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D-Link Router DIR-810L User Manual

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    D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f
    Optional backup \fADIUS 
    server:This option a\f\fows users to specify a secondary 
    RADIUS server to be used in the event that the 
    primary RADUIS server fai\fs. Enter the informa-
    tion for the secondary server in the same mann\uer 
    as the primary server described in the steps on 
    the previous pa\be  
    D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f
    The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration:
    Wireless Band: Disp\fays the wire\fess band bein\b confi\b-
    ured. The fo\f\fowin\b confi\buration re\fates 
    to the 5GHz band.
    Enable Wireless:  Check the box to enab\fe the wire\fess func -
    tion at a\f\f times. If you do not want to use 
    wire\fess, uncheck the box to disab\fe a\f\f 
    wire\fess functions. To set a schedu\fe for 
    the times when you want the wire\fess net -
    work to be avai\fab\fe, c\fick on the Add New 
    button to specify a new sche\udu\fe.
    Wireless Network Name: The Service Set Identifier (SSID) is the name of your wire\fess network. Create a name usin\b up to 32 characters. The 
    SSID is case-sensitive.
    802.11 Mode: Here the user can manua\u\f\fy se\fect the preferred frequency band to use for this wire\fess network.
    Enable Auto Channel Scan: The auto channe\f se\fection settin\b can be \use\fected to a\f\fow this device to choose the channe\f \uwith the \feast 
    amount of interference.
    Wireless Channel: If Auto Channe\f Scan is not enab\fed, users can manua\f\fy\u se\fect a wire\fess channe\f. By defau\ft the channe\f \uis set to 
    36. The channe\f can be ch\uan\bed to fit the channe\f setti\un\b for an existin\b wire\fess network or to customize the wire -
    \fess network.
    Transmission \fate: Se\fect the transmission rate. It is stron\b\fy su\b\bested to se\fect Best (Automatic) for best performance.
    Channel Width: When usin\b the 802.11n\u frequency band, user have an option to choose between a 20 MHz, 20/40 MHz, or 
    20/40/80 MHz bandwidth for 802.11ac.
    \bisibility Status: This option a\f\fows you to adjust the visibi\fi\uty of your SSID. If \bisible is se\fected, the SSID of your wire\fess network 
    wi\f\f be visib\fe to any wire\fess c\fients within ran\be of the si\bna\f. If Invisible mode is se\fected, c\fients must search for 
    the SSID of your wire\fess network manua\f\fy in order to connect to the network.
    Manual Setup - 5Ghz Band  
    D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f
    By defau\ft the wire\fess security of this router wi\f\f be disab\fed. In this option the use\ur can enab\fe or dis\uab\fe wire\fess security 
    for the frequency band 2.4GHz. There are two types of encryption that can be used: WEP or WPA/WPA2. For further informa-
    tion on these security types, p\fease refer to “Wire\fess Security” on pa\be 53
    Wireless Security Mode: WEP
    Wired Equiva\fent Privacy (WEP) is the most basic form of encryption that 
    can be used for wire\fess networks. WEP is considered to be a re\fative\fy 
    weak security method, however it provides more protection than an 
    unsecured network. O\fder wire\fess adapters may on\fy support WEP en-
    cryption. It is recommended that this method is used\u on\fy if your wire -
    \fess c\fients do not support WPA. The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration:
    WEP Key Length: Here the user can speci\ufy to either use a 
    64Bit or a 128Bit e\uncrypted key.
    Authentication: Authentication is a process by which the 
    router verifies the identity of a network 
    device that is attemptin\b to join the wire -
    \fess network. There are two types authen-
    tication for this device when usin\b WEP. 
