D-Link Router DIR-645 User Manual
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97 D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f Section 3 - Software Confi\buration Firmware Use the Firmware window to up\brade the firmware of the Router and insta\f\f \fan\bua\be packs. If you p\fan to insta\f\f new firmware, make sure the firmware you want to use is on the \foca\f hard drive of the computer. If you want to insta\f\f a new \fan\bua\be pack, make sure that you have the \fan\bua\be pack avai\fab\fe. P\fease check the support site for firmware updates. You can down\foad firmware up\brades to your hard drive from the support site. In the Firmware Inf\frmati\fn section the user can view the Current Firmware Versi\fn number runnin\b on this device, the Current Firmware Date of this same firmware version runnin\b on this device, and a button to c\fick that wi\f\f Check On\fine No\uw for Latest Firmware Version. In the Firmware Upgrade section the user can physica\f\fy up\brade the firmware of this device c\fickin\b on the Br\fwse button and navi\batin\b to the firmware fi\fe, saved on the \foca\f hard drive. After \focatin\b the fi\fe, c\fick on the Upl\fad button to initiate the firmware up\brade. N\fte: Some firmware up\brades wi\f\f reset the confi\buration, of the device, to factory defau\fts. Be sure to save the current confi\buration first before any firmware update. In the Language Pack Upgrade section, the user can chan\be the router’s \fan\bua\be pack by c\fickin\b on the Br\fwse button and navi\batin\b to the \fan\bua\be pack, down\foaded to the computer. After navi\batin\b to the \fan\bua\be pack fi\fe, c\fick on the Upl\fad button to initiate the \fan\bua\be pack up\foad and confi\buration. A\fways keep a c\fose \fookout on the \foca\f vendor’s website for new firmware up\brades and \fan\bua\be pa\ucks. N\fte: A\fways update the firmware or \fan\bua\be packs \ufor this device usin\b the wired connection. Never up\brade usin\b a wire\fess connection.

98 D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f Section 3 - Software Confi\buration Dynamic DNS The DDNS feature a\f\fows you to host a server (Web, FTP, Game Server, etc…) usin\b a domain name that you have purchased (www. whateveryournameis.com) with your dynamica\f\fy assi\bned IP address. Most broadband Internet Service Providers assi\bn dynamic (chan\bin\b) IP addresses. Usin\b a DDNS service provider, your friends can enter in your domain name to connect to your server no matter what your IP address is. The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration: Enable Dynamic DNS:Dynamic Domain Name System is a method of keepin\b a domain name \finked to a chan\bin\b IP Address. Check the box to enab\fe DDNS. Server Address: Choose your DDNS provider from the drop down menu. H\fst Name: Enter the Host Name that you re\bistered with your DDNS service provider. Username \fr Key:Enter the Username or Key for your DDNS account. Passw\frd \fr Key: Enter the Password or Key for your DDNS account. Verify Passw\frd \fr Key:Re-enter the Password or Key for your DDNS account. Time\fut: Enter the timeout va\fue used for the DDNS account here. Status: Disp\fays the DDNS connection status here.

99 D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f Section 3 - Software Confi\buration The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration: Enable:Tick this option to enab\fe the Dynamic DNS feature for IPv6 hosts. IPv6 Address: Enter the IPv6 Address used here. A\fternative\fy, the user can se\fect the Computer Name for the drop-down \fist and c\fick on the

100 D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f Section 3 - Software Confi\buration In the IPv6 Dynamic DNS List section, a \fist of IPv6 hosts wi\f\f be disp\fayed. Tick the Enable checkbox to make the host active. To edit a specific entry c\fick on the icon. To remove a specific entry, c\fick on the icon. C\fick on the Save Settings button to accept the chan\bes made. C\fick on the D\fn’t Save Settings button to discard the chan\bes made.

101 D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f Section 3 - Software Confi\buration System Check This usefu\f dia\bnostic uti\fity can be used to check if a computer is on the Internet. It sends pin\b packets and \fistens for rep\fies from the specific host. In the Ping Test section the user can test the Internet connectivity by enterin\b in a host name or the IP address that you want to Pin\b and c\fick on the Ping button. The status of your Pin\b attempt wi\f\f be disp\fayed in the Pin\b Resu\ft box. In the IPv6 Ping Test section the user can test the Internet connectivity by enterin\b in a host name or the IPv6 address that you want to Pin\b and c\fick on the Ping button. The status of your Pin\b attempt wi\f\f be disp\fayed in the Pin\b Resu\ft box. In the Pin\b Resu\ft section the resu\fts of the attempted pin\b wi\f\f be disp\fayed.

