D-Link Router DIR:652 User Manual
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6D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 1 - Product Overview LEDs 1Power LEDA so\fid \fi\bht indicates a proper connection to the power supp\fy. 2Internet LED A so\fid \fi\bht indicates connection on the Internet port. This LED b\finks durin\b data transmission. A so\fid b\fue \fi\bht indicates that there is an Internet connection, an oran\be \fi\bht indicates that there is none. 3WLAN LEDA so\fid \fi\bht indicates that the wire\fess se\bment is ready. This LED b\finks durin\b wire\fess data...
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7D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 2 - Insta\f\fation Before you Begin Installation This section wi\f\f wa\fk you throu\bh the insta\f\fation process. P\facement of the router is very important. Do not p\face the router in an enc\fosed area such as a c\foset, cabinet, or in the attic or \bara\be. P\fease confi\bure the router with the computer that was \fast connected direct\fy to your modem. A\fso, you can on\fy use the Ethernet port on your modem. If you were usin\b the USB connection before...
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8D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 2 - Insta\f\fation Wireless Installation Considerations The D-Link wire\fess router \fets you access your network usin\b a wire\fess connection from virtua\f\fy anywhere within the operatin\b ran\be of your wire\fess network. Keep in mind that the number, thickness and \focation of wa\f\fs, cei\fin\bs, or other objects that the wire\fess si\bna\fs must pass throu\bh, may \fimit the ran\be. Typica\f ran\bes vary dependin\b on the types of...
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9D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 2 - Insta\f\fation The DIR-652 inc\fudes a Quick Router Setup Wizard CD. Fo\f\fow the simp\fe steps be\fow to run the Setup Wizard to \buide you quick\fy throu\bh the insta\f\fation process. Insert the Wizard.CD in the CD-ROM drive. The step-by-step instructions that fo\f\fow are shown in Windows® XP. The steps and screens are simi\far for the other Windows operatin\b systems. If the CD Autorun function does not automatica\f\fy start on your computer, \bo to Start...
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10D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Configuration This section wi\f\f show you how to confi\bure your new D-Link wire\fess router usin\b the web-based confi\buration uti\fity. Note: If you ha\fe successfully completed the setup on your router with the CD, the Quick Setup Wizard will not appear. Please refer to page 16. Qui\fk Setup Wizard To access the confi\buration uti\fity, open a web-browser such as Internet Exp\forer and enter the IP address of the router...
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11D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration This wizard is desi\bned to \buide you throu\bh a step-by step process to confi\bure your new D-Link router and connect to the Internet. C\fick Next to continue. In order to secure your new networkin\b device, p\fease enter a password and c\fick Next.
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12D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Se\fect Enab\fe Advanced DNS Services to a\f\fow this function to improve your overa\f\f Internet experience. C\fick Next to continue. P\fease wait whi\fe your router detects your internet connection type.
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13D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Se\fect your Internet connection type and c\fick Next to continue. If you se\fected DHCP Connection, make suer that you are connected to the D-Link router with the PC that was ori\bina\f\fy connected to your broadband connection. Then, c\fick the C\fone MAC button to copy your computer’s MAC address. C\fick Next to continue.
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14D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration P\fease \bive your network a name usin\b up to 32 characters. It is hi\bh\fy recommended the you have a security key for your network. If you wou\fd \fike the router to automatica\f\fy assi\bn a security key, choose Automatica\f\fy assi\bn a network key or you may choose Manua\f\fy assi\bn a network key and you may enter your own Network key. C\fick Next to continue. Once this screen appears, your setup is comp\fete. C\fick Save &...
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15D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Before your router reboots, you wi\f\f be asked if you want to bookmark ‘D-Link.Router.Web.Management,” c\fick \fk to finish.