Dukane Imagepro 8755g-Rj Projector Users Manual
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WARNING Be cautious of High temperatures of the projector. Hightemperatures aregenerated whenthelamp islit. Itcould result infire orburn.Usespecialcautioninhouseholdswherechildrenarepresent.Donot touch about thelens, airfans andventilation openingsduringuseorimmediatelyafteruse,topreventaburn. Takecareofventilation.•Keep aspace of0cmormore between thesides andother objects suchaswalls.•Donotplacetheprojectoronametallictableoranythingweakinheat.•Do not place anything aboutthelens, airfans andventilation openingsoftheprojector.•Neverblocktheairfanandventilationopenings.•Donotcovertheprojectorwithatablecloth,etc.•Donotplacetheprojectoronacarpetorbedding. Never look through the lens or openings when the lamp is on. Thepowerfullightcouldadverselyaffectvision.Usespecialcautioninhouseholdswherechildrenarepresent. Use only the correct power cord and the correct power outlet. Incorrectpowersupplycouldresultinfireorelectricalshock.•Use only thecorrect poweroutletdepending onthe indication ontheprojectorandthesafetystandard.•The enclosed powercordmust beused depending onthe power outlettobeused. Be cautious of the power cord connection. Incorrectconnectionofthepowercordcouldresultinfireorelectricalshock.•Donottouchthepowercordwithawethand.•Check thattheconnecting portionofthe power cordisclean (withnodust),beforeusing.Useasoftanddryclothtocleanthepowerplug.•Insert thepower plugintoapower outletfirmly. Avoidusingaloose,unsoundoutletorcontactfailure. Be sure to connect with ground wire. Connect theground terminal ofAC inlet ofthis unit with theground terminalprovided atthe building usingthecorrect powercord;otherwise, fireorelectricshockcanresult.•Don’ttakethecoreofpowercordaway. Safety Precautions (continued) Surelyconnectthegroundwire.
WARNING Be careful in handling the light source lamp. Theprojector usesahigh-pressure mercuryglasslampmade ofglass.The lamp canbreak withaloud bang, orburn out.When thebulb bursts,itis possible forshards ofglass tofly into thelamp housing, andforgascontainingmercurytoescapefromtheprojector’sventholes. Please carefully read the section “Lamp”. Be careful in handling the power cord and external connection cables. Ifyou keep using adamaged thepower cordorcables, itcan cause afireor electrical shock.Donot apply toomuch heat,pressure ortension tothepowercordandcables.Ifthe power cordorcables isdamaged (exposedorbroken corewires, etc.),contactyourdealer.•Do not place theprojector orheavy objects onthe power cordandcables.Also, donot place aspread, cover,etc,over them because thiscould resultinthe inadvertent placingofheavy objects onthe concealed powercordorcables.• D o n o t p u l l t h e p o w e r c o r d a n d c a b l e s . W h e n c o n n e c t i n g a n ddisconnecting thepower cordorcables, doitwith your hand holding theplugorconnector.•Donotplacethecordneartheheater.•Avoidbendingthepowercordsharply.•Donotattempttoworkonthepowercord. Be careful in handling the battery of the remote control. Incorrect handlingofthe battery couldresult infire orpersonal injury.Thebatterymayexplodeifnothandledproperly.•Keep thebattery awayfromchildren andpets. Ifswallowed consultaphysicianimmediatelyforemergencytreatment.•Donotallowthebatteryinafireorwater.•Avoidfireorhigh-temperatureenvironment.•Donotholdthebatterywiththemetallictweezers.•Keepthebatteryinadark,coolanddryplay.•Donotshortcircuitthebattery.•Donotrecharge,disassembleorsolderthebattery.•Donotgivethebatteryaphysicalimpact.•Useonlythebatteryspecifiedintheothermanualofthisprojector.• Make suretheplus andminus terminals arecorrectly alignedwhenloadingthebattery.•If you observe aleakage ofthe battery, wipeouttheflower andthenreplace thebattery. Ifthe flower adheres yourbody orclothes, rinsewellwithwater.•Obeythelocallawsondisposingthebattery. Safety Precautions (continued)
