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Land Rover Defender 90 110 Workshop Book 2 Rover

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    : *:+ .* ; LAND ROVER 90 BASIC FUEL SYSTEM *- 
    I. In-tank fuel pump. 
    2. Fuel tank gauge unit. 
    3. Fuel supply pipc to filter. 
    4. Fuel  filter. 
    5. Fuel  supply  pipe filter  to vapour  separator 
    6. Vapour  separator. 
    7. Vapour separator,  outlet to carburctter. 
    8. Spill return pipc  to fuel  tank  via restrictor. 
    9. Fuel  filler. 
    10. Breather  hose. 
    11. Restrictor. 
    12. Fuel tank drain  plug.  
    To renew  the pump it is first  necessary  to remove  the 
    fuel  tank  from  the vehicle.  Before  commencing the 
    following  instructions  it is  essential  that the 
    WARNINGS  and safety  precautions  concerning  fuel 
    tank  draining  and removal  are studied  and observed. 
    These  precautions  are included 
    in the introduction  to 
    this  and  each 
    of the five  books  comprising  the 
    workshop  manual for the  Ninety and One
    -Ten  vehicles. 
    1. Move  vehicle  to well  ventilated  area and 
    disconnect  the battery. 
    2. Remove the fuel tank  drain  plug and allow  the fuel 
    to  drain  into  a  suitable  receptacle and refit  the 
    3. Working  from the right-hand  side of the  vehicle 
    disconnect  the fuel  feed pipe  and the spill  return  at 
    rubber connections. 
    4. Disconncct the  fuel  filter  hose  and  breather hose 
    from the  tank. 
    5. Whilst,  noting  the cable  colours,  disconnect  the 
    electrical  leads  from  the  fuel  gauge  unit at the 
    -hand  side of the vehicle. 
    6. If the  vehicle  is fitted  with a towing  ball drop-plate 
    with  support bars the bars  must  be removed. 
    7. Remove  the  eight  nuts  and bolts securing  the 
    -roll  bar to the  chassis  and  push the roll  bar 
    down  to provide  access to the  tank. 
    8.  Remove  the left
    -hand  lashing  eye  to facilitatc 
    removal of the tank. 
    9. Place  a  support  under the tank, preferably  one 
    which  will enable  the  tank to be  progressively 
    10.  Remove 
    the two  nuts retaining  the  forward end of 
    the  tank. 
    11. Remove the two  nuts  securing  the rear  of the  tank. 
    12. Carefully  lower  the tank  sufficiently  to  enable the 
    electrical leads 
    to the  fuel  pump  to be  diconnected. 
    13.  Finally 
    rcmove the tank  from  the  vehicle together 
    with  the pump  and  rear  section of the  fuel  feed 
    14. Disconnect  the rear section of the feed  pipe  from 
    the  pump. 
    1.5. Remove the  five retaining  screws and withdraw  the 
    fuel  pump  and sealing  ring from the  tank. 
    16. Cover the pump aperture in the tank  to prevent the 
    ingress  of foreign  matter. 
    Fitting fuel pump 
    CAUTION: On some  early models  a modification  was 
    carried  out to the  fuel  pump  to prevent  the possibility  of 
    the  contacts  earthing.  These pumps  can be recognised 
    by  a black  plastic  tie clip  as illustrated.  See Fuel  System 
    description.  If the  fuel  tank  only is being  renewed  and 
    the  original  pump 
    is being re-fitted,  ensure  that the tie 
    clip  is correctly  positioned. 
    1 7. Fit the pump  into the  tank with a new  Sealing  ring 
    so that the outlet  pipe is directed  towards the front 
    of  the  vehicle  and the electrical connections 
    to the 
    18.  Offer
    -up  tank  to thc chassis  and connect thc 
    electrical  leads black  to negative (-) white to 
    positive (+). 
    19. Locate  front  of the tank on the  two  captive  bolts 
    and  secure  with the mounting  rubber, flat and 
    spring washer and  nut. .-w 
    							PETROL FUEL SYSTEM 1191 
    ,.. 20. Secure the  rear  of the tank with  the  two  captive I . >,.. Y;:. :* .I a. bolts,  plain washer  and nyloc  nut. 
