Epson Powerlite 93 Multimedia Projector Users Guide
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Lamp life PowerLite 92/93/95/96W/905 : Normal PowerConsumption mode: Up toabout 5000hours ECO Power Consumption mode: Up toabout 6000hours PowerLite 915W/1835 : Normal PowerConsumption mode: Up toabout 4000hours ECO Power Consumption mode: Up toabout 6000hours Note: Turnoffthis product whennotinuse toprolong thelifeofthe projector. Lamplifewill vary depending uponmode selected, environmental conditions,andusage. Brightness decreasesovertime. Parent topic:Technical Specifications Remote ControlSpecifications Reception range 19.7 feet(6m) Batteries Two alkaline ormanganese AA Parent topic:Technical Specifications Projector Dimension Specifications Height 3.66 inches (93mm) (excluding feet) Width 15.6 inches (345mm) Depth 10.4 inches (263mm) 161

Weight PowerLite 92/93: 6.91 lb(3.13 kg) PowerLite 95: 6.97 lb(3.16 kg) PowerLite 96W: 7.19 lb(3.26 kg) PowerLite 905: 7.39 lb(3.35 kg) PowerLite 915W/1835 : 7.42 lb(3.36 kg) Parent topic:Technical Specifications Projector Electrical Specifications Rated frequency 50/60 Hz Power supply 100 to240 VAC ±10% PowerLite 92/93/95: 3.2 to1.4 A PowerLite 96W/905: 3.2 to1.5 A PowerLite 915W/1835 : 3.6 to1.6 A 162

Power consumption Operating: (100 to120 V) PowerLite 92/93/95: Normal PowerConsumption mode:312W ECO Power Consumption mode:261W PowerLite 96W/905: Normal PowerConsumption mode:313W ECO Power Consumption mode:264W PowerLite 915W/1835 : Normal PowerConsumption mode:355W ECO Power Consumption mode:263W Standby: PowerLite 92: 0.31 W(Communication Off),N/A(Communication On) PowerLite 93: 0.31 W(Communication Off),4.1W(Communication On) PowerLite 95: 0.31 W(Communication Off),8.1W(Communication On) PowerLite 96W/905/915W/1835 : 0.29 W(Communication Off),8.9W(Communication On) 163

Power consumption Operating: (200 to240 V) PowerLite 92/93/95: Normal PowerConsumption mode:299W ECO Power Consumption mode:254W PowerLite 96W/905: Normal PowerConsumption mode:300W ECO Power Consumption mode:253W PowerLite 915W/1835 : Normal PowerConsumption mode:337W ECO Power Consumption mode:252W Standby: PowerLite 92: 0.40 W(Communication Off),N/A(Communication On) PowerLite 93: 0.40 W(Communication Off),4.6W(Communication On) PowerLite 95: 0.40 W(Communication Off),8.8W(Communication On) PowerLite 96W/905/915W/1835 : 0.39 W(Communication Off),9.6W(Communication On) Parent topic:Technical Specifications Projector Environmental Specifications Temperature Operating: 41to95 ºF (5 to35 ºC) Storage: 14to140 ºF (– 10 to60 ºC) Humidity Operating: 20to80% (relative, non-condensing) Storage: 10to90% 164

Operating altitude Up to4921 feet(1500 m) Up to7500 feet(2286 m)with High Altitude Modeenabled Parent topic:Technical Specifications Projector SafetyandApprovals Specifications United States FCC Part15Class B(DoC) UL60950-1 Canada ICES-003 ClassB CSA C22.2 No.60950-1 Parent topic:Technical Specifications Supported VideoDisplay Formats For best results, yourcomputer monitororvideo cardresolution shouldbeset todisplay inthe projectors nativeresolution. However,yourprojector includesEpsonsSizeWise chipthatsupports other computer displayresolutions, soyour image willberesized tofitautomatically. Your computers monitororvideo cardrefresh rate(vertical frequency) mustbecompatible withthe projector. (Seeyourcomputer orvideo cardmanual fordetails.) The table below liststhecompatible refreshrateandresolution foreach compatible videodisplay format. Display format Refresh rate(inHz) Resolution (inpixels) Computer signals(analog RGB) VGA 60/72/75/85 640 ×480 SVGA 56/60/72/75/85 800 ×600 XGA 60/70/75/85 1024 ×768 WXGA 60 1280 ×768 60 1360 ×768 60/75/85 1280 ×800 165

