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Dell Drac 5 User Guide

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Page 231

Configuring Security Features231
Table 12-18. Network Security Page Buttons
Button Description
PrintPrints the Network Security page
RefreshReloads the Network Security page
Apply ChangesSaves the changes made to the Network Security page. 
Go Back to 
Pa g eReturns to the Network Configuration page. 

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232Configuring Security Features 

Page 233

Using the DRAC 5 SM-CLP Command Line Interface233
Using the DRAC 5 SM-CLP 
Command Line Interface
This section provides information about the Server Management Workgroup 
(SMWG) Server Management-Command Line Protocol (SM-CLP) that is 
incorporated in the DRAC 5. 
 NOTE: This section assumes that you are familiar with the Systems Management 
Architecture for Server Hardware (SMASH) Initiative and the SMWG SM-CLP 
specifications. For more information on these specifications, see the Distributed...

Page 234

234Using the DRAC 5 SM-CLP Command Line Interface
During a typical SM-CLP session, the user can perform operations using the 
verbs listed in Table 13-1 and Table 13-2.
Using SM-CLP
1SSH (or telnet) to the DRAC 5 with correct credentials.
2At the command prompt, type smclp. 
The SMCLP prompt (
->) is displayed. 
Table 13-1. Supported CLI Verbs for System
Verb Definition
cd Navigates through the MAP using the shell.
delete Deletes an object instance.
help Displays help for a specific target.
reset Resets...

Page 235

Using the DRAC 5 SM-CLP Command Line Interface235
SM-CLP Management Operations and Targets
Management Operations
The DRAC 5 SM-CLP enables users to manage the following:
• Server Power Management — Turn on, shutdown, or reboot the system
• System Event Log (SEL) Management — Display or clear the SEL records
Table 13-3 lists the supported SM-CLP options.
Table 13-4 provides a list of targets provided through the SM-CLP to support 
these operations.
Table 13-3. Supported SM-CLP Options...

Page 236

236Using the DRAC 5 SM-CLP Command Line Interface
SM-CLP Output Format
The DRAC 5 currently supports text-based output as described in the 
SM-CLP specifications. 
pwrmgtcap1Capabilities of the power management service for 
the system.
/system1/fan1A fan target on the managed system.
tachsensor1An individual sensor target on the fan target on the 
managed system.
/system1/batteries1A battery target on the managed system.
sensor1An individual sensor...

Page 237

Using the DRAC 5 SM-CLP Command Line Interface237
DRAC 5 SM-CLP Examples
The following subsections provide sample scenarios for using the SM-CLP to 
perform the following operations:
• Server power management
• SEL management
• MAP target navigation
• Display system properties
Server Power Management
Table 13-5 provides examples of using SM-CLP to perform power 
management operations on a managed system.
Table 13-5. Server Power Management Operations
Operation Syntax
Logging into the 
RAC using the...

Page 238

238Using the DRAC 5 SM-CLP Command Line Interface
SEL Management
Table 13-6 provides examples of using the SM-CLP to perform SEL-related 
operations on the managed system.
Table 13-6. SEL Management Operations
Operation Syntax
Viewing the 
SEL->show /system1/logs1/log1
InstanceID             = IPMI:BMC1 SEL Log
MaxNumberOfRecords     = 512
CurrentNumberOfRecords = 5
Name                   = IPMI SEL
EnabledState           =...

Page 239

Using the DRAC 5 SM-CLP Command Line Interface239
Viewing the 
SEL record->show /system1/logs1/log1/record4
LogCreationClassName = CIM_RecordLog
CreationClassName = CIM_LogRecord
LogName = IPMI SEL
RecordID = 1
MessageTimeStamp = 20050620100512.000000-
Description = FAN 7 RPM: fan sensor, 
detected a failure
ElementName = IPMI SEL Record
Clearing the 
SEL->delete /system1/logs1/log1/record*
All records deleted successfully...

Page 240

240Using the DRAC 5 SM-CLP Command Line Interface
Batteries Management
Table 13-7 provides example of using the SM-CLP to perform operations on 
the batteries.
Table 13-7. Batteries Management Operations
Operation Syntax
Viewing the 
status of the 
batteries->show system1/batteries1/sensor1
SystemCreationClassName = CIM_ComputerSystem
SystemName              = F196P1S
CreationClassName       = CIM_Sensor
DeviceID                = BATTERY 1
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