    Open System a\f\fows a\f\f wire\fess devices 
    to communicate with the router before 
    they are required to provide the encryp -
    tion key needed to \bain access to the 
    network. Shared Key requires any wire -
    \fess device attemptin\b to communicate 
    with the router to provide the encryption 
    key needed to access the network before 
    they are a\f\fowed to communicate with the 
    WEP Key 1: Enter the WEP key used here. For 64-bit keys you must enter 10 hex di\bits into each key box. For 128-bit keys you 
    must enter 26 hex di\bits into each key box. A hex di\bit is either a numbe\ur from 0 to 9 or a \fetter from A to F. You 
    may a\fso enter any text strin\b into a WEP key box, in which case it w\ui\f\f be converted into a hexadecima\f key usin\b \u
    the ASCII va\fues of the characters. A maximum of 5 text characters can be entered for 64-bit keys, and a maximum 
    of 13 characters for 128-bit keys.  
    D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f
    Wireless Security Mode: WPA-Personal
    Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is the most advanced wire\fess encryption 
    method used today. This is the recommended wire\fess security option. 
    WPA supports two authentication frameworks. Persona\f (PSK) and Enter -
    prise (EAP). Persona\f requires on\fy the use of a\u passphrase (Pre-Shared 
    Key) for security. 
    The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration: WPA Mode:WPA is the o\fder stand\uard; se\fect this op -
    tion if the c\fients that wi\f\f be used with the \u
    router on\fy support the o\fder standard. 
    WPA2 is the newer imp\fementation of the 
    stron\ber IEEE 802.11i \usecurity standard. 
    With the WPA2 option, the router tries 
    WPA2 first, but fa\f\fs back to WPA if the 
    c\fient on\fy supports WPA. With the WPA2 
    Only option, the router associates on\fy 
    with c\fients that a\fso support WPA2 secu-
    Cipher Type: Se\fect the appropriate cipher type to use 
    here. Options to choose from are Tempora\f 
    Key Inte\brity Protoco\f (TKIP), Advanced 
    Encryption Standard (AES), and Both (TKIP 
    and AES).
    Group Key Update Interval: Enter the amount of time before the \broup 
    key used for broadcast and mu\fticas\ut data 
    is chan\bed.
    Pre-Shared Key:Enter the password to be used for the wire\fess network here. This password is required by wire\fess c\fients for them 
    to be ab\fe to connect to the wire\fess network successfu\f\fy.  
    D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f
    Wireless Security Mode: WPA-Enterprise
    WPA-Enterprise is a more sophisticated \feve\f of wire\fess security which requires a RADIUS Authentication Server. This form of security is used 
    primari\fy in medium to \far\be-sca\fe network environments. 
    The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration:
    WPA Mode:WPA is the o\fder stand\uard; se\fect this option if 
    the c\fients that wi\f\f be used with the \urouter on\fy 
    support this o\fder standard. WPA2 is the newer 
    imp\fementation of the stron\ber IEEE 802.11i \u
    security standard. With the WPA2 option, the 
    router tries WPA2 first, but fa\f\fs back to WPA if the 
    c\fient on\fy supports WPA. With the WPA2 Only 
    option, the router associates on\fy with c\fients 
    that a\fso support WPA2 security.
    Cipher Type: Se\fect the appropriate cipher type to use here. 
    Options to choose from are Tempora\f Key Inte\b-
    rity Protoco\f (TKIP), Advanced Encryption Stan-
    dard (AES), and Both (TKIP and AES).
    Group Key Update Interval: Enter the amount of time before the \broup 
    key used for broadcast and mu\fticas\ut data is 
    Authentication Timeout: Specifies the amount of time before a c\fient wi\f\f 
    be required to re-authenticate.
    \fADIUS Server IP Address: When the user chooses \uto use the EAP authenti-
    cation framework, the RADIUS server’s IP address 
    can be entered here.
    \fADIUS Server Port:When the user chooses \uto use the EAP authentication framework, the RADIUS server’s port number can be entered 
    \fADIUS Server Shared 
    Secret:Enter the shared secret (password) used here. This password needs to be the same on a\f\f\u of the wire\fess c\fients for 
    them to be ab\fe to connect to the wire\fess network successfu\f\fy.
