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Land Rover Defender 90 110 Workshop Book 2 Rover

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    							.-._ ... . (y ; ,:, I :.,. .I, ....... : . . 
    - . ., .. ,. , .. . 
    .: . ’ ’.: ,I ... , 
    NOTE: Radiator without a drain plug, disconnected 
    the  bottom  hose to drain.  Reconnect  after 
    3. Remove  the  cylinder block  drain  plug,  on  the left- 
    hand side of the engine, and  allow coolant  to drain 
    completely  before refitting  the plug. 
    ST1149M , ’,; \-. .  . I I 
    4. To drain  the expansion  tank, disconnect the hose 
    the tank  to  the water  pump.  Drain  and flush 
    and  reconnect  the hose. 
    5. Make  up a solution  of anti-freeze  and  water  in a 
    separate  container 
    in the  concentration  required. 
    The  cooling  system  capacity can  vary 
    so rcfer to 
    ‘Capacities’  under  ‘General  specification data’. 
    allow for topping  up and  the expansion  tank prepare 
    a quantity in excess  of the capacity  of the  system 
    6.  If anti
    -freeze  is not required,  use Marstons inhibitor 
    in the  recommended  concentration, see under 
    ‘Engine  protection’.  Prepare 
    a quantity in excess of 
    the capacity for topping  up and the expansion  tank. 
    7. Check all hoses and  drain plugs for  security  and fill 
    the system  through the expansion  tank until 
    approximately  three quarters full. 
    8. Fit the  expansion  tank cap and  radiator  filler  plug 
    and  run the engine  until  normal  operating 
    is reached.  Allow the  engine  to cool 
    completely.  Remove the expansion  tank  cap and 
    necessary  top up to half  full.  Remove the radiator 
    filler  plug  and check  that the coolant  level is just 
    below  the filler  neck.  Finally  examine  the cooling 
    system  for  leaks. Tighten  the  radiator filler plug to 
    40-50 Ibs. in. 
    REMOVING  THE RADIATOR (2.25 litre petrol 
    2.25 and 2.50 diesel) 
    1. Disconnect the battery. 
    2. Drain  the  radiator  by removing  the drain  plug at 
    the  bottom  left
    -hand  side  of the  radiator  and 
    releasing  the  expansion  tank filler  cap.  See  drain 
    and  fill cooling  system. 
    3. Disconnect  the overflow  hose from  the radiator. 
    4. The radiator  is held  in position  by two  brackets 
    each  secured  by three 
    screws. Remove  the screws 
    and  brackets. 
    5. Disconnect  the  top  and bottom  hoses  from the 
    6. Diesel  engine 
    7. Disconnect thc vacuum  pump hose from  the pump 
    and release  it 
    from the clips  on the radiator  cowling. 
    Petrol engine 
    8. Disconnect the air cleaner  hose from the 
    carburetter  and remove the  air cleaner. 
    9. Release the three  fixings  securing  cowling to the 
    10. Pull  back  the  cowling towards the radiator  and lift 
    radiator and cowl. 
    11. Remove  the five  screws  securing  the cowling  to the 
    radiator  and separate  the  two  units  noting  that the 
    cowling  is held 
    to the bottom  of the radiator  by two 
    							1261 COOLING SYSTEM 
    Locate the cowling  into thc clip at the  bottom of 
    the radiator  and secure it at the  top with the  five 
    screws.  Lower 
    the radiator  and cowl  assembly  into position 
    in  the  vehicle  ensuring  that the two  pegs 
    at the 
    of the  radiator  locate in the corresponding 
    rubber  pads 
    in the crossmember brackcts. 
    Secure  the top of the radiator with the two  brackets 
    and  bolts. 
    Secure  the cowling 
    to the  engine. 
    Connect  the top,  bottom  and overflow  hoses. 
    Diesel engine 
    Fit the hose to the vacuum  pump and secure it with 
    the  clips 
    on the cowling. 
    Fit the  air cleaner  and connect  the hose to the air 
    intakc manifold. 
    All engines 
    Check  that the radiator  drain plug (where  fitted) is 
    tight  and 
    fill the cooling  system. 
