Eiki Lc-Xs25 Multimedia Projector Owners Manual
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21 Basic Operation Menu Bar PC System Menu U s e d t o s e l e c t computer system. (p.27) Setting Menu U s e d t o s e t t h e p r o j e c t o r ' s o p e r a t i n g configurations. (pp.45-56) Image Select Menu U s e d t o s e l e c t a n i m a g e l e v e l a m o n g D y n a m i c , S t a n d a r d , R e a l , B l a c k b o a r d ( G r e e n ) , C o l o r b o a r d a n d I m a g e 1 ~ 4 . (pp.31-32) For computer source Guide Window Show the selected M e n u o f t h e On-Screen Menu. Screen Menu Used to adjust size of image. [Normal / True / Wide / Full / Custom / D i g i t a l z o o m + / – ] (pp34-36) For detailed functions, see Menu Tree on pages 68-70. Image Adjust Menu Used to adjust computer i m a g e . [ C o n t r a s t / Brightness / Color temp. / White balance (R/G/B) / Sharpness / Gamma] (pp.33-34) Sound Menu Used to adjust the volume or mute the sound. (p.23) PC Adjust Menu U s e d t o a d j u s t parameters to match w i t h i n p u t s i g n a l format. (pp.28-30) Input Menu U s e d t o s e l e c t input source either Computer or Video. (pp.25,26) For video source Input Menu U s e d t o s e l e c t i n p u t source either Video or Computer. (pp.37, 38) Image Select Menu U s e d t o s e l e c t a n i m a g e l e v e l a m o n g Dynamic, Standard, Cinema, Blackboard ( G r e e n ) , C o l o r b o a r d a n d I m a g e 1 ~ 4 . (pp.40-41) Screen Menu U s e d t o s e t s i z e o f image to Normal, Wide or Custom. (p.44) AV System Menu Used to select system o f s e l e c t e d v i d e o source. (p.39) Image Adjust Menu U s e d t o a d j u s t p i c t u r e i m a g e . [Contrast / Brightness / Color / Tint / C o l o r t e m p . / W h i t e b a l a n c e ( R / G/B) / Sharpness / Gamma / Noise reduction / Progressive ] (pp.42-43)S a m e f u n c t i o n a s c o m p u t e r menu. S a m e f u n c t i o n a s menu for computer source. Note: I t e m s w i l l b e s a m e a s t h e i t e m s i n v i d e o s o u r c e when 480i, 575i, 480p, 575p, 720p, 1035i or 1080i is selected.

22 Basic Operation Open the slide shutter. Rotate the Zoom Ring to zoom in and out. Rotate the Focus Ring to adjust the projected picture focus. Close the slide shutter. Zoom and Focus Adjustment Zoom Ring (Rear)Focus Ring (Front) If a projected picture still has keystone distortion after pressing the AUTO SETUP button on the top control, correct the image manually as follows: Press the KEYSTONE button on the remote control. The keystone dialog box appears. Correct keystone distortion by pressing the Point ▲▼buttons. Keystone adjustment can be memorized. (p.47) Reduce the upper width with Point ▲ button. Reduce the lower width with Point ▼ button. Keystone Correction • T h e a r r o w s a r e w h i t e w h e n t h e r e i s n o correction. • The direction of the arrow being corrected turns red. • T h e a r r o w s d i s a p p e a r a t t h e m a x i m u m correction. • I f y o u p r e s s t h e K E Y S TO N E b u t t o n o n t h e remote control once more while the keystone d i a l o g b o x i s b e i n g d i s p l a y e d , t h e k e y s t o n e adjustment is canceled. • The adjustable range is limited depending on the input signal. Remote Control Top Control 12 + _ Auto setup function is provided to automatically execute the setting of Auto setup (includes Input search, Auto PC adj. and Auto Keystone functions) in the setting menu by just pressing the AUTO SETUP button on the top control or the AUTO SET button on the remote control. Refer to page 46 for the setting of the Auto setup function. Auto setup functionTop Control AUTO SETUP button KEySTONE button POINT ▲▼ buttons POINT ▲▼ buttons Slide Shutter Note: Close the slide shutter of lens operation part to keep out dust just after zoom and focus adjustments. 12 + _ AUTO SET button Remote Control

