Carrier Microlink 2 Manual
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3-34 62-02575-07 A valid sensor data value is displayed as a numeric value. An out of range sensor data value is displayed as “OUTRNG.” A sensor data value which has been turned off is displayed as “OFF.” NOTE Alarm numbers are not shown next to the alarm events (i.e., AL, dAL, CA_AL) when viewing sensor data. To refer to the alarm numbers view event or raw data. Event Data The event data for each day is displayed as follows: 1. Date 2. Setpoint for the day. 3. Time and event 1 which occurred. 4. Time and event 2 which occurred. 5. Time and event n which occurred. Summary Data The summary data displays a report for the specified date range. The report contains the following information: 1. Alarm Summary Controller Alarms -- displays each controller alarm activated, the date and time first activated, and the date and time last activated. Recorder Alarms -- displays each recorder alarm activated, the date and time first activated, and the date and time last activated. Controlled Atmosphere Alarms -- displays each CA alarm activated, the date and time first activated, and the date and time last activated. 2. Pretrip Summary Date and time activated Pretrip test run 3. USDA Summary Date and time activated USDA event activated Raw Data The raw data file is divided into the following parts: Header: The header contains the following information; 1. Container ID 2. Date of Interrogation 3. Start Date of data interrogated 4. End Date of data interrogated 5. Temperature Units Configuration: The configuration header contains the following information; 1. Recorder Serial number 2. Recorder Software Revision level 3. Controller Serial number 4. Controller Software Revision level 5. Bill of Lading # 6. Point of Origin 7. Origin Date

3-35 62-02575-07 8. Point of Destination 9. Discharge Date 10. Trip Comment Daily Data: Each Day will have a record with the following data: 1. Main Setpoint at the start of the day 2. Sensor Data 3. Event Data Some days may require more than one record, if there is a lot of sensor data, or the recording format changes. The data display screen supports the following options, to move through the file: 1. Page Up Go up one page 2. Page Down Go down one page 3. Up Arrow Go up one line 4. Down Arrow Go down one line 5. Home Go to the top of the report 6. End Go to the bottom of the report 7. F1/ALT--1 Help 8. F3/ALT--3 Next Report 9. F7/ALT--7 Print -- Allows the user to setup the reports to send to the printer. Displays the Print Data Screen. 10. F10/ALT--0 Print Direct -- Sends the selected view reports to the printer using the current printer settings. The formatted reports are sent to the printer. If the Raw report is selected with any of the formatted reports (i.e., graphic, sensor, event, or summary), only the formatted reports are printed. The Raw report will not be printed. The user must select the Raw report type only for this feature to print the Raw report. 11. ESC Exit 12. M More 13. ALT--G Graphic Data 14. ALT--T Sensor Data 15. ALT--E Event Data 16. ALT--S Summary Data ALT--R Raw Data

3-36 62-02575-07 TOPIC 22 GRAPHIC DATA This enables the user to display a graph whose X axis is a time axis. The date range displayed can be selected from the view data screen and can be any portion of the available data. The Y axis gives the temperature readings. The temperature unit is selected from the program setup screen and supports both degree F and degree C. The plot is drawn from the sensors in the configuration that was chosen by the user. For information on sensor selection, refer to TOPIC 20. If a configuration is selected that includes one or more sensors that are not present in the data file an error message is given. The user should select another configuration of sensors that are in the DCX file, or create another new sensor configuration. Event Messages are displayed using acronyms to reduce space. The acronyms are defined in TOPIC 21 -- Textual Data. The following Keys are used with the Graph: 1. Page Up Move to the right one page 2. Page Down Move to the left one page 3. Up Arrow Move to the right one line 4. Down Arrow Move to the left one line 5. F1/ALT--1 Help 6. F3/ALT--3 Next Report 7. F4/ALT--4 Zoom Out -- Expands the graph to the next larger size. The graph sizes available are; Minimum, Normal, and Maximum. 8. F5/ALT--5 Zoom In -- Reduces the graph to the next smaller size. 9. F6/ALT--6 Toggle Legend -- Displays a sensor legend with temperature values or the line color/pattern. 10. F7/ALT--7 Print -- Allows the user to setup the reports to send to the printer. Displays the Print Data Screen. 11. F8/ALT--8 Toggle Messages -- Displays the event messages or not. 12. F10/ALT--0 Print Direct -- Sends the selected view reports to the printer using the current printer settings. The formatted reports are sent to the printer. If the Raw report is selected with any of the formatted reports (i.e., graphic, sensor, event, or summary), only the formatted reports are printed. The Raw report will not be printed. The user must select the Raw report type only for this feature to print the Raw report. 13. ESC Exit 14. M More 15. ALT--G Graphic Data 16. ALT--T Sensor Data 17. ALT--E Event Data 18. ALT--S Summary Data 19. ALT--R Raw Data

