Creative Studio 6 Manual
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Work Area51 Gammill, Inc. | 2015 M-S-0001 - CreativeStudio 6.0 User Manual - Rev 00 51 | Page Main Screen Layout Property Window Stitches per Inch (SPI) setting will apply to all the patterns selected for the project. Stitching Speed is measured as a percentage of maximum motor speed. 50 means 50% of the maximum speed. Tie Stitches Per Inch is the size of the stitches taken when doing tieoffs. Tie Stitches is the number of stitches taken when doing tieoffs. Margin is the distance between the stitch lines and the boundary lines, at the closest point. Project Notes can contain any text you wish to save. Click on the Project Notes field, add your text in the memo area. Click OK when done and it will be saved in the project. Customer - In this area, customer specific information can be kept. Stitch Counter is the cumulative number of stitches for this project. Pattern Details - Cyan Frame Designed Pattern Properties are framed with a cyan line. They display settings that apply to the pattern selected in the pattern list. Designed Pattern Properties are framed in cyan (to match the cyan highlighting in the Pattern list). Encrypted patterns will be highlighted in cyan when selected, and when not selected, the pattern image will still be highlighted but in a light blue, not cyan.

Getting Started with CreativeStudio® 52 Changing the Designed Pattern Properties: General (Stitcher) Settings for this pattern have values that are inherited from the project settings (which were inherited from the current defaults ). If any setting is changed here, it will apply to the patterns that are moved into the preview area after the change , not those that have already been moved into the preview area. General (Pattern) Settings have values that are inherited from the pattern (as originally defined by the pattern designer). If any settings are changed here, the change will apply to copies of this pattern that are moved into the preview area after the change , not those that have already been moved into the preview area. Stitches per Inch applies to this pattern. Pattern Speed is measured as a percentage of maximum motor speed. 50 means 50% of the maximum speed. Tie Stitches Per Inch is the size of the stitches taken when doing tieoffs. Tie Stitches is the number of stitches taken when doing tieoffs. Pattern Width is the width of one pattern, measured at the widest point. Pattern Height is the height of one pattern, measured at the tallest point. Freeze Aspect - ON means the ratio of Height:Width remains the same when the 50 164 91

Work Area53 Gammill, Inc. | 2015 M-S-0001 - CreativeStudio 6.0 User Manual - Rev 00 53 | Page Main Screen Layout Property Windowsize changes. So, if one of the dimensions is changed, CS will change the other automatically to keep the ratio the same. OFF means CS will allow the ratio to be distorted. Designer Notes - may have notes from the designer but can be modified to include your notes about this pattern. Margin is the closest distance between the stitch lines and the boundary lines. Selected Pattern Details - Magenta Frame Selected Pattern Details are framed with a magenta (hot pink) line. These details apply to the pattern selected in the preview area (not the one highlighted in the pattern list). The magenta color was chosen to match the highlighting in the Preview area. Changing the Selected Pattern Details General (Stitcher) settings have values that apply to the highlighted pattern and were inherited from the pattern settings (which were inherited from the Project Settings which were inherited from the default settings ). General (Pattern) settings apply to the characteristics of the pattern highlighted in the preview area. 60 50 164

Getting Started with CreativeStudio® 54 Stitches per Inch applies to this pattern. Pattern Speed is a percentage of maximum motor speed. 50 means 50% of the maximum speed. Tie Stitches Per Inch is the size of the stitches taken when doing tieoffs. Tie Stitches is the number of stitches taken when doing tieoffs. Selected Pattern Width is the width of one pattern. Selected Pattern Height is the height of one pattern. Freeze Aspect - OFF means the Height & Width are independent of each other. Selected Pattern Rotation is the number of degrees that the pattern is angled. Designer Notes - available for your notes about this pattern. Process Details - Gray Frame Process Details appear in the Property Window and are framed in gray. There are three processes that need additional details for the setup mode; Repeat Patterns , Border Corner and Edge-to-Edge . Separate quilt groups are created for each of them. The settings are introduced here and will be explained in detail when used in context. The Title Bar will always specify Which Details are being displayed. The “X” will exit, or close the details. 1.) The Repeat Pattern Setup controls the dimensions and placement of repeated patterns. This process is used when multiple copies of a particular pattern are needed. It contains the settings which determine which pattern will be used, where the pattern will be stitched and how many times it is repeated. 91 180 190 200