    ST1151 M 
    A. Oil from engine  to oil  cooler. 
    B. Cooled oil from  cooler to engine. 
    Start  engine 
    and check for oil leaks 
    e-- -.-+ 
    1. Disconnect  the battery. 
    2. Remove the split pin and  clevis  pin securing  the 
    lower  end of the  bonnet  stay and 
    lift-off the 
    3. Remove  the  three screws  each  side securing  the 
    radiator  left
    -hand  and right-hand  retaining 
    brackets  and remove  the brackets. 
    4. Remove the  four screws  and withdraw  the radiator 
    fan cowl. 
    5. Disconnect  the bottom  hose from  the radiator  and 
    drain the  coolant. 
    6. Disconnect the oil cooler inlet and outlet  pipes 
    from  the  radiator  and  blank
    -off the  pipes  and 
    aperturcs to prevent  ingress of dirt. 
    7. Disconnect  the radiator  top hose  from  the radiator 
    and thermostat housing. 
    8. Disconnect  expansion tank  hose from  radiator. 
    9. Lift the radiator from the  engine compartment. 
    10. If the radiator  is to be renewed,  remove the oil 
    cooler  unions  from the radiator  and 
    fit to the 
    replacement  radiator. 
    11. Fit the radiator into  position ensuring that the two 
    pegs at the  bottom of the  radiator  locate in the 
    corresponding  rubber  pads 
    in the cross  member 
    12. Fit the  radiator  top hose to the radiator  and 
    thermostat  housing. 
    13. Conncct the radiator bottom  hose. 
    14. Fit the expansion tank hosc to radiator. 
    15. Fit the  fan cowl  and secure  with the four  screws. 
    16. Fit the  radiator  left-hand and right-hand rctaining 
    17. Fit the  oil cooler  inlet and outlet  hoses to the 
    Hose  A to  top  of radiator. 
    B to  bottom of radiator. 
    18. Fit the  bonnet and  stay securing  with the clevis pin 
    and new  split pin. 
    CTInCnl JI l0UOlVl 
    .,.:..:: . . . *:. .. , 
    							Filling radiator 25. Connect the battery  and run the engine  until 
    normal  running  temperature 
    is attained  whilst 
    checking  for coolant  leaks. 19. Check that all hose clips are tight. 
    20. Remove  the expansion  tank cap. 26. Stop  the engine  and allow  it to cool completely. 
    27. Remove  the radiator  plug and check thc level  and 
    28. Top-up level  of expansion  tank and fit the cap. 
    fit and  tighten  plug. 
    21. Remove  the radiator  plug. 
    22. Fill the system  with coolant  using a mixture of 
    water and anti-freeze or anti-corrosion  inhibitor, 
    through  the expansion  tank 
    until1 the coolant is just 
    below  the level  of the  radiator  plug hole.  Continue 
    filling  until the expansion  tank 
    is half-full. 
    23. Fit the expansion  tank cap and  radiator  plug. 
    Tighten  the plug  to 
    40- 50 Ibs. in. 
    24. Check  the engine oil level  in sump  and top-up. 
    I. Loose hose clips 1. Tighten 2. Defective rubber hose 2. Renew 3. Damagedr a d iator seams 3. Rectify 4. Excessive  wear in the water pump 4. Renew 5. Loose core plugs 5. Renew 6. Damaged gaskets 6. Renew 7. Leaks  at the heater connectionsor  plugs 7. Rectify 8. Leak at the water  temperature gauge 8. Tighten Plug 
    I. Defective cylinder head  gasket I. Renew.  Check engine oil for contami- 
    2. Cracked cylinder wall 3. Loose cylinder head bolts 3. Tighten.  Check  engine  for oil contam- 
    nation and refill  as necessary 
    ination and  refill as necessary 
    2. Renew cylinder  block 
    1. Boiling 1. Ascertain the cause of engine overheat- 
    2. Internal  or external leakage 3. Restricted  radiator or inoperative 3. Flush  radiator  or renew  the  thermostat 
    correct as ncccssary 2. See  items  A and B 
    thermostat  as necessary 
    1. Restriction  in system 
    2. Insufficient  coolant 3. Inoperative water pump 4. I.oosc fan belt 5. Inoperative therinostat 
    2. Infrequent flushing  and draining of system 
    3. Incorrect  anti-freeze  mixtures 
    1. Check  hoses  for crimps,  reverse-flush 
    the  radiator,  and  clear  the  system of rust 
    and  sludge 
    2. Replenish 3. Renew 4. Adjust 5. Renew 
    1. Use  only  soft,  clean  water  together with 
    correct  anti-freeze or inhibitor mixture 2. The cooling  system  should be drained 
    and  flushed  thoroughly  at least once a 
    3. Certain anti-frecze solutions  have  a  cor- rosive cffect on  parts of the  cooling  sys- tem.  Only rccommcnded solutions 
    should be used. 
