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Casio Ex S500 Users Guide

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    5.Use [] and [] to display the frame that you
    want to use as the main image.
    • Holding down either button scrolls at high speed.
    6.After selecting the
    frame you want, press
    • This displays the
    resulting still image.
    • If you selected “9
    frames” for the layout,
    the frame you selected
    in step 4 will be the
    main image, and the
    frames on either side of
    it will be used as the
    background frames.
    • If you selected “1 frame” in step 4, an image of the
    frame you selected in step 6 appears here.
    Displaying the 9-image View
    The following procedure displays nine images on the
    monitor screen at the same time.
    1.In the PLAY mode, press the zoom button
    • This displays the 9-image screen with the image that
    was on the monitor screen in step 2 in the center,
    with a selection boundary around it.
    • If there are fewer than nine images in memory, they
    are displayed starting from the upper left corner. The
    selection boundary is located at the image that was
    on the display before you switched to the 9-image
    • On the 9-image screen, 
     indicates a voice
    recording file (page 195). 
    2.Use [], [], [], and
    [] to move the
    selection boundary to
    the image you want.
    Pressing [] while the
    selection boundary is
    in the right column or
    [] while it is in the left
    column scrolls to the
    next full screen of nine
    Example: When there are 20 images in memory, and
    Image 1 is displayed first
    Selection boundary
    23 17 18 19
    20 1 2 
    12 13 1415 16 17
    18 19 20
    3.Pressing any button besides [], [], [], or
    [] displays the full-size version of the image
    where the selection boundary is located.
    Date selection cursor
    Displaying the Calendar Screen
    Use the following procedure to display a 1-month calendar.
    Each day shows the first file recorded on that day, which
    makes it easy to find the file you want.
    1.In the PLAY mode,
    press the zoom button
    ) twice.
    • Use the procedure
    under “Changing the
    Date Format” on page
    157 to specify the date
    • The file displayed on
    the calendar for each
    date is the first file that
    was recorded on that
    • To exit the calendar screen, press [MENU] or [BS].
    • On the calendar screen, 
     indicates a voice
    recording file (page 195).
     appears in place of the image when the date
    contains data that cannot be displayed by this
    2.Use [], [], [], and [] to move the
    selection boundary to the date you want, and
    then press [SET].
    • This displays an image of the first file that was
    recorded on the selected date.
    Playing a Slideshow
    A slideshow automatically plays back images in sequence
    at a fixed interval.
    1.In the PLAY mode, press [MENU].
    2.Select the “PLAY” tab, select “Slideshow”,
    and then press []. 
    3.Use the screen that appears to configure the
    image, time, interval, and effect settings.
    Interval• All Images
    Displays all images in camera memory.
    This icon appears only in the case of
    snapshots and audio snapshots.
    This icon appears only in the case of movies.
    • One Image
    Displays a particular image.
    • Favorites
    Displays all images in the FAVORITE folder.
    Use [] and [] to specify the playback time you
    want (1 to 5 minutes, or 10, 15, 30, or 60
    Use [] and [] to specify the interval you want
    (MAX, or 1 to 30 seconds).
    • When playback reaches a movie file while
    “MAX” is selected as the interval, only the first
    frame of the movie is displayed.
    4.Use [] and [] to select “Start”, and then
    press [SET].
    • This starts the slideshow.
    5.To stop the slideshow, press [SET].
    • The slideshow will also stop automatically after the
    amount of time you specified for “Time” elapses.
    • Pattern 1, 2, 3
    Applies a preset effect when transitioning from
    one image to another.
    • Random
    Randomly applies the preset patterns (1, 2,
    and 3).
    • OFF
    Effects turned off. 
    • Note that all buttons are disabled while an image
    change is in progress. Wait until an image is stopped
    on the monitor screen before performing a button
    operation, or hold down the button until the image
    • Pressing [] during a slideshow will scroll to the
    previous image, while [] scrolls to the next image.
    • When the slideshow comes to a movie file, it plays
    the movie and its audio once.
    • When the slideshow comes to a voice recording file
    or an audio snapshot, it plays the audio once.
    • The audio of movies, audio snapshots, and voice
    recording files is not played when “MAX” is specified
    for the slideshow “Interval” setting. With all other
    “Interval” settings, movies and all audio (movies,
    audio snapshots, voice recording files) are played
    back, regardless of their length.
    • During audio playback, you can adjust volume by
    pressing [] and then using [] and [].• Note that effect settings are disabled when the
    slideshow “Images” setting is “Favorites”, or when
    the slideshow “Interval” setting is “MAX”, “1 sec”, or
    “2 sec”.
    • Images copied from another digital camera or a
    computer may take longer time to appear than the
    slideshow interval time you specify.
    • If there are indicators on the display, you can clear
    them by pressing [] (DISP) (page 30).
    • When the slideshow reaches a movie while “One
    Image” is selected for “Images”, the movie will repeat
    playback for the time specified by for “Time”. 
