D-Link Router DIR-645 User Manual
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57 D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f Section 3 - Software Confi\buration The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration: Enable DHCP- PD:Se\fect this option to enab\fe DHCP PD. LAN IPv6 Address: Enter the LAN IPv6 address used here. This address must be in the ‘/64’ subnet. LAN IPv6 Link- L\fcal Address: Disp\fays the LAN IPv6 Link-Loca\f address used here. The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration: Enable Aut\fmatic IPv6 address: The user can tick this option to enab\fe the auto- confi\buration feature. Enable Aut\fmatic DHCP-PD in LAN: Tick this option to enab\fe the automatic DHCP-PD on the LAN. The user can se\fect the auto-confi\buration type used here. R\futer Advertisement Lifetime: This option is on\fy avai\fab\fe when the auto- confi\buration type is set to Stateless. Enter the router advertisement \fifetime va\fue used here. IPv6 Address Range (Start): This option is on\fy avai\fab\fe when the auto- confi\buration type is set to Stateful. Enter the start IPv6 Address for the DHCPv6 ran\be for your \foca\f computers. IPv6 Address Range (End): This option is on\fy avai\fab\fe when the auto- confi\buration type is set to Stateful. Enter the end IPv6 Address for the DHCPv6 ran\be for your \foca\f computers. IPv6 Address Lifetime: This option is on\fy avai\fab\fe when the auto- confi\buration type is set to Stateful. Enter the IPv6 Address Lifetime (in minutes). C\fick on the Save Settings button to accept the chan\bes made. C\fick on the D\fn’t Save Settings button to discard the chan\bes made.
58 D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f Section 3 - Software Confi\buration IPv6 C\fnnecti\fn Type: 6t\f4 In this section the user can confi\bure the IPv6 6to4 connection settin\bs. 6to4 is an IPv6 address assi\bnment and automatic tunne\fin\b techno\fo\by that used to provide unicast IPv6 connectivity between IPv6 sites and hosts across the IPv4 Internet. The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration: 6t\f4 Address: Here the 6to4 confi\bured address wi\f\f be disp\fayed. 6t\f4 Relay: Enter the 6to4 re\fay address used here. Primary DNS Server: Enter the primary DNS Server address used here. Sec\fndary DNS Server: Enter the secondary DNS Server address used here. The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration: LAN IPv6 Address: Enter the LAN IPv6 address used here. This address must be in the ‘/64’ subnet. LAN IPv6 Link- L\fcal Address: Disp\fays the LAN IPv6 Link-Loca\f address used here. Enable Aut\fmatic IPv6 address Aut\fc\fnfigurati\fn Type: R\futer Advertisement Lifetime: The user can tick this option to enab\fe the auto- confi\buration feature. The user can se\fect the auto-confi\buration type used here. This option is on\fy avai\fab\fe when the auto- confi\buration type is set to Stateless. Enter the router advertisement \fifetime va\fue used here
59 D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f Section 3 - Software Confi\buration The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration: Enable Aut\fmatic IPv6 address: The user can tick this option to enab\fe the auto- confi\buration feature. The user can se\fect the auto-confi\buration type used here. IPv6 Address Range (Start): This option is on\fy avai\fab\fe when the auto- confi\buration type is set to Stateful. Enter the start IPv6 Address for the DHCPv6 ran\be for your \foca\f computers. IPv6 Address Range (End): This option is on\fy avai\fab\fe when the auto- confi\buration type is set to Stateful. Enter the end IPv6 Address for the DHCPv6 ran\be for your \foca\f computers. IPv6 Address Lifetime: This option is on\fy avai\fab\fe when the auto- confi\buration type is set to Stateful. Enter the IPv6 Address Lifetime (in minutes). C\fick on the Save Settings button to accept the chan\bes made. C\fick on the D\fn’t Save Settings button to discard the chan\bes made.
60 D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f Section 3 - Software Confi\buration IPv6 C\fnnecti\fn Type: 6rd In this section the user can confi\bure the IPv6 6rd connection settin\bs. The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration: 6rd C\fnfigurati\fn: Se\fect the desired 6rd confi\buration option here. 6rd IPv6 Prefix: Enter the 6rd IPv6 address and prefix va\fue used here. IPv4 Address: Enter the IPv4 address used here. Mask Length: Enter the IPv4 mask \fen\bth used h\uere. Assigned IPv6 Prefix: Disp\fays the IPv6 assi\bned prefix va\fue here. 6rd B\frder Relay IPv4 Address: Enter the 6rd border re\fay IPv4 address used here. Primary DNS Server Enter the primary DNS Server address used here. Sec\fndary DNS Server: Enter the secondary DNS Server address uses here. The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration: LAN IPv6 Address: Enter the LAN IPv6 address used here. This address must be in the ‘/64’ subnet. LAN IPv6 Link- L\fcal Address: Disp\fays the LAN IPv6 Link-Loca\f address used here.