102 D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f Section 3 - Software Confi\buration Schedules The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration: Name:Enter the custom name for the new schedu\fe ru\fe here. This name is used for identification. Day(s): To use every day in the week for this ru\fe, se\fect the All Week option. To use on\fy se\fected days for this ru\fe, se\fect the Select Day(s) option and tick the appropriate days used for this ru\fe. All Day - 24 hrs: To enab\fe this ru\fe to run 24 hours instead of on\fy a certain part of the day, tick this option. Time F\frmat: Se\fect the appropriate time format to use here. Start Time: If the A\f\f Day option is not se\fected, the user can enter the startin\b time here. End Time: If the A\f\f Day option is not se\fected, the user can enter the endin\b time he\ure. C\fick on the Add button to add this new ru\fe to the schedu\fe ru\fes \f\uist. C\fick on the Cancel button to discard the information and cance\f the ru\fe addition. In the Schedule Rules List section, the user can view the avai\fab\fe schedu\fe ru\fes created. To edit an existin\b ru\fe, c\fick on the icon of the specific entry, To remove an existin\b ru\fe, c\fick on the icon of the specific e\untry. Schedu\fes can be created for use with enforcin\b ru\fes. For examp\fe, if you want to restrict web access to Mon-Fri from 3pm to 8pm, you cou\fd create a schedu\fe se\fectin\b Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, and Fri and enter a Start Time of 3pm and End\u Time of 8pm.

103 D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f Section 3 - Software Confi\buration Status Categ\fry In this cate\bory the user wi\f\f be ab\fe to view information re\bardin\b the confi\buration and functiona\fity of this device. Disp\fays \fike WAN, LAN and Wire\fess confi\burations, System, Firewa\f\f and Router \fo\bs, and more.

104 D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f Section 3 - Software Confi\buration Device Inf\f This pa\be disp\fays the current information for the router. It wi\f\f disp\fay the LAN, WAN (Internet), and Wire\fess information. If your Internet connection is set up for a Dynamic IP address then a Re\fease button and a Renew button wi\f\f be disp\fayed. Use Re\fease to disconnect from your ISP and use Renew to connect to your ISP. In the General section, information about the time and firmware is bein\b disp\fayed. In the WAN section, information about the Internet connection is bein\b disp\fayed. In the LAN section, information about the Loca\f Area Network confi\buration is bein\b disp\fa\uyed.

105 D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f Section 3 - Software Confi\buration In the Wireless LAN section, information about the Wire\fess Loca\f Area Network confi\buration is bein\b disp\fa\uyed. In the LAN C\fmputers section, a \fist of active\fy connected nodes are bein\b disp\fayed. In the IGMP Multicast Memberships section, a \fist of Mu\fticast Group Addresses are bein\b disp\fayed.

106 D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f Section 3 - Software Confi\buration L\fgs The router automatica\f\fy \fo\bs (records) events of possib\fe interest in it’s interna\f memory. If there isn’t enou\bh interna\f memory for a\f\f events, \fo\bs of o\fder events are de\feted but \fo\bs of the \fatest events are retained. The Lo\bs option a\f\fows you to view the router \fo\bs. You can define what types of events you want to view and the \feve\f of the events to view. This router a\fso has externa\f Sys\fo\b Server support so you can send the \fo\b fi\fes to a computer on your network that is runnin\b a Sys\fo\b uti\fity. The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration: L\fg Type: Use the radio buttons to se\fect the types of messa\bes that you want to disp\fay from the \fo\b. System, Firewa\f\f & Security, and Router Status messa\bes can be se\f\uected. L\fg Level: There are three \feve\fs of messa\be importance: Critica\f, Warnin\b, and Information. Se\fect the \feve\fs that you want disp\fayed in the \fo\b. The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration: First - Last Page: Use these buttons to navi\bate to the first or \fast pa\be of the router \fo\bs. Previ\fus - Next: Use these buttons to navi\bate to the next or previous pa\be of the r\uouter \fo\bs. Clear: C\fick on this button to c\fear a\f\f the contents from the \fo\b. Link t\f Email L\fg Settings: C\fick this button to open the Emai\f Settin\bs screen so that you can chan\be the Emai\f confi\buration for sendin\b \fo\bs. In the Save L\fg File section, the user can c\fick on the Save button save the Router’s \fo\b entries to a \fo\b fi\fe on your computer.