23 12 +_ Basic Operation Press the VOLUME+/– buttons on the top control or on the remote control to adjust the volume. The volume dialog box appears on the screen for a few seconds. Press the MUTE button on the remote control to cut off the sound. To restore the sound to its previous level, press the MUTE button again or press the VOLUME +/– buttons. Mute function is also effective for AUDIO OUT jack. Volume Mute Direct Operation Sound Adjustment 1 2 Press the MENU button to display the On-Screen Menu. Press the Point ◄► buttons to move the red frame pointer to the Sound Menu icon. Press the Point ◄► buttons to cut off the sound. Dialog box display changes to "On" and the sound is cut off. To restore the sound to its previous level, press the Point ◄► buttons again. Press the Point ▲▼ buttons to move the red frame pointer to the item that you want to select, and then press the SELECT button. Volume Mute Press the Point ► button to turn up the volume, and press the Point ◄ button to turn down the volume. Menu Operation Remote Control Operation For some frequently used operations, using the remote control is advisable. Just pressing one of the buttons enables you to make the operation, and no need for calling up the On-Screen Menu. Press the FREEZE button on the remote control to freeze the picture on the screen. To cancel the Freeze function, press the FREEZE button again or press any other button. FREEZE button P r e s s t h e C O M P U T E R o r V I D E O o r S - V I D E O o r COMPONENT button on the remote control to select the input source. For more detail, see pages 25,26,37 and 38. COMPUTER/ VIDEO / S-VIDEO /COMPONENT buttons12 + _ Remote ControlCOMPUTER1/ COMPUTER2/ VIDEO / S-VIDEO/ COMPONENT buttons Note: See the next page for the other buttons. 12 + _ FREEZE button Remote Control Top Control Press the MUTE button to set the Mute function On/Off. The display disappears after 4 seconds. Approximate level of the volume. Exit the Sound Menu. Sound Menu Sound Menu icon VOLUME- button VOLUME+ button MUTE button VOLUME+/– buttons Approximate level of the volume.

24 Basic Operation black out → the captured image → normal → • • • • • Press the NO SHOW button on the remote control to black out the image. To restore to normal, press the NO SHOW button again or press any other button. When a projected image is captured and set as "User" in the Logo selection (p.48), the screen changes each time you press the NO SHOW button as follows. NO SHOW button Press the AUTO SET button on the remote control to operate the Auto setup function. For more detail, see pages 22, 28,46. AUTO SET button Press the D.ZOOM buttons on the remote control to zoom in and zoom out the images. For more detail, see page 36. D .ZOOM buttons Press the P-TIMER button on the remote control. The timer display "00 : 00" appears on the screen and the timer starts to count time (00 : 00 ~ 59 : 59). To stop the P-Timer, press the P-TIMER button. Press t h e P - T I M E R b u t t o n a g a i n , t h e n t h e P - t i m e r d i s p l a y disappears. P-TIMER button Press the IMAGE button on the remote control to select a desired image level of the screen. For more detail, see pages 31 and 40. IMAGE button For detail, see page 22. KEySTONE button LAMP CONTROL button Press the LAMP CONTROL button on the remote control to select the lamp mode for changing the brightness of the screen. Normal . . .normal brightness Auto . . . . . brightness according with the input signal Eco ........... l o w e r b r i g h t n e s s r e d u c e s t h e l a m p power consumption and extends the lamp life. Note: L a m p m o d e c a n n o t b e c h a n g e d f o r a w h i l e a f t e r t u r n i n g o n t h e p r o j e c t o r. L a m p n e e d s s o m e t i m e t o s t a b i l i z e a f t e r t h e p o w e r i s t u r n e d o n . S t o r e d l a m p mode will be active after the lamp is stabilized. 12 + _ Remote Control D .ZOOM buttons NO SHOW button AUTO SET button Note: See the previous page for the other buttons. KEySTONE button (See p.22) POINT ▲▼ buttons The message disappears after 4 seconds. P-Timer display LAMP CONTROL button P-TIMER button IMAGE button