    21.  Connect  the fuel  feed pipe. 
    22.  Connect  the spill  return  pipe. 
    23.  Connect  the fuel  filter  hose and breather  pipe to 
    24. Fit the  left-hand  lashing eye. 
    Fit the  anti-roll  bar. 
    26. Fit the drop  plate  support  bars- if fitted. 
    27. Connect  the fuel gauge  unit leads. 
    28. Reconnect  battery,  and  check operation  of pump 
    the tank. 
    and change
    -over solenoid - if fitted. 
    ST1676 M 
    7. Cover the pump  aperture in the  tank  to prevent the 
    ingress  of foreign  matter. 
    CAUTION:  On some  early  models  a modification 
    was  carried  out to the  fuel  pump  to prevent  the 
    of the  contacts  earthing.  These pumps 
    can  be recognised  by 
    a black plastic  tie clip  as 
    illustrated.  See fuel  system  description.  If the  fuel 
    tank  only 
    is being  renewed  and the original  pump is 
    being re-fitted,  ensure  that the tie clip is correctly 
    8. Insert  the pump  and new  sealing  washer  into  the 
    so that the outlet  pipe is directed  towards the 
    -hand  side of the vehicle  and the electrical 
    connections  to the right. 
    9. Secure  the  pump with the five screws  tightening 
    10. Fit the  supply  pipe to the pump  outlet and  tighten 
    hose clip. 
    11. Connect the white/grccn wire to the  positive (+) 
    terminal  and  the black  wire to the  negative [-) 
    12.  Connect  the  batteries,  switch on ignition  and 
    operate  the tank selection  switch, 
    if it is a twin  tank 
    installation  and check  that the  pump operates. 
    Move  the vehicle 
    to a well  ventilated  area, 13. Switch off ignition, fit the seal  base cwer and 
    extinguish  all naked  lights and disconnect 
    the carpet and  refit the seat cushion. 
    vehicle  batteries. 
    Remove the  right
    -hand side front seat cushion. 
    Move  the carpet aside,  where fitted and 
    unclip and 
    the seat base  cover. 
    the two  Lucars  from the fuel pump. 
    Disconnect  the fuel  outlet  pipe from 
    the pump. 
    Remove the 
    five retaining  screws and withdraw  the 
    pump  and sealing ring. 
    .J z . .. jl” ..,::” 
    WARNING: Do not allow  the fuel  spray  to contact  the 
    person  otherwise  injury may result 
    from skin 
    When  an injection  nozzle is considcrcd  to be the cause 
    of irregular  running  and loss of  power,  a quick  check 
    may  be 
    made by loosening  the fuel  feed  pipe union  nut 
    on  each  nozzle  in turn,  whilst  the engine  is idling  at 
    1,000 rev/min. 
    If  the  injection  nozzle assembly  being checked  has  been 
    operating  properly, there  will be 
    a distinct  reduction in 
    engine speed accompanied  by obvious roughness, but  a 
    faulty  injection  nozzle  may  make little or 
    no difference 
    to  the engine note when  its fuel  feed pipe  is loosened. 
    Spray  check 
    1. Remove  the fuel  spill  gallery  pipe complete  from 
    the  injection  nozzles. 
    2. Disconnect the fuel feed  pipe  (injection  pump  to 
    nozzle)  from the nozzle  to bc 
    testcd and  from  the 
    injection  pump. 
    3. Rcleasc the fixings and withdraw  the suspected 
    injection  nozzle assembly;  reconnect 
    the pipe and 
    nozzle assembly  to 
    the injection pump in a position 
    whereby  fuel ejection  may be observed. 
    Loosen  the union  nuts securing  the remaining  fuel e 
    pipes to injection  nozzles. 
    Whilst  the  starter  turns  the  engine over, observe 
    the manner  in which  fuel issues  from the nozzle and 
    compare thc spray form with the  correct  form as 
    Very  little fuel should  issue 
    from the main  spray 
    hole  with  the engine  turning over  at  starter 
    but a fine  spray comparablc to  that  illustrated 
    should  be ejected  from the auxiliary spray 
    If the  ejected  fuel is more in the  form  of a liquid  jet 
    or issues  from the main  pintle  hole, then the nozzle 
    and  holder  assembly  should  be  removed  for 
    overhaul  and a replacement  unit fitted. 
