Dukane Imagepro 9135 Portable Lcd Projector Users Manual
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Por tab le LCD Pr ojector Models 9135 USERS MANU AL 401-9135-00
1 Projector 9135 9135 Users Manual - Operating Guide Users Manual - Operating Guide Thank you for purchasing this projector. TRADEMARK ACKNOWLEDGMENT : • VGA and XGA are registered trademarks of International Business Mac\ hines Corporation. • Apple and Mac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. • VESA and SVGA are trademarks of Video Electronics Standard Associat\ ion. • Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. • Internet Explorer is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. I N TE RIN P U TM1 - DRGBBNG S -VIDEOST ANDBY / O NT E MPVIDE OCOMPO N EN TLA MPKEYST ONESEA RCHRE SETME N UFOCUSLE N S SHIF TZO O M • The information in this manual is subject to change without notice.\ • The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for any errors that may \ appear in this manual. • The reproduction, transfer or copy of all or any part of this docum\ ent is not permitted without express written consent.NOTE
2 Projector Features Projector Features ●Ultra High BrightnessCrisp, ultra-bright presentations is achieved by using a UHB (ultra hig\ h brightness) lamp and a highly efficient optical system. ●Whisper Mode EquippedSpecial mode is available for reducing projector noise to achieve quiete\ r operation. ●User Memory FunctionThis projector can memorize 4 settings by MY MEMORY function. ●Partial Magnification FunctionInteresting parts of images can be magnified for closer viewing. ●Keystone Distortion CorrectionQuick correction of distorted images electrically. ●Optical Lens ShiftThe lens of this projector can be shifted vertically. When you want to f\ inely adjust the picture position, use the LENS SHIFT buttons. This multimedia projector is used to project various computer signals as\ well as NTSC/PAL/SECAM video signals onto a screen. Little space is required for\ installation and large images can easily be realized. • Keep the original packing materials for future reshipment. For movi\ ng the projector, be sure to use the original packing materials. Use special caution for the \ lens part.NOTE
3 Content Content Projector Features œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 2 Preparation œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 2 Part Names œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 4 Projector œœœœœœœœœ\ œœ 4 Control Buttons œœœœœœœœ 5 Remote control œœœœœœœœ 5 Setting Up œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 6 Arrangement œœœœœœœœœ\ 6 Adjusting The Projector’s Elevator œœœœœœœœœ\ œœ 7 Using The Lens shift Buttons œœ7 Connecting Your Devices œœœœ8 Connecting The Power Supply œ11 Remote Control œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 12 About The Laser Pointer œœœ12 Loading Batteries œœœœœœ12 Operating The Remote Control œœœœœœœ13 Using The Remote ID Feature œœœœœœœœœ\ œ 13 Using The Mouse/Keyboard Control Function œœœœœœœ14 Power ON/OFF œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 15 Turning On The Power œœœœ15 Turning Off The Power œœœœ15 Operating œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 16 Selecting An Input Signal œœœ16 Selecting The Aspect Ratio œœ17 Using The Automatic Adjustment Feature œœœœœœ17 Adjusting The Picture Position œ18 Correcting The Keystone Distortion œœœœœœœœœ\ œ 18 Adjusting The Volume œœœœ19 Muting The Sound œœœœœœ19 Temporarily Blanking The Screen œœœœœœœœœ\ 19 Freezing The Screen œœœœœ20 Using The Magnify Feature œœ20 Displaying The Child Window œ21 Selecting An Audio Input œœœ21 Multifunctional Settings œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 22 Using The Menu Functions œœ22 MAIN Menu œœœœœœœœœ\ 23 PICTURE-1 Menu œœœœœœ24 PICTURE-2 Menu œœœœœœ26 INPUT Menu œœœœœœœœ 27 AUTO Menu œœœœœœœœœ\ 29 SCREEN Menu œœœœœœœ31 OPTION Menu œœœœœœœœ 33 NETWORK Menu œœœœœœ35 Network Setting Up œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 36 Lamp œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 37 Replacing The Lamp œœœœœ38 Air Filter œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 39 Caring For The Air Filter œœœœ39 Other Care œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 40 Caring For The Inside Of The Projector œœœœœœœœ 40 Caring For The Lens œœœœœ40 Caring For The Cabinet And Remote Control œœœœœœœ40 Troubleshooting œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 41 Related Messages œœœœœœ41 Regarding The Indicator Lamps œœœœœœœœœ\ œœ 43 Phenomena That May Easily Be Mistaken For Machine Defects œ45 Warranty And After-Service œ œ œ œ 47 Specifications œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 47 TECHNICAL . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 49
