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Daewoo Rf 420 Service Manual

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Page 21

1. Front PCB
2. Door Switch 
 2-1. RF-420N.. Models
No No
 Inuput a cutter sleeve between Window FCP and Panel
F control. ( Be careful not to scratch the surface. ) Unscrew Panel F Control.
Lift up the Window FCP.
( Input cutterr deeply to lift up easily.) Pull up the Panel and disconnect the wire connector. Procedure Procedure
4 2 1
No No
Inuput a thin driver in the right part as above picture. Move switch to left side.
And lift up to remove. Disconnect the wire housing.Procedure...

Page 22

 2-2. RN-420N.. Models
3. Multi-Duct As ( In Freshfood Compartment )
No No
Remove top cover hinge screw with (+) driver. Remove the Door Switch from the cover hinge.
Separate the Cover hinge by using driver. Disconnect door switch connector.
Be careful not to scratch the cabniet surface.Procedure Procedure
4 23 1
No No
Remove screw cap with flat driver
Unscrew 2 points Disconnect the Lamp & Sensor wire housing.Procedure

Page 23

4. Freezer Louver As
No No
Unscrew the fixing screw to remove the Louver F As Remove 3 screws in order to disassemble Louver F As.
Remove the Louver F As pulling the top side. When disassembling check the Knob position.
Disconnect Fan motor wire housing. Default position is M 36Procedure Procedure
5 2 1
L  M  H

Page 24

 Below process is for RN-420N (Refrigerant type : R-600a) models.
 Some parts are differ to RF-420N models. ( Hinge Cover, Door Switch, Wire Harness and Button Door Switch. )
 When you change door opening direction ( RF-420N models ), please refer page 20 (Door switch Disassemlby) and below.
How to change Door opening Dirction (Reversable)
No No
After hiding door wire harness, remove the button Door
Remove top cover hinge screw with (+) driver. Switch and Cover Bushing.
After unscrewing the  Cover...

Page 25

How to change Door opening Dirction (Reversable)
No No
Screw the middle hinge to fix the Freezer Door. Connect the wire harness to door swtich.
( Washer should be up. ) ( Be careful the dircetion. )
Also assemble wire cover on the top plate. ( On the rightAssemble Door and hing cover.
Change the plate position and separate door switch.Procedure Procedure
15 1214 11

Page 26

 1. Safety Warning ( R-600a Refrigerant Models Only, RN-420N.. )
This appliance contains a certain amount of isobutane refrigerant (R600a) a natural gas with high
environmental compatibility that is, however, also combustible.
When transporting and installing the appliance, care should be taken to ensure that no parts of the 
refrigerating circuit are damaged.
Refrigerant squirting out of the pipes could ignite or cause an eye injury. If a leak is detected, avoid
any naked flames or potential sources of...

Page 27

 3. Process Summary
 4. In Detail Precess
How To Charge R-600a Refrigerant
- Connect the dis-
  charging hose to
  the outdoors.
- Time : 7 min.
1st Step.
R-600a ref.
discharging2nd Step.
the remaning refrigerant3th Step.
Exchanging comp.
& dryer / pipe welding
4th Step.
coupling pipe5th Step.
Vacuum6th Step.
Charge R-600a
- For removing of
  remaning refrigerant.,
  connect the discharging hose to
  the vacuum pump
-Time : 10min- Exchange Comp. and Dryer
- Welding the Pipe

Page 28

How To Charge R-600a Refrigerant
SVC process Image Details
1. Change the c om p. & dryer.
※ You s hould c hec k the com p. s pec .
    and as s em ble c orrec tly.
1. W eld the eac h pipe.
O Copper-Copper welding - 5% rod
 Copper-Steel welding - 35% rod
1. Dec ap the c ouplig pipe c ap and
    disassemble the vlave assy.
※ If you dont dis ass em ble, the c oupling
      rubber would be m elted. 8Disassembly
of charging v alv e
( Co u pling  pipe ) 7
Welding 6Ex changing comp
&  d r y...

Page 29

How To Charge R-600a Refrigerant
SVC process Image Details
1. Reas s em ble the valve as s y with 
    c oupling pipe to c loc kwis e.
 2. Connect the blue hos e of the guage
    to the c oupling pipe and the yellow hose
     to the vacuum pump.
3. Open the blue guage lever 
    and start the vac uum  pum p
 1. Be vac uum ed the c yc le with pum p.
※  Tim e :  60~80m in
   =>  If the vacuum time is less than 60min,
        ref. COP & air c oolong would be weak.
1.  Chec k the guage : -76
※ If...

Page 30

How To Charge R-600a Refrigerant
SVC process Image Details
1. Conec t c an adapter to the c oupling pipe.
2. Charge the ref. with open lever s lowly.
※ Refrigerant s hould never leak in the room .
1. On the power of refrigerator and then
   start  to charge the ref. (10min)
※  Charge the ref. until going out the water
     vapour c on
densing on the c an outlet.
1. Chec k the leakage.
※ You m us t rework from  Step.1
   when the leakage is  detec ted.
1. Clean and c lear around the m ac hinery...
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