    Refit  the injectors and tighten 
    thc union  nuts. 
    the spill  gallery  pipe with the bolt  and two 
    Procedure  following fuel filter or sedimentor  service 
    When  models  fitted  with a sedimentor have had thc 
    water  drained  only from  the  sedimentor  bowl, no 
    priming is necessary as the water  is replaced  by fuel 
    automatically syphoned  from 
    thc tank. However, if the 
    sedimcntor  has been dismantled 
    and air has entered  the 
    or where the fuel  filter  element  has been 
    replaced  and the filter  bowl  cleaned,  then the system 
    must  be primed  as follows: 
    NOTE: The  above  illustration  shows the D.P.A. pump 
    fitted to the 3.25 iitre  diesei  engine. 
    							DIESEL FUEL SYSTEM 1191 
    ..... f ~::.; L:::!  1. Do not attempt  to start  the engine  hoping  to draw , , . . . . . . . ... ~.~,, the  fuel  through in this way,  othcrwisc the full 
    priming  procedure  will be necessary. 
    2. Slacken  the bleed  pipe banjo  bolt on the top of the 
    main  fuel filter. 
    - .. ,. .. , .... .. .. .., :  ,. . .I. ... .. 
    3. Operate  the hand  priming  lever on the mechanical 
    pump,  until fuel free  from  bubbles  emerges. 
    Always  ensure that fuel pump  lever is on  the 
    bottom  of 
    the operating  cam when  priming the fuel 
    system,  otherwise  maximum movement  of the 
    priming  lever cannot  be achieved. 
    4. Tighten  the bleed  pipe banjo  bolt whilst  the fucl is 
    still  emerging. 
    5. Operate  the hand  priming  lever once or twice  to 
    the last  bubbles  of air  into  the filter  bleed 
    6. Start  engine in normal  way and check  for leaks. 
    Procedure  when fuel system  has been  drained 
    7. Carry out instructions 1 to 5 inclusive. . .. I.. ., .,. ... 8. Release  air vent screw on distributor  body. .. ... , . .I .. ., .. .. . 
    Illustration  A -2.25 litre D.P.A.  pump 
    B -2.5 litre  D.P.S.  pump 
    . . .i. . ..... 
    STllOl M 
    9. Operate the fuel pump  hand priming  lever until 
    fuel free of air cmerges. 
    10. Rctighten  the air vent screw. 
    11. To ensure  that all air  is exhausted  from the pump it 
    may  also be nccessary to slacken  air vent  screw in 
    the  distributor  control cover and repeat 
    9 and 10. 2.25 litre  engine  D.P.A. 
    12. Start the engine in the  normal  way and check  for 
    Procedure  when distributor  pump has been  drained 
    13. Carry  out instructions 8 to 12 inclusive. 
    FUEL INJECTION PUMP - Altitude  compensation 
    When Diesel  engines  are operated  at high  altitude it is 
    recognised  that the reduced 
    air density  causes a 
    in the  weight  of air  drawn  into the engine 
    cylinders,  which results 
    iri incomplclc combustion of 
    the injected  fuel at full  throttle, unlcss this  is rcduced in 
    proportion  to the  reduction in air density. 
    To compensate  for these variations and to avoid 
    excessive  fuel consumption,  accompanied by excessive 
    exhaust  smoke, the amount 
    of fuel  delivered to the 
    cylinders  must be reduced  to suit  the conditions  under 
    which  the engine  is required  to operate. 
    For every 
    330 metres (I000 feet)  above 990 metres (3000 feet) 
    the  fuel  delivery  must be reduced 
    by 3%. 
    Adjustments to the  D.P.S.  pump, however,  must only 
    be  carried
    -out  by an authorised  C.A.V. Dealer. 
    Service  tools: 
    271483  or 
    18G109 or  12. 
    the three oil feed  passages  in the  nozzle body 0 ,,: 5, with  a wire  or drill of 1,5 mm (0.062 in)  diameter. -- 
    13. Remove  the  carbon  from the  annular  recess with 
    the tool illustrated. 
    Injector  nozzle testing  and setting  kit 
    Adaptor  Pintaux Injector 
    278182  or 
    18G109B or 
    Diesel  tune 
    Injector  nozzle flushing  tool 
    Injector  nozzle cleaning  kit 
    278181 or 
    18G1487 or 
    1. Remove the injectors  from the engine. 
    - 2. Disconnect the injectors from the  fuel spill rail. 
