dell latitude cpt c series cpi r series User Manual
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Dell Latitude CPt C-Series/CPi R-Series Service Manual 13 +DUGLVNULYH$VVHPEO\ )LJXUH +DUGLVN ULYH $VVHPEO\ 5HPRYDO &$87,21 7R DYRLG GDPDJLQJ WKH V\VWHP ERDUG \RX PXVW UHPRYH WKH PDLQ EDWWHU\ EHIRUH \RX VHUYLFH WKH FRPSXWHU &$87,21 7KH KDUGGLVN GULYH LV YHU\ VHQVLWLYH WR VKRFN +DQGOH WKH DVVHPEO\ E\ LWV HGJHV GR QRW VTXHH]H WKH WRS RI WKH KDUGGLVN GULYH FDVH DQG DYRLG GURSSLQJ LW &$87,21 0DNH VXUH WKDW WKH ZRUN VXUIDFH LV FOHDQ WR SUHYHQW VFUDWFKLQJ WKH FRPSXWHU FRYHU 1. Turn the computer over, and remove the 5-mm screw from the center of the hard-disk drive door (see Figure 6). The drive is on the left side of the computer . 2. Grasp the drive door and pull the drive out of the computer. 0HPRU\0RGXOH&RYHU &$87,21 7R DYRLG GDPDJLQJ WKH V\VWHP ERDUG \RX PXVW UHPRYH WKH PDLQ EDWWHU\ EHIRUH \RX VHUYLFH WKH FRPSXWHU &$87,21 0DNH VXUH WKDW WKH ZRUN VXUIDFH LV FOHDQ WR SUHYHQW VFUDWFKLQJ WKH FRPSXWHU FRYHU 1. Close the display, and turn the computer upside down on a flat work surface. 2. Release the memory module cover. Insert a flat-bladed screwdriver under the indentation in the bottom case assembly and lift the cover. bottom of computer hard-disk drive door5-mm screw

14 Dell Latitude CPt C-Series/CPi R-Series Service Manual 0HPRU\0RGXOHV )LJXUH 0HPRU\ 0RGXOH 5HPRYDO &$87,21 7R DYRLG GDPDJLQJ WKH V\VWHP ERDUG \RX PXVW UHPRYH WKH PDLQ EDWWHU\ EHIRUH \RX VHUYLFH WKH FRPSXWHU 1. Remove the memory module cover. 2. To avoid possible damage to the memory module from electrostatic discharge (ESD), ground yourself by touching the unpainted metal surface of an I/O connector on the computer’s back panel. 3. To release a memory module from its socket, carefully spread apart the inner tabs of the memory module socket just far enough for the memory module to disengage from the socket (it should pop up slightly) (see Figure 7). 4. Lift the memory module out of its socket. If you only have one memory module, install it in the DIMM A socket. Memory modules arekeyed, or designed to fit into their sockets in only one direction. The slots on the system board are notched so that the memory module can be firmly seated only one way. Align the memory module’s edge connector with the slot in the center of the memory module socket. With the module at a 45-degree angle, press the memory module’s edge connector firmly into the memory module socket. Pivot the memory module down until it clicks into place. If you do not hear a click as each end of the memory module snaps into the tabs, remove the memory module and reinstall it. NOTE: 192-MB memory modules are designed for either the socket labeled DIMM A or the socket labeled DIMM B; they are not interchangeable. Be sure that the memory module is inserted with the double-stacked memory chips facing you. A 192-MB memory module inserted with the double-stacked memory chips facing down does not fit properly in the socket. memory module sockets (2)inner tabs (2 per socket) DIMM A DIMM B

Dell Latitude CPt C-Series/CPi R-Series Service Manual 15 .H\ERDUG$VVHPEO\ To remove the keyboard assembly, perform the following steps. &$87,21 7R DYRLG GDPDJLQJ WKH V\VWHP ERDUG \RX PXVW UHPRYH WKH PDLQ EDWWHU\ EHIRUH \RX VHUYLFH WKH FRPSXWHU &$87,21 0DNH VXUH WKDW WKH ZRUN VXUIDFH LV FOHDQ WR SUHYHQW VFUDWFKLQJ WKH FRPSXWHU FRYHU 1. Close the display assembly, and turn the computer upside down on a flat work surface . )LJXUH 5HPRYLQJ WKH .H\ERDUG $VVHPEO\ 6FUHZV 2. Remove the seven 10-mm screws, labeled with a “circle K,” that secure the keyboard to the computer (see Figure 8). 3. Turn the computer right-side up and open the display. &$87,21 7KH NH\FDSV RQ WKH NH\ERDUG DUH IUDJLOH HDVLO\ GLVORGJHG DQG WLPHFRQVXPLQJ WR UHSODFH %HFDUHIXO ZKHQ UHPRYLQJ DQG KDQGOLQJ WKH NH\ERDUG 4. Release the keyboard from the palmrest assembly by inserting a small flat-bladed screwdriver under the edge of the blank key (see Figure 9), and lift the right edge of the keyboard. 10 - mm scr ews ( 7 )