    Using the Photo Stand Feature
    The “Photo Stand” feature lets you specify what should
    appear on the camera’s monitor screen while the camera is
    on its USB cradle. You can play a Photo Stand slideshow
    without worrying about remaining battery power, or you can
    specify display of a particular image. Photo Stand feature
    operations are performed in accordance with slideshow
    setting. See page 133 for information about configuring
    slideshow settings to suit your needs.
    1.Turn off the camera.
    2.Set the camera onto the USB cradle.
    3.Press the USB
    cradle’s [PHOTO]
    • This starts the Photo
    Stand slideshow with
    the images or image
    you specified.
    • Pressing [MENU] displays a screen for configuring
    slideshow settings. To restart the slideshow, press
    [MENU] while the menu screen is displayed, or
    select “Start” and then press [SET].
    • During audio playback, you can adjust volume by
    pressing [] and then using [] and [].
    4.To stop the Phot Stand slideshow, press
    [PHOTO] again.
    • The battery is not charged while a Photo Stand
    slideshow is in progress. To charge the battery, stop
    the slideshow. 
    Rotating the Display Image
    Use the following procedure to rotate the image 90 degrees
    and register the rotation information along with the image.
    After you do this, the image is always displayed in its
    rotated orientation.
    1.In the PLAY mode, press [MENU].
    2.Select the “PLAY” tab, select “Rotation”, and
    then press [].
    • Note that this operation is possible only when a
    snapshot image is on the monitor screen.
    3.Use [] and [] to scroll through images until
    the one you want to rotate is on the monitor
    4.Use [] and [] to
    select “Rotate”, and
    then press [SET].
    • Each press of [SET]
    rotates the image 90
    5.After you are finished configuring settings,
    press [MENU] to exit the setting screen. 
    • You cannot rotate an image that is protected. To
    rotate such an image, first unprotect it.
    • You may not be able to rotate a digital image that
    was recorded with another type of digital camera.
    • You cannot rotate the following types of images.
    — Movie images and the voice recording file icon
    — Zoomed images
    — Images created with MOTION PRINT
    • Image rotation is supported for single image only.
    You cannot rotate a 9-image screen or an image on
    the calendar screen.Using Image Roulette
    Image Roulette cycles images like a slot machine on the
    display, before stopping at one of them. The image that
    finally appears is random.
    1.While the camera is turned off, hold down []
    as you press [
    ] (PLAY) to turn it on.
    • Keep [] held down until images appear on the
    monitor screen.
    • This starts the Image Roulette operation, scrolling
    images on the display, finally stopping at one.
    2.Press [] or [] to restart the Image Roulette
    3.To turn off Image Roulette, press [] (REC)
    to enter the currently selected recording
    mode or press the power button to turn off
    the camera. 
    • Image Roulette does not play movie files or display
    the voice recording file icon.
    • Image Roulette is disabled when there is only one
    snapshot image available.
    • If an image you have rotated appears during Image
    Roulette, the unrotated version is displayed (page
    • Note that Image Roulette works only with images
    recorded with this camera. Image Roulette may not
    operate properly when other types of images are in
    • If you do not start another Image Roulette operation
    for about one minute after the final image appears,
    the camera will automatically cancel Image Roulette
    and enter the normal PLAY mode.
    • You can use Image Roulette while “Power On” or
    “Power On/Off” is selected for the “REC/PLAY”
    setting (page 161).Adding Audio to a Snapshot
    The “after-recording” feature lets you add audio to
    snapshots after they are recorded. You can also re-record
    the audio of an audio snapshot (one with a 
     icon on it).
    • Audio Format: WAVE/ADPCM recording format
    This is the Windows standard format for audio recording.
    The file extension of a WAVE/ADPCM file is “.WAV”.
    • Recording Time:
    Up to about 30 seconds per image
    • Audio File Size:
    Approximately 165KB (30-second recording of
    approximately 5.5KB per second) 
    1.In the PLAY mode, use [] and [] to scroll
    through snapshots until the one to which you
    want to add audio is displayed.
    2.Press [MENU].
    3.Select the “PLAY”
    tab, select “Dubbing”,
    and then press [].
    4.Press the shutter button to start audio
    5.Recording stops after about 30 seconds or
    when you press the shutter button.
    To re-record audio
    1.In the PLAY mode, use [] and [] to scroll
    through snapshots until the one whose audio
    you want to re-record is displayed.
    2.Press [MENU].
    3.Select the “PLAY” tab, select “Dubbing”, and
    then press [].
    4.Use [] and [] to select “Delete”, and then
    press [SET].
    • If you merely want to delete the audio without re-
    recording, press [MENU] here to complete the
    5.Press the shutter button to start audio
    6.Recording stops after about 30 seconds or
    when you press the shutter button.
    • This deletes the existing audio and replaces it with
    the new one. 
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