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Dehumidifier Amcor AD12 12 l day User Manual

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Page 1

User Manual
12 l / day Amcor Dehumidifier 

Page 2

Before any installation, use or maintenance operation, read the safety i\
in this manual carefully .
Remove all packaging materials from the unit. Keep all packaging away fr\
om babies and 
small  children to avoid the danger of suffocation.
Before inserting the power plug, please make sure that the voltage is wi\
thin the range 
indicated on the unit.
The dehumidifier is intended exclusively for the use for which it was cr\
eated. Amcor 
is not responsible for any damage caused by...

Page 3

Do not use your dehumidifier under the following conditions:
Close to a heat 
Inside unit exposed 
to the weather 
outdoors In a permanent 
very humid 
If the power cable 
wires are frayed 
or cut
When small 
children may be 
left unattended
If an extension lead 
is needed to reach 
an outlet Where the power 
cable may be 
damagedOn a slope or 
uneven surface
Where it may 
be damaged by 
Where there is a 
risk of interference 
by foreign objects
This product is 
not made...

Page 4

Y our AMCOR dehumidifier will begin to protect your home from the harmful \
of excessive moisture as soon as it is turned on.
Excess moisture travels throughout your home, in the same way cooking sm\
spread around the house. F or this reason, the dehumidifier should be positioned in a 
central and clear location so that it can draw the moist air from all ov\
er the home. 
A warm hallway or landing is an excellent position for your dehumidifier . If possible, 
leave interior doors ajar...

Page 5

Switching the unit ON and O ff
When the unit is plugged in, a buzzer will beep.
Press the ON/OFF button (A) to start the dehumidifier with the default\
 low fan 
speed, LED [3] will light. When the room humidity is between 40% to 90%, the unit 
will dehumidify automatically and LED [1] will light. 
The unit will stop dehumidifying when the relative humidity becomes lowe\
r than 
40% or higher than 90%, LED [1] will go off, but the fan continues to circulate the 
air .
Press the power button (A) to...

Page 6

Always unplug the unit from the mains before carrying out any maintenanc\
e or 
cleaning the unit.
Cleaning the body
Use only a soft cloth to wipe the unit clean.
Do not use volatile chemicals, petrol, detergents, chemically treated cl\
oths or other 
harmful cleansing solutions. These could cause damage to the unit.
Cleaning the washable air filter
This dehumidifier is equipped with a washable filter . This will 
capture most airborne pollutants like dust, smoke, animal 
dander , mould spores and...

Page 7

When the water tank is full, the unit will switch off automatically 
and beep 15 times, the LED [2] will light up.
-  hold t he t op a nd b ottom c entre  of t he t an k w ith b oth h an ds 
a n d p ull it o ut ge ntly .
-  afte r h avin g e mptie d t he t an k, ge ntly p ush t he t an k ba ck i nto 
it s p la ce . T he L ED l ig h t w ill g o o ff.
W arning:
1 .  D o n ot r em ove t he f loa t from t he w ate r t an k. T he t an k f ull s en sor w ill n o lon ger 
b e a ble t o d ete ct t he w ate...

Page 8

30     90 

Page 9

Made in P.R.C.
1.  Has the unit been standing upright? (for at least 2 hrs)2.  Is the unit plugged into the mains? Is the fuse OK?3.  Switch the unit on and wait three minutes to see if the issue is res\
olved.4.  Check whether the water tank is full.
Please, for your own convenience, make these simple checks before callin\
g the service line.
If the unit still fails to operate call:  0871 620 1057 or fill the online form
Office hours: 9AM - 5PM Monday to F riday
www .amcoruk.com
Unit 2,...
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