16 Dell Latitude CPt C-Series/CPi R-Series Service Manual 5. Once the keyboard is fully removed from the palmrest, lift the keyboard and disconnect the keyboard cable from the connector on the system board. NOTE: Take notice of the position of the keyboard cable connection on the system board. 6. Remove the keyboard assembly. )LJXUH .H\ERDUG $VVHPEO\ 5HPRYDO To replace the keyboard assembly, perform the following steps. &$87,21 3RVLWLRQ WKH NH\ERDUG FDEOH VR LW LV QRW WZLVWHG ZKHQ FRQ QHFWHG WR WKH V\VWHP ERDUG 1. Connect the keyboard cable to connector on the system board. 2. Fit the keyboard into place. 3. To push the keyboard down, press on the blank key located below the right key. 4. Check that the keyboard is correctly installed. Thekeysshould be flush with the left and right surfaces of the palmrest. 5. Reinstall the seven 10-mm screws. keyboard scalloped edge of blank key palmrest keyboard cable

Dell Latitude CPt C-Series/CPi R-Series Service Manual 17 LVSOD\$VVHPEO\ )LJXUH LVSOD\ $VVHPEO\ &$87,21 7R DYRLG GDPDJLQJ WKH V\VWHP ERDUG WKH EDWWHU\ PXVW EH UHPRYHG EHIRUH \RX VHUYLFH WKH FRPSXWHU 1. Remove the keyboard . 2. Remove the three 4-mm screws, labeled with a “circle D,” from the back of the computer (see Figure 10). 3. Disconnect the display-assembly interface cable from the connector on the system board by pulling the connector straight up. 4. Lift the display assembly from the bottom case assembly. NOTE: Pry the hinge cover loose from the bottom assembly using a flat tool or your fingertips. 4-mm screws (3) display-assembly interface cable display assembly bottom case assembly hinge cover

18 Dell Latitude CPt C-Series/CPi R-Series Service Manual LVSOD\$VVHPEO\%H]HO l )LJXUH LVSOD\ $VVHPEO\ %H]HO 5HPRYDO &$87,21 7R DYRLG GDPDJLQJ WKH V\VWHP ERDUG \RX PXVW UHPRYH WKH PDLQ EDWWHU\ EHIRUH \RX VHUYLFH WKH FRPSXWHU 1. Use a scribe to carefully pry the four rubber screw covers out of the four screw holes located at the top of the bezel on the front of the display assembly. 2. Remove the four 4-mm screws located at the top of the bezel on the front of the display assembly (see Figure 11). LCD panel display-assembly top cover display-assembly interface cable4-mm screws (6) latch rubber screw covers (4) plastic screw covers (2) 3-mm screws (6) display assembly bezel hinge cover

Dell Latitude CPt C-Series/CPi R-Series Service Manual 19 3. Use a scribe to carefully pry the two plastic screw covers out of the two screw holes located at the bottom of the bezel on the front of the display assembly. 4. Remove the two 4-mm screws from the bottom of the bezel. &$87,21 7KH EH]HO WDEV DUH IUDJLOH +DQGOH WKH EH]HO FDUHIXOO\ WR DYRLG EUHDNLQJ WKH WDEV RII 5. Separate the bezel from the display-assembly top cover. The bezel is secured by three tabs on the left and right side of the display- assembly top cover. Lift the bezel to remove it from the display assembly. LVSOD\$VVHPEO\/DWFK &$87,21 7R DYRLG GDPDJLQJ WKH V\VWHP ERDUG \RX PXVW UHPRYH WKH PDLQ EDWWHU\ EHIRUH \RX VHUYLFH WKH FRPSXWHU 1. Remove the display assembly bezel. 2. Remove the display assembly latch by unsnapping the latch and captive spring from the inside of the display assembly top-cover assembly (see Figure 11). /&3DQHO &$87,21 7R DYRLG GDPDJLQJ WKH V\VWHP ERDUG \RX PXVW UHPRYH WKH PDLQ EDWWHU\ EHIRUH \RX VHUYLFH WKH FRPSXWHU 1. Remove the keyboard. 2. Remove the display. 3. Remove the display assembly bezel. 4. Remove the three 3-mm screws on the right side of the LCD panel and the three 3-mm screws on the left side of the LCD panel (see Figure 11). 5. Lift and rotate the top of the LCD panel out of the top cover. Disconnect the ZIF connector and the display-assembly interface cable connector. 6. Lift the LCD panel out of the top cover. NOTES: Remove and replace the LCD panel as a complete assembly. Use a magnetic screw driver to reassemble the LCD panel in the display. Secure the right side first.