    3. Remove  the combined  locknut and end cap. 
    4. Withdraw  the sealing washer. 
    6 --- 
    5. Unscrew  the pressure  adjusting screw. 
    7. Withdraw the valve spindle. 
    8. Unscrew  the cap  nut. 
    9. Withdraw  the nozzle valve  and body. 
    6. Withdraw the pressure  spring. ST 1107M 
    14. Remove  the carbon  from the valve  seat, using  the 
    appropriate  tool with a rotary motion. 
    15. Select the appropriate  size probe  from the pocket 
    of  cleaning 
    kit and  secure  it in  the  pintle  hole 
    cleaner.  Insert  the probe into the  bore 
    of nozzle  valve body 
    and  allow  the end  to extend  through 
    the main fuel 
    outlet,  then  turn 
    in a  rotary  manner  to remove 
    ST 1106M 
    Cleaning  and inspecting 
    10. Soak the component  parts of the assembly in Shell 
    Calibration  Fluid to loosen  carbon deposits, but  do 
    not  allow  parts 
    of any one  assembly to be 
    interchanged  with those 
    of another. 
    11. Brush  away  all  external carbon  deposits  from 
    component parts  with a brass  wire brush  and return 
    them  to the  fluid  bath.  Particular  care  must be 
    exercised  when  cleaning 
    the pintle and  seat  of 
    nozzle  valve to avoid  scratching 
    or scoring,  which 
    could result 
    in spray distortion. 
    ST 1108M 
    - I. :-; : ..\..* 16. Carbon may be removed  from the nozzle  valve 
    cone  by inserting the  valve into the  tool illustrated 
    and  then  rotating 
    it alternately  in a clockwise  then 
    -clockwise  manner whilst pressing the valve 
    If the  nozzle  is blued  or the  seating  has a 
    dull circumferential  ring indicating pitting  or wear, 
    the  nozzle  body  and  valve should  be returned  to a 
    CAV  Service  Agent and  replacement  parts fitted. 
    Do not attempt to lap the nozzle  valve  to body. 
    This  process  requires  special equipment  and 
    17. Clean  the auxiliary  spray hole using  the special  tool 
    fitted  with probing  wire 
    0,20 mm (0.008 in) 
    NOTE: Allow 1,s mm (0.062 in)  only  to extend 
    from the chuck  and thus  minimise the possibility of 
    the wire  bending  or breaking while probing.  Great 
    care  must  be taken  to  prevent breakage 
    of the wire 
    inthehole. - 
    ST 1109M 
    18. Examine the pressure faces of  nozzle  body  and 
    nozzle  holder  to ascertain  their  freedom from 
    scoring  and  scratches.  These surfaces  must  be 
    perfectly  smooth. 
    19. With the flushing tool  secured to the  nozzle  testing 
    outfit,  fit the  nozzle  body  (spray  holes uppermost) 
    to the flushing  tool  and pump  test  oil  through 
    vigorously.  This flushing  process is necessary  for 
    the  removal  of any  tiny  carbon 
    parricles which  may 
    have become  lodged 
    in the body  after scraping  and 
    ST 1111M 
    . . . . .  . 
    . . . .  
    20. Fit  the  nozzle  valve to nozzle  and check  for 
    freedom  of movement. 
    21. Immerse the nozzle  body and valve in the fluid 
    bath  and assemble  whilst submerged. 
    22. Wash the remaining  components  and  assemble the 
    injector in the  sequence  illustrated during the 
    23. Set  the injection  nozzle assembly in accordance 
    with  the following  test  procedure. 
    Bench test injector nozzle  and holder assembly 
    24. To check a nozzle  assembly  and to ensure that it is 
    functioning correctly,  a setting outfit,  as illustrated, 
    is  essential. 
    A bench  covered  with linoleum or 
    non-ferrous  sheet metal is most suitable  for 
    the outfit;  such  a  surface  facilitates  the 
    cleanliness  essential when  checking  nozzle parts. 
    the bench  and setting outfit,  a tray,  also 
    prevent  spilt fuel spreading.  Small containers  may 
    be  attached  to  the bench 
    to isolate  the  component 
    of each  assembly.  These parts are carefully 
    mated  by 
    the manufacturers  and must not be 
    interchanged.  Lastly, a small  bath  with a  cover, 
    containing  Shell Calibration  Fluid for washing 
    components,  should be 
    kept conveniently  near. 