Display format Refresh rate(inHz) Resolution (inpixels) SXGA 70/75/85 1152 ×864 60/75/85 1280 ×960 60/75/85 1280 ×1024 SXGA+ 60/75 1400 ×1050 WXGA+ 60/75/85 1440 ×900 UXGA 60 1600 ×1200 WSXGA+* , ** 60 1680 ×1050 WUXGA (Reduced Blanking) 60 1920 ×1200 MAC13 67 640 ×480 MAC16 75 832 ×624 MAC19 75 1024 ×768 59 1024 ×768 MAC21 75 1152 ×870 Composite video TV (NTSC) 60 720 ×480 TV (PAL) 50/60 720 ×576 TV (SECAM) 50 720 ×576 Component video SDTV (480i) 60 720 ×480 SDTV (576i) 50 720 ×576 SDTV (480p) 60 720 ×480 SDTV (576p) 50 720 ×576 HDTV (720p) 50/60 1280 ×720 HDTV (1080i) 50/60 1920 ×1080 HDMI inputsignals VGA 60 640 ×480 166

Display format Refresh rate(inHz) Resolution (inpixels) SVGA 60 800 ×600 XGA 60 1024 ×768 WXGA 60 1280 ×800 SXGA 60 1280 ×960 60 1280 ×1024 SXGA+ 60 1400 ×1050 UXGA 60 1600 ×1200 SDTV (480i/480p) 60 720 ×480 SDTV (576i/576p) 50 720 ×576 HDTV (720p) 50/60 1280 ×720 HDTV (1080i) 50/60 1920 ×1080 HDTV (1080p) 24/30/50/60 1920 ×1080 * PowerLite 96W/915W only ** Available onlywhen usingtheWide option asthe Resolution setting Parent topic:Technical Specifications 167

Notices Check thesesections forimportant noticesaboutyourprojector. Important SafetyInformation Important SafetyInstructions FCC Compliance Statement Trademarks Software Copyright Copyright Notice Important SafetyInformation Caution: Neverlookintotheprojector lenswhen thelamp isturned on;thebright lightcandamage your eyes. Never letchildren lookintothelens when itis on. Never openanycover onthe projector, except the lamp andfilter covers. Dangerous electricalvoltagesinsidetheprojector canseverely injureyou. Except asspecifically explainedinthis Users Guide,do not attempt toservice thisproduct yourself. Refer allservicing toqualified servicepersonnel. Warning: Theprojector anditsaccessories comepackaged inplastic bags.Keepplastic bagsaway from small children toavoid anyriskofsuffocation. Caution: Whenyoureplace thelamp, never touchthenew lamp withyour bare hands; theinvisible residue leftbythe oilon your hands mayshorten thelamp life.Use acloth orglove tohandle thenew lamp. Parent topic:Notices Important SafetyInstructions Follow thesesafety instructions whensetting upand using theprojector: • Do not look intothelens when theprojector ison. The bright lightcandamage youreyes. • Do not place theprojector onanunstable cart,stand, ortable. • Do not operate theprojector onitsside, orwhile tiltedtoone side. Donot tiltthe projector morethan 30 °forward orback. 168