    F-OVEKHEATING 1. Poor  circulation 2. Dirty oil and sludge  in engine 3. Radiator  fins choked  with chaff,  mud. 
    4. Incorrect  ignition timing 5. Insufficient  coolant 6. Low oil level 7. Tight engine 
    8. Choked or damaged exhaust pipe or 
    9. Dragging  brakes 
    silencer 10. Overloading 
    vehicle 1 I. Driving in heavy  sand or mud 12. Enginc labouring on gradients 13. Low gear  work 
    14.  Excessive  engine idling 
    15. Inaccurate tcmperature gauge 16. Defective  thermostat 
    1. 2. 3. 
    Sce item D 
    Use air prcssure from  the  engine  side of the radiator and clean  out passages 
    4. Check  using electronic equipment 5. SeeitcmD 6. Rcplenish 7. New  engines  arc very  tight  during the 
    running-in  period  and  moderate  speeds 
    should  be maintained  for  the first 1,000 miles (1500 km) 8. Rectify  or renew 
    9. Adjust  brakes 10. In the hands of the operator 11. In thc hands of the operator 12. In the hands of  the operator 13. In the  hands of the operator 14. In the hands of the operator 15. Renew 16. Rcnew 
    G-OVEKCWOLING 1. Defective  thermostat 2. Inaccurate temperature  gauge I. Renew 2. Renew 
    . ’ ..::;:. ... _...... , OVERHAUL RELEASE BEARING ASSEMBLY ...., ... i.. . . ., .. , !9!: 
    I. Remove the clutch slave cylinder  from the bell 
    2. Withdraw the retaining  staple, if fitted. 
    3. Remove the release  bearing  assembly. 
    4. Remove  spring clip retaining  bolt and spring- V8. 
    5. Remove  the slipper  pads - 4-cylinder  engines 
    6. Withdraw  the relcase lever. 
    7. Discard worn parts. 
    8.  Smear  the pivot 
    with grease  and fit the release 
    lever  and retain  with the spring  clip and  bolt 
    - V8. 
    9. Smear  the release  bearing  sleeve inner diameter 
    with Molybdenum  disulphide base grease. 
    10. Fit 
    the  slipper  pads. 
    11. Fit the release bearing assembly  and retain  with the 
    staple.  The staple  is to  aid  assembly  and has no 
    other  purpose.  It may  become  dislodged 
    in service, 
    . .. without detriment. .. , . 
    Illustration A. V8 engine 
    ST1134M ,,’ i 7 
    Illustration B. 4-cylinder  engines 
    , ‘ -. L. 
    12. Coat both sides of the backing  plate with a 
    waterproof  joint compound  such as Hylomar 
    PL32M and  locate  the backing  plate and dust  cover 
    in  position  on 
    the slave cylinder. 
    13. Check  that the push-rod  clip is in position. 
    Fit the  slave  cylinder,  engaging the push-rod 
    through  the centre 
    of the  dust  cover  and with the 
    bleed  screw  uppermost.  Secure the cylinder  with 
    the  two  bolts,  tightening 
    cvenly to the  correct 
    1. Remove the master  cylinder  from the vehicle. 
    2. Remove  the circlip. 
    3. Withdraw  the push-rod  and  retaining  washer. 
    4. Withdraw  the piston  assembly. If neccssary,  apply 
    a low air pressure to the outlct port  to expel  the 
    							(33) CLUTCH 
    5. Prise the locking  prong of the  spring  retainer  clear 
    of the piston  shoulder and  withdraw the piston. 
    6. Withdraw the piston seal. 
    7. Compress the spring and position  the valve  stem to 
    align with 
    the larger hole in  the  spring  retainer. 
    8. Withdraw the spring and  retainer. 
    9. Withdraw the valve  spacer and  spring washer  from 
    the  valve  stem. 
    10. Remove  the valvc seal. 
    Smear the seals with  Castrol-Girling  rubber grease 
    the remaining  internal  items with Castrol- 
    Girling  brake and clutch  fluid. 