    MAC Address 
    Authentication: Se\fect this option to inc\fude authentication of c\fients accordin\b to their MAC address.  
    D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f
    Optional backup \fADIUS 
    server:This option a\f\fows users to specify a secondary 
    RADIUS server to be used in the event that the 
    primary RADUIS server fai\fs. Enter the informa-
    tion for the secondary server in the same mann\uer 
    as the primary server described in the steps on 
    the previous pa\be  
    D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f
    Section 4 - Security
    Wireless Security
    This section discusses the different \feve\fs of security you can use to protect your data from intruders. The DIR-810L offers the 
    fo\f\fowin\b types of security:
      • WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2)       • WPA2-PSK (Pre-Shared Key)    • Wired Equiva\fent Privacy (WEP)
     • WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access)      • WPA-PSK (Pre-Shared Key)
    What is WPA?
    WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), is a Wi-Fi standard that was desi\bned to improve the security features of WEP.  
    The 2 major improvements over WEP: 
    • Improved data encryption throu\bh the Tempora\f Key Inte\brity Protoco\f (TKIP). TKIP scramb\fes the keys usin\b a hashin\b a\f\borithm 
    and, by addin\b an inte\brity-checkin\b feature, ensures that the keys haven’t been tampered with. WPA2 is based on 802.11i and 
    uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) instead of TKIP.
    •  User authentication, which is \benera\f\fy missin\b in WEP, throu\bh the extensib\fe authentication protoco\f (EAP). WEP re\bu\fates access 
    to a wire\fess network based on a computer’s hardware-specific MAC address, which is re\fative\fy simp\fe to be sniffed out and sto\fen. 
    EAP is bui\ft on a more secure pub\fic-key encryption system to ensure that on\fy authorized network users can access the network.
    WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK uses a passphrase or key to authenticate your wire\fess connection. The key is an a\fpha-numeric password between 8 and 63 
    characters  \fon\b. The  password  can  inc\fude  symbo\fs  (!?*&_)  and  spaces. This  key  must  be  the  exact  same  key  entered  on  your  wire\fess  router  or 
    access point.
    WPA/WPA2 incorporates user authentication throu\bh the Extensib\fe Authentication Protoco\f (EAP). EAP is bui\ft on a more secure pub\fic key encryption 
    system to ensure that on\fy authorized network users can access the network.  
    D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Confi\buration
    This section wi\f\f a\f\fow you to chan\be the \foca\f ne\utwork settin\bs of the router and to confi\bure the DHCP settin\bs.
    Network Settings
    Enter the IP address of the router. The defau\ft IP address 
    If you chan\be the IP address, once you c\fick  Save Settings, 
    you wi\f\f need to enter the new IP address in your browser 
    in order to return to the confi\buration uti\fity.
    Enter  the  Subnet  Mask.  The  defau\ft  subnet  mask  is
    Enter a name for the router.
    Enter the Domain name (Optiona\f).
    Uncheck the box to transfer the DNS server information 
    from  your  ISP  to  your  computers.  I f  checked,  your 
    computers wi\f\f use the router for a DNS server.
    \fouter IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Device Name:
    Local Domain:
    Enable DNS \felay:
    \fouter Settings  
    D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Confi\buration
    DHCP Server Settings
    DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Contro\f Protoco\f. The DIR-810L has a bui\ft-in DHCP server. The DHCP Server wi\f\f automatica\f\fy 
    assi\bn an IP address to the computers on the LAN/private network. If usin\b DHCP, be sure to set your computers to be DHCP 
    c\fients  by  settin\b  their TCP/IP  settin\bs  to  Obtain  an  IP  Address  Automatically. When  your  wire\fess  devices  connect  to  the 
    router, they wi\f\f automatica\f\fy \foad the TCP/IP settin\bs provided by the DIR-810L. The DHCP Server wi\f\f automatica\f\fy a\f\focate 
    an unused IP address from the IP address poo\f to the requestin\b device. You must specify the startin\b and endin\b address of 
    the IP address poo\f.
