Epson Projector EX7230 Pro User Manual
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2. Altered sourceversions mustbeplainly marked assuch, andmust notbemisrepresented asbeing the original software. 3. This notice maynotberemoved oraltered fromanysource distribution. Jean-loup Gailly [email protected] Mark Adler [email protected] If you usethezlib library inaproduct, wewould appreciate *not*receiving lengthylegaldocuments to sign. Thesources areprovided forfree butwithout warranty ofany kind. Thelibrary hasbeen entirely written byJean-loup GaillyandMark Adler; itdoes...
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the power, directorindirect, tocause thedirection ormanagement ofsuch entity, whether bycontract or otherwise, or(ii) ownership offifty percent (50%)ormore ofthe outstanding shares,or(iii) beneficial ownership ofsuch entity. You (orYour) shallmean anindividual orLegal Entity exercising permissions grantedbythis License. Source formshall mean thepreferred formformaking modifications, includingbutnotlimited to software sourcecode,documentation source,andconfiguration files. Object formshall mean...
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the Work towhich suchContribution(s) wassubmitted. IfYou institute patentlitigation againstanyentity (including across-claim orcounterclaim inalawsuit) alleging thattheWork oraContribution incorporated withintheWork constitutes directorcontributory patentinfringement, thenanypatent licenses grantedtoYou under thisLicense forthat Work shallterminate asofthe date such litigation is filed. 4. Redistribution. Youmay reproduce anddistribute copiesofthe Work orDerivative Worksthereof in any medium,...
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7. Disclaimer ofWarranty. Unlessrequired byapplicable laworagreed toinwriting, Licensor provides the Work (andeach Contributor providesitsContributions) onanAS ISBASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES ORCONDITIONS OFANY KIND, eitherexpress orimplied, including, withoutlimitation, any warranties orconditions ofTITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY,orFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.Youaresolely responsible fordetermining theappropriateness ofusing or redistributing theWork andassume anyrisks associated...
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See theLicense forthe specific language governing permissions andlimitations undertheLicense. aes-src-29-04-09 This projector productincludes theopen source software programaes-src-29-04-09 whichapplies the terms andconditions providedbyowner ofthe copyright tothe aes-src-29-04-09. The aes-src-29-04-09 areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteventheimplied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE. List ofaes-src-29-04-09 programs aes-src-29-04-09 License termsofconditions ofeach...
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The newlib subdirectory isacollection ofsoftware fromseveral sources. Each filemay have itsown copyright/license thatisembedded inthe source file.Unless otherwise noted in the body ofthe source file(s),thefollowing copyright noticeswillapply tothe contents ofthe newlib subdirectory: (1) Red HatIncorporated Copyright (c)1994-2007 RedHat,Inc.Allrights reserved. This copyrighted materialismade available toanyone wishing touse, modify, copy,orredistribute it subject tothe terms andconditions ofthe...
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CAUSED ANDONANY THEORY OFLIABILITY, WHETHER INCONTRACT, STRICTLIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OROTHERWISE) ARISINGINANY WAY OUTOFTHE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVENIFADVISED OFTHE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGE. (3) David M.Gay (ATT 1991, Lucent 1998) The author ofthis software isDavid M.Gay. Copyright (c)1991 byATT. Permission touse, copy, modify, anddistribute thissoftware forany purpose withoutfeeishereby granted, provided thatthisentire notice isincluded inall copies ofany software whichisor...
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AMD MAKES NOWARRANTY OFANY KIND, EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, WITHREGARD TOTHIS SOFTWARE. INNO EVENT SHALLAMDBELIABLE FORINCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCONNECTION WITHORARISING FROMTHEFURNISHING, PERFORMANCE, OR USE OFTHIS SOFTWARE. So that allmay benefit fromyourexperience, pleasereportanyproblems orsuggestions aboutthis software tothe 29K Technical SupportCenterat800-29-29-AMD (800-292-9263)inthe USA, or0800- 89-1131 inthe UK, or0031-11-1129 inJapan, tollfree. Thedirect dialnumber is512-462-4118....
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software withoutspecific, writtenpriorpermission. Hewlett-Packard Companymakesnorepresentations about thesuitability ofthis software forany purpose. (9) Hans-Peter Nilsson Copyright (C)2001 Hans-Peter Nilsson Permission touse, copy, modify, anddistribute thissoftware isfreely granted, provided thattheabove copyright notice,thisnotice andthefollowing disclaimer arepreserved withnochanges. THIS SOFTWARE ISPROVIDED ASISAND WITHOUT ANYEXPRESS ORIMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING,WITHOUTLIMITATION,...
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This software isthe property ofSuperH, Inc(SuperH) whichspecifically grantstheuser theright to modify, useand distribute thissoftware provided thisnotice isnot removed oraltered. Allother rights are reserved bySuperH. SUPERH MAKESNOWARRANTY OFANY KIND, EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, WITHREGARD TOTHIS SOFTWARE. INNO EVENT SHALLSUPERH BELIABLE FORINDIRECT, SPECIAL,INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGESINCONNECTION WITHORARISING FROMTHEFURNISHING, PERFORMANCE, ORUSE OFTHIS SOFTWARE. So that allmay benefit...