    15. Fit the valve  seal, flat side  first,  onto the  end of the 
    valve  stem. 
    16. Place  the spring washer,  domed side first,  over the 
    small end of the  valve  stem. 
    17. Fit the spacer,  legs first. 
    STl140M J 
    18. Place the coil spring  over the valve stem. 
    19. Inscrt the retainer  into the spring. 
    20. Compress  the spring  and  engage thc valve  stem in 
    the keyhole  slot in the retainer. 
    11. Clean  all components in Girling  cleaning  fluid and 
    allow  to dry. 
    12. Examine  the  cylinder  bore and  piston,  ensure that 
    they  are  smooth  to the  touch  with 
    no corrosion, 
    score marks 
    or ridges. If there  is any  doubt.  fit  new 
    21. Fit the seal,  large diameter  last, to the  piston. 
    22. Insert  the piston  into the spring  retainer  and - replacements.  engage  the locking  prong. c- 
    13. The seals  should  be replaced  with  new i .I 3 
    components. continued 
    1. Remove the slave  cylinder  from the vehicle. 
    2. Withdraw the dust cover. 
    3.  Expel  the  piston assembly,  applying low pressure 
    4. Withdraw the  spring. 
    5. Prise off the seal  from the piston. 
    to the 
    fluid inlet. 
    23.  Smear the piston  with  Castrol-Girling rubber 
    grease  and insert  the assembly,  valve end first,  into 
    * the cylinder. 
    24.  Fit the push
    -rod,  retaining  washer and circlip. 
    When the gearbox and bcll housing assembly  has  been 
    fitted  to the  vehicle 
    the hydraulic  clutch release  system 
    must  be bled  to expel  air. 
    NOTE:  During  the  following  procedure,  keep  the fluid 
    reservoir  topped
    -up  to avoid  introducing  air  into  the 
    system.  Use only  the  fluid  recommended  in the 
    Lubrication  chart. 
    Use only  new fluid  from a sealed  Inspection 
    6. Clean all components 
    with Girling  cleaning  fluid 
    and  allow  to dry. 
    7. Examine  the cylinder  bore  and  piston,  ensure  that 
    they are smooth to the touch  with no  corrosion, 
    score marks 
    or ridges.  If there  is any  doubt, fit ncw 
    8. The  seal  should  be replaced  with a new 
    com pon e n t . 
    9. Smear the seal  with  Castrol-Girling  rubber grease 
    and  the remaining  internal  items  with Castrol
    Girling  brake and clutch  fluid. 
    10. Fit the  seal, largc diameter last,  to the  piston. 
    11. Locate  the conical  spring, small diameter  first, over 
    the front end of the piston. 
    12. Smear  the piston, with Castrol-Girling  rubber 
    grease  and  insert 
    the assembly,  spring  end  first, 
    , container. into the cylinder. 
    1. Attach a length of suitable tubing to the slave 13. Fill the dust Cover with Castrol-Girling  rubber 
    cylinder  bleed  screw  and immerse 
    the free  end of the  grease 
    and fit the cover  to the  cylinder. 
    in a glass jar  containing  new clutch fluid. 
    2. Slacken  the  bleed  screw  and  depress  the  clutch 
    pedal,  pausing  at the  end 
    of each  stroke, until the 
    fluid  issuing 
    from the  tubing  is free  of air with the 
    tube  free end  below the surface 
    of the fluid in the 
    container.  Whilst holding  the clutch  pedal down and 
    with  the free  end 
    of the tube  below the fluid, tighten 
    the  bleed  screw. 
    *, . . 
    1. The correct  height for the  clutch pedaI from the 
    floor of the footwell,  without a mat,  to  the  lower 
    of the  pedal is 140 mm (5.5 in),  dimension 
    2. Withdraw the  six screws  and remove  the top  plate. 
    3. Slacken  master  cylinder  push-rod  locknuts to 
    provide free movement of the push-rod  through 
    the pedal  trunnion. 
    4. Slacken the adjustment  screw locknut. 
    5. To increase  the pedal  height,  turn  the adjustment 
    screw  anti
    -clockwise.  To reduce  turn clockwise. 
    When  correct tighten  the locknut. 
    6. To adjust the master  cylinder push-rod, check  that 
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