dell latitude cpt c series cpi r series User Manual
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Dell Latitude CPt C-Series/CPi R-Series Service Manual 3 )LJXUH 0DLQ %DWWHU\ $VVHPEO\ 5HPRYDO 9. Ground yourself by touching the unpainted metal surface of the I/O panel on the back of the computer. While you work, periodically touch the I/O panel to dissipate any static electricity that might harm components. 6FUHZ,GHQWLILFDWLRQDQG7LJKWHQLQJ The illustrations in the following removal procedures provide the correct screw length as part of the screw’slabel. A graphic for that length screw is also included in the illustration. Examples are shown in Figure 3. Match the actual screw to the graphic in the illustration to check for correct length. )LJXUH 6FUHZ ,GHQWLILFDWLRQ &$87,21 :KHQ UHLQVWDOOLQJ D VFUHZ \RX PXVW XVH D VFUHZ RI WKH FRUUHFW OHQJWK 2WKHUZLVH KDUGZDUH GDPDJH FRXOG UHVXOW 0DNH VXUH WKDW WKH VFUHZ LV SURSHUO\ DOLJQHG ZLWK LWV FRUUHVSRQGLQJ KROH DQG DYRLG RYHUWLJKWHQLQJ battery bay latch batter y
4 Dell Latitude CPt C-Series/CPi R-Series Service Manual When you are removing and replacing components, photocopy the Table 1 placement mat as a tool to lay out and keep track of the component screws. 7DEOH 6FUHZ 3ODFHPHQW 0DW ZLWK &RPSRQHQW 6FUHZ &RXQWV DQG 6L]HV Hard-Disk Drive: M3 x 3 (1 each) Keyboard Assembly: M2.5 x 10 (7 each) Display Assembly: M2.5 x 4 (3 each) Display Assembly Bezel: Rubber Screw Covers (4 each) Plastic Screw Covers (2 each)Display Assembly Bezel: M2.5 x 4 (6 each) Display Assembly LCD to Top Cover: M2 x 3 (6 each) Palmrest Assembly: M2.5 x 20 (5 each) System Board: M2.5 x 4 (2 each) Microprocessor Shield: 3 captive and 2 removable screws M2 x 3 (5 each)
Dell Latitude CPt C-Series/CPi R-Series Service Manual 5 =,)&RQQHFWRUV Some of the computer’s interface connectors are zero insertion force (ZIF) connectors. These connectors are not removable, but they must be released to disconnect a cable from them (see Figure 4). )LJXUH LVFRQQHFWLQJ DQ ,QWHUIDFH &DEOH &$87,21 7KH =,) FRQQHFWRUV DUH IUDJLOH 7R DYRLG GDPDJH GR QRW DSSO\ WRR PXFK SUHVVXUH WR WKH PRYDEOH SDUW RI WKH FRQQHFWRU To disconnect an interface cable from a ZIF connector, perform the following steps: 1. Insert a small flat-blade screwdriver under the movable part of the connector. 2. Pull gently upward on the movable part of the connector until it releases the interface cable. 3. Grasp the interface cable and pull it out of the connector. To reconnect an interface cable to a ZIF connector, perform the following steps: 1. Use a small flat-blade screwdriver to open the movable part of the ZIF connector. 2. Orient the end of the interface cable with the ZIF connector, and insert the end of the cable into the connector. 3. While holding the cable in place, close the ZIF connector. To ensure a firm connection, make sure the ZIF connector is completely closed. movable part of connector (do not remove)
