Epson Powerlite 93 Multimedia Projector Users Guide
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• PJLink Password letsyou enter apassword upto32 alphanumeric characterslongforusing the PJLink protocol forprojector control. • Web Control Password letsyou enter apassword upto8alphanumeric characterslongfor accessing theprojector overtheweb. • Projector Keywordletsyou turn onasecurity password toprevent accesstothe projector by anyone notinthe room withit.You must enter adisplayed, randomized keywordfromacomputer using theEasyMP NetworkProjection softwaretoaccess theprojector. Note: Usethedisplayed keyboardtoenter thename, passwords andkeyword. Pressthearrow buttons onthe remote controltohighlight characters andpress Enter toselect them. 7. Select theWireless LANmenu andpress Enter. 8. Select thesettings onthe Wireless LANmenu asnecessary foryour network. 9. When youfinish selecting settings,selectComplete andfollow theon-screen instructions tosave your settings andexitthemenus. After youcomplete thewireless settingsforyour projector, youneed toselect thewireless networkon your computer. Wireless LANMenu Settings Parent topic:Wireless NetworkProjection 51

Wireless LANMenu Settings Note: Seeyour projectors EasyMPNetworkProjection OperationGuidefordetails onselecting these settings. Setting Options Description Wireless LANPower On Turns onwireless LANsupport Off Connection Mode Quick Selects thetype ofwireless connection: Advanced Quick :lets you quickly connect to one computer oruse the optional EpsonQuickWireless Connection USBkeytoconnect Advanced :lets you connect to multiple computers viaawireless network accesspoint Channel 1ch In Quick connection mode, selects thefrequency band 6ch (channel) usedbythe wireless 11ch LAN Wireless LANSys. 802.11b/g Sets thetype ofwireless LAN system theprojector is 802.11b/g/n connecting to SSID AutoSetting On Turns onautomatic SSID searching inQuick connection Off mode; settoOff when connecting tomultiple projectors at the same time SSID Up 32alphanumeric characters Sets theSSID (network name)of the wireless LANsystem the projector isconnecting to 52

Setting Options Description IP Settings DHCP (On orOff ) Selects DHCPifyour network assigns addresses automatically, IP Address or turns offDHCP soyou can Subnet Mask enter thenetworks IPaddress, subnet mask,andgateway Gateway Address address asneeded SSID Display On Selects whether todisplay the SSID onthe network standby Off screen IP Address Display On Selects whether todisplay theIP address onthe network standby Off screen Parent topic:Selecting WirelessNetworkSettingsManually Selecting WirelessNetworkSettingsinWindows Before connecting tothe projector, selectthecorrect wireless networkonyour computer. 1. Toaccess yourwireless utilitysoftware, double-click thenetwork icononthe Windows taskbar. 2. Doone ofthe following: • Ifyour projector isset uponanexisting network (Advanced mode),selectthenetwork name (SSID). • Ifyour projector isconfigured forQuick mode, selecttheSSID youassigned tothe projector. 3. Click Connect . Parent topic:Wireless NetworkProjection Selecting WirelessNetworkSettingsinMac OS Before connecting tothe projector, selectthecorrect wireless networkonyour Macintosh. 1. Click theAirPort icononthe menu baratthe topofthe screen. 2. Make sureAirPort isturned on,then doone ofthe following: • Ifyour projector isset uponanexisting network (Advanced mode),selectthenetwork name (SSID). • Ifyour projector isconfigured forQuick mode, selecttheSSID youassigned tothe projector. 53

Parent topic:Wireless NetworkProjection Setting UpWireless NetworkSecurity You cansetupsecurity foryour projector touse onthe wireless network(PowerLite 95/96W/905/915W/1835). Setupone ofthe following securityoptionstomatch thesettings usedonyour network: • WEP encryption • WPA security Note: Check withyour network administrator forguidance onentering thecorrect information. 1. Press theMenu button onthe remote control. 2. Select theNetwork menuandpress Enter. 3. Select Network Configuration andpress Enter. 4. Select theSecurity menuandpress Enter. 5. Select thesecurity settingsasnecessary tomatch yournetwork settings. 6. When youfinish selecting settings,selectComplete andfollow theon-screen instructions tosave your settings andexitthemenus. Wireless SecurityMenuSettings 54

