermitted provided that thefollowing conditions aremet: * Redistributions ofsource codemustretain theabove copyright notice,thislistofconditions andthe following disclaimer. 201
* Redistributions inbinary formmust reproduce theabove copyright notice,thislistofconditions andthe following disclaimer inthe documentation and/orothermaterials providedwiththedistribution. * Neither thename ofthe University ofCambridge northename ofGoogle Inc.northenames oftheir contributors maybeused toendorse orpromote products derivedfromthissoftware withoutspecific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE ISPROVIDED BYTHE COPYRIGHT HOLDERSANDCONTRIBUTORS ASIS AND ANYEXPRESS ORIMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING,BUTNOT LIMITED TO,THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSEARE DISCLAIMED. INNO EVENT SHALLTHECOPYRIGHT OWNERORCONTRIBUTORS BELIABLE FOR ANYDIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUTNOT LIMITED TO,PROCUREMENT OFSUBSTITUTE GOODSOR SERVICES; LOSSOFUSE, DATA, ORPROFITS; ORBUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED ANDONANY THEORY OFLIABILITY, WHETHER INCONTRACT, STRICTLIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OROTHERWISE) ARISINGINANY WAY OUTOFTHE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVENIFADVISED OFTHE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGE. End FastCGI This projector productincludes theopen source software programFastCGI whichapplies theterms and conditions providedbyowner ofthe copyright tothe FastCGI The FastCGI areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteventheimplied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE. List ofFastCGI programs • fcgi-2.4.0 License termsofconditions ofeach program whichareprovided byowner ofthe copyright tothe FastCGI areasfollows. This FastCGI application librarysource andobject code(theSoftware) anditsdocumentation (the Documentation) arecopyrighted byOpen Market, Inc(Open Market). Thefollowing termsapplytoall files associated withtheSoftware andDocumentation unlessexplicitly disclaimed inindividual files. Open Market permits youtouse, copy, modify, distribute, andlicense thisSoftware andthe Documentation forany purpose, providedthatexisting copyright noticesareretained inall copies and that thisnotice isincluded verbatim inany distributions. Nowritten agreement, license,orroyalty feeis required forany ofthe authorized uses.Modifications tothis Software andDocumentation maybe copyrighted bytheir authors andneed notfollow thelicensing termsdescribed here.Ifmodifications to this Software andDocumentation havenewlicensing terms,thenew terms mustbeclearly indicated on the first page ofeach filewhere theyapply. 202
OPEN MARKET MAKESNOEXPRESS ORIMPLIED WARRANTY WITHRESPECT TOTHE SOFTWARE ORTHE DOCUMENTATION, INCLUDINGWITHOUTLIMITATION ANYWARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY ORFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE.INNO EVENT SHALLOPEN MARKET BELIABLE TOYOU ORANY THIRD PARTY FORANYDAMAGES ARISINGFROMOR RELATING TOTHIS SOFTWARE ORTHE DOCUMENTATION, INCLUDING,WITHOUTLIMITATION, ANY INDIRECT, SPECIALORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGESORSIMILAR DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS ORLOST DATA, EVENIFOPEN MARKET HASBEEN ADVISED OFTHE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGES. THESOFTWARE ANDDOCUMENTATION AREPROVIDED AS IS. OPEN MARKET HASNOLIABILITY INCONTRACT, TORT,NEGLIGENCE OROTHERWISE ARISING OUTOFTHIS SOFTWARE ORTHE DOCUMENTATION. openssl This projector productincludes theopen source software programopenssl whichapplies theterms and conditions providedbyowner ofthe copyright tothe openssl. The openssl areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteventheimplied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE. List ofOpenSSL programs • OpenSSL 1.0.0d License termsofconditions ofeach program whichareprovided byowner ofthe copyright tothe openssl areasfollows. LICENSE ISSUES =========================================== The OpenSSL toolkitstaysunder adual license, i.e.both theconditions ofthe OpenSSL Licenseandthe original SSLeay licenseapplytothe toolkit. Seebelow forthe actual license texts.Actually bothlicenses are BSD-style OpenSource licenses. Incase ofany license issuesrelated toOpenSSL pleasecontact [email protected]. OpenSSL License Copyright (c)1998-2011 TheOpenSSL Project.Allrights reserved. Redistribution anduseinsource andbinary forms, withorwithout modification, arepermitted provided that thefollowing conditions aremet: 1. Redistributions ofsource codemustretain theabove copyright notice,thislistofconditions andthe following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions inbinary formmust reproduce theabove copyright notice,thislistofconditions andthe following disclaimer inthe documentation and/orothermaterials providedwiththedistribution. 203
3. All advertising materialsmentioning featuresoruse ofthis software mustdisplay thefollowing acknowledgment: Thisproduct includes software developed bythe OpenSSL Projectforuse inthe OpenSSL Toolkit.( 4. The names OpenSSL ToolkitandOpenSSL Projectmustnotbeused toendorse orpromote products derivedfromthissoftware withoutpriorwritten permission. Forwritten permission, please contact [email protected] 5. Products derivedfromthissoftware maynotbecalled OpenSSL normay OpenSSL appearintheir names without priorwritten permission ofthe OpenSSL Project. 