    -c --- c --.- 1 -L-..lJ U1 I1u1I-lc1fuu> l1l~lai, >IIOUIU be positioned to  
    25. The efficient  operation of the injection  nozzle 
    assembly  is dependent 
    on four  main  conditions, as 
    The  nozzle  valve  must open  at 
    135 Ats. 
    The  rate of back  leakage  must  be within 
    150 to 
    100 Ats. 
    Seat  tightness  must be sufficient  to prevent 
    Spray  form 
    must compare  favourably  with the 
    26.  Pressure  setting, back leakage  and seat  tightness 
    tests  may be made  by coupling  the injection  nozzle 
    and  holder  assembly  direct 
    to the pressure  feed 
    pipe  on the  setting  outfit, but  an  adaptor  must be 
    fitted  between  the pipe  and injection  nozzle and 
    holder  assembly  when testing  spray  form. This 
    adaptor,  see instruction 
    38, increases  the  pressure 
    of  fuel  to 
    the injection  nozzle and holder  assembly 
    sufficiently for 
    the main  and auxiliary  spray form to 
    6e determined. - 
    Test procedure 
    WARNING: The injection nozzle  must not be allowed  to 
    point  towards the operator when spraying  and the hands 
    must  never  be allowed  to contact  the  spray  which has a 
    force that can penetrate the  flesh. 
    27. Remove  the cap  from  the setting  outfit  container 
    fill with 0,8 litre (1.5 pints) of Shell  Calibration 
    28.  Air 
    vent the system  by removing  the vent screw, 
    oil to  flow  freely  for  a few  seconds  and 
    the screw whilst  the flow  continues. 
    29.  Operate  the  pump  handle until  fluid  flows  from 
    30.  Connect  the  injector  and  holder assembly to  the 
    pressure  feed pipe  with the nozzle  pointing 
    downwards.  The length  and bore  of this  pipe  is 
    important  and  replacement  pipes must be 
    approximately  75 
    mm (2.8 in)  between the union 
    nuts  and of 3 
    mm (0.118 in) bore. 
    31.  Close  the  check  valve 
    to keep the pressure  gauge 
    out  of circuit  and smartly  operate  the  hand  lever 
    several  times 
    to expel all air  from the system. 
    Leak-back  test 
    32. Adjustment  is made  by removing  the  combined 
    end  cap and  locknut  from  the  nozzle holder,  and 
    turning  the  adjusting  screw clockwise  to increase 
    and  anti
    -clockwise  to decrease  the  opening 
    33.  Fit  assembled  injector to nozzle  setting  outfit and 
    adjust  to open  at 
    160 to 170  atmospheres  then 
    up to just  below  this figure,  release handle to 
    allow  the needle  of gauge  to fall  naturally.  Time 
    the  pressure  drop from 
    150 atmospheres  down to 
    100 atmospheres. 
    34.  This  should  be 
    not less than 5 seconds  for  the 
    original  nozzle and not  less than 
    7 seconds if a new 
    one  is 
    to be fitted,  and not  more  than 36 seconds 
    for  either  with 
    oil temperature 10 to 21°C (50 to 
    35. Check  externally  the top and  bottom of nozzle  cap 0 
    nut and  pressure  pipe  union  nuts  for signs  of oil 
    leakage.  If leakage  occurs at the  nozzle  cap nut, 
    remove  the nut  and  examine 
    the pressure  faces of 
    nozzle  holders  and nozzle  body (see item  18)  for 
    presence  of foreign  matter 
    or surface  scoring, 
    before  tightening  further. 
    A leak-proof nozzle  assembly  with an excessive 
    rate  of pressure  drop indicates 
    a worn  nozzle valve; 
    the  nozzle  valve and nozzle  body  should be 
    ST 11 127M 
    Pressure  setting 
    36. The  selected  operational opcning pressurc of the s ~., , 
    nozzle  valve  is 135  atmosphcrcs.  Readjust to this 
    setting  in 
    the manner  described in item 32. 