6 Dell Latitude CPt C-Series/CPi R-Series Service Manual )LHOG5HSODFHDEOH3DUWVDQG$VVHPEOLHV Table 2 lists the parts and assemblies available for the computer. Some parts may only be available as part of a service kit or assembly and are provided for reference only. The subsections that follow Table 2 provide instructions for removing and replacing these parts and assemblies. 7DEOH 3DUWV DQG $VVHPEOLHV 3DUW RU $VVHPEO\ 1DPH 2UGHU 1DPH )LJXUH $& $GDSWHU DQG 3RZHU &RUGV Customer kit, AC adapter CUS, ADPT, AC, EXT, 20V, 70W, NBK, CRNA AC adapter ADPT, AC, EXT, 20V, 70W, 3WIRE, CRNA Power cable, U.S. CORD, PWR, 110V, 6F, AC, 3W\3P, US %DWWHU\ 0DLQ Customer kit, main battery CUS, BTRY, 14.4V, 8CELL, LITH, 2ND2 Main battery BTRY, 50WHR, 14.4V, 8CELL, LITH, CP %DWWHU\ 5HVHUYH Service kit, reserve battery SVC, BTRY, RESERVE,CRNA Reserve battery BTRY, RESERVE, CRNA %RWWRP &DVH $VVHPEO\ Bottom assembly ASSY, CVR, BTM, BASE, PLSTC, CRNA14 &520 ULYH 6XEDVVHPEO\ Service kit, CD-ROM drive SVC, SUBASSY, CD, 24X, NBK 15 CD-ROM drive bezelBZL, CD 24X CD-ROM drive CD, 650M, I, INT, NBK, 24X, TSHBA CD-ROM drive interface boardPWA, INTERCONN, CD/DVD, OMAHA, CP Bottom CD-ROM drive coverASSY, BTM/BZL, CD, 24X, TSHBA, CP CD-ROMhousing ASSY, HSG, PLSTC, CD/DVD, OM- HA, CP CD-ROM drivelabel LBL, CD, MEDIA BAY, TSHB, CP
Dell Latitude CPt C-Series/CPi R-Series Service Manual 7 LVNHWWH ULYH 6XEDVVHPEO\ Diskette drive service kit SVC, SUBASSY, FD, F3, INT/EXT, CRNA15 Diskette drive subassembly SUBASSY, FD, F3, INT/EXT, CRNA Diskette drive FD, F3, CRNA Diskette drive assembly bottom coverCVR, BTM, PLSTC, FD, F3, CRNA Diskette drive assembly top coverCVR, TOP, PLSTC, FD, F3, CRNA Diskette drive assembly interface boardPWA, INTFC, FD, F3, CRNA Diskette drive assembly interface cableCBL, FPC, FD, F3, CRNA Diskette drive assembly shieldSHLD, FD, F3, CRNA 6XSHULVN /6 ULYH 6XEDVVHPEO\ LS-120 drive subassembly SUBASSY, VAS, LS120,120MB,F3,CP15 9520 ULYH 6XEDVVHPEO\ DVD-ROM drive subassemblySUBASSY, DVD, 4X, MPEGII, TSH- BA, CP15 7KHUPDO &RROLQJ 6ROXWLRQ Thermal cooling assembly (includes fan)ASSY, HTSK, COOLER, PRC 20 +DUGLVN ULYH $VVHPEOLHV Hard-disk drive, subassemblyS U BAS SY, H D,xxxxx,yyyMM,zzz, CP * 6 Hard-disk drive HD,xxxxx, I, F2,yyMM,zzz * Hard-disk drive interface boardPWA, INTERCONN, HD, CRNA * Substitute the drive capacity for xxxxx,the drive height for yy,and the manufacturer for zzz. 7DEOH 3DUWV DQG $VVHPEOLHVFRQWLQXHG 3DUW RU $VVHPEO\ 1DPH 2UGHU 1DPH )LJXUH
8 Dell Latitude CPt C-Series/CPi R-Series Service Manual +DUGLVN ULYH %UDFNHWRRU $VVHPEO\ Hard-disk drive carrier assemblyASSY, CARR, HD, CRNA 6 Hard-disk drive carrier doorDOOR, HD, 12.7MM, CRNA Hard-disk drive carrier bracketCARRIER, HD, 12.7MM, MET, CRNA Hard-disk drive mylar carrierMYLAR, CARRIER, HD Hard-disk drive carrier screwsSCR, M3X3, KSH, MS, LP, BLO .H\ERDUGV Keyboard, Belgian KYBD, 88, BEL, CRNA 9 Keyboard, Chinese KYBD, 87, CHI, CRNA Keyboard, Danish KYBD, 88, DEN, CRNA Keyboard, French KYBD, 88, FR, CRNA Keyboard, French/Canadian KYBD, 87, FR CAN, CRNA Keyboard, German KYBD, 88, GER, CRNA Keyboard, Italian KYBD, 88, ITALIAN, CRNA Keyboard, Japanese KYBD, 90, JPN, CRNA Keyboard, Korean KYBD, 87, KOR, CRNA Keyboard, Latin American KYBD, 88, LAC, CRNA Keyboard, Norwegian KYBD, 88, NOR, CRNA Keyboard, Portuguese KYBD,88,PORTUGEUSE,CRNA Keyboard, Russian KYBD, 87, RUS, CRNA Keyboard, Spanish KYBD, 88, SPN, CRNA Keyboard, Swedish/Finnish KYBD, 88, SWE, CRNA Keyboard, Swiss KYBD, 88, SWI, CRNA Keyboard, Thai KYBD, 87, THAI, CRNA Keyboard, English (U.K.) KYBD, 88, UK, CRNA Keyboard, English (U.S.) KYBD, 87, DOM, CRNA 7DEOH 3DUWV DQG $VVHPEOLHVFRQWLQXHG 3DUW RU $VVHPEO\ 1DPH 2UGHU 1DPH )LJXUH
