Christie Projector Mirage Hd8 User Manual
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Appendix D: Throw Distance D-22 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) 521.7 1325.2 454.7 1155 1129.5 2868.9 528.5 1342.4 460.6 1170 1144.0 2905.8 535.3 1359.6 466.5 1185 1158.5 2942.7 542.1 1376.8 472.4 1200 1173.1 2979.6 548.8 1394.0 478.3 1215 1187.6 3016.5 555.6 1411.2 484.3 1230 1202.1 3053.3 562.4 1428.4 490.2 1245 1216.6 3090.2 569.2 1445.7 496.1 1260 1231.1 3127.1 575.9 1462.9 502.0 1275 1245.7 3164.0 582.7 1480.1 507.9 1290 1260.2 3200.9 589.5 1497.3 513.8 1305 1274.7 3237.8 596.3 1514.5...
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Appendix D: Throw Distance 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) D-23 2.58 - 4.15 Zoom Image Diagonal Image Width (W) Throw Distance (TD) MAXIMUM ZOOM Inch cm Inch cm Inch cm Throw Distance Formula 97.6 247.8 85.0 216 358.7 911.2 TD = 4.112 x W + 9.04 99.4 252.4 86.6 220 365.2 927.6 Where W = image width (inch) 106.2 269.6 92.5 235 389.5 989.3 112.9 286.8 98.4 250 413.8 1051.0 119.7 304.0 104.3 265 438.0 1112.6 126.5 321.3 110.2 280 462.3 1174.3 133.3 338.5 116.1 295 486.6 1236.0...
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Appendix D: Throw Distance D-24 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) 465.3 1181.8 405.5 1030 1676.5 4258.3 472.0 1199.0 411.4 1045 1700.8 4320.0 478.8 1216.2 417.3 1060 1725.1 4381.7 485.6 1233.4 423.2 1075 1749.4 4443.4 491.9 1249.5 428.7 1089 1772.0 4500.9
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Appendix D: Throw Distance 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) D-25 4.15 - 6.74 Zoom Image Diagonal Image Width (W) Throw Distance (TD) MINIMUM ZOOM Inch cm Inch cm Inch cm Throw Distance Formula 130.1 330.4 113.4 288 473.4 1202.4 TD = 4.081 x W + 10.64 131.0 332.7 114.2 290 476.6 1210.5 Where W = image width (inch) 137.8 349.9 120.1 305 500.7 1271.7 144.5 367.2 126.0 320 524.8 1332.9 151.3 384.4 131.9 335 548.9 1394.2 158.1 401.6 137.8 350 573.0 1455.4 164.9 418.8 143.7 365 597.1...
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Appendix D: Throw Distance D-26 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) 496.9 1262.1 433.1 1100 1778.0 4516.1 503.7 1279.3 439.0 1115 1802.1 4577.3 510.4 1296.5 444.9 1130 1826.2 4638.6 517.2 1313.7 450.8 1145 1850.3 4699.8 524.0 1330.9 456.7 1160 1874.4 4761.0 530.8 1348.1 462.6 1175 1898.5 4822.2 537.5 1365.3 468.5 1190 1922.6 4883.4 544.3 1382.6 474.4 1205 1946.7 4944.6 551.1 1399.8 480.3 1220 1970.8 5005.8 557.9 1417.0 486.2 1235 1994.9 5067.1 564.6 1434.2 492.1 1250 2019.0 5128.3 571.4 1451.4...
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Appendix D: Throw Distance 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) D-27 4.15 - 6.74 Zoom Image Diagonal Image Width (W) Throw Distance (TD) MAXIMUM ZOOM Inch cm Inch cm Inch cm Throw Distance Formula 76.8 195.0 66.9 170 471.6 1198.0 TD = 6.887 x W + 10.70 83.6 212.3 72.8 185 512.3 1301.3 Where W = image width (inch) 90.3 229.5 78.7 200 553.0 1404.6 97.1 246.7 84.6 215 593.7 1507.9 103.9 263.9 90.6 230 634.3 1611.2 110.7 281.1 96.5 245 675.0 1714.5 117.4 298.3 102.4 260 715.7 1817.8...
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Appendix D: Throw Distance D-28 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) 449.5 1141.6 391.7 995 2708.6 6879.7 456.2 1158.8 397.6 1010 2749.2 6983.0 463.0 1176.0 403.5 1025 2789.9 7086.4 469.8 1193.2 409.4 1040 2830.6 7189.7 476.6 1210.4 415.4 1055 2871.2 7293.0 483.3 1227.7 421.3 1070 2911.9 7396.3 490.1 1244.9 427.2 1085 2952.6 7499.6 496.9 1262.1 433.1 1100 2993.3 7602.9 503.7 1279.3 439.0 1115 3033.9 7706.2 510.4 1296.5 444.9 1130 3074.6 7809.5 517.2 1313.7 450.8 1145 3115.3 7912.8 523.1 1328.6...
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Appendix E System Integration 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) E-1 The GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) connector located on the input panel provides a flexible method of interfacing a wide range of external I/O devices to the projector. There are seven GIO pins available on the nine-pin D-Sub GPIO connector, which are configurable via RS232 commands. The other two pins are reserved for ground and power – see table below for pin identification. GPIO Pins Pin # Signal 1 + 12V...
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Appendix E: System Integration E-2 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) Query Command (GIO?) Request the state and configuration of all pins (GIO! “HHLLHLH” “OOIOOOI”) Reply of pin state and configuration (GIO? C2) Request configuration for pin #2 (GIO! C2 O) Reply with pin #2 configuration as output (GIO? 2) Request the state of pin #2 (GIO! H) Reply with pin #2 state as high Real Time Event Use the serial command RTE to specify an action that is initiated at a particular time or based on...
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Appendix F Optional Input Modules 020-100001-01 Rev. 01 (04/07) F-1 There are many optional input modules and accessories currently available for this projector. Contact your dealer for a complete and up-to-date listing. The RGB500 Input Module may be installed in this projector, a Marquee Signal Switcher, or a Marquee Case/Power Supply. The module receives analog RGB input signals from computers or other RGB source devices. RGB500 Features • Accepts 3, 4, or 5 wire RGB video...