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D-Link Router AC1200 User Manual

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Page 61

D-Link DIR-850L User Manua\f
Wireless Security Mode: Enable WPA/WPA2 Wireless Security (enhanced)
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is a more advanced and up to date wire\fess encryption method used today. This is the recommended wire\fess 
security option. 
The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration:
\fipher Type: Se\fect the appropriate cipher type to use here. 
Options to choose from are Tempora\f Key 
Inte\brity Protoco\f (TKIP), Advanced Encryp -
tion Standard (AES), and Both...

Page 62

D-Link DIR-850L User Manua\f
Section 4 - Security
Wireless Security
This  section  wi\f\f  show  you  the  different  \feve\fs  of  security  you  can  use  to  protect  your  data  from  intruders.  The  DIR-850L  offers  the 
fo\f\fowin\b types of security:
 • WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2)       • WPA2-PSK (Pre-Shared Key)
  • WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access)        • WPA-PSK (Pre-Shared Key)
What is WPA?
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), is a Wi-Fi standard that was desi\bned to improve the security...

Page 63

D-Link DIR-850L User Manua\f
Section 3 - Confi\buration
This section wi\f\f a\f\fow you to chan\be the \foca\f ne\utwork settin\bs of the router and to confi\bure the DHCP settin\bs.
Network Settings
Enter the IP address of the router. The defau\ft IP address 
If you chan\be the IP address, once you c\fick  Save.Settings , 
you wi\f\f need to enter the new IP address in your browser 
to \bet back into the confi\buration uti\fity.
Enter  the  Subnet  Mask.  The  defau\ft  subnet  mask...

Page 64

D-Link DIR-850L User Manua\f
Section 3 - Confi\buration
DH\fP Server Settings
DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Contro\f Protoco\f. The DIR-850L has a bui\ft-in DHCP server. The DHCP Server wi\f\f automatica\f\fy 
assi\bn an IP address to the computers on the LAN/private network. Be sure to set your computers to be DHCP c\fients by settin\b 
their TCP/IP settin\bs to “Obtain an IP Address Automatica\f\fy.” When you turn your computers on, they wi\f\f automatica\f\fy \foad 
the proper TCP/IP settin\bs...

Page 65

D-Link DIR-850L User Manua\f
Section 3 - Confi\buration
Net\bIOS Scope:
Net\bIOS Node:
Address: This is an advanced settin\b and is norma\f\fy \feft b\fank. This a\f\fows the confi\buration of a NetBIOS ‘domain’ name under which network 
hosts operate. This settin\b has no eff\uect if the ‘Learn NetBIOS information from WAN’ is activated.
This fie\fd indicates how network hosts are to perform NetBIOS name re\bistration and discovery. H-Node, this indicates a Hybrid-State 
of operation. First...

Page 66

D-Link DIR-850L User Manua\f
Section 3 - Confi\buration
DH\fP Reservation
If you want a computer or device to a\fways have the same IP address assi\bned, you can create a DHCP reservation. The router wi\f\f assi\bn the IP 
address on\fy to that computer or device. 
Note: This IP address must be within the DHCP I\ffP Address \bange.
Check this box to enab\fe the reservation.
Enter the computer name or se\fect from the drop-down 
menu and c\fick  

Page 67

D-Link DIR-850L User Manua\f
This pa\be a\f\fows the user to use a web browser to remote\fy access fi\fes 
stored on an SD card or USB stora\be drive p\fu\b\bed into the router. 
You can access stora\be device by http://shareport.\foca\f when you 
enab\fe SharePort Web Access
The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration:
Enable SharePort Web 
Access:Tick this option to enab\fe the share port 
web access feature.
HTTP Access Port: Enter the HTTP Access Port number used...

Page 68

D-Link DIR-850L User Manua\f
In the User List section, the user can m\uodify or de\fete different user settin\bs for each account. 
The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe in the disp\fa\uy.
No.Disp\fays the number of the e\untry in the 
user \fist.
User Name: Disp\fays the user name of t\uhe entry in the 
Access Path: Disp\fays the access path of the entry in the 
Permission: Disp\fays the permission settin\bs of \uthe 
entry in the \fist.
C\fick the Edit icon to edit the...

Page 69

D-Link DIR-850L User Manua\f
In the Number Devices section, the user can v\uiew information about the externa\f USB stora\be devices inserted into the USB port of this router. 
The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe in the disp\fa\uy
Number of Devices: This fie\fd wi\f\f disp\fay the number of USB \u
stora\be devices that are attached to the 
USB port of the router.
Device: This fie\fd wi\f\f disp\fay the USB stora\be de -
vice’s name.
Total Space: This fie\fd wi\f\f disp\fay the tota\f...

Page 70

D-Link DIR-850L User Manua\f
Section 3 - Confi\buration
Media Server
This pa\be wi\f\f a\f\fow you to enab\fe a DLNA Media Server. DLNA (Di\bita\f Livin\b Network A\f\fiance) is the standard for the interoperabi\fity of Network 
Media Devices (NMDs). The user can enjoy mu\ftimedia app\fications (music, pictures and videos) on your network connected PC or media devices. 
If you a\bree to share media with devices, any computer or device that connects to your network can p\fay your shared music, pictures...
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