Dell Latitude CPt C-Series/CPi R-Series Service Manual 9 LVSOD\ %DFN &RYHU Display top-cover service kit, 14.1-inch displayASSY, CVR, TOP, LCD, CRNA Display top cover CVR, TOP, LCD, TFT, CRNA Cable ASSY, CBL, FLX, TFT Right hinge HNG, RT, LCD, TFT Left hinge HNG, LF, LCD, TFT /& $VVHPEOLHV ,QFK ;*$ LVSOD\ 14.1-inch LCD/Cable service kit, including LCD, cable, inverterSVC, LCD/CBL/INV, TFT,zzz, 14.1”, CRNA * 11 /& /DWFK $VVHPEO\ Display latch assembly ASSY, LATCH, SPR, DIS, CRNA 0HPRU\ Customer kit, memory module, 32-MB32MB, DIMM, SDRAM, LAT CRNA, FAC T Customer kit, memory module, 64-MB64MB, DIMM, SDRAM, LAT CRNA, FAC T Customer kit, memory module, 128-MB128MB, DIMM, SDRAM, LAT CRNA, FACT Customer kit, memory module, 192-MB192MB, DIMM, SDRAM, LAT CRNA, FACT Customer kit, memory module, 256-MB256MB, DIMM, SDRAM, LAT CRNA, FACT 0HPRU\ RRU Service kit, memory door assemblySVC, SUBASSY, DOOR, MEM/ BIOS, CRNA Memory/BIOS door subassemblySUBASSY, DOOR, MEM/BIOS, NB, CRNA 3DOPUHVW $VVHPEO\ Service kit, palmrest assemblyASSY, PLMRST, CRNA 12 Palmrest assembly ASSY, PLMRST, GRY, CRNA Subassy, TPad, Brace SUBASSY, TPAD, BRACE * Substitute the drive capacity for xxxxx, the drive height for yy, and the manufacturer for zzz. 7DEOH 3DUWV DQG $VVHPEOLHVFRQWLQXHG 3DUW RU $VVHPEO\ 1DPH 2UGHU 1DPH )LJXUH
10 Dell Latitude CPt C-Series/CPi R-Series Service Manual 3DOPUHVW $VVHPEO\FRQWLQXHG Touch pad TPAD, SGL, CHIP, INTEFC, CP/CPi Cbl, Flx, TPad CBL, FLX, TPAD Plmrst, Plstc PLMRST, PLSTC Speaker (2 each) SPKR, 20X40, 1W, 8OHMS 6FUHZV LCD panel SCR, M2X4.5, PHH, LP, ZPS 11 LCD hinge SCR, M3X5, PHH, LP, ZPS 11 LCD bezel SCR, M2X4.5, PHH, LP, ZPS 11 Keyboard SCR, M2.6X12, PHH, LP, ZPS 9 Hard-disk drive carrier screwsSCR, M3X3, PHH, LP, ZPS Thermal cooling assembly SCR, M2X3.5, PHH, LP, ZPS 20 Touch pad SCR, M2.6X1.8, PHH, XLP, ZPS Palmrest, front edge SCR, M2.6X12, PHH, LP, ZPS 12 Palmrest, hard-disk drive areaSCR, M2.6X5, PHH, LP, ZPS Bottom-case bracket SCR, M2.6X5, PHH, LP, ZPS Exhaust fan SCR, M2.6X12, PHH, LP, ZPS 6\VWHP %RDUG $VVHPEO\ System board assembly, CRNA, service kitSVCKIT, MB ASSY, PWA, ENGINE, CRNA18 Service tag installation disketteDSK, BIOS, FLDSVC, F3, US, CP BIOS flash diskette KIT, BIOS, FLASH, UPG, F3, CP Diagnostic diskette KIT, DSK, DIAG, F3, CRNA, WW System board assembly ASSY, PWA, ENGINE, CRNA Main system board PWA, PLN, 0M, NB, CRNA Exhaust fan and cableFAN, 25X25X10, CRNA Thermal cooling assemblySVC, SUBASSY, HTSNK, CPU, HYB, CRNA 7DEOH 3DUWV DQG $VVHPEOLHVFRQWLQXHG 3DUW RU $VVHPEO\ 1DPH 2UGHU 1DPH )LJXUH
Dell Latitude CPt C-Series/CPi R-Series Service Manual 11 0LFURSURFHVVRU Microprocessor, CRNA, Service KitSVC, PRM, PCAxxxMHz 0LVFHOODQHRXV +DUGZDUH Microprocessor shield ASSY, SHLD, EMI, PRC, MET Kit-SVC, latch, slider, BTNLTCH, BTN, Module Foot, Rbr, Blk (4 each)Foot, Rbr, Blk Foot, Rbr, Strike Zone, BlkFoot, Rbr, Strike Zone, Blk 7DEOH 3DUWV DQG $VVHPEOLHVFRQWLQXHG 3DUW RU $VVHPEO\ 1DPH 2UGHU 1DPH )LJXUH
12 Dell Latitude CPt C-Series/CPi R-Series Service Manual 5HPRYLQJ)LHOG5HSODFHDEOH3DUWV DQG $VVHPEOLHV )LJXUH ([SORGHG 9LHZ³&RPSXWHU The following subsections provide instructions for removing and replacing field-replaceable parts and assemblies. display assembly keyboard palmrest assembly main batter y modular bay devicebottom case assembly system boardhard-disk drive