Parent topic:Wireless NetworkProjection Wireless SecurityMenuSettings Settings onthe Security menuletyou select thetype ofsecurity andsecurity settingsthatmatch the network youareconnecting theprojector to. Setting Options Description Security WEP andWPA types available Selects thetype ofsecurity used on the wireless network WEP Encryption 128Bit For WEP security, selectsthe type ofencryption coding 64Bit Format ASCII For WEP security, selectsthe encryption inputmethod: HEX ASCII :enables textinput HEX :enables hexadecimal input Key ID 1 to 4 For WEP security, selectsthe WEP encryption keyID Encryption Key1to Various characters depending on For theselected WEPKeyID selected WEPEncryption and setting, enterthekey used for Encryption Key4 Format settings WEP encryption: 128 bitASCII: 13alphanumeric characters 128 bitHEX: 26characters (0to 9 and Ato F) 64 bitASCII: 5alphanumeric characters 64 bitHEX: 10characters (0to9 and Ato F) Authentication Type Open For WEP security, selectsthe type ofWEP authentication used Shared PSK Various keysfrom8to 32 For WPA-PSK orWPA-2-PSK characters security, selectsthepre-shared key used onthe network 55

Parent topic:Setting UpWireless NetworkSecurity Setting UpProjector NetworkE-MailAlerts You cansetupthe projector tosend youane-mail alertover thenetwork ifthere isaproblem withthe projector. 1. Press theMenu button onthe remote control. 2. Select theNetwork menuandpress Enter. 3. Select Network Configuration andpress Enter. 4. Select theMail menu andpress Enter. PowerLite 93 PowerLite 95/96W/905/915W/1835 56

5. Turn onMail Notification . 6. Enter theIPaddress forthe SMTP Server option. Note: Donot use these addresses: 127.x.x.xor224.0.0.0 through255.255.255.255 (wherexis a number from0to 255). 7. Select anumber forthe SMTP server PortNumber ,from 1to 65535 (default is25). 8. Choose anAddress field,enter thee-mail address, andselect thealerts youwant toreceive there. Repeat foruptothree addresses. Note: Youre-mail address canbeupto32 alphanumeric characterslong. 9. When youfinish selecting settings,selectComplete andfollow theon-screen instructions tosave your settings andexitthemenus. Note: Ifa critical problem causestheprojector toshut down, youmay notreceive ane-mail alert. Network Projector E-mailAlertMessages Parent topic:UsingtheProjector onaNetwork 57

Network Projector E-mailAlertMessages When aproblem occurswithanetworked projector,andyouselected toreceive e-mailalerts,you receive ane-mail containing thefollowing information: • EPSON Projector onthe subject line • The name ofthe projector experiencing aproblem • The IPaddress ofthe affected projector • Detailed information abouttheproblem Note: Ifa critical problem causesaprojector toshut down, youmay notreceive ane-mail alert. Parent topic:Setting UpProjector NetworkE-MailAlerts Setting UpMonitoring UsingSNMP Network administrators caninstall SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)softwareonnetwork computers sothey canmonitor projectors. Ifyour network usesthissoftware, youcansetupthe projector forSNMP monitoring. 1. Press theMenu button onthe remote control. 2. Select theNetwork menuandpress Enter. 3. Select Network Configuration andpress Enter. 4. Select theOthers menuandpress Enter. PowerLite 93 58

PowerLite 95/96W/905/915W/1835 5. Enter uptotwo IPaddresses toreceive SNMPnotifications, using0to 255 foreach address field. Note: Donot use these addresses: 127.x.x.xor224.0.0.0 through255.255.255.255 (wherexis a number from0to 255). 59

6. Ifyour network environment usesanAMX controller, turnonthe AMX Device Discovery settingto allow theprojector tobe detected. 7. Ifyour network environment usesaCrestron RoomView controller,turnonthe RoomView settingto allow theprojector tobe detected. 8. When youfinish selecting settings,selectComplete andfollow theon-screen instructions tosave your settings andexitthemenus. Parent topic:UsingtheProjector onaNetwork Controlling aNetworked ProjectorUsingaWeb Browser Once youhave connected yourprojector toyour network, youcanselect projector settingsandcontrol projection usingacompatible webbrowser. Thisletsyou access theprojector remotely. Note: Theweb setup andcontrol features supportMicrosoft InternetExplorer 6.0orlater, andSafari on networks thatdonot use aproxy server forconnection. Youcannot selectallofthe projector menu settings orcontrol allprojector functions usingaweb browser. 1. Make suretheprojector isturned on. 2. Start yourwebbrowser onacomputer connected tothe network. 3. Type theprojectors IPaddress intothebrowsers addressboxand press thecomputers Enterkey. You seetheWeb Control screen. 4. Toselect projector menusettings, selectthename ofthe menu andfollow theon-screen instructions to select settings. 5. Tocontrol theprojection remotely,selecttheWeb Remote option. You seethisscreen: 60