Comdial QuickQ Supervisors User Guide
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Table Of Contents The Scout Telephone for Supervisors ............................... 2 Description of the Display (Idle Display) .......................... 3 Signing in toQuickQ........................................................... 3 Changing the Mode of Operation ...................................... 4 Recording Announcements ................................................ 4 Viewing Current Reports ................................................... 6 Monitoring Agents............................................................... 7 Responding to Help ............................................................. 8 Receiving ACD Calls ........................................................... 9 Placing Outgoing Calls ....................................................... 9 Assigning an Account Code ................................................ 9 Things to Remember ........................................................... 9 Log-in Procedure ................................................................. 10 Responding to Request for Help ........................................ 10 Supervisor’s Menu .............................................................. 11 The Scout Telephone For Supervisors· QuickQversions using software release 3.0 (or later) allow the use of up to nine Scout digital wireless telephones. Using these telephones provides users with maximum freedom to move about within the call center. · The F1 button should be programmed as the OAI button (labeled ACD) on your Scout telephone. This button enables you to sign intoQuickQ. Buttons F2, F3, and F4 should be programmed to function the same as the three interactive buttons on the proprietary 12-button and 24-button telephones whileQuickQis active. · All displays shown in this guide are as seen on the 20-character (10 characters x two lines) Scout display. VOLMUTEHEAD SET F1F2F3 F4 12 47F1F2F3F4 3 5 80 69#ABCT/CHOLDMEMOTA P TA L KGH IPRS DEF JKLTUVOPERMNO WXY Antenna Receiver Display Message/ Talk LED Talk Button TAP Button Numeric Keypad Function Buttons Optional Vibrator Access MicrophoneVolume ButtonBelt Clip Mute Button T/C Button Hold Button Memo Button Battery Pack Function Button LEDs Function Button Labels Head Set Jack Recharging Contacts EXP95HST Group01 Dy MnMdLg Wt: >T: Ms Rp Ag A:123L:4 Qt Agt Id:_ Sn Rt Qt Msg01:000s RcPyQt Play Msg01 St Record Msg 01 St Accept Msg YsNoPy Clear Msgs Ys No Group01 Dy MnMdLgSn Qt Agnt>00:45 Agnt101>00 Msg#: RtCrQt Agnt: SnSeQt Agnt101:Id le SnSeQt Msg#: RtCrQt CAJS112 Mt Agnt101 Free: 000s Msgs Clear Ms Qt Free: 000s Supervisor’s Menu 211

Description Of The Display (Idle Display) This line indicates your present status. SigningInToQuickQ·Press the ACD (F1) button (OAI button). ·Use the keypad to enter your ID number. Press the Rt (retry) Interactive button if you enter an incorrect digit. ·Enter your password digits. ·IF you want to answer ACD calls for your group, press the Ys (yes) Interactive button. ACD calls will be sent to you according to the agent availability and your priority level. If you do not want to be part of the answering group, press the No Interactive button. ·The above display indicates you are now signed into Group 1, and the group is in Dy (day) mode. To access the supervisor menu, press the Mn (menu) Interactive button. To change the mode of operation, press the Md (mode) Interactive button. To log out ofQuickQ, press the Lg (log) Interactive button. Welcome-> QQ Agent ID: Rt Qt Paswrd: Rt QT Ans Call? Ys No Group01 Dy MnMdLg Grp Mode? Dy Nt Sp Exit QQ Ys No Log Proced ure InCnOt CAJS113 Call Agnt1 01 Cn Agnt101Lin Name Qt Group01 Dy MnMdLg Reqt 4HelpAgnt101 Ca ll As Rj CAJS114 10 3 Responding To Request For HelpLog-in Procedure QQ Group01 ByHpLg After 2 seconds Valid ID Valid password Welcome-> QQ Agt Id: Rt QtPaswrd: Rt Qt Ans Call? Ys NoGroup01 Dy MnMdLg This display notifies you that you are about to log intoQuickQ. This display prompts you to enter your ID number. This display prompts you to enter your password. You will have full access to all supervisor functions regardless of your choice This display is the idle display. If you are accepting ACD calls, they willonlybe sent to you while you are in the idle state. This line indicates the function of the interactive buttons. Please refer to page 6 for the interactive button definitions.

Changing The Mode Of Operation·The idle display indicates the current mode of operation for the group. ·To change the mode of operation manually for the group, press the Md (mode) Interactive button. ·Press the Interactive button that corresponds to the desired mode of operation for your group as follows: Dy (day): day announcements and call routing Nt (night): night announcement and disconnect Sp (special): special announcement and disconnectRecording Announcements·To record the announcements for your group, press the Mn (menu) Interactive button from the idle display. ·Press the Ms (msg) Interactive button. The system will then call the digital voice announcer to access a voice port. Once a voice port is available, the following display is shown. Receiving ACD Calls·When you sign into theQuickQ, you can choose to accept ACD calls, but you cannot transfer a call into any ACD queue. However, you can transfer a call to any individual agent using the agent’s intercom number. Please refer to theAgent’s User Guidefor details on receiving ACD calls.Placing Outgoing Calls·Select an outgoing line and dial the number. Please refer to theAgent’s User Guidefor details on placing outgoing calls.Assigning An Account Code·Account codes can be assigned to both incoming and outgoing calls. Multiple account codes can be given to individual calls. Please refer to theAgent’s User Guidefor details on assigning account codes.Things To Remember·If your display is blank, your telephone is either not logged-in, or theQuickQis suspended. Press theQuickQ button to resume. ·The agent cannot log out if he or she is the last one in the group to answer. To log out after answering last, the agent must change the mode of operation to Night or Special and then log out. ·If you choose to accept ACD calls, be sure to log out or press the menu Interactive button to make your station busy when you leave your desk or when you are unable to answer ACD calls. The display indicates that group 1 is in day mode. Three modes of operation are available; day, night and special. This is the supervisor’s menu display. All supervisor features are accessible through this display. Indicates how much time is currently available for recording. Clear all messages or choose a specific message to record. Group01 Dy MnMdLgGrp Mode? Dy Nt SpWt: >T Ms Rp AgFree: 000s RtCrQtMsg#: RtCrQt 4 9 After 2 seconds