20 Dell Latitude CPt C-Series/CPi R-Series Service Manual 5HPRYLQJWKH/&3DQHO&DEOH 1. Remove the 4-mm screw securing the metal cable clip to the left hinge of the display-assembly top cover (see Figure 11). 2. Remove the cable out from under the plastic strain relief retainer located on the bottom of the display-assembly hinge cover. 3. Remove the clip from the bottom of the hinge cover located at the bottom of the display assembly. 4. Pry the hinge-cover assembly apart from the display assembly, and slide the cable through the opening. 3DOPUHVW$VVHPEO\ The palmrest assembly consists of the touch pad and the palmrest. )LJXUH 5HPRYLQJ WKH 3DOPUHVW $VVHPEO\ 6FUHZV &$87,21 7R DYRLG GDPDJLQJ WKH V\VWHP ERDUG \RX PXVW UHPRYH WKH PDLQ EDWWHU\ EHIRUH \RX VHUYLFH WKH FRPSXWHU 1. Remove the keyboard. 2. Remove the display. 20-mm screws (5)

Dell Latitude CPt C-Series/CPi R-Series Service Manual 21 &$87,21 0DNH VXUH WKDW WKH ZRUN VXUIDFH LV FOHDQ WR SUHYHQW VFUDWFKLQJ WKH FRPSXWHU FRYHU 3. Turn the computer upside down on a flat work surface. 4. Remove the five 20-mm screws that secure the palmrest to the computer. These screws, labeled with a “circle P,” are located underneath the front edge of the computer (see Figure 12). 5. Turn the computer right-side up on the work surface. 6. Use the pull loop to disconnect the touch-pad cable from the connector on the system board (see Figure 13). )LJXUH 3DOPUHVW $VVHPEO\ 5HPRYDO 7. Carefully remove the palmrest assembly from the bottom case assembly (see Figure 13). The speakers are located in the palmrest bracket assembly. palmrest assemblypull loop touch-pad cable connector bottom case assembly

22 Dell Latitude CPt C-Series/CPi R-Series Service Manual 5HVHUYH%DWWHU\ &$87,21 7KH UHVHUYH EDWWHU\ SURYLGHV SRZHU WR WKH FRPSXWHU·V UHDOWLPH FORFN 57&DQG QRQYRODWLOH UDQGRPDFFHVV PHPRU\ 195$0ZKHQ WKH FRPSXWHU LV WXUQHG RII 5HPRYLQJ WKH EDWWHU\ FDXVHV WKH FRPSXWHU WR ORVH LWV GDWH DQG WLPH LQIRUPDWLRQ DV ZHOO DV DOO XVHUVHWWDEOH SDUDPHWHUV LQ 195$0 ,I SRVVLEOH PDNH D FRS\ RI WKLV LQIRUPDWLRQ EHIRUH \RX UHPRYH WKH UHVHUYH EDWWHU\ To remove the reserve battery, perform the following steps: 1. Remove the keyboard assembly. 2. Remove the display assembly. 3. Remove the palmrest assembly. 4. Turn the palmrest assembly over. 5. Remove the two 4-mm screws securing the palmrest bracket. 6. Lift the palmrest bracket and turn it over, taking care not to twist the touch- pad cable. 7. Disconnect the reserve battery cable from the connector on the palmrest bracket. 8. Remove the reserve battery from the palmrest bracket as follows: a. Tear the reserve battery free from the foam pad. b. Remove the remnants of the foam pad from the palmrest bracket. NOTE: When you replace the reserve battery, first connect the reserve battery cable to the connector on the palmrest bracket. Then position the reserve battery on the palmrest bracket to minimize slack in the cable. %RWWRP$VVHPEO\ The bottom assembly consists of the following field-replaceable components: ‡Modular bay device (d iskette drive assembly, CD-ROM drive assembly, DVD-ROM drive assembly, SuperDisk LS-120 drive, battery, or travel module) ‡Module latch assemblies ‡System board assembly ‡Bottom case cover