    Seat tightness 
    37. Wipe  the bottom  face of the injection  nozzle dry 
    and  raise  the  pressure 
    in the system  to 125 
    atmospheres.  A slight  dampness  on the bottom 
    face  is permissible,  but blob  formation 
    01 dripping 
    indicates  a  badly seating  valve in  which  case the 
    assembly  should  be  dismantled  for further 
    Spray form 
    38.  Fuel  delivery  to the injection  nozzle assembly when 
    testing  spray form must  be characteristically  similar 
    to  fuel  delivery  under normal operating  conditions 
    to effect  these  conditions  an adaptor  (CAV f~ 
    Y7044872) must be fitted  between  the injection ;. , 
    nozzle assembly  and the pressure  pipe. continued  
    .. . I. :.:T 39. The adaptor  differs mainly  in the  cap  nut and 
    nozzle  valve  from the ordinary  type of injection 
    nozzle  and holder  assembly as  fitted  to the engine; 
    the  nozzle valve  has 
    no pintle. 
    40. The cap nut is extended,  bored  and  threaded to 
    receive nozzles  for testing. 
    41, Connect the  adaptor assembly  to the  pressure pipe. 
    42. Remove  the end  cap and  adjust  the opening 
    of the  nozzle  valve to 220 atmospheres. 
    43. Screw  the injection  nozzle and  holder  assembly to 
    be  tested, 
    into the adaptor. 
    44. With  the check  valve  closed,  operate  the handle 
    smartly  to  expel  air from 
    the system.  The auxiliary 
    spray  form may be tested  at 
    60 strokes  per minute 
    and  the main  spray  at 
    140. Spray  development 
    from  starting  to running  speeds  is illustrated,  this 
    illustration  should  be  referred  to and  compared 
    with  the spray form 
    of nozzles  under test. 
    Spray  formation  should be well  formed  and free 
    from  splits  or distortion. 
    A slight  centre  core  can 
    be  disregarded.  Observe  the main spray  through 
    360 degrees  to ensure  a uniform  spray. 
    - * 
    I .. 
    ST 1115M 
    45. When satisfactory,  fit the  combined  locknut and 
    end cap,  connect  the  injectors 
    to the fuel  spill  rail 
    fit them to  the engine. 
    The steel  sealing  washer  fitted  below the injector 
    nozzle  is 
    to ensure that  combustion  does not take placc 
    around the nozzle  body  and  cause it to overheat. A 
    washer  which has  been  used more  than once,  or an 
    incorrectly  fitted  washer  may cause the nozzle  to 
    overheat  and result 
    in that  cylinder  misfiring. 
    1. Ensure  that  the  new washers  are  separated  from 
    each  other  and are clean. 
    2. Use a length  of thin  welding  wire to guide one 
    washer  only into each  port with  the domed  side 
    toward  the injector 
    as illustrated.  Ensure that only 
    one washer  is fitted to each  port. 
    							1191 DIESEL FUEL SYSTEM 
    3. Lightly grease the copper  washer into position on 
    each  injector  before fitting to the  cylinder  head. 
    4. Fit the  injector  and evenly  tighten  the retaining 
    to the correct torque 6 to 8 Nm (4 to 6 Ibs  ft). 
    or overtightening of the injector nuts  could 
    distort  the nozzle  and cause  misfiring when  normal 
    running  temperature  is reached. 
    5. Reconnect  the injector  pipes  but  do not 
    thc union  nuts. 
    Petrol and Diesel  four cylinder  engines 
    1. After renewing  the throttle  cable, remove any 
    in the  cable  by adjustment of the cable 
    adjuster at the engine  end. 
    2. Depress the throttle  pedal,  by hand, .to the  full 
    of the  carburetter,  DPA or DPS  pump 
    linkage, and  adjust 
    thc pedal stop screw to take up 
    all  clearance  between  the  screw and scuttle  panel. 
    Make  sure  that 
    no strain is placed  upon  the 
    carburetter  or pump  linkage. 
    HAND  THROTTLE - where fitted 
    Petrol and Diesel  four cylinder  engines 
    1. Slacken the lock  nut on the cable  adjuster  and turn 
    the adjuster  to remove  all slack  from the cable  and 
    tighten  the locknut. 
    NOTE:  The first  illustration  petrol engine  and 
    second  illustration  Diesel engine. 
    A.) Foot pedal  cable adjuster 
    B.) Hand  throttle  cable adjuster 
    . .. ST1835M 
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