Dell Inspiron 7500 Reference And Troubleshooting Guide
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D-6Dell Inspiron 7500 System Reference and Troubleshooting Guide The following information is provided in compliance with IC regulations: Dell Computer Corporation Warranty and Repair Service Center One Dell Way Round Rock, TX 78682 USA 512-338-4400CE Notice (European Union) Marking by the symbol indicates compliance of this Dell system to the EMC Directive and the Low Voltage Directive of the European Union. Such marking is indicative that this Dell system meets the following technical standards:• EN 55022 — “Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Interference Characteristics of Information Technology Equipment.”• EN 50082-1: 1992 — “Electromagnetic compatibility—Generic immunity standard Part1: Residential, commercial, and light industry.”• EN 60950 — “Safety of Information Technology Equipment.” NOTE: EN 55022 emissions requirements provide for two classifications:• Class A is for typical commercial areas.• Class B is for typical domestic areas.RF INTERFERENCE WARNING: This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio frequency (RF) interference, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures. A “Declaration of Conformity” in accordance with the preceding directives and standards has been made and is on file at Dell Products Europe BV, Limerick, Ireland.Battery Disposal Your computer system uses both a lithium-ion battery pack and a nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) coin cell battery. For instructions about replacing the lithium-ion battery pack in your computer, refer to “Installing a Battery” in Chapter 2. The NiMH battery is a long-life battery, and it is very possible that you will never need to replace it. However, if this battery ever needs to be replaced, the procedure must be performed by an authorized service technician. Do not dispose of these batteries along with household waste. Contact your local waste disposal agency for the address of the nearest battery deposit site. NoticesD-7EN 55022 Compliance (Czech Republic Only) VCCI Notice (Japan Only) Most Dell computer systems are classified by the Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) as Class B information technology equipment (ITE). However, the inclusion of certain options can change the rating of some configurations to Class A. ITE, including peripherals, expansion cards, printers, input/output (I/O) devices, monitors, and so on, integrated into or connected to the system, should match the electromagnetic environment classification (Class A or B) of the computer system. To determine which classification applies to your computer system, examine the regulatory labels/markings (see Figures D-1 and D-2) located on the bottom or back panel of your computer. Once you have determined your system’s VCCI classification, read the appropriate VCCI notice.Class A ITE This is a Class A product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) for information technology equipment. If this equipment is used in a domestic environment, radio disturbance may arise. When such trouble occurs, the user may be required to take corrective actions.This device belongs to Class B devices as described in EN 55022, unless it is spe- cifically stated that it is a Class A device on the specification label. The following applies to devices in Class A of EN 55022 (radius of protection up to 30meters). The user of the device is obliged to take all steps necessary to remove sources of interference to telecommunication or other devices.Pokud není na typovém štitku poèítaèe uvedeno, že spadá do tøídy A podle EN55022, spadá automaticky do tøídy B podle EN 55022. Pro zaøízení zaøazená do tøídy A (ochranné pásmo 30m) podle EN 55022 platí následující. Dojde-li k rušení telekomunikaèních nebo jinych zaøízení, je uživatel povinen provést taková opatøení, aby rušení odstranil.

D-8Dell Inspiron 7500 System Reference and Troubleshooting GuideFigure D-1. VCCI Class A ITE Regulatory Mark Class B ITE This is a Class B product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) for information technology equipment. If this equipment is used near a radio or television receiver in a domestic environment, it may cause radio interference. Install and use the equipment according to the instruction manual.Figure D-2. VCCI Class B ITE Regulatory Mark MOC Notice (South Korea Only) To determine which classification (Class A or B) applies to your computer system (or other Dell digital device), examine the South Korean Ministry of Communications (MOC) registration labels located on your computer (or other Dell digital device). The MOC label may be located separately from the other regulatory marking applied to your product. The English text, “EMI (A),” for Class A products, or “EMI (B)” for Class B products, appears in the center of the MOC label (see Figures D-3 and D-4). NOTE: MOC emissions requirements provide for two classifications:• Class A devices are for business purposes.• Class B devices are for nonbusiness purposes.VCCI-A NoticesD-9Class A Device Please note that this device has been approved for business purposes with regard to electromagnetic interference. If you find that this device is not suitable for your use, you may exchange it for a nonbusiness device.Figure D-3. MOC Class A Regulatory Mark Class B Device Please note that this device has been approved for nonbusiness purposes and may be used in any environment, including residential areas.Figure D-4. MOC Class B Regulatory MarkEMI ( A )EMI ( B )