Work Area55 Gammill, Inc. | 2015 M-S-0001 - CreativeStudio 6.0 User Manual - Rev 00 55 | Page Main Screen Layout Property Window Pattern Location Point aligns the repeated patterns (on the CAD) to the quilt top. Pattern Location uses the position of the sewing head to indicate where to place the repeated patterns. Offsets are used if the repeated patterns need to be positioned some distance from the initial location point. As an example, the location point may be the upper left corner of the quilt, but the repeated patterns are intended for an inner area, which starts some distance away. This distance is measured in two directions, moving Horizontally and Vertically. Individual Pattern Details refer to the pattern selected. Reset to Designed means any/all changes that were made to the selected pattern will be undone, and the pattern reverts to the original dimensions, as designed. Freeze Aspect - ON means the ratio of Height:Width remains the same when the size changes. Width is the width of one pattern. Height is the height of one pattern. Rotation is the number of degrees that each pattern is angled. Repeat Settings show how many repeats and rows are needed to fill the space. Repeats and Rows are variables. Total Width and Total Height are variables also. They will be calculated automatically but can also be modified. Note: Several of the settings below have an impact on the layout of the patterns which also affects this calculation. Start End Width - The width of a pattern is usually the widest part of the pattern. However, when patterns nest together, the distance between the startpoint and the endpoint is less than the total width. When StartEnd Control = OFF, CS will use the widest part as the width for repeat calculations. When StartEnd Control = ON, CS will use the distance between the startpoint and endpoint as the width for repeat calculations. 91

Getting Started with CreativeStudio® 56 Spacing - The pattern placement can be adjusted as desired. The Horizontal spacing affects the space between the repeats. The Vertical spacing affects the space between rows. Space can be increased (positive spacing) or decreased (negative spacing). CS automatically includes the spacing adjustment when it calculates the Total Width and Total Height of the area to be quilted. Quilt angle - is the number of degrees that the set of repeated patterns is angled. Connect ... affects how CS connects the patterns. Bobbin PullUp means patterns are placed side by side and CS stitches them individually. ConnectStartAndEnd means CS places them so the end point of one pattern connects with the start of the next pattern, and CS stitches them as one continuous row. Naturally, this affects the total width calculation. Alternating ... - allows the rows to be staggered by adding an extra repeat to every other row. There are three choices; None (default), Plus Row on Top (the extra repeat begins with the first row), Minus Row on Top (the extra repeat begins with the second row). 2.) The Border Corner Settings control the placement of the corner patterns, and can place the border patterns at the same time. CS creates a new quilt group for this process called Border Corner. The process will prompt for the outer border first, then the inner border. This gives CS enough information (along with the settings) to position the corner patterns. Note: CS can tell if this is an upper or lower border by the distance between the two boundaries . Border Settings : Quilt Length is needed for the calculations to determine how big the side border patterns will be. Margin is the distance between the pattern and the boundary. 190

Work Area57 Gammill, Inc. | 2015 M-S-0001 - CreativeStudio 6.0 User Manual - Rev 00 57 | Page Main Screen Layout Property Window Connect - True means CS will connect the border patterns to the corners. False leaves them separated. Corner Types: Orientation refers to the shape of the original design. Make a choice based on the original design; does it look like the corner would fit in the Upper Left corner? UR? LR? LL? Type refers to the overall shape and how it should be positioned, relative to the rest of the quilt. * L shaped corners extend past the corner into the border area. * Square corners have the top upright and the bottom upside down. * Square oriented corners are rotated in 90 degree increments. * Angled corners are angled toward the inside at each of the four corners. 3.) The Edge To Edge Settings control the placement of repeated patterns. The process defines all the repeats required to fill an area of the quilt top. It works in conjunction with the Continue process, which helps to position the rows of quilting after the quilt top has been rolled. The settings are introduced here and will be explained in detail when used in context. Primary Settings refer to the quilting space. Quilt Length is to the total length of the space to be quilted. Measure the space and then subtract the margin amount twice (top & bottom).