6. Redistributions ofany form whatsoever mustretain thefollowing acknowledgment: Thisproduct includes software developed bythe OpenSSL Projectforuse inthe OpenSSL Toolkit ( THIS SOFTWARE ISPROVIDED BYTHE OpenSSL PROJECT ASISAND ANYEXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING,BUTNOT LIMITED TO,THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSEAREDISCLAIMED. INNO EVENT SHALLTHEOpenSSL PROJECT ORITS CONTRIBUTORS BELIABLE FORANYDIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,PROCUREMENT OFSUBSTITUTE GOODSORSERVICES; LOSSOFUSE, DATA, ORPROFITS; ORBUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVERCAUSEDANDONANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER INCONTRACT, STRICTLIABILITY, ORTORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISINGINANY WAY OUTOFTHE USE OFTHIS SOFTWARE, EVENIF ADVISED OFTHE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGE. ============================================================= This product includes cryptographic softwarewrittenbyEric Young ([email protected]). Thisproduct includes software writtenbyTim Hudson ([email protected]). Original SSLeay license Copyright (c)1995-1998 EricYoung ([email protected]) Allrights reserved. Thispackage isan SSL implementation writtenbyEric Young ([email protected]). Theimplementation waswritten soasto conform withNetscapes SSL.Thislibrary isfree forcommercial andnon-commercial useaslong asthe following conditions areaheared to.The following conditions applytoall code found inthis distribution, be itthe RC4, RSA, lhash, DES,etc.,code; notjust theSSL code. TheSSL documentation includedwith this distribution iscovered bythe same copyright termsexcept thattheholder isTim Hudson ([email protected]). Copyright remainsEricYoungs, andassuch anyCopyright noticesinthe code arenottobe removed. If this package isused inaproduct, EricYoung should begiven attribution asthe author ofthe parts ofthe library used.Thiscanbeinthe form ofatextual message atprogram startuporindocumentation (online or textual) provided withthepackage. Redistribution anduseinsource andbinary forms, withorwithout modification, arepermitted providedthatthefollowing conditions aremet: 204
1. Redistributions ofsource codemustretain thecopyright notice,thislistofconditions andthefollowing disclaimer. 2. Redistributions inbinary formmust reproduce theabove copyright notice,thislistofconditions andthe following disclaimer inthe documentation and/orothermaterials providedwiththedistribution. 3. All advertising materialsmentioning featuresoruse ofthis software mustdisplay thefollowing acknowledgement: Thisproduct includes cryptographic softwarewrittenbyEric Young ([email protected]). Theword cryptographic canbeleft out ifthe routines fromthelibrary beingused are notcryptographic related. 4. Ifyou include anyWindows specificcode(oraderivative thereof)fromtheapps directory (application code) youmust include anacknowledgment: Thisproduct includes software writtenbyTim Hudson ([email protected]) THIS SOFTWARE ISPROVIDED BYERIC YOUNG ASISAND ANYEXPRESS ORIMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING,BUTNOT LIMITED TO,THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSEAREDISCLAIMED. INNO EVENT SHALLTHEAUTHOR ORCONTRIBUTORS BELIABLE FORANYDIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES(INCLUDING, BUTNOT LIMITED TO,PROCUREMENT OFSUBSTITUTE GOODSORSERVICES; LOSSOFUSE, DATA, OR PROFITS; ORBUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVERCAUSEDANDONANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER INCONTRACT, STRICTLIABILITY, ORTORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISINGINANY WAY OUTOFTHE USE OFTHIS SOFTWARE, EVENIFADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGE. Thelicence anddistribution termsforany publically available versionorderivative ofthis code cannot bechanged. i.e.this code cannot simplybecopied and putunder another distribution licence,including theGNU Public Licence. Parent topic:Notices Trademarks EPSON ® , Instant Off® , and PowerLite ® are registered trademarks, andEPSON ExceedYourVision isa registered logomarkofSeiko Epson Corporation. Accolade ® and PrivateLine ® are registered trademarks; DuetTM ,and SizeWise TM are trademarks; and Epson StoreSM and Extra CareSM are service marksofEpson America, Inc. Mac andOSXare trademarks ofApple Inc.,registered inthe U.S. andother countries. HDMI andHigh-Definition MultimediaInterfacearethetrademarks orregistered trademarks ofHDMI Licensing LLC. Miracast ® and Wi-Fi Direct ® are registered trademarks ofWi-Fi Alliance ® . 205
General Notice:Otherproduct namesusedherein areforidentification purposesonlyandmay be trademarks oftheir respective owners.Epsondisclaims anyand allrights inthose marks. Parent topic:Notices Copyright Notice All rights reserved. Nopart ofthis publication maybereproduced, storedinaretrieval system,or transmitted inany form orby any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,orotherwise, without theprior written permission ofSeiko Epson Corporation. Theinformation containedhereinis designed onlyforuse with thisEpson product. Epsonisnot responsible forany useofthis information as applied toother products. Neither SeikoEpson Corporation noritsaffiliates shallbeliable tothe purchaser ofthis product orthird parties fordamages, losses,costs,orexpenses incurredbypurchaser orthird parties asaresult of: accident, misuse,orabuse ofthis product orunauthorized modifications, repairs,oralterations tothis product, or(excluding theU.S.) failure tostrictly comply withSeiko Epson Corporations operatingand maintenance instructions. Seiko Epson Corporation shallnotbeliable forany damages orproblems arisingfromtheuse ofany options orany consumable productsotherthanthose designated asOriginal EpsonProducts orEpson Approved ProductsbySeiko Epson Corporation. This information issubject tochange withoutnotice. A Note Concerning Responsible UseofCopyrighted Materials Copyright Attribution Parent topic:Notices A Note Concerning Responsible UseofCopyrighted Materials Epson encourages eachusertobe responsible andrespectful ofthe copyright lawswhen usingany Epson product. Whilesomecountries lawspermit limited copying orreuse ofcopyrighted materialin certain circumstances, thosecircumstances maynotbeasbroad assome people assume. Contactyour legal advisor forany questions regardingcopyrightlaw. Parent topic:Copyright Notice 206
Copyright Attribution © 2015 Epson America, Inc. 8/15 CPD-43312 Parent topic:Copyright Notice 207