• Ifthe projector ismounted onaceiling, itshould beinstalled byqualified technicians usingmounting hardware designedforuse with thisprojector. • When installing oradjusting aceiling mount, donot use adhesives toprevent thescrews from loosening anddonot use oilsorlubricants. Thismay cause theprojector casetocrack andthe projector tofall from itsceiling mount. Thiscould cause serious injurytoanyone underthemount and could damage theprojector. • Do not use theprojector nearwater orsources ofheat. • Use thetype ofpower source indicated onthe projector. Useofadifferent powersource mayresult in fire orelectric shock.Ifyou arenotsure ofthe power available, consultyourdealer orpower company. • Place theprojector nearawall outlet where theplug canbeeasily unplugged. • Take thefollowing precautions whenhandling theplug: Donot hold theplug withwethands. Donot insert theplug intoanoutlet withdust present. Inserttheplug firmly intotheoutlet. Donot pull the power cordwhen disconnecting theplug; always besure tohold theplug when disconnecting it. Failure tocomply withthese precautions couldresult infire orelectric shock. • Do not overload walloutlets, extension cords,orpower strips.Donot insert theplug intoadusty outlet. Thiscancause fireorelectric shock. • Do not place theprojector wherethecord canbewalked on.This may result infraying ordamage to the plug. • Unplug theprojector fromthewall outlet before cleaning. Useadry cloth (or,forstubborn dirtor stains, amoist cloththathasbeen wrung dry)forcleaning. Donot use liquid oraerosol cleaners. • Do not block theslots andopenings inthe projector case.Theyprovide ventilation andprevent the projector fromoverheating. Donot operate theprojector onasofa, rug,orother softsurface, orset it on top ofloose papers, whichcouldblockvents underneath theprojector. Ifyou aresetting upthe projector nearawall, leave atleast 7.9inches (20cm) ofspace between thewall andtheairexhaust vent. • Do not operate theprojector inaclosed-in cabinetunlessproperventilation isprovided. • Never pushobjects ofany kind through thecabinet slots.Never spillliquid ofany kind intothe projector. • Ifyou areusing twoormore projectors side-by-side, leaveatleast 2feet (60cm) ofspace between the projectors toallow forproper ventilation. • You may need toclean theairfilter andvent. Aclogged airfilter orvent canblock ventilation needed to cool theprojector. • Do not store theprojector outdoors foranextended lengthoftime. 169

• Except asspecifically explainedinthis manual, donot attempt toservice thisproduct yourself. Refer all servicing toqualified personnel. Openingorremoving coversmayexpose youtodangerous voltages andother hazards. • Never openanycovers onthe projector exceptasspecifically explainedinthis manual. Neverattempt to disassemble ormodify theprojector. Referallrepairs toqualified servicepersonnel. • Unplug theprojector fromthewall outlet andrefer servicing toqualified servicepersonnel underthe following conditions: ifitdoes notoperate normally whenyoufollow theoperating instructions, or exhibits adistinct change inperformance; ifsmoke, strange odors,orstrange noisescomefromthe projector; ifthe power cordorplug isdamaged orfrayed; ifliquid orforeign objects getinside the projector, orifithas been exposed torain orwater; ifithas been dropped orthe housing hasbeen damaged. • Do not touch theplug during anelectrical storm.Otherwise, youmay receive anelectric shock. • Unplug theprojector whenitwill not beused forextended periods. • Do not use theprojector whereitmay beexposed torain, water, orexcessive humidity. • Do not use theprojector whereitmay beexposed toexcessive dustorsmoke. • Do not use orstore theprojector orremote controlinahot location, suchasnear aheater, indirect sunlight, orinaclosed vehicle. • Ifyou usetheprojector inacountry otherthanwhere youpurchased it,use thecorrect powercordfor that country. • Do not stand onthe projector orplace heavy objects onit. • Do not use theprojector outsideofthe required temperature rangeof41 to95 ºF (5 to35 ºC). Doing so may cause anunstable displayandcould leadtoprojector damage. • Do not store theprojector outsideofthe required temperature rangeof14 to140 ºF (-10 to60 ºC) orin direct sunlight forlong periods oftime. Doing somay cause damage tothe case. • Do not place anything thatcanbecome warpedordamaged byheat near theexhaust vents.Donot bring yourhands orface close tothe vents whileprojection isin progress. • Before youmove theprojector, makesureitspower isturned off,the plug isdisconnected fromthe outlet, andallcables aredisconnected. • Never trytoremove thelamp immediately afterusebecause itwill beextremely hot.Before removing the lamp, turnoffthe power andwait atleast anhour toallow thelamp tocool completely. • Do not place thesource ofan open flame, suchasalit candle, onornear theprojector. • Do not modify thepower cord.Donot place heavy objects ontop ofthe power cordorbend, twist,or pull itexcessively. Keepthepower cordaway fromhotelectrical appliances. 170