Getting Started with CreativeStudio® 58 Size Settings refer to the quilt pattern chosen (highlighted in the Project Information box). Pattern Width is the width of one pattern. Pattern Height is the height of one pattern. Repeats and Rows will be calculated by CS based on the pattern size and the quilt space (Length and width). Changes to the number of repeats and rows will adjust the pattern size to fit the quilt space. Spacing allows the rows and columns to be nested if needed. The spacing measurements are positive if extra space is needed between rows or repeats. Spacing measurements are negative if space is removed between the rows or repeats. Variable Settings refer to the quilting process and the stitching preferences. Select Between Blocks tells CS what to do between patterns. The patterns can be connected (no stop between them) or individual (CS stops, does tieoffs and bobbin pullups). Stop at End of Row tells CS to stop and tieoff at the end of each row. Select Alternating Type describes the pattern positioning. No alternating means the patterns are placed like a spreadsheet, creating rows and columns. The other choices allow every other row to be staggered, making the repeats less noticeable. Select Registration describes what CS should use as the registration points so the rows dont get out of alignment when the quilt top is rolled. The preferred method is End of Set which is why it is the default. Maintain Aspect - is similar to Freeze Aspect for a pattern. ON means CS will avoid distorting the pattern proportions if at all possible. Some minor distortion may be necessary to completely fill the quilt space. Inheriting Settings A word about settings and the level of inheritance of settings. Level 0 : Tech support at Statler Stitcher controls all settings. Period. They do allow some of the settings to be modified by the users, as follows: L1: Default settings (that the users can modify) are shown in the Controller Definition form. A change to this form is permanent going forward (until you change it again). These changes are not retroactive. L2 : Settings can be changed for the current session (ü Tools on command bar). A change at this level applies to all new activity for the rest of the session. Changes are not retroactive. Nor are they permanent. L3 Settings can be changed for a single project . A change at this level applies to all new activity for that project during the current session. Changes are not retroactive or permanent but they are saved with the project so the next time the project is opened, the settings will apply. L4 Settings can be changed for a single pattern within a project . A change at this level applies to all new activity for that pattern in that project during the current session. Changes are not retroactive and do 232 50 51

Work Area59 Gammill, Inc. | 2015 M-S-0001 - CreativeStudio 6.0 User Manual - Rev 00 59 | Page Main Screen Layout Property Window not affect other projects but they can be saved with the project. L5 Settings can be changed for a pattern that has been selected and is visible in the preview area of the screen. These changes are not retroactive and have no effect on any other patterns in the project. These changes will not affect the same pattern if it is used again in this project in the future . This is the bottom of the hierarchy. Settings always cascade forward and down, never backward or up. 53

Getting Started with CreativeStudio® 60 2.5.3 Preview Area (CAD Screen) The Preview Area – (also called the CAD window by techies) is the big, white area where the images of the patterns, boundaries and photos appear. Think of the project as a binder, with tabbed dividers. Each tab is a quilt group and each can hold any of these images. By default, the project starts with Quilt Group1. Each quilt group added can be given a specific name. CS counts the number of groups being used, and will assign an incremental number to the tab if a name is not provided. CS also has some special processes that require a dedicated Quilt Group. Each time a photo is imported, it is placed in a new tab, called Design Group. The photo will not impact the stitching. It is just there to help make design decisions since patterns can be positioned on top of the photo, to check the fit. Additional imports will add additional groups to the project. Tip: Use the first tab (called Quilt Group 1) to preview your patterns together. This is a fast and easy way to audition patterns and determine the right pattern scale. When the patterns are chosen and previewed, change the name of this tab to Preview or something similar, so you remember that you previewed your patterns. Then save the project (with a descriptive file name) so all the details are readily available when it is time to complete this quilt.