3-37 62-02575-07 TOPIC 23 PRINT DATA This will allow the user to Print any data file (*.dcx) stored in the current working directory. A *.dcx data file is the interrogation file for one specific recorder for a single interrogation operation. The name of the file is the 6 digits of the container ID, with two letters added to uniquely define the file. For example, the container unit CTDU1234565 when interrogated would create the interrogation file name, 123456AA.DCX. The following screen is displayed when this option is chosen. The following is a summary of the options available in Print Data. Select File -- This allows the user to view the current interrogation file or to choose any data file available in the current working directory. Date Range -- This allows the user to input a Date Range for the data that is to be viewed. Print File -- This allows the user to change the ASCII print file name, which is used to store the ASCII text representation of the print data. Report Type -- This allows the user to select either Formatted Reports or Raw Data. If the formatted report is selected the Report Format menu is displayed. Report Format -- This allows the user to select the report format. Data can be presented as a Graph, Sensor data or Event data. The options for Report Format are: 1. Graph -- Prints a linear graph of a maximum of six sensors. The X axis represents the time and the Y axis represents the temperature. 2. Sensor Data -- Prints a tabular form of the configured sensors. 3. Sensor (No Msgs) -- Prints a tabular form of the configured sensors without the event acronym message. 4. Event Data -- Prints the events. 5. Pretrip -- Prints the pretrip summary. 6. Alarms/USDA -- Prints the alarm summary and USDA summary. For further definition of the report format, refer to TOPIC 21 -- Textual Data and TOPIC 22 -- Graphic Data.

3-38 62-02575-07 Sensors -- This allows the user to choose a specific sensor configuration. The user can also choose New configuration to create a new configuration with desired sensors and then save it into the sensors.cnf file. The Available Configurations Menu will be updated to include the new configuration. Several configurations can be created and then saved in the sensors.cnf file for later usage. For further information, refer to TOPIC 20. Axis -- This automatically scales the X and Y axis on the Graph that is to be viewed. Printer Setup -- This displays the Printer Configuration Screen, where printer setup options can be selected in order to print out graphs and data. For further information, refer to TOPIC 17. Go -- This starts the processing of the file into the format selected for printing. Once the processing is complete, the report will be sent to the printer (or an ASCII print file). Restrictions: 1. When custom paper size is selected, the graphic and sensor data cannot be printed. A warning message will be displayed for the user. 2. When printing the graphic and sensor data together, the graphic data is printed on the left side of the page and the sensor data is printed on the right side of the page. Depending upon the page size and the number of sensors selected, some of the sensor data may be truncated (i.e., missing data). To avoid this problem print the report with either the graphic data or the sensor data. If the user wants to print both, go ahead, but run the report a second time with only the sensor data selected. Help -- Displays the help screen. Close -- Closes the window and returns the user to the Main Menu Screen. If Print Data is started within the Interrogation Screen, the user is returned to the Interrogation Screen.

4-162-02575-07 SECTION 4 OPTIONAL HARDWARE 4.1 DataReader The DataReader (see Figure 4-1) is a simple to operate hand held device designed for the primary purpose of extracting data from Container Systems and then uploading that data to a PC. It has the ability to store multiple data files. DataReader OFF ENTERON Esc Figure 4-1. Hand Held DataReader 4.2 OPERATOR INTERFACE The operator interface is kept simple by the use of user selection menus. To move within a menu the arrow keys are used and to make a menu selection is pressed. To escape from a menu press. Although the DataReader keypad is primarily for data extraction from the DataCORDER, the user can also perform a number of basic system commands and enter basic information. The DataReader will perform an auto power-off to extend battery life. Press to turn the unit on. a. Keypad The keypad has eight keys in total: b. LCD Display The LCD display is an alpha/numeric dot matrix display. It has two lines of 16 characters each (see Figure 4-2).