25 Computer Input Choose Computer 1 (Analog) or Computer 2 by pressing the INPUT button on the top control or choose Computer 1 ( A n a l o g ) b y p r e s s i n g t h e C O M P U T E R 1 b u t t o n o n the remote control or choose computer 2 by pressing COMPUTER 2 button on the remote control. Before using these buttons, correct input source should be selected through Menu operation as described below. Input Source Selection (RGB: Computer 1 (Analog)/Computer 2 ) Direct OperationInput Menu Input Menu Input Menu icon Computer 2 Press the MENU button to display the On-Screen Menu. Press the Point ◄► buttons to move the red frame pointer to the Input Menu icon.1 Press the Point ▲▼ buttons to move the red arrow pointer to either Computer 1 (Analog) or Computer 2, and then press the SELECT button.2 W h e n s e l e c t i n g C o m p u t e r 1 ( A n a l o g ) , R G B i n p u t source will be selected directly. When selecting Computer 2, the Source Select Menu appears. Move the pointer to RGB and then press the SELECT button. 3 Menu Operation Notes: When the Input Search function is set On1 or On2, the input signal will be searched automatically. (p.46) Computer 1 (Analog) Computer 2 Computer 1 (Digital) Remote Control 12 + _ COMPUTER 1 button COMPUTER 2 button Top Control INPUT button COMPUTER 1 button Video Computer 1 (Analog) Computer 1 (Digital) M o v e t h e p o i n t e r ( r e d a r r o w ) t o C o m p u t e r 1(Analog) and press the SELECT button. M o v e t h e p o i n t e r ( r e d arrow) to Computer 2 and press the SELECT button. M o v e t h e p o i n t e r ( r e d arrow) to RGB.

26 Choose Computer 1 (Digital) by pressing the INPUT button on the top control or press the COMPUTER 1 button on the remote control. Before using these buttons, correct input source should be selected through Menu operation as described below. Input Source Selection (RGB(PC digital), RGB(AV HDCP)) Direct OperationInput Menu Input Menu icon Computer1 Press the MENU button to display the On-Screen Menu. Press the Point ◄► buttons to move the red frame pointer to the Input Menu icon.1 Press the Point ▲▼ buttons to move the red arrow pointer to Computer 1 (Digital) , and then press the SELECT button.2 After the Source Select Menu appeared for Computer 1 (Digital), move the pointer to RGB (PC digital) or RGB (AV HDCP), and then press the SELECT button.3 Menu Operation Notes: • HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection) is a system for protecting digital entertainment content delivered by DVI (Digital Visual Interface) from being copied. The specification of HDCP is decided and controlled by Digital Content Protection, LLC. Should the specification be changed, this projector may not display the digital content protected by HDCP. • When the Input Search function is set On1 or On2, the input signal will be searched automatically. (p.46) Computer 1 (Analog) Computer 2 Computer 1 (Digital) Remote Control 12 + _ COMPUTER 1 button Top Control INPUT button Video Computer 1 (Analog) Computer 1 (Digital) M o v e t h e p o i n t e r ( r e d a r r o w ) t o C o m p u t e r 1 ( D i g i t a l ) a n d p r e s s t h e SELECT button. Move the pointer to the s o u r c e t h a t y o u w a n t to select and press the SELECT button. Computer Input

27 Computer Input Computer System Selection This projector automatically tunes to various types of computers based on VGA, SVGA, XGA, SXGA, WXGA, or UXGA with its Multi-scan system and Auto PC Adjustment. If Computer is selected as a signal source, this projector automatically detects the signal format and tunes to project a proper image without any additional setting. (Signal formats provided in this projector is s\ hown on pages 73-74) One of the following messages may appear when: The projector cannot recognize the connected signal conforming to the provided PC Systems. The message "Auto" is displayed on the PC System Menu icon and the Auto PC Adjustment function works to display proper images. If the image is not projected properly, a manual adjustment is required. (pp.29-30) There is no signal input from computer. Check the connection between your computer and the projector. (See "Troubleshooting" on pages 65-67.) Auto The preset system is manually adjusted in the PC Adjust Menu. The adjusted data can be stored in Mode 1 ~ 5. (pp.29-30) P C S y s t e m s p r o v i d e d i n t h i s p r o j e c t o r i s c h o s e n . T h e p r o j e c t o r c h o o s e s a p r o p e r system provided in the projector and displays it. *Mode 1 and SVGA 1 are examples. Mode 1 SVGA 1 ----- Press the MENU button to display the On-Screen Menu. Press the Point ◄► buttons to move the red frame pointer to the PC System Menu icon. Press the Point ▲▼ buttons to move the red arrow pointer to the system that you want to set, and then press the SELECT button. PC system can also be selected manually. Selecting Computer System Manually 1 2 T h e A u t o P C A d j u s t m e n t function operates to adjust the projector. PC System Menu The PC System Menu icon Selected system is displayed. S y s t e m s o n t h i s d i a l o g box can be selected. PC System Menu Custom Mode (1 ~ 5) set in the PC Adjust Menu. (p.30)

