Epson Projector PowerLite 1980WU User Manual
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Page 201
============ In plain English: 1. We dont promise thatthissoftware works.(Butifyou findany bugs, please letus know!) 2. You canusethissoftware forwhatever youwant. Youdont have topay us. 3. You may notpretend thatyouwrote thissoftware. Ifyou useitin aprogram, youmust acknowledge somewhere inyour documentation thatyouve usedtheIJG code. In legalese: The authors makeNOWARRANTY orrepresentation, eitherexpress orimplied, withrespect tothis software, itsquality, accuracy, merchantability, orfitness...
Page 202
The Unix configuration scriptconfigure wasproduced withGNU Autoconf. Itis copyright bythe Free Software Foundation butisfreely distributable. Thesame holdsforitssupporting scripts(config.guess, config.sub, ltconfig, Anothersupportscript,install-sh, iscopyright byM.I.T. butisalso freely distributable. It appears thatthearithmetic codingoptionofthe JPEG speciscovered bypatents ownedbyIBM, AT &T, and Mitsubishi. Hencearithmetic codingcannot legallybeused without obtaining oneormore...
Page 203
libpng versions 1.2.6,August 15,2004, through 1.2.49,March29,2012, areCopyright (c)2004, 2006- 2009 Glenn Randers-Pehrson, andaredistributed accordingtothe same disclaimer andlicense as libpng-1.2.5 withthefollowing individual addedtothe listofContributing Authors Cosmin Truta libpng versions 1.0.7,July1,2000, through 1.2.5-October 3,2002, areCopyright (c)2000-2002 Glenn Randers-Pehrson, andaredistributed accordingtothe same disclaimer andlicense aslibpng-1.0.6 with the following individuals...
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For thepurposes ofthis copyright andlicense, Contributing Authorsisdefined asthe following setof individuals: Andreas Dilger Dave Martindale Guy EricSchalnat Paul Schmidt Tim Wegner The PNG Reference Libraryissupplied ASIS.The Contributing AuthorsandGroup 42,Inc. disclaim all warranties, expressedorimplied, including, withoutlimitation, thewarranties ofmerchantability andof fitness forany purpose. TheContributing AuthorsandGroup 42,Inc. assume noliability fordirect, indirect, incidental,...
Page 205
zlib This projector productincludes theopen source software programzlibwhich applies theterms and conditions providedbyowner ofthe copyright tothe zlib. The zlib areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteventheimplied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE. List ofzlib programs • zlib-1.1.4 • zlib-1.2.3 License termsofconditions ofeach program whichareprovided byowner ofthe copyright tothe zlib are asfollows. Copyright notice: (C) 1995-1998 Jean-loupGaillyandMark Adler This...
Page 206
Apache-2.0 This projector productincludes theopen source software programwhichapplies theterms and conditions providedbyowner ofthe copyright tothe Apache-2.0. The Apache-2.0 areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteventheimplied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE. List ofApache-2.0 programs • mDNSResponder-107.6 (onlymDNSResponderPosix isused) • DroidSansFallback.ttf License termsofconditions ofeach program whichareprovided byowner ofthe copyright tothe Apache-2.0...
Page 207
Work shallmean thework ofauthorship, whetherinSource orObject form,made available underthe License, asindicated byacopyright noticethatisincluded inor attached tothe work (anexample is provided inthe Appendix below). Derivative Worksshallmean anywork, whether inSource orObject form,thatisbased on(or derived from) theWork andforwhich theeditorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, orother modifications represent, asawhole, anoriginal workofauthorship. Forthepurposes ofthis License, Derivative...
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(b) You must cause anymodified filestocarry prominent noticesstatingthatYou changed thefiles; and (c) You must retain, inthe Source formofany Derivative WorksthatYou distribute, allcopyright, patent, trademark, andattribution noticesfromtheSource formofthe Work, excluding thosenotices thatdonot pertain toany part ofthe Derivative Works;and (d) Ifthe Work includes aNOTICE textfileaspart ofits distribution, thenanyDerivative WorksthatYou distribute mustinclude areadable copyofthe attribution...
Page 209
the use orinability touse theWork (including butnotlimited todamages forloss ofgoodwill, work stoppage, computerfailureormalfunction, orany and allother commercial damagesorlosses), evenif such Contributor hasbeen advised ofthe possibility ofsuch damages. 9. Accepting WarrantyorAdditional Liability.Whileredistributing theWork orDerivative Worksthereof, You may choose tooffer, andcharge afee for, acceptance ofsupport, warranty, indemnity, orother liability obligations and/orrightsconsistent...
Page 210
List ofaes-src-29-04-09 programs • aes-src-29-04-09 License termsofconditions ofeach program whichareprovided byowner ofthe copyright tothe “aes- src-29-04-09 ”are asfollows. Copyright (c)1998-2008, BrianGladman, Worcester, UK.Allrights reserved. LICENSE TERMS The redistribution anduseofthis software (withorwithout changes) isallowed withoutthepayment of fees orroyalties provided that: 1. source codedistributions includetheabove copyright notice,thislistofconditions andthefollowing...