Safety Precautions (continued) CAUTION Be careful in moving the projector. Neglectcouldresultinaninjuryordamage.•Do not move theprojector duringuse.Before moving, disconnect thepowercordandallexternal connections, andclose theslide lensdoor orattachthelenscap.•Avoidanyimpactorshocktotheprojector.•Donotdragtheprojector.•Formovingtheprojector,usetheenclosedcaseorbagifprovided. Do not put anything on top of the projector. Placing anything onthe projector couldresult inloss ofbalance orfalling,and cause aninjury ordamage. Usespecial caution inhouseholds wherechildrenarepresent. Do not attach anything other than specified things to the projector. Neglectcouldresultinaninjuryordamage.•Some projector hasascrew thread inalens part. Donot attach anythingotherthanspecifiedoptions(suchasconversionlens)tothescrewthread. Avoid a smoky, humid or dusty place. Placing theprojector inasmoke, ahighly humid, dustyplace, oilysoot orcorrosivegascouldresultinfireorelectricalshock.• Do not place the projector near a smoky, humid or dusty place (ex.a smoking space,akitchen, abeach, etc.).Donot place theprojectoroutdoors.•Donotuseahumidifierneartheprojector. Take care of the air filter to normal ventilate. The airfilter should becleaned periodically. Ifthe airfilter becomes cloggedbydust orthe like, internal temperature risesandcould cause malfunction. Theprojector maydisplay themessage suchas“CHECK THEAIRFLOW”orturnofftheprojector,topreventtheinternalheatlevelrising.•When theindicators oramessage promptsyoutoclean theairfilter, cleantheairfilterassoonaspossible.•If the soiling willnot come offthe airfilter, oritbecomes damaged, replacetheairfilter.•Use theairfilter ofthe specified typeonly. Please ordertheairfilterspecifiedintheothermanualofthisprojectortoyourdealer.•When youreplace thelamp, replace alsotheairfilter. Theairfilter maybeattachedwhenyoubuyareplacementlampforthisprojector.•Donotturnontheprojectorwithoutairfilter. Avoid a high temperature environment. Theheat could haveadverse influence onthe cabinet ofthe projector andotherparts. Donot place theprojector, theremote controlandother partsindirectsunlightornearahotobjectsuchasheater,etc. Avoid Magnetism. Manufacture strongly recommends to avoid any magnetic contact that is notshielded orprotected onornear theprojector itself. (ie.,.Magnetic Security Devices,orother projector accessory thatcontains magnetic materialthathasnotbeen provided bythe manufacture etc.)Magnetic objectsmaycause interruptionofthe projector's internalmechanical performance whichmayinterfere withcoolingfansspeedorstopping,andmaycausetheprojectortocompletelyshut down.
Safety Precautions (continued) NOTE Do not give the remote control any physical impact. Aphysicalimpactcouldcausedamageormalfunctionoftheremotecontrol.•Takecarenottodroptheremotecontrol.•Donotplacetheprojectororheavyobjectsontheremotecontrol. Take care of the lens. • Close theslide lensdoor orattach thelens captoprevent thelens surface beingscratchedwhentheprojectorisnotused.•Do not touch thelens toprevent fogordirt ofthe lens thatcause deterioration ofdisplayquality.•Use commercially availablelenstissue toclean thelens (used toclean cameras,eyeglasses,etc.).Becarefulnottoscratchthelenswithhardobjects. Take care of the cabinet and the remote control. Incorrectcarecouldhaveadverseinfluencesuchasdiscoloration,peelingpaint,etc.•Use asoft cloth toclean thecabinet andcontrol panelofthe projector andtheremotecontrol. Whenexcessively soileddiluteaneutral detergent inwater, wetand wring outthesoftclothandafterwardwipewithadrysoftcloth.Donotuseundiluteddetergentdirectly.•Donotuseanaerosolsprays,solvents,volatilesubstancesorabrasivecleaner.•Beforeusingchemicalwipes,besuretoreadandobservetheinstructions.•Donotallowlong-termclosecontactwithrubberorvinyl. About bright spots or dark spots. Although brightspotsordark spots mayappear onthe screen, thisisaunique characteristic ofliquidcrystaldisplays,andsuchdonotconstituteorimplyamachine defect. Be careful of printing of the LCD panel. Ifthe projector continues projecting astill image, inactive imagesor:9 aspectimages incaseof:panel,etc.,forlongtime,theLCDpanelmightpossiblybeprinted. CAUTION Remove the power cord for complete separation. •For safety purposes, disconnect thepower cordifthe projector isnot tobeusedforprolongedperiodsoftime.•Before cleaning, turnoffand unplug theprojector. Neglectcouldresult in fireorelectricalshock. Ask your dealer to cleaning inside of the projector about every year. Accumulations ofdust inside theprojector causeresultinfire ormalfunction.Cleaning insideismore effective ifperformed beforeeveryhumid periodssuchasrainyseason.•Donotcleaninsideyourselfbecauseitisdangerous. Disconnecttheplugfromthepoweroutlet.