4-2 62-02575-07 4.3 MENU INTERFACE The DataReader is not password protected. Connection to the Controller is automatic and the user is not required to specify the Controller type (ML 1/2/2i). The first menu presented to the operator will be the DataReader menu and basic utilities (see Figure 4-2). Connect to.. ML 1/2/2i Transfer Data File Utilities DataSet Files Set Date/Time Power OFF Figure 4-2. DataReader Menu Only two lines of the menu can be seen at any time on the two line LCD display so the user will need to use the UP and DOWN ARROW followed by pressing the key to select all of the functions available. 4.3.1 Transfer Data Selecting Transfer Data allows the user to establish communication between the DataReader and a PC for the purpose of downloading interrogated files or for uploading container configuration files from the PC. To start the communication process with the PC, select Transfer Data from the DataReader Menu and press . 4.3.2 File Utilities File Free Space File Details Erase Flash ******** Figure 4-3. File Utilities The File Utilities menu allows the user to view various file options. See Figure 4-3 for these options. a. File Free Space File Free Spacedisplays the amount of free space available in the memory. SelectingFile Free Spaceand pressing will express free space available in bytes. b. File Details File Detailswill display the total number of files currently stored in memory. TheFile Detailsinclude: 1. Type of data file (ML1, ML2, or ML2i) 2. Container ID 3. Down load date 4. Size of file (displayed in bytes) c. Erase Flash Erase Flashwill erase the contents of the Flash Memory (the DataReader memory). Pressingwill confirm erasure of Flash Memory. Press to abort the Flash Erase function. 4.3.3 DataSet Files DataSet Filesis used to display the file names of configuration files stored in the DataReader memory. Pressto display a list of the configuration files. To view the configuration file contents, press .Pressto move back one level in the menu structure.

4-362-02575-07 4.3.4 Set Date/Time Set Date/Timeis used to set the date and time of the DataReader. It is important for the user to enter the correct date and time before beginning any operation. When retrieving data files from a Micro-Link 1 Controller, the date and time information are taken from the extracting device (the DataReader or laptop PC). To display the current date and time, press at the menu prompt. Pressagain to change the date and time. The date function will appear as Month (MM), Date (DD), Year (YYYY) and Day of the week. Press after entering the correct date and time to confirm the change. NOTE Before beginning any operation, ensure that the correct date and time are set in the DataReader. This is impor- tant as the Micro-Link 1 DataCORDER obtains its time from the DataReader. The Micro-Link 2 and Micro- Link 2i use internal clocks. 4.3.5 Power Off Power Offwill switch off power to the unit. Select Power Off and pressto turn the power off. Topower offfrom the main menu, press and hold down at least three seconds. 4.3.6 Micro-Link 1/2/2i The user will be presented with the following menu selections for the Micro-Link system Controller (not all menu items are valid for the Micro-Link 1). The first two items are displayed on the LCD with the cursor at the first item. To see and select the other items on the menu the user can move the cursor with the up and down arrows to the desired item. To select the desired item, press . Extract Data Command Display Figure 4-4. ML2 Menu a. Extract Data Extract Dataselected from the main DataReader menu will present the user with another menu of available functions (see Figure 4-4). The user can select the desired function with and. Extract by Trip Extract by Date Last 30 Days Extract all Data Figure 4-5. Extract Data Menu 1 Extract By Trip-- Valid for ML 2/2i Allows the user to extract data for the last trip alone, provided a trip marker was set when the last trip was initiated. If no trip marker is found, then the DataReader will prompt the user to either abort by pressing or extract all data by pressing . 2 Extract By Date -- Valid for ML 2/2i Allows the user to extract data within specific dates. Upon selecting the menu, the user is required to enter the begin and the end dates for the data to be extracted. 3 Last 30 Days-- Valid for ML 2/2i Allows the user to extract the last 30 records of data starting from the current date. Normally one day data will constitute one record. In case of multiple records for a single day, the data extracted will only be for the last 30 records.

