Epson Projector PowerLite 2045 User Manual
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2. Connect theother endtoone ofthe projectors HDMIports. Note: Theprojector convertsthedigital audiosignal sentfrom yourcomputer intoamono analog signal for the internal speaker orastereo analog signalifyou areconnecting toexternal speakers. Parent topic:Connecting toComputer Sources Related tasks Connecting toExternal Speakers Connecting toaComputer forSound If your computer presentation includessoundandyoudidnot connect itusing theprojectors HDMIport, you canstillplay sound through...
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You canalso connect theprojector toan amplifier withspeakers. Note: Theprojectors built-inspeaker systemisdisabled whenyouconnect external speakers. 1. Make sureyourcomputer orvideo source isconnected tothe projector withboth audio andvideo cables asnecessary. 2. Locate theappropriate cabletoconnect yourexternal speakers, suchasastereo mini-jack-to-pin- jack cable, oranother typeofcable oradapter. 3. Connect oneendofthe cable toyour external speakers asnecessary. 4. Connect thestereo mini-jack...
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• Multimedia storageviewer • USB memory cardreader Note: Digital cameras orsmartphones mustbeUSB-mounted devices,notTWAIN-compliant devices, and must beUSB Mass Storage Class-compliant. Note: USBharddrives mustmeet these requirements: • USB Mass Storage Class-compliant (notallUSB Mass Storage Classdevices aresupported) • Formatted inFAT orFAT32 • Self-powered bytheir ownACpower supplies (bus-powered harddrives arenotrecommended) • Does nothave multiple partitions You canproject slideshows...
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3. Connect theother endofthe cable (ifapplicable) toyour device. Parent topic:Connecting toExternal USBDevices Related topics Projecting aSlide Show Selecting theConnected USBSource You canswitch theprojectors displaytothe source youconnected tothe USB Type Aport. 1. Make suretheconnected USBsource isturned on,ifnecessary. 2. Press theSlideshow buttononthe remote control. 3. Press thebutton againtocycle through otherUSBsources, ifavailable. Parent topic:Connecting toExternal USBDevices...
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3. Replace thebattery coverandpress itdown untilitclicks intoplace. Warning: Disposeofused batteries according tolocal regulations. Donot expose batteries toheat or flame. Keepbatteries outofthe reach ofchildren; theyarechoking hazards andarevery dangerous ifswallowed. Parent topic:Setting Upthe Projector Opening theLens Cover To open theprojectors lenscover, slidetheA/V Mute slidelever untilitclicks intotheopen position. 36
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Wireless NetworkProjection You cansend images toyour projector throughawireless network(PowerLite HomeCinema 2045).You can connect theprojector toyour wireless networkbyconfiguring theconnection manuallyusingthe projectors Networkmenus. After setting upthe projector, installthenetwork software. Youcandownload thelatest software and documentation fromtheEpson website. Use thefollowing softwareanddocumentation toset up, control, andmonitor wireless projection: • EasyMP NetworkProjection...
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3. Select theNetwork menuandpress Enter. 4. Make suretheWireless LANPower optionisset toOn . 5. Select Network Configuration andpress Enter. 6. Select theBasic menuandpress Enter. 39
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7. Select thefollowing basicoptions asnecessary: • Projector Nameletsyou enter aname upto16 alphanumeric characterslongtoidentify the projector overthenetwork. • Remote Password letsyou enter apassword upto8alphanumeric characterslongforaccessing the projector overtheweb. (Default username isEPSONWEB ;default password isadmin .) • Display LANInfoletsyou select howtheprojector displaysnetworkinformation. Youcanselect an option todisplay aQR code thatletsyou quickly connect youriOSorAndroid...