Safety Precautions (continued) NOTE About consumables. Lamp,LCDpanels, polarizors andother optical components, andairfilter andcooling fans haveadifferent lifetimeineach. These partsmayneed tobe replaced afteralong usagetime.•This product isn’tdesigned forcontinuous useoflong time. Inthe case ofcontinuous usefor hours ormore, oruse for hours ormore every day(even ifitisn’t continuous), orrepetitioususe,thelifetime maybeshortened, andthese partsmayneed tobe replacedevenifoneyearhasnotpassedsincethebeginningofusing.•Any inclining usebeyond theadjustment rangeexplained inthese user’s manuals may shortenthelifetimesoftheconsumables. Before turning on the power, make the projector cool down adequately. Afterturning theprojector off,pushing therestart switchorinterrupting ofthe power supply,maketheprojector cooldown adequately. Operationinahigh temperature stateofthe projectorcausesadamageoftheelectrodeandun-lightingofthelamp. Avoid strong rays. Any strong ray(such asdirect raysofthe sun orroom lighting) ontotheremote controlsensorscouldinvalidatetheremotecontrol. Avoid radio interference. Anyinterferingradiationcouldcausedisorderedimageornoises.•Avoidradiogeneratorsuchasamobiletelephone,transceiver,etc.aroundtheprojector. About displaying characteristic. T h e d i s p l a y c o n d i t i o n o f t h e p r o j e c t o r ( s u c h a s c o l o r, c o n t r a s t , e t c . ) d e p e n d s o ncharacteristic ofthe screen, because theprojector usesaliquid crystal display panel.ThedisplayconditioncandifferfromthedisplayofCRT.•Donotuseapolarizedscreen.Itcancauseredimage. Turn the power on/off in right order. Toprevent anytrouble, turnon/off theprojector inright order mentioned belowunlessspecifying.•Powerontheprojectorbeforethecomputerorvideotaperecorder.•Powerofftheprojectorafterthecomputerorvideotaperecorder. Take care not to fatigue your eyes. Resttheeyesperiodically. Set the sound volume at a suitable level to avoid bothering other people\ . •It is better tokeep thevolume levellowand close thewindows atnight toprotect theneighborhoodenvironment. Connecting with notebook computer Whenconnecting withnotebook computer, settovalid theRGB external imageoutput(settingCRT displayorsimultaneousdisplayofLCDandCRT).Pleasereadinstructionmanualofthenotebookformoreinformation.
•If the lamp should break(itwill make aloud bang when itdoes), unplugthepower cordfrom theoutlet, andmake suretorequest areplacementlamp fromyourlocal dealer. Notethatshards ofglass could damage theprojector’s internals,orcause injuryduring handling, soplease donot trytocleantheprojectororreplacethelampyourself.•If the lamp should break(itwill make aloud bang when itdoes), ventilatetheroom well,andmake surenottobreathe thegas that comes outoftheprojectorvents,orgetitinyoureyesormouth.•Before replacing thelamp, makesurethepower switch isoff and thepower cableisnot plugged in,then waitatleast minutesforthe lamp tocoolsufficiently. Handlingthelamp while hotcan cause burns, aswell as damagingthelamp. Lamp The projector usesahigh-pressure mercuryglasslamp. Thelamp canbreak with a loud bang, or burn out,if jolted orscratched, handledwhilehot,orworn overtime.Note thateach lamphasadifferent lifetime,andsome mayburst orburn outsoon afteryoustart using them. Inaddition, whenthebulb bursts, itis possible forshards of glassto fly into thelamp housing, andforgas containing mercuryto escape fromtheprojector’sventholes. About disposal of a lamp• This product contains amercury lamp;donot putintrash.Disposeofinaccordwithenvironmentallaws.Forlamprecycling,gotowww.lamprecycle.org.(inUSA)For product disposal, contactyourlocal government agencyorwww.eiae.org (inthe US)orwww.epsc.ca(inCanada).Formoreinformation,callyourdealer. •Do not open thelamp cover whiletheprojector issuspended fromabove.This isdangerous, sinceifthe lamp’s bulbhasbroken, theshards willfallout when thecover isopened. Inaddition, workinginhigh places isdangerous, soask your local dealer tohave thelamp replaced evenifthebulbisnotbroken.•Do not use theprojector withthelamp cover removed. Atthe lampreplacing, makesurethatthescrews arescrewed infirmly. Loose screwscouldresultindamageorinjury. •Usethelampofthespecifiedtypeonly.•If the lamp breaks soonafterthefirst time itis used, itis possible thatthereareelectrical problems elsewhere besidesthelamp. Ifthis happens,contactyourlocaldealeroraservicerepresentative.•Handle withcare: jolting orscratching couldcause thelamp bulbtoburstduringuse.•Using thelamp forlong periods oftime, could cause itdark, nottolight uportoburst. When thepictures appeardark,orwhen thecolor toneispoor,please replace thelamp assoon aspossible. Donot use old(used) lamps;thisisacauseofbreakage. WARNINGHIGH VOLTAGE HIGH TEMPERATURE HIGH PRESSURE Disconnecttheplugfromthepoweroutlet
9 Regulatory Notices FCC Statement Warning This device complies with part of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: ( ) This device may not cause harmful interference, and ( ) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. WARNING:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. INSTRUCTIONS TO USERS:This equipment complies with the requirements of FCC (Federal Communication Commission) equipment provided that the following conditions are met. Some cables have to be used with the core set. Use the accessory cable or a designated-type cable for the connection. For cables that have a core only at one end, connect the core to the projector. CAUTION: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. For the Customers in CANADA NOTICE: This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-00 . Warranty And After-Service Unless seen any abnormal operations (mentioned with the first paragraph of WARNING in this manual), when a problem occurs with the equipment, first refer to the “Troubleshooting” section of the “Operating Guide”, and run through the suggested checks. If this does not resolve the problem contact your dealer or service company. They will tell you what warranty condition is applied.
2900 Dukane DriveSt. Charles, Illinois 60174 www.dukcorp.com/avToll-free: 800-676-2487Fax: 630-584-5156e-mail: [email protected] Audio Visual Products #401-8755E-01