4-4 62-02575-07 4 Extract All Data -- Valid for ML 1/2/2i Allows the user to extract all data stored in the Controller memory. Different container files found in the memory will be stored under different container numbers. b. Command SelectingCommandpresents the user with another menu of available functions (see Figure 4-6). Mark Trip Start Calibrate Probes Date and Time (D/C) Container ID Configuration Figure 4-6. Command Menu The user can select the desired function by pressingorand. 1 Mark Trip Start -- Valid for ML 2/2i This menu item will enable the user to initiate a trip start. Upon choosing this menu and pressing a trip marker is set in the Controller. Press again to confirm the trip start. 2 Calibrate Probes Calibrate Probesallows the user to carry out a field calibration of all the probes used in the system. Upon choosing this menu, the current sensor values and offsets are displayed on the LCD. Press any key to bring up the Auto mode of calibration (in the Auto mode of calibration, the sensors are required to be immersed into an ice bath maintained at 0.0C). Pressing either orwill display the current DataCORDER S/W version and the total number of probes installed in the system. The sensor name and offset will be displayed in the following format: S/W Rev #### Probes ## SA Current Value ##.# Offset ##.# All the probes active in the system will be displayed with the current value and offsets. Press to start the calibration. The display will prompt the user to immerse all probes in an ice bath maintained at 0.0C. Confirm the calibration by pressing .Pressto quit the calibration function. 3 Date and Time (D/C) This menu item allows the user to modify the current date and time of the DataCORDER. Pressing will display the current date and time of the DataCORDER. To set a new date and time for the DataCORDER press . NOTE This Date and Time is for the DataCORDER. Ensure that the DataReader date and time is correct prior to confirming the change. To set a new date and time for the DataReader chooseSet Date/Timefrom opening menu (refer to paragraph 4.3.4). 4 Container ID Container IDallows the user to modify or change the container ID. Pressing in this menu selection enables the user to modify the ID. Move the cursor to the position where the character is to be modified and use andto select the correct character. Confirm the new ID by pressing . 5 Configuration TheConfigurationmenu enables the user to configure the controller. The configuration files must first be transferred from a PC using theDataSetmenu (refer to paragraph 4.3.3). Pressing in theConfigurationmenu will display a configuration sub-menu.

4-562-02575-07 Display Cfg File Configure Figure 4-7. Configure Menu To view a particular configuration file, selectDisplay Cfg Fileand press.Use the arrow keys to select the file and press to view the file. To configure a container, selectConfigureand press to view the list of available configuration files. Using the arrow keys, select desired file and press to send the configuration to the Controller. The new configuration will take effect on Controller reset (power ON). c. Display This menu selection will present the user with another menu of available functions as shown below. Compressor hour Sensor offsets Trip start date Container ID DataCORDER Cnfg Figure 4-8. Display Menu The user can select the desired function with the up, down andkeys. 1 Compressor Hour This menu item displays the total number of compressor hours. Press to view the number of compressor run hours. 2 Sensor Offsets This menu item displays the sensor offsets and the display structure is as follows: DataCORDER Rev. No. Probe No. (1st line) Current Reading offset (deg.C) (2nd line) Press to view the offsets of all the sensors configured in the system. 3 Trip Start Date This menu item displays the trip start date based on the trip marker. If no trip marker was set, the display will be blank. Press in this menu to view the trip start date. 4 Container ID Container IDallows the user to view the current container ID. In this menu, press to view the Container ID. 5 Container Configuration Container Configurationallows the user to view the current configuration of the DataCORDER. In this menu, press to view the DataCORDER configuration. The display will show: 1. Log Interval 2. Voltage 2 (IN or OUT) 3. Standard or Generic 4. CA probe (IN or OUT) 5. Sup & Ret (IN or OUT) 6. Humidity (%) 7. USDA (IN or OUT) 8. Therm. Log 9. CARGO (IN or OUT) 10. Network (Ave or Snapshot) 11. Voltage 1 (IN or OUT)