Responding To HelpNote:You must be in the Idle state (see display below) to be available to your agents for help. ·When an agent in your group requests help, your telephone will beep and this display will appear. ·To reject the call for help, press the Rj (reject) Interactive button. The agent will be notified that you are unavailable. ·To answer, press the As (answer) Interactive button. The system will then call the agent. ·When the agent answers, you will either be connected to the agent and the caller, or just the agent (at the agent’s discretion). The agent has the option to transfer the call to you, or disconnect you from the conversation. While connected to this call, your display will be as follows. ·To disconnect from the conversation, press Qt (quit).·Enter the desired message number. ·When you are ready to record the announcement, lift the handset and press the Rc (record) Interactive button. Wait for the tone, and then start speaking into the handset. Press the St (stop) Interactive button when you are finished recording. ·To accept the message recorded, press Ys (yes). You will then return to the Time free display to allow you to continue recording additional announcements. If you do not want this message, press No. The system will immediately begin recording again. ·If you want to review the recorded announcement, press the Py (play) Interactive button. ·Once you press St (stop), you will be prompted to accept, reject or review the message again. Press the appropriate Interactive button. ·To return to the Idle display, press Qt (quit). ·Refrain from recording messages during peak calling periods, since while you are recording you are using one of the voice ports. This could result in longer than usual ring delays for callers. Group01 Dy MnMdLgReqt 4Help As RjAgnt101 Ca ll As RjCall Agnt1 01 CnAgnt101Lin Name Qt Msg01:000s RcPyQtRecord Msg 01 StAccept Msg YsNoPyPlay Msg01 St Indicates Idle state with group 1 in the day mode. Indicates an agent is requesting your assistance. Indicates the name of the agent requesting help. Indicates the name of the agent requesting help. Indicates the name of the agent requesting help.Indicates the current time recorded for this message. Indicates which message you are recording. Allows you to review, reject or accept the message recorded. Indicates which message is being played. 8 5 After 2 seconds

Viewing Current Reports·The supervisor can view current reports on answered and abandoned call statistics. These statistics are based on line activity for the group. Note:If your group does not have lines assigned to it, this report will show zeros. ·From the idle display, press Mn (menu). ·Press the Rp (report) Interactive button. ·To return to the idle display, press Qt (quit). Scout Interactive Button DefinitionsScout DisplayStandard DisplayScout Display Standard Display Ab Ac Ag Al As By Cn Cr Cf Dy Ex Hp Hd In Lg Lg Mn Md Ms Nt NoABORT ACC (account) AGENT ALL ANSWER BUSY CANCEL CLEAR CONF DAY EXIT HELP HOLD IN LOG Logout MENU MODE MSG (message) NIGHT NOOk Ot Py Qt Rd Rc Rj Rs Rp Rt Rn Sn Se Sk Sp St Tr Vc Wp YsOK Out PLAY QUIT READY RECORD REJECT RELEASE REPORT RETRY RETURN SCAN SELECT SKIP SPEC’L (special) STOP TRANS (transfer) VOICE WRAPUP YES Monitoring Agents·The group supervisor can monitor agent activity and silently monitor conversations. From the supervisor menu, press the Ag (agent) Interactive button. ·Enter the ID number of the agent you want to monitor, or press Sn (scan), and the system will select an agent for you. ·Press the Sn (scan) Interactive button to view another agent, or press the Qt (quit) Interactive button to enter another agent’s ID. ·To silently monitor an agent’s conversation, press the Se (select) Interactive button. You will then be able to listen to the conversation without the agent or the caller hearing you. Press Sn (scan) to have the system select another agent, or press Qt (quit) to enter another agent’s ID. Press Qt (quit) twice to return to the idle display. Wt: >T MsRpAgA:123 L:4 Qt Agt Id: SnRtQtAgnt101>00 :00 SnSeQtAgnt101: Sn Se QtMt Agnt101 Sn Qt Allows you to select the specific agent you want, or to have the system select an agent. This display is the supervisor’s menu display. Indicates the cumulative answered and lost calls on the group’s linesIndicates the selected agent and the time the agent has been in his or her current state. Shows the current state of the selected agent. This agent is on an incoming call. Indicates which agent’s conversation you are monitoring. After 2 seconds 67

Printed in U.S.A. GCA70-345.01 04/97 Supervisor’s User Guide for the Scout Telephone This manual has been developed by Comdial Corporation (the “Company”) and is intended for the use of its customers and service personnel. The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. While every effort has been made to eliminate errors, the Company disclaims liability for any difficulties arising from the interpretation of the information contained herein. The information contained herein does not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment or to provide for every possible contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation, or maintenance. Should further information be desired, or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes contact, Comdial, Inside Sales Department, P.O. Box 7266, Charlottesville, Virginia 22906.Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-2829 R World Wide Web: Q u ickQDXP