Epson Projector EX7230 Pro User Manual
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The GNU General PublicLicense Version2is as follows. Youalso canseetheGNU General Public License Version2at GNU GENERAL PUBLICLICENSE Version 2,June 1991 Copyright (C)1989, 1991FreeSoftware Foundation, Inc.,51Franklin Street,FifthFloor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USAEveryone ispermitted tocopy anddistribute verbatimcopiesofthis license document, but changing itis not allowed. Preamble The licenses formost software aredesigned totake away yourfreedom toshare andchange...
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GNU GENERAL PUBLICLICENSE TERMSANDCONDITIONS FORCOPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. This License appliestoany program orother workwhich contains anotice placed bythe copyright holder saying itmay bedistributed undertheterms ofthis General PublicLicense. TheProgram, below, referstoany such program orwork, andawork based onthe Program meanseitherthe Program orany derivative workunder copyright law:thatisto say, awork containing theProgram ora portion ofit,either verbatim orwith modifications...
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separate works.Butwhen youdistribute thesame sections aspart ofawhole whichisawork based on the Program, thedistribution ofthe whole mustbeonthe terms ofthis License, whosepermissions for other licensees extendtothe entire whole, andthus toeach andevery partregardless ofwho wrote it. Thus, itis not theintent ofthis section toclaim rights orcontest yourrights towork written entirely by you; rather, theintent isto exercise theright tocontrol thedistribution ofderivative orcollective works based...
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rights, fromyouunder thisLicense willnot have theirlicenses terminated solong assuch parties remain in full compliance. 5. You arenotrequired toaccept thisLicense, sinceyouhave notsigned it.However, nothingelse grants youpermission tomodify ordistribute theProgram orits derivative works.Theseactions are prohibited bylaw ifyou donot accept thisLicense. Therefore, bymodifying ordistributing theProgram (or any work based onthe Program), youindicate youracceptance ofthis License todo so, and allits...
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9. The Free Software Foundation maypublish revised and/ornewversions ofthe General Public License fromtimetotime. Such newversions willbesimilar inspirit tothe present version, butmay differ in detail toaddress newproblems orconcerns. Each version isgiven adistinguishing versionnumber. Ifthe Program specifies aversion number ofthis License whichapplies toitand any laterversion, youhave theoption offollowing theterms and conditions eitherofthat version orofany later version published bythe Free...
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To doso, attach thefollowing noticestothe program. Itis safest toattach themtothe start ofeach source filetomost effectively conveytheexclusion ofwarranty; andeach fileshould haveatleast the copyright lineand apointer towhere thefullnotice isfound. one linetogive theprograms nameandabrief ideaofwhat itdoes. Copyright (C)year, name ofauthor This program isfree software; youcanredistribute itand/or modify itunder theterms ofthe GNU General PublicLicense aspublished bythe Free Software Foundation;...
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This projector productincludes theopen source software programs whichapplytheGNU Lesser General PublicLicense Version2or later version (LGPL Programs). We provide thesource codeofthe LGPL Programs untilfive(5)years afterthediscontinuation ofsame model ofthis projector product. If you desire toreceive thesource codeofthe LGPL Programs, pleasecontact Epsonasdescribed in the Users Guide. These LGPLPrograms areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteventheimplied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS...
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You canuseittoo, butwesuggest youfirstthink carefully aboutwhether thislicense orthe ordinary General PublicLicense isthe better strategy touse inany particular case,based onthe explanations below. When wespeak offree software, weare referring tofreedom ofuse, notprice. OurGeneral Public Licenses aredesigned tomake surethatyouhave thefreedom todistribute copiesoffree software (and charge forthis service ifyou wish); thatyoureceive sourcecodeorcan getitifyou want it;that youcan change thesoftware...
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ordinary GeneralPublicLicense formany libraries. However, theLesser license provides advantages in certain special circumstances. For example, onrare occasions, theremaybeaspecial needtoencourage thewidest possible useofa certain library,sothat itbecomes ade-facto standard. Toachieve this,non-free programs mustbe allowed touse thelibrary. Amore frequent caseisthat afree library doesthesame jobaswidely used non-free libraries. Inthis case, thereislittle togain bylimiting thefree library tofree...
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the Library inatool forwriting it).Whether thatistrue depends onwhat theLibrary doesandwhat the program thatuses theLibrary does. 1. You may copy anddistribute verbatimcopiesofthe Librarys complete sourcecodeasyou receive it, in any medium, provided thatyouconspicuously andappropriately publishoneach copyanappropriate copyright noticeanddisclaimer ofwarranty; keepintact allthe notices thatrefer tothis License andtothe absence ofany warranty; anddistribute acopy ofthis License alongwiththeLibrary....