Data Delivery Devices
Communications receiver
Data Delivery Devices VHF, UHF & ISM Wireless RTU RFScada 8ADI-9DO 4ADI-5DO User Manual
Data Delivery Devices VHF, UHF & ISM Wireless RTU RFScada 8ADI-9DO 4ADI-5DO User Manual
Have a look at the manual Data Delivery Devices VHF, UHF & ISM Wireless RTU RFScada 8ADI-9DO 4ADI-5DO User Manual online for free. It’s possible to download the document as PDF or print. UserManuals.tech offer 2 Data Delivery Devices manuals and user’s guides for free. Share the user manual or guide on Facebook, Twitter or Google+.

RFScada 8ADI-9DO/4ADI-5DO Manual Ver 3.6 Copyright ©2005 Data Delivery Devices LLC Page - 41 – Bartlesville OK Tel 918-335-3318 FAX 918-398-9990 We have now almost completed the system configuration. We have set up output signal routing for the master unit (0) plus output signal routing for units 1 and 2. By checking the ‘Unit Enabled’ box when units 1 and 2 routing was displayed the configuration program was informed that the master needs to communicate with units 1 & 2; this RFScada network will consist of three units, the master plus units 1 and 2. All that remains is to verify that the master will not try to communicate with other units, and finally we can store all of these configuration settings in the master. Click on the slider again to view the routing for unit 3 (even though we do not wish to use unit 3). Since we do not want to try to communicate with unit 3 the ‘Unit Enabled’ check box should not be checked. This means the master will not attempt to communicate with it. The master will report a good network status, both via the Configuration Screen showing Unit 2 Relay and Analog Output Signal Sourcing Relay 2 on Unit 2 driven by input 3 on unit 0 Relay 1 on Unit 2 will be driven by digital input 2 on unit 0 This indicates outputs being configured are for Slave Unit 2. Relays 5 to 8 on the Unit 2 will all be driven by digital input 7 on unit 0, i.e. unused Analog output configuration does not matter for channels 3 to 8 Relay 3 on Unit 2 driven by input 1 on unit 1 Relay 4 on Unit 2 driven by input 2 on unit 1 Analog output 1 on Unit 2 will be driven by analog input 1 on unit 0 Analog output 2 on Unit 2 will be driven b y analog input 1 on unit 1 Checked indicates master will communicate with unit Unchecked indicates unit 2 outputs will be sourced from discrete inputs

RFScada 8ADI-9DO/4ADI-5DO Manual Ver 3.6 Copyright ©2005 Data Delivery Devices LLC Page - 42 – Bartlesville OK Tel 918-335-3318 FAX 918-398-9990 status LED & relay plus to all other units, when it successfully communicates with all enabled units. So we must ensure that this box is not checked for unit 3 and it is not checked for the remaining 28 other possible units (ID’s of 4 to 31). When the ‘Unit Enabled’ box is not checked the relay and analog output routing sections are disabled since they do not serve any purpose on unused units. By adjusting the slider all remaining possible configurations for slave ID’s will quickly scroll by, and within a couple of seconds the user can verify that no other slave units are enabled. If they are enabled the corresponding ‘Unit Enabled’ check box may be un-checked. Finally we can write these settings to the master unit. To save the system configuration click on the ‘Write to RFScada’s EEPROM’ button to store these settings in the RFScada master units non- volatile memory. If the previously configured slave units are operating nearby several clicks may be heard as all of the units will start to communicate using the new configuration settings. All the analog and digital signals should now be routed to match the example of the tank and two pumps. The whole process took just minutes and all settings are permanently stored in the RFScada units. The settings may also be stored on the local PC in a text file (actually as a list of Modbus registers, see the Example Configuration Screen for an Unused Unit Routin g (ID of 3 shown) This indicates configuration for slave Unit 3 Analog output routing is disabled since this unit is not enabled Un-checked indicates master will NOT tr y to communicate with unit 3 Relay output routing is disabled since this unit is not enabled

RFScada 8ADI-9DO/4ADI-5DO Manual Ver 3.6 Copyright ©2005 Data Delivery Devices LLC Page - 43 – Bartlesville OK Tel 918-335-3318 FAX 918-398-9990 Modbus section for further details) so they can be easily be copied into another system in the future. To save the configuration select the ‘File - Save‘ menu, a prompt appears for a file name and location to save the settings as. A saved configuration may also be loaded in a similar manner using the ‘File - Load’ menu.

RFScada 8ADI-9DO/4ADI-5DO Manual Ver 3.6 Copyright ©2005 Data Delivery Devices LLC Page - 44 – Bartlesville OK Tel 918-335-3318 FAX 918-398-9990

RFScada 8ADI-9DO/4ADI-5DO Manual Ver 3.6 Copyright ©2005 Data Delivery Devices LLC Page - 45 – Bartlesville OK Tel 918-335-3318 FAX 918-398-9990 Monitoring and Overriding Real Time Inputs. Once the system is configured all units should communicate correctly with each other. By selecting ‘Display Registers’ from the configuration program another screen is displayed, with graphs showing analog levels and 8 indicators for digital inputs. If the Modbus connected unit is a slave, all of the connected units analog and digital inputs may be monitored at once. If the Modbus connected unit is the master then every unit’s analog and digital inputs may be monitored at once. Use the slider to select the unit to display. This is a very quick and easy way to monitor every input – even those miles away!. The DC Voltage measured at every unit is also displayed on the right hand side, very useful to see and monitor on remote solar powered systems. The two larger indicators below the digital input indicators show the real time ‘Modbus State’ between the PC and connected unit, the ‘Network State’ shows the real time condition of the RFScada network, in a similar mode to the ‘Network state’ LED on each unit. Additionally the actual Modbus data transmitted and received from the connected unit may be displayed at the bottom of the screen if required. When displaying information from 4ADI-5DO units analog channel six displays the ambient temperature on the printed circuit board. The temperature is approximately (reading * 0.4902) - 60 in °Celsius, or 32 + (((reading * 0.4902) – 60) * 9) / 5 in °Fahrenheit. When using the ISM high power option analog channel 5 corresponds to the received signal strength at that unit, so it is possible to read the signal strength at remote sites. The scale is from 0 (no signal) to approximately 290 (full signal). Note that it is normal for the reading to fluctuate. Furthermore, every input, both analog and digital, may be ‘overridden’ using this display.