4 Part Names Part Names Projector 1Elevator button 2Elevator foot 3Remote sensor 4Lens cap 5Lens The picture is projected from here. 6Filter cover An air filter is inside. ARGB port BM1-D port CBNC port D AUDIO IN 1 port EAUDIO IN 2 port FCONTROL port GNETWORK port HAUDIO IN R/L port IVIDEO IN port JS-VIDEO port KCOMPONENT port LRGB OUT port MAUDIO OUT port 7REMOTE CONTROL port 8DC OUT port 9AC Inlet 0Power switch -Control buttons See the following page. Projector (Front/Right) Projector (Rear/Left) IN TERINPUTM1-DRGBBNG S-VID EOSTA NDBY/ ONTEMPVID EOCOM PONENTLAMP KEYSTONESEARCHRE SETMEN UFOCUSLEN S SHIFTZOO M 1 2 3 5 4 6 INTERINPU TM1-DRGBBNG S-VID EOSTANDBY/ONT EMPVIDEOCOMPON E N TLAMP KEYSTONESEARCHRESETMENUFOCUSLENS SHIFTZOOM VIDEO R-AUDIO IN-LS-VIDEOBNC RGB AUDIO IN1 AUDIO I N2 RGB OUTAUDIO OUT REMOTE CONTROL R/CR/PRG/YB/CB/PBH VY CONTROL NETWORK CR/PRCa/Pa 78 - LFA D E CM HIJ K G3 09 B
I N T E RINP UTM 1 -DRG BB NG S- VI DEOST ANDB Y /ONT EMPVID EOCOM PON E N TL AMPKEYS T ON ES EA RCHR ES E TM E NUFOCUSLE NS S HIFTZO OM STANDBY/ONVIDEO LASER INDICATOR ESC MENU POSITIONRESET AUTO KEYSTONE 1 2 3 ID CHANGE SEARCH ON OFFFREEZE MUTEMAGNFYPinPVOLUME RGB BLANK PREVIOUSNEXT ASPECT MOUSE LASER LENS SHIFT+ –––++FOCUS ZOOM 1 4 w u r s f h j k e q io p [ \ ] d t g l ; 6 a 5 Part Names (continued) Part Names (continued) Remote Control Control Buttons 1 e wq 4 78 9 0 - = 2 5 6 t y u 3 r 1STANDBY/ON button and STANDBY/ON indicator 2TEMP indicator 3LAMP indicator 4LENS SHIFT buttons 5INPUT dial 6SEARCH button 7M1-D indicator 8RGB indicator 9BNC indicator 0COMPONENT indicator -S-VIDEO indicator =VIDEO indicator qZOOM buttons wFOCUS buttons eKEYSTONE button rMENU button tRESET button yENTER button uCursor buttons / / / Control Panel on the Projector Remote Control iLASER INDICATOR oVIDEO button pRGB button [BLANK button ]ASPECT button \LASER button aCursor buttons / / / (Mouse move pointer) sESC button (Keyboard ESC key) d(Mouse right button) fPOSITION button gAUTO button hPinP button jMAGNIFY buttons kFREEZE button lVOLUME button ;MUTE button ID CHANGE switch1STANDBY/ON button 4LENS SHIFT buttons 6SEARCH button qZOOM buttons wFOCUS buttons eKEYSTONE button rMENU button tRESET button yENTER button (Mouse left button) uCursor buttons /// (Keyboard Arrow keys / / / ) y (Rear)
6 Setting Up Setting Up Arrangement WARNING• Before installation, make sure that the projector is turned off and the power code is disconnected. • Do not set up and move the projector, while it is hot. • Install the projector in a suitable environment according to instructions of the “User’s Manual – Safety Guide” and this manual. • The power outlet should be close to the projector and easily accessible. Refer to the illustrations and tables below to determine the screen size and projection distance. The values shown in the table are calculated for a full size screen. (±10%) Reference for the 4:3 aspect ratioA [inch (m)]B [inch (cm)]C[inch (m)]D[inch (cm)]min.max.min.max. 40(1.0) 24(61) 46(1.2) 71(1.8)12(30)24(61) 60(1.5) 36(91) 71(1.8)107(2.7)18(46)36(91) 70(1.8) 42(107) 83(2.1)126(3.2)21(53)42(107) 80(2.0) 48(122) 95(2.4)144(3.7)24(61)48(122) 100(2.5) 60(152) 120(3.0)181(4.6)30(76)60(152) 120(3.0) 72(183) 144(3.7)217(5.5)36(91)72(183) 150(3.8) 90(229) 181(4.6)272(6.9)45(114)90(229) 200(5.1) 120(305) 243(6.2)364(9.2)60(152)120(305) 250(6.4) 150(381) 304(7.7)455(11.6)75(191)150(381) 300(7.6) 180(457) 366(9.3)547(13.9)90(229)180(457) 350(8.9) 210(533) 427(10.9)638(16.2)105(267)210(533) 400(10.2) 240(610) 489(12.4)730(18.5)120(305)240(610) 500(12.7) 300(762) 612(15.5)913(23.2)150(381)300(762) A [inch (m)]B [inch (cm)]C[inch (m)]D[inch (cm)]min.max.min.max. 40(1.0) 20(50) 50(1.3) 77(2.0)10(25)23(58) 60(1.5) 29(75) 77(2.0)117(3.0)15(37)34(87) 70(1.8) 34(87) 91(2.3)137(3.5)17(44)40(102) 80(2.0) 39(100) 104(2.6)157(4.0)20(50)46(116) 100(2.5) 49(125) 131(3.3)197(5.0)25(62)57(145) 120(3.0) 59(149) 158(4.0)237(6.0)29(75)69(174) 150(3.8) 74(187) 198(5.0)297(7.5)37(93)86(218) 200(5.1) 98(249) 265(6.7)396(10.1)49(125)114(291) 250(6.4) 123(311) 332(8.4)496(12.6)61(156)143(363) 300(7.6) 147(374) 399(10.1)596(15.1)74(187)172(436) 350(8.9) 172(436) 466(11.8)696(17.7)86(218)200(508) 400(10.2) 196(498) 533(13.5)795(20.2)98(249)229(581) 450(11.4) 221(560) 600(15.2)895(22.7)110(280)257(654) D B C A B Screen Side view Reference for the 16:9 aspect ratio D B C A B Screen Side view