D-10Dell Inspiron 7500 System Reference and Troubleshooting GuidePolish Center for Testing and Certification Notice The equipment should draw power from a socket with an attached protection circuit (a three-prong socket). All equipment that works together (computer, monitor, printer, and so on) should have the same power supply source. The phasing conductor of the room’s electrical installation should have a reserve short-circuit protection device in the form of a fuse with a nominal value no larger than 16 amperes (A). To completely switch off the equipment, the power supply cable must be removed from the power supply socket, which should be located near the equipment and easily accessible. A protection mark “B” confirms that the equipment is in compliance with the protection usage requirements of standards PN-93/T-42107 and PN-89/E-06251. Wymagania Polskiego Centrum Badañ i Certyfikacji Urz¹dzenie powinno byæ zasilane z gniazda z przy³¹czonym obwodem ochronnym (gniazdo z ko³kiem). Wspó³pracuj¹ce ze sob¹ urz¹dzenia (komputer, monitor, drukarka) powinny byæ zasilane z tego samego Ÿród³a. Instalacja elektryczna pomieszczenia powinna zawieraæ w przewodzie fazowym rezerwow¹ ochronê przed zwarciami, w postaci bezpiecznika o wartoœci znamionowej nie wiêkszej ni¿ 16A (amperów). W celu ca³kowitego wy³¹czenia urz¹dzenia z sieci zasilania, nale¿y wyj¹æ wtyczkê kabla zasilaj¹cego z gniazdka, które powinno znajdowaæ siê w pobli¿u urz¹dzenia i byæ ³atwo dostêpne. Znak bezpieczeñstwa B potwierdza zgodnoœæ urz¹dzenia z wymaganiami bezpieczeñstwa u¿ytkowania zawartymi w PN-93/T-42107 i PN-89/E-06251. Pozosta³e instrukcje bezpieczeñstwa •Nie nale¿y u¿ywaæ wtyczek adapterowych lub usuwaæ ko³ka obwodu ochronnego z wtyczki. Je¿eli konieczne jest u¿ycie przed³u¿acza to nale¿y u¿yæ przed³u¿acza 3-¿y³owego z prawid³owo po³¹czonym przewodem ochronnym. •System komputerowy nale¿y zabezpieczyæ przed nag³ymi, chwilowymi wzrostami lub spadkami napiêcia, u¿ywaj¹c eliminatora przepiêæ, urz¹dzenia dopasowuj¹cego lub bezzak³óceniowego Ÿród³a zasilania. •Nale¿y upewniæ siê, aby nic nie le¿a³o na kablach systemu komputerowego, oraz aby kable nie by³y umieszczone w miejscu, gdzie mo¿na by³oby na nie nadeptywaæ lub potykaæ siê o nie. •Nie nale¿y rozlewaæ napojów ani innych p³ynów na system komputerowy. •Nie nale¿y wpychaæ ¿adnych przedmiotów do otworów systemu komputerowego, gdy¿ mo¿e to spowodowaæ po¿ar lub pora¿enie pr¹dem, poprzez zwarcie elementów wewnêtrznych. NoticesD-11•System komputerowy powinien znajdowaæ siê z dala od grzejników i Ÿróde³ ciep³a. Ponadto, nie nale¿y blokowaæ otworów wentylacyjnych. Nale¿y unikaæ k³adzenia luŸnych papierów pod komputer oraz umieszczania komputera w ciasnym miejscu bez mo¿liwoœci cyrkulacji powietrza wokó³ niego. NOM Information (Mexico Only) The following information is provided on the device(s) described in this document in compliance with the requirements of the official Mexican standards (NOM): Exporter:Dell Computer Corporation One Dell Way Round Rock, TX 78682 Importer:Dell Computer de México, C.V. Rio Lerma No. 302 - 4° Piso Col. Cuauhtemoc 16500 México, D.F. Ship to:Dell Computer de México, C.V. al Cuidado deKuehne & Nagel de MéxicoS. de R.I. Avenida Soles No. 55 Col. Peñon de los Baños 15520 México, D.F. Supply voltage:115/230 VAC Frequency:60–50 Hz Input current rating:6.0/3.0 A

D-12Dell Inspiron 7500 System Reference and Troubleshooting GuideInformación para NOM (únicamente para México) La información siguiente se proporciona en el dispositivo o en los dispositivos descritos en este documento, en cumplimiento con los requisitos de la Norma Oficial Mexicana (NOM):BSMI Notice (Taiwan Only) Exportador:Dell Computer Corporation One Dell Way Round Rock, TX 78682 Importador:Dell Computer de México, S.A. de C.V. Rio Lerma No. 302 - 4° Piso Col. Cuauhtemoc 16500 México, D.F. Embarcar a:Dell Computer de México, C.V. al Cuidado deKuehne & Nagel de MéxicoS. de R.I. Avenida Soles No. 55 Col. Peñon de los Baños 15520 México, D.F. Tensión alimentación:115/230 VAC Frecuencia:60–50 Hz Consumo de corriente:6.0/3.0 A, Return Policy, and Year 2000 Statement of ComplianceE-1APPENDIX E Warranty, Return Policy, and Year 2000 Statement of Compliance Limited Three-Year Warranty (U.S. Only) Dell Computer Corporation (“Dell”) manufactures its hardware products from parts and components that are new or equivalent to new in accordance with industry- standard practices. Dell warrants