RFScada 8ADI-9DO/4ADI-5DO Manual Ver 3.6 Copyright ©2005 Data Delivery Devices LLC Page - 46 – Bartlesville OK Tel 918-335-3318 FAX 918-398-9990 Click on the ‘override’ button, which will start to flash. Now each input state display button may be clicked and will toggle between Active and Inactive, this will have the same effect as physically activating that particular digital input, which is being overridden for the selected unit. Similarly, the sliders next to each analog input display may be adjusted, and this will have the effect of overriding each analog input on the selected unit. This makes it very easy to test configurations and different setups, without requiring the actual final connected hardware. From the master units location (or via a serial port, phone/modem etc. connection to the master unit) complete setups can be tested, every remote input may be overridden and monitored, and system integrity can be verified. All signal routing (and special modes of operation) will still occur normally, as this mode effectively overrides the selected units inputs only, all other inputs on other units will still operate normally, and all outputs will operate normally, so it’s very easy to see the effect of input changes on complex systems. It is even possible to override units not configured for operation; so if another configured unit is set with the un-configured units inputs as its signal source it will react to Modbus overridden signals. This allows Modbus control of all outputs without overriding any physical ‘active’ unit. When the override button is clicked again the button will stop flashing, the display will revert to normal operation, and the unit which was being overridden will revert to providing normal data from its standard analog and digital inputs. This change back to normal operation will be delayed until the programmed ‘Modbus Override” time expires, typically several seconds. Allowing the unit to remain in the ‘overridden’ mode for a programmable time has several benefits. Although the RFScada configuration program ‘register override’ mode may be used for testing and configuration purposes it also provides complete monitoring and control capability of the whole system via Modbus. Some users will want purchase or design their own control routines to run on a PC or PLC that (via Modbus) controls and/or monitors an RFScada network. This may be done using products such as DAQFactory®, Visual Basic®, Labview®, Wonderware® etc. or supplied by vendors such as Data Delivery Devices LLC. These programs continually read and write data on the RFScada network and since the data is continuously being written the RFScada network will output signals depending on a combination of the RFScada system configuration, the actual input signals and the Modbus ‘overridden’ signals. Any units that have been configured for ‘Modbus only’ control will only react to Modbus commands from the control system; typically this mode is for systems that rely on a PC to control the whole system. However, if the PC fails or loses power for example, once the ‘Modbus Override’ time expires without the connected RFScada receiving any valid Modbus data the RFScada reverts to the standard mode, which should be configured for a ‘failsafe’ condition. Therefore the complete system could revert to a known, safe condition in the case of a PC hardware or software failure. To summarize, the RFScada system may be used in several ways. 1. As a standalone system it can route any analog input on any unit to any one (or more) analog outputs on any units. It also routes any digital input on any unit to any one (or more) digital outputs on any units. All units are aware of, and continually indicate, the confirmed operational status of all other units. If any unit fails all units can revert to a known state within a user programmed time. 2. All of (1) plus the built in control routines, for complete, automated pump and tank control using either analog and/or digital inputs. 3. All of (1) and (2) with the addition of monitoring any analog and digital input remotely using an RS-232, RS-485 or phone/modem connection via Modbus.

RFScada 8ADI-9DO/4ADI-5DO Manual Ver 3.6 Copyright ©2005 Data Delivery Devices LLC Page - 47 – Bartlesville OK Tel 918-335-3318 FAX 918-398-9990 4. All of (1), (2) and (3) with the capability of overriding any analog and digital input remotely using an RS-232, RS-485 or phone/modem connection via Modbus. 5. All inputs may be monitored using an RS-232, RS-485 or phone/modem connection via Modbus using a program such as DAQFactory. All outputs may be directly controlled with the same program. This flexibility allows simple or very complex systems to be assembled, with many options possible. Call Data Delivery Devices LLC for advice on how your specific application may be configured; since units are pre-configured at the factory even complex systems usually require no setup in the field.

RFScada 8ADI-9DO/4ADI-5DO Manual Ver 3.6 Copyright ©2005 Data Delivery Devices LLC Page - 48 – Bartlesville OK Tel 918-335-3318 FAX 918-398-9990

RFScada 8ADI-9DO/4ADI-5DO Manual Ver 3.6 Copyright ©2005 Data Delivery Devices LLC Page - 49 – Bartlesville OK Tel 918-335-3318 FAX 918-398-9990 General System Information. Selecting the about menu from the RFScada configuration & tester program will display current information about the connected unit. An example of a typical display is shown below. Typically these parameters are set at the factory or depend on the units configuration.

RFScada 8ADI-9DO/4ADI-5DO Manual Ver 3.6 Copyright ©2005 Data Delivery Devices LLC Page - 50 – Bartlesville OK Tel 918-335-3318 FAX 918-398-9990