D-Link Router DIR:652 User Manual
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26D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Enter the IP address assi\bned by your ISP. Enter the Subnet Mask assi\bned by your ISP. Enter the Gateway assi\bned by your ISP. The DNS server information wi\f\f be supp\fied by your ISP (Internet Service Provider.) Maximum Transmission Unit - you may need to chan\be the MTU for optima\f performance with your specific ISP. 1500 is the defau\f\ut MTU. The defau\ft MAC Address is set to the Internet port’s physica\f...
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27D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Se\fect the DS-Lite.DHCPv6. \fption to \fet the router a\f\focate the AFTR IPv6 address automatica\f\fy. Se\fect the Manua\b.Configuration to enter the AFTR IPv6 address in manua\f\fy. After se\fectin\b the Manua\f Confi\buration option above, the user can enter the AFTR IPv6 address used here. Enter the B4 IPv4 address va\fue used here. Once connected, the WAN IPv6 address wi\f\f be disp\fayed here. Once connected, the IPv6 WAN Defau\ft...
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28D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Check the box to enab\fe the wire\fess function. If you do not want to use wire\fess, uncheck the box to disab\fe a\f\f the wire\fess functions. The schedu\fe of time when the wire\fess settin\bs ru\fes wi\f\f be enab\fed. The schedu\fe may be set to A\bways, which wi\f\f a\f\fow the particu\far service to a\fways be enab\fed. You can create your own times in the Too\bs > Schedu\bes section. Service Set Identifier (SSID) is the name of your...
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29D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration This section wi\f\f a\f\fow you to chan\be the \foca\f ne\utwork settin\bs of the router and to confi\bure the DHCP settin\bs. Network Settings Enter the IP address of the router. The defau\ft IP address is If you chan\be the IP address, once you c\fick App\by, you wi\f\f need to enter the new IP address in your browser to \bet back into the confi\buration uti\fity. Enter the Subnet Mask. The defau\ft subnet...
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30D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration DHCP Server Settings DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Contro\f Protoco\f. The DIR-652 has a bui\ft-in DHCP server. The DHCP Server wi\f\f automatica\f\fy assi\bn an IP address to the computers on the LAN/private network. Be sure to set your computers to be DHCP c\fients by settin\b their TCP/IP settin\bs to “Obtain an IP Address Automatica\f\fy.” When you turn your computers on, they wi\f\f automatica\f\fy \foad the proper TCP/IP settin\bs provided...
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31D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration DHCP Reservation If you want a computer or device to a\fways have the same IP address assi\bned, you can create a DHCP reservation. The router wi\f\f assi\bn the IP address on\fy to that computer or device. Note: This IP address must be within the DHCP I\ffP Address \bange. Check this box to enab\fe the reservation. Enter the computer name or se\fect from the drop-down menu and c\fick
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32D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Parental Controls Advan\fed DNS: FamilyShield: Parental Controls: None: Faster, more re\fiab\fe Internet browsin\b. Inc\fudes Advanced DNS and automatic protection from ma\fware, phishin\b, and adu\ft websites. This option uses OpenDNS. Inc\fudes Advanced DNS, Fami\fyShie\fd, and customizab\fe b\fockin\b of ma\fware and phishin\b sites. You may a\fso customize fi\fterin\b of web content by cate\bory. This option uses OpenDNS\u....
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33D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration IPv6 Internet Conne\ftion C\fick IPv6.Internet.Connection.Setup.Wizard.to be\bin. Skip to pa\be 51. If you want to confi\bure your IPv6 Internet Connection manua\f\fy, c\fick Manua\b. IPv6.Internet.Connection.Setup and skip to the next pa\be.
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34D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration IPv6 Manual Setup There are severa\f connection types to choose from: Auto Detection, Static IPv6, Autoconfi\buration (SLAAC/DHCPv6), PPPoE, IPv6 in IPv4 Tunne\f, 6to4, 6rd, and Link-\foca\f. If you are unsure of your connection method, p\fease contact your IPv6 Internet Service Provider. Note: If usin\b the PPPoE option, you wi\f\f need to ensure that any PPPoE c\fient software on your computers has been removed or disab\fed. Auto Dete\ftion...
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35D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Stati\f IPv6 (Stateful) Se\fect Static.IPv6 from the drop-down menu. Enter the address settin\bs supp\fied by your Internet provider (ISP). Enter the LAN (\foca\f) I\uPv6 address for the router. Disp\fays the Router’s LAN Link-Loca\f Address. Check to enab\fe the Autoconfi\buration feature. Se\fect Statefu\b.(DHCPv6). Enter the start IPv6 Address for the DHCPv6 ran\be for your \foca\f computers. Enter the end IPv6 Address...