Epson Projector Powerlite 1915 User Manual
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After correction, yourimage isslightly smaller. Note: Ifthe projector isinstalled outofreach, youcanalso correct theimage shape usingthe Keystone settingsinthe projector menus. Parent topic:Image Shape Resizing theImage WiththeZoom Ring 1. Turn onthe projector anddisplay animage. 81
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2. Toenlarge orreduce theimage size,rotate theprojectors zoomring. PowerLite 1830 PowerLite 1915/1925W Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features 82
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Focusing theImage Before yousharpen thefocus, turnonthe projector anddisplay animage. • PowerLite 1830:Rotate theprojector ’s focus ring. • PowerLite 1915/1925W: PresstheFocus buttons onthe projector orremote control. 83
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Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Remote ControlOperation The remote controlletsyou control theprojector fromalmost anywhere inthe room, upto26 feet (8m) away. Youcanpoint itat the screen, orthe front orback ofthe projector. Make surethatyouaimtheremote controlatthe projectors receiverswithintheangles listedbelow. Horizontal angles 84
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Vertical angles 1 26 feet (8m) 2 45 º 3 30 º 4 15 º Note: Avoidusingtheremote controlinconditions withbright fluorescent lightsorindirect sunlight, or the projector maynotrespond tocommands. Ifyou willnot use theremote controlforalong time, remove thebatteries. Using theRemote ControlasaWireless Mouse Using theRemote ControlasaPresentation Pointer Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Related tasks Replacing theRemote ControlBatteries Using theRemote ControlasaWireless Mouse You...
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2. Using aUSB cable, connect theprojectors USBTypeB porttoaUSB portonyour computer (for wireless mousesupport). 3. Press theMenu button, selecttheExtended menu,andselect Wireless Mouseasthe USB Type B setting. 4. Start yourpresentation. 5. Use thefollowing buttonsonthe remote controltocontrol yourpresentation: • To move through PowerPoint slides,presstheUpand Down Pagebuttons. • To move thecursor onthe screen, usethearrow buttons. • To left-click, presstheEnter button once(press ittwice...
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1. Press thePointer buttononthe remote control. 2. Use thearrow buttons onthe remote controltomove thepointer onthe screen. 3. Press Esctoclear thepointer fromthescreen. Parent topic:Remote ControlOperation Related references Projector FeatureSettings -Settings Menu Selecting anImage Source If you connected multipleimagesources tothe projector, suchasacomputer andDVD player, youmay want toswitch fromoneimage source tothe other. 1. Make suretheconnected imagesource youwant touse isturned on....
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3. Doone ofthe following: • Press theSource Searchbuttononthe projector orremote controluntilyouseetheimage from the source youwant. 88
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• Press thebutton forthe source youwant onthe remote control. Ifthere ismore thanoneport for that source, pressthebutton againtoselect theother source. 1 Computer portsources 2 Video, S-Video, andHDMI sources 3 USB portsources (computer displayandexternal devices) 4 Network sources 4. Ifyou seeablank screen oraNo Signal message, trythe following: • Check thatthedevice cablesaresecurely connected tothe projector andthedevice. • Make suretheprojector isturned onand itslens cover isopen. •...
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• Rear/Ceiling flipstheimage overtop-to-bottom andhorizontally toproject fromtheceiling andthe rear. You canchange theprojection modeusingtheremote controlorby changing amenu setting. Changing theProjection ModeUsing theRemote Control Changing theProjection ModeUsing theMenus Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Changing theProjection ModeUsing theRemote Control You canchange theprojection modetoflip the image overtop-to-bottom. 1. Turn onthe projector anddisplay animage. 2. Hold down...