Christie Projector Mirage 5000 User Manual
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23(5$7,21 0LUDJH 8VHU·V 0DQXDO 3L[HO 7UDFN 6+257 &87 Press 3L[HO and adjust the top slidebar.) Pixel tracking adjusts the frequency of the pixel sampling clock, indicated by the number of pixels per line, so that all pixels generated by a particular source are sampled. Proper pixel tracking ensures consistent image quality–whether good or poor–across the screen, proper aspect ratio and enables optimization of pixel phase (below). NOTE: By default, the projector will sample at the correct...
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23(5$7,21 0LUDJH 8VHU·V 0DQXDO 4. Adjust Filter to maximize the width of the good area. See right. 5. Return Pixel Tracking to its correct setting from Step 1. 6. Readjust Phase. NOTE: “Filter” affects only the current signal. +3RVLWLRQ 6+257 &87 Press 3RVLWLRQ and adjust the top slidebar.) This option moves image right or left. NOTES: 1) The value shown represents where the approximate center of the image lies in relation to the total number of pixels available horizontally. This...
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23(5$7,21 0LUDJH 8VHU·V 0DQXDO &RQWUDVW 6+257 &87 Press &RQ W and adjust the slidebar.) “Contrast” increases or decreases the perceived difference between light and dark areas of your image (0-100). If contrast is set too high, the light parts of the image lose detail and clarity. If set too low, the light areas will not be as bright as they could be and the image will be dim. Start low and increase so that whites remain bright but are not distorted or tinted, and that light areas do not...
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23(5$7,21 0LUDJH 8VHU·V 0DQXDO &RORU 7HPS “Color Temp” applies either a preset color temperature (3200K, 5400K, 6500K, 9300K) or any previously defined Interpolated or custom “User” color temperature. All temperatures are measured in degrees Kelvin and represent the coloration (reddish or bluish) of the whites displayed by the projector—the lower the temperature, the more reddish the whites, the higher the temperature, the more bluish the whites. NOTE: The custom temperatures “User” or...
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23(5$7,21 0LUDJH 8VHU·V 0DQXDO *DPPD NOTE: Gamma does not normally require adjustment and is intended for experienced users only. The Gamma option affects the shape of the curve determining what gray shades are available for a given amount of signal input between minimum (black) and maximum (white). Different curves can improve performance for certain kinds of source input and applications. Generally the best gamma curve is one that produces maximum contrast, brightness and color performance...
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23(5$7,21 0LUDJH 8VHU·V 0DQXDO %DXG 5DWH The baud rate setting determines the speed of communications to and from the projector. By default, the projector baud rate is set to 19200. Setting the correct speed is important when you are controlling the projector with an external device such as a computer or another projector via an RS-232 or RS- 422 port. You must set the projector baud rate at these ports to match the baud rate of the controlling device. If you are unsure about what baud rate...
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23(5$7,21 0LUDJH 8VHU·V 0DQXDO that the projector responds to either protocol (default). You can also prevent the projector from responding to the keypad entirely. In the pull-down list, select the desired protocol. NOTE: The wired keypad for this projector is set at manufacture to Protocol A. See 2.10, Keypad Protocols and Conversion for information about changing the keypad protocol. $,1* $ 35272&2/ To add a protocol, select the $RU% option. &+$1*,1* $ 35272&2/ As a safeguard, you cannot...
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23(5$7,21 0LUDJH 8VHU·V 0DQXDO 3URMHFWRU Enter a three-digit number (such as 001) to assign or change a number to the projector currently in use–if the current projector already has a number assigned, that number will appear here. Numerical identity for projectors is required whenever you want to communicate with a single projector within a multiple-projector application (see key description in 3.3, Using the Keypad). If you make a mistake in assigning or changing the projector number,...
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23(5$7,21 0LUDJH 8VHU·V 0DQXDO Use Preferences checkboxes and pull-down lists to alter how the projector responds to commands and displays its parameters. Refer to the Using Slidebars and Other Controls subsection if you need help. Changes made to the Preferences menu will be saved when you exit the menu. )LJXUH 3UHIHUHQFHV 0HQX ,PDJH 2ULHQWDWLRQ Choose from Front, Rear, Inverted Front, Inverted Rear according to your installation. If the setting is incorrect, the image will be...
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23(5$7,21 0LUDJH 8VHU·V 0DQXDO “RS232” instead. To disable error messages entirely (except invalid user entries), select “Off”. NOTE: Display of invalid user entries cannot be disabled, even if you choose “Off”. $XWR 3RZHU 8S Enter a checkmark to enable the projector to automatically power up after losing power due to unplugging or a power failure. Note that unsaved display adjustments may be lost. 9LGHR 7HUPLQDWLRQ Enter a checkmark to terminate the video inputs 3 and 4 (75 6). The input...