I N T E RI NP UTM1-DRGBBN G S -V ID EOS TAN DBY /ONTE M PVIDE OC O MPO NENTLAMPK EY ST ON ES E ARCHR ES E TME NUFOCUSLE NS SHIF TZO OM 7 Setting Up (continued) Setting Up (continued) Adjusting The Projectors Elevator Using The Lens Shift Buttons You can use the elevator feet to make adjustments if the surface on which you need to set the projector is uneven or if you otherwise need to adjust the angle of projection. The adjustment range of the elevator feet is 0 to 9 degrees. WARNING• Do not touch about the lens and ventilation openings during use or immediately after use to prevent a burn. CAUTION • Do not incline the projector rightward or leftward. Also do not incline it backward or forward exceeding 9 degrees. Exceeding these range could cause malfunction, and could shorten the lifetime of the consumables. • To prevent damaging the projector and injuring yourself, always hold the projector whenever using the elevator buttons to adjust the elevator feet. Press and hold in the elevator buttons. Raise or lower the projector to the desired height and then release the elevator buttons. When you release the elevator buttons, the elevator feet will lock into position. As necessary, you can also finely adjust the height of the projector by twisting the elevator feet by hand.Elevator buttons Elevator feet The lens of this projector can be shifted vertically. When you want to finely adjust the picture position, use the LENS SHIFT buttons of the projector. 1 2 3 STANDBY/ONVIDEOLASER INDICATORRGB BLANKASPECTLASER LENS SHIFT+ –––++FOCUS ZOOM ProjectorLENS SHIFT buttons Remote control
8 Setting Up (continued) Setting Up (continued) Connecting Your Devices WARNING• Whenever attempting to connect other devices to the projector, read\ thoroughly the Users Manual - Safety Guide, this manual and the manua\ l of each device to be connected. Incorrect connecting could result in fire or ele\ ctrical shock. CAUTION • TURN OFF ALL DEVICES prior to connecting them to the projector. Attempting to connect a live device to the projector may generate extrem\ ely loud noises or other abnormalities that may result in malfunction and/or dama\ ge to the device and/or projector. ATTENTION • Make sure that you connect devices to the correct port. Incorrect connec\ tion may result in malfunction and/or damage to the device and/or projector. \ Refer to the section “Technical” of this manual for the pin assignment of connectors an\ d RS-232C communication data. • Some cables have to be used with core set. Use the accessory cable or a \ designated-type cable for the connection. For cables that have a core only at one end, connect\ the core to the projector. • Secure the screws on the connectors and tighten. • Whenever attempting to connect a laptop computer to the projector, \ be sure to activate the laptop’s RGB external image output (set the laptop to C\ RT display or to simultaneous LCD and CRT display). For details on how this is done, ple\ ase refer to the instruction manual of the corresponding laptop computer. • Some computers may have multiple display screen modes. Use of some \ of these modes may not be compatible with this projector. • For some RGB input modes, the optional Mac adapter is necessary. • When the image resolution is changed on a computer, depending on a\ n input, automatic adjust function may take some time and may not be completed. I\ n this case, you may not be able to see a check box to select “Yes/No” fo\ r the new resolution on Windows. Then the resolution will go back to the original.\ It might be recommended to use other CRT or TFT monitors to change the resolution.NOTE Plug-and-Play Capability • Plug-and-Play is a system incorporated in the computer, its operati\ ng system andperipheral equipment (i.e. display devices). • This projector is compatible with VESA DDC 2B. Plug-and-Play can be achi\ eved by connecting this projector to computers that are VESA DDC (display data \ channel) compatible. • Please take advantage of this function by connecting the accessory \ RGB cable to the RGB port (DDC 2B compatible). Plug-and-Play may not work properly if a\ ny other type of connection is attempted. • Please use the standard drivers in your computer as this projector is a \ Plug-and-Play monitor. • The 9135s M1-D is compatible with HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection) and therefore capable od displaying video from HDCP compati\ ble DVD players, et al. However, if the HDCP standards are modified, the 9135s M1-D might not be able to display video from HDCP compatible developed in con\ formance to such modified HDCP standards. NOTE