28 Computer Input Auto PC Adjustment function is provided to automatically adjust Fine sync, Total dots, Horizontal, and Vertical to conform to your computer. Auto PC Adjustment function can be operated as follows. Auto PC Adjustment The Auto PC adjustment function can be operated directly by pressing the AUTO SETUP button on the top control or the AUTO SET button on the remote control.(p.46) Direct Operation 12 +_ Remote Control AUTO SET button Press the MENU button to display the On-Screen Menu. Press the Point ◄► buttons to move the red frame pointer to PC Adjust Menu icon. Press the Point ▲▼ buttons to move the red frame p o i n t e r t o A u t o P C A d j . i t e m a n d t h e n p r e s s t h e SELECT button twice. Auto PC Adj . Menu Operation 1 2 Move the red frame pointer to the Auto PC Adj. item and press the SELECT button. "Please wait..." message appears w h i l e A u t o P C a d j u s t m e n t i s i n process. PC Adjust Menu PC Adjust Menu icon To store adjustment parameters Adjustment parameters from Auto PC Adjustment can be memorized in this projector. Once parameters are memorized, the setting can be done just by selecting Mode in the PC System Menu (p.27). See "Store" on page 30. Notes: • Fine sync, Total dots, Horizontal, and Vertical of some computers cannot be fully adjusted with this Auto PC Adjustment function. When the image is not provided properly with this operation, manual adjustments are required. (pp.29-30) • The Auto PC Adjustment cannot be operated when 4 8 0 i , 5 7 5 i , 4 8 0 p , 5 7 5 p , 7 2 0 p , 1 0 3 5 i , o r 1 0 8 0 i i s selected in the PC System Menu, or when the digital signal is input into DVI terminal. (p.27) AUTO SETUP button Top Control

2 Computer Input Press the MENU button to display the On-Screen Menu. Press the Point ◄► buttons to move the red frame pointer to the PC Adjust Menu icon. Press the Point ▲▼ buttons to move the red frame pointer to the item that you want to adjust and then press the SELECT button to display the adjustment dialog box. Press the Point ◄► buttons to adjust the value. Manual PC Adjustment Some computers employ special signal formats which may not be tuned by Multi-scan system of this projector. Manual PC Adjustment enables you to precisely adjust several parameters to match those signal formats. The projector has 5 independent memory areas to memorize those parameters manually adjusted. It allows you to recall the setting for a specific computer. 1 2 Eliminate flicker from the image displayed. Press the Point ◄► buttons to adjust the value. (From 0 to 31.) Fine sync Adjust the number of total dots in one horizontal period. Press the Point ◄► buttons to adjust number to match your PC image. Total dots Press the Point ◄► buttons to adjust the horizontal picture position. Horizontal Press the Point ◄► buttons to adjust the vertical picture position. Vertical P r e s s t h e S E L E C T b u t t o n t o s h o w H - s y n c f r e q . a n d V-sync freq. of the connected computer. Current mode Adjust clamp level. When the image has dark bars, try this adjustment.Clamp Move the red frame pointer t o a n i t e m a n d p r e s s t h e SELECT button. PC Adjust MenuPC Adjust Menu icon Press the Point ◄► buttons to adjust the value. Status (Stored/Free) of the selected Mode. Selected Mode Press the SELECT button at the Current mode item to show the information of the connected computer.

30 Computer Input Adjust the horizontal area displayed by this projector. Press the Point ◄► buttons to decrease/increase the value. Display area H Adjust the vertical area displayed by this projector. Press the Point ◄► buttons to decrease/increase the value. Display area V Reset Store Exit the PC Adjust Menu. Quit To store adjusted data, move the red frame pointer to the Store item and then press the SELECT button. Move the red arrow pointer to any of Mode 1 to 5 in which you want to store and then press the SELECT button. To reset the adjusted data, select Reset and press the S E L E C T b u t t o n . T h e c o n f i r m a t i o n b o x a p p e a r s a n d then select [Yes]. All adjustments return to their previous figures. Mode free To clear the stored data, move the red frame pointer to the Mode free item and then press the SELECT button. Move the red arrow pointer to the Mode that you want to clear and then press the SELECT button. Note: • D isplay area (H/V) cannot be selected when 480i, 575i, 480p, 575p, 720p, 1035i, or 1080i is selected in the PC System Menu (p.27). • PC Adjust Menu cannot be selected when Computer 1(Digital) is selected in the Input Menu. (p.26) Vacant Mode Va l u e s o f " To t a l d o t s " , "Horizontal", "Vertical", " D i s p l a y a r e a H " a n d "Display area V". Close this dialog box. To store adjusted data To clear adjusted data This Mode has stored parameters. M o v e t h e r e d f r a m e p o i n t e r t o a n i t e m a n d press the SELECT button.