61 D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f Section 3 - Software Confi\buration The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration: Enable Aut\fmatic IPv6 address: The user can tick this option to enab\fe the auto- confi\buration feature. The user can se\fect the auto-confi\buration type used here. R\futer Advertisement Lifetime: This option is on\fy avai\fab\fe when the auto- confi\buration type is set to Stateless. Enter the router advertisement \fifetime va\fue used here. IPv6 Address Range (Start): This option is on\fy avai\fab\fe when the auto- confi\buration type is set to Stateful. Enter the start IPv6 Address for the DHCPv6 ran\be for your \foca\f computers. IPv6 Address Range (End): This option is on\fy avai\fab\fe when the auto- confi\buration type is set to Stateful. Enter the end IPv6 Address for the DHCPv6 ran\be for your \foca\f computers. IPv6 Address Lifetime: This option is on\fy avai\fab\fe when the auto- confi\buration type is set to Stateful. Enter the IPv6 Address Lifetime (in minutes). C\fick on the Save Settings button to accept the chan\bes made. C\fick on the D\fn’t Save Settings button to discard the chan\bes made.
62 D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f Section 3 - Software Confi\buration Advanced Categ\fry This section a\f\fows the user to confi\bure the more advanced features that can be done by this router. Features \fike P\frt F\frwarding, Firewall settings, Quality \ff Service settin\bs and more.
63 D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f Section 3 - Software Confi\buration Virtual Server This router can be confi\bured as a virtua\f server so that remote users accessin\b Web or FTP services via the pub\fic IP address can be automatica\f\fy redirected to \foca\f servers in the LAN (Loca\f Area Network). The router’s firewa\f\f feature fi\fters out unreco\bnized packets to protect the LAN network so a\f\f computers networked with the router are invisib\fe to the outside wor\fd. The user can make some of the LAN computers accessib\fe from the Internet by enab\fin\b Virtua\f Server. Dependin\b on the requested service, the router redirects the externa\f service request to the appropriate server within the LAN network. The router is a\fso capab\fe of port-redirection, meanin\b that incomin\b traffic to a particu\far port may be redirected to a different port on the server computer. Checkb\fx: Check the box on the \feft side to enab\fe the Virtua\f Server ru\fe. Name: Enter a name for the ru\fe or se\fect an app\fication from the drop-down menu. Se\fect an app\fication and c\fick
64 D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f Section 3 - Software Confi\buration P\frt:Enter the port that you want to open next to Pub\fic Port and Private Port. The pub\fic and private ports are usua\f\fy the same. The pub\fic port is the port seen from the Internet side, and the private port is the port bein\b used by the app\fication on the computer within your \foca\f network. Traffic Type: Se\fect TCP, UDP, or A\f\f from the Protoco\f drop-down menu. Schedule: Use the drop-down menu to schedu\fe the time that the Virtua\f Server Ru\fe wi\f\f be enab\fed. The schedu\fe may be set to A\fways, which wi\f\f a\f\fow the particu\far service to a\fways be enab\fed. You can create your own times in the Schedu\fes pa\be. C\fick on the Save Settings button to accept the chan\bes made. C\fick on the D\fn’t Save Settings button to discard the chan\bes made.
65 D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f Section 3 - Software Confi\buration P\frt F\frwarding The Port Forwardin\b option \bives Internet users access to services on your LAN. This feature is usefu\f for hostin\b on\fine services such as FTP, Web or \bame servers. For each entry, you define a pub\fic port on your router for redirection to an interna\f LAN IP Address and LAN port. This option is used to open mu\ftip\fe ports or a ran\be of ports in your router and redirect data throu\bh those ports to a sin\b\fe PC on your network. This feature a\f\fows you to enter ports in the format, Port Ran\bes (100-150), Individua\f Ports (80, 68, 888), o\ur Mixed (1020-5000, 689\u). This option is on\fy a\upp\ficab\fe to the INTERNET session. The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration: Checkb\fx: Tick the checkbox on the \feft side to enab\fe the Port Forwardin\b ru\fe. Name: Enter a name for the ru\fe or se\fect an app\fication from the drop-down menu. Se\fect an app\fication and c\fick
66 D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f Section 3 - Software Confi\buration Applicati\fn Rules Some app\fications require mu\ftip\fe connections, such as Internet \bamin\b, video conferencin\b, Internet te\fephony and others. These app\fications have difficu\fties workin\b throu\bh NAT (Network Address Trans\fation). Specia\f App\fications makes some of these app\fications work with the router. If you need to run app\fications that require mu\ftip\fe connections, specify the port norma\f\fy associated with an app\fication in the “Tri\b\ber Port” fie\fd, se\fect the protoco\f type as TCP or UDP, then enter the firewa\f\f (pub\fic) ports associated with the tri\b\ber port to open them for inbound traffic. The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration: Checkb\fx: Check the box on the \feft side to enab\fe the App\fication Ru\fe. Name: Enter a name for the ru\fe. You may se\fect a predefined app\fication from the App\fication drop-down menu and c\fick