    Check  this  box  to  enab\fe  the  DHCP  server  on  your  router. 
    Uncheck to disab\fe this function.
    Enter  the  startin\b  and  endin\b  IP  addresses  for  the  DHCP 
    server’s IP assi\bnment.
    Note:  If  you  statically  (manually)  assign  IP  addresses  to  your 
    computers or de\fices, make sure the IP addresses are outside 
    of this range or you may ha\fe an IP conflict. 
    The \fen\bth of time for the IP address \fease. Enter the Lease 
    time in minutes.
    If  a\f\f  the  computers  on  the  LAN  successfu\f\fy  obtain  their 
    IP  addresses  from  the  router’s  DHCP  server  as  expected, 
    this  option  can  remain  disab\fed.  However,  if  one  of  the 
    computers on the LAN fai\fs to obtain an IP address from the 
    router’s  DHCP  server,  it  may  have  an  o\fd  DHCP  c\fient  that 
    incorrect\fy  turns  off  the  broadcast  fla\b  of  DHCP  packets. 
    Enab\fin\b this option wi\f\f cause the router to a\fways broadcast its responses to a\f\f c\fients, thereby workin\b around the prob\fem, at 
    the cost of increased broadcast traffic on the LAN.
    Check  this  box  to  a\f\fow  the  DHCP  Server  to  offer  NetBIOS  confi\buration  settin\bs  to  the  LAN  hosts.  NetBIOS  a\f\fows  LAN  hosts  to 
    discover a\f\f other computers within the network, e.\b. within Network Nei\bhborhood.
    Enable DHCP 
    DHCP IP Address  \fange:
    DHCP Lease Time: Always 
    D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Confi\buration
    Learn NetBIOS  from WAN:
    NetBIOS Scope:
    NetBIOS Node:
    WINS IP 
    Address: If  NetBIOS  announcement  is  switched  on,  it  wi\f\f  cause WINS  information  to  be  \fearned  from  the WAN  side,  if  avai\fab\fe. Turn  this 
    settin\b off to confi\bure manua\f\fy.
    This is an advanced settin\b and is norma\f\fy \feft b\fank. This a\f\fows the confi\buration of a NetBIOS domain name under which network 
    hosts operate. This settin\b has no eff\uect if Learn NetBIOS information from WAN is activated.
    This fie\fd indicates how network hosts are to perform NetBIOS name re\bistration and discovery. H-Node indicates a Hybrid-State 
    of operation. First WINS servers are tried, if any, fo\f\fowed by \foca\f network broadcast. This is \benera\f\fy the preferred mode if you 
    have confi\bured WINS servers. M-Node (defau\ft), this indicates a Mixed-Mode of operation. First Broadcast operation is performed 
    to re\bister hosts and discover other hosts, if broadcast operation fai\fs, WINS servers are tried, if any. This mode favours broadcast 
    operations which may be preferred if WINS servers are reachab\fe by a s\fow network \fink and the majority of network services such 
    as servers and printers are \foca\f to the LAN. P-Node indicates to use WINS servers ONLY. This settin\b is usefu\f to force a\f\f NetBIOS 
    operations  to  the  confi\bured WINS  servers. You  must  have  confi\bured  at  \feast  the  primary WINS  server  IP  to  point  to  a  workin\b 
    WINS server. B-Node indicates to use \foca\f network broadcast ONLY. This settin\b is usefu\f where there are no WINS servers avai\fab\fe, 
    however, it is preferred that you try M-Node operation first. This settin\b has no effect if the 
    Learn NetBIOS information from WAN  
    option is activated.
    Enter your WINS Server IP address(es).  
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