that the hardware products it manufactures will be free from defects in materials and workmanship. The warranty term is three years beginning on the date of invoice, as described in the following text. Damage due to shipping the products to you is covered under this warranty. Otherwise, this warranty does not cover damage due to external causes, including accident, abuse, misuse, problems with electrical power, servicing not authorized by Dell, usage not in accordance with product instructions, failure to perform required preventive maintenance, and problems caused by use of parts and components not supplied by Dell. This warranty does not cover any items that are in one or more of the following categories: software; external devices (except as specifically noted); accessories or parts added to a Dell system after the system is shipped from Dell; accessories or parts added to a Dell system through Dell’s system integration department; accessories or parts that are not installed in the Dell factory; or DellWare SM products. Monitors, keyboards, and mice that are Dell-branded or that are included on Dell’s standard price list are covered under this warranty; all other monitors, keyboards, and mice (including those sold through the DellWare program) are not covered. Batteries for portable computers are covered only during the initial one-year period of this warranty.Coverage During Year One During the one-year period beginning on the invoice date, Dell will repair or replace products covered under this limited warranty that are returned to Dell’s facility. To request warranty service, you must call Dell’s Customer Technical Support within the warranty period. Refer to Chapter 5, “Getting Help,” or the section titled “Contacting Dell” in your system Help to find the appropriate telephone number for obtaining customer assistance. If warranty service is required, Dell will issue a Return Material Authorization Number. You must ship the products back to Dell in their original or equivalent packaging, prepay shipping charges, and insure the shipment or accept the

E-2Dell Inspiron 7500 System Reference and Troubleshooting Guide risk of loss or damage during shipment. Dell will ship the repaired or replacement products to you freight prepaid if you use an address in the continental U.S., where applicable. Shipments to other locations will be made freight collect. NOTE: Before you ship the product(s) to Dell, back up the data on the hard-disk drive(s) and any other storage device(s) in the product(s). Remove any removable media, such as diskettes, CDs, or PC Cards. Dell does not accept liability for lost data or software. Dell owns all parts removed from repaired products. Dell uses new and reconditioned parts made by various manufacturers in performing warranty repairs and building replacement products. If Dell repairs or replaces a product, its warranty term is not extended.Coverage During Years Two and Three During the second and third years of this limited warranty, Dell will provide, on an exchange basis and subject to Dell’s Exchange Policy in effect on the date of the exchange, replacement parts for the Dell hardware product(s) covered under this limited warranty when a part requires replacement. You must report each instance of hardware failure to Dell’s Customer Technical Support in advance to obtain Dell’s concurrence that a part should be replaced and to have Dell ship the replacement part. Dell will ship parts (freight prepaid) if you use an address in the continental U.S. or Canada, where applicable. Shipments to other locations will be made freight collect. Dell will include a prepaid shipping container with each replacement part for your use in returning the replaced part to Dell. Replacement parts are new or reconditioned. Dell may provide replacement parts made by various manufacturers when supplying parts to you. The warranty term for a replacement part is the remainder of the limited warranty term. You will pay Dell for replacement parts if the replaced part is not returned to Dell. The process for returning replaced parts, and your obligation to pay for replacement parts if you do not return the replaced parts to Dell, will be in accordance with Dell’s Exchange Policy in effect on the date of the exchange. You accept full responsibility for your software and data. Dell is not required to advise or remind you of appropriate backup and other procedures.General Provisions THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE (OR JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION). DELLS RESPONSIBILITY FOR MALFUNCTIONS AND DEFECTS IN HARDWARE IS LIMITED TO REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT AS SET FORTH IN THIS WARRANTY STATEMENT. ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES FOR THE PRODUCT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE WARRANTY PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE AND NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WILL APPLY AFTER SUCH PERIOD.