Epson Projector PowerLite 1970W User Manual
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Setting Options Description IP Settings DHCP Select DHCP ifyour network assigns addresses automatically, IP Address or manually enterthenetworks Subnet Mask IP Address ,Subnet Mask,and Gateway Address Gateway Address SSID Display On Selects whether todisplay the SSID onthe network standby Off screen IP Address Display On Selects whether todisplay theIP address onthe network standby Off screen Parent topic:Selecting WirelessNetworkSettingsManually Searching foraWireless...
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4. Select Network Configuration andpress Enter. 5. Select theWireless LANmenu andpress Enter. 6. Select Advanced asthe Connection Modesetting andpress Enter. 7. Select Search Access Pointandpress Enter. 8. Select thename ofthe wireless networkyouwant toconnect toand press Enter. 9. Ifthe network hassecurity enabled, enterthewireless password. 52
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You seeascreen likethis: 10. Select thesettings onthe security menuasnecessary foryour network. 11. When youfinish selecting settings,selectComplete andfollow theon-screen instructions tosave your settings andexitthemenus. Parent topic:Wireless NetworkProjection Selecting WirelessNetworkSettingsinWindows Before connecting tothe projector, selectthecorrect wireless networkonyour computer. 1. Toaccess yourwireless utilitysoftware, double-click thenetwork icononthe Windows taskbar. 2. Doone ofthe...
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2. Make sureAirPort isturned on,then doone ofthe following: • Ifyour projector isset uponanexisting network (Advanced mode),selectthenetwork name (SSID). • Ifyour projector isconfigured forQuick mode, selecttheprojectors SSID. Parent topic:Wireless NetworkProjection Setting UpWireless NetworkSecurity You cansetupsecurity foryour projector touse onthe wireless network. Setupone ofthe following security optionstomatch thesettings usedonyour network: • WPA/WPA2-PSK security(Advanced connection...
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5. Select thesecurity settingsforyour network. Note: WPAauthentication viaanauthentication serverisnot supported. 6. When youfinish selecting settings,selectComplete andfollow theon-screen instructions tosave your settings andexitthemenus. Wireless SecurityMenuSettings Parent topic:Wireless NetworkProjection Wireless SecurityMenuSettings Settings onthe Security menuletyou select thetype ofsecurity andsecurity settingsthatmatch the network youareconnecting theprojector to. Setting Options...
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Screen Mirroring Restrictions Note thefollowing whenusingScreen Mirroring features: • You cannot playaudio withmore than3channels. • You cannot projectimages witharesolution above1920×1080 andaframe rateabove 50fps. • You cannot play3Dvideo. • Extended MiracastfeaturesonWindows 8.1are notsupported. • The extended IntelWiDi version 4features arenotsupported. • You may notbeable toview contents withcopyright protection withaMiracast connection. Parent topic:Wireless NetworkProjection fromaMobile...
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• Wireless LANSys. letsyou select thetype ofwireless LANsystem theprojector isconnected to. • Adjust ImageQuality letsyou adjust thescreen mirroring speed/quality. Selectasmall number to improve thequality andselect alarge number toincrease thespeed. • Connection Modeletsyou select thetype ofWPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup)youareusing. • PIN Code Notice letsyou select whether thePIN code isdisplayed onthe projected imagewhile projecting fromsources otherthantheScreen Mirroring source. 6. When...
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8. Select yourprojector fromthelist. 9. Ifyou seethePIN entry screen onyour computer ormobile device, enterthePIN code displayed on the Screen Mirroring standbyscreenoratthe bottom rightofthe projected imageandclick Next. The projector displaystheimage fromyourcomputer ormobile device. Note: Itmay some timetoestablish theconnection. Donot disconnect theprojectors powercord while itis connecting toyour device. Thismay cause yourdevice tofreeze ormalfunction. Parent topic:Wireless NetworkProjection...
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Note: Itmay some timetoestablish theWiDi connection. Donot disconnect theprojectors power cord while itis connecting toyour device. Thismay cause yourdevice tofreeze ormalfunction. Parent topic:Wireless NetworkProjection fromaMobile Device (Screen Mirroring) Connecting forScreen Mirroring withMiracast If your mobile devicesupports Miracast, youcanconnect itto the projector wirelessly andproject images and sound. 1. Select theScreen Mirroring Settingsonyour projector asnecessary. 2. Press theLAN...
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3. Select Network Configuration andpress Enter. 4. Select theMail menu andpress Enter. 5. Turn onMail Notification . 6. Enter theIPaddress forthe SMTP Server option. Note: Donot use these addresses: 127.x.x.xor224.0.0.0 through255.255.255.255 (wherexis a number from0to 255). 7. Select anumber forthe SMTP server PortNumber ,from 1to 65535 (default is25). 8. Choose anAddress field,enter thee-mail address, andselect thealerts youwant toreceive there. Repeat foruptothree addresses. Note:...