Carrier Microlink 2 Manual
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3-4 62-02575-07 To modify the CONFIG.SYS file, the following entries must be in the CONFIG.SYS file to execute the DataView program: i. DEVICE = \DOS\HIMEM.SYS ii. DEVICE = \DOS\EMM386.EXE X=C800--CFFF I=DOOO--DFFF V iii. DEVICE = \DOS\POWER.EXE iv. DEVICE = \DOS\INTERLINK.EXE v. DOS = HIGH, UMB vi. FILES = 40 vii. BUFFERS = 30 The other entries should have “REM” entered before each entry. This will retain the information in the file, but the entry will not be executed. For example; the entry, “DEVICE = \PCM\DPMS.EXE” should be changed to “REM DEVICE = \PCM\DPMS.EXE.” Running The Program At The MS --DOS Prompt This section describes the procedure for executing the program from the MS--DOS prompt. 1. Reboot the computer into the MS-DOS mode. DO NOT start windows, this will reduce the amount of memory available for the Data View program. 2. Change directory to the DataView directory by typing: CD \DATAVIEW or CD \SCROLLDV 3. At the MS--DOS prompt type: DATAVIEW to run the program. Changing Program Behavior This section describes the two methods to change the behavior of the DataView program. 1) Start the DataView program and go to the Program Setup screen. From this screen the user can set up the program to run on their computer. 2) To add control parameters to the DataView main program, start at the MS--DOS prompt and type “directory --“pa- rameter” where “directory” is the resident directory (DATAVIEW, SCROLLDV or other directory des- ignation), then space dash and “parameter” is the parameter you want to change. The following are valid parameters: 1. To set the temperature units to Celsius, type: “DIRECTORY” --TC . 2. To set the temperature units to Fahrenheit, type: “DIRECTORY” --TF . 3. To convert the RAW files to DCX files, type: “DIRECTORY” --CONVERT . 4. To run on monochrome monitors (i.e., HP Palmtop), type: “DIRECTORY” --P . 5. To run on color monitors, type: “DIRECTORY” --D . 6. To set the communications port (i.e., port where the Carrier module is connected), type: “DIRECTORY” --COM1 or “DIRECTORY” --COM2 The above options can be combined. For instance, type: DATAVIEW --TF --D would set the reciprocating software program to run with Fahrenheit temperature units and a color monitor. TOPIC 3 MENU BASICS This section describes how to use the DOS DataView interrogator menu system. Nearly the entire DataView Program can be run with these keystrokes: 1. RIGHT and LEFT Arrow keys move through the boxes on the screen. 2. UP and DOWN Arrow keys move vertically within a menu box. 3. ENTER selects an option. 4. ESC cancels the current screen and moves back to the previous screen. 5. H displays the help screen. 6. ALT--X exits the program and returns to the DOS prompt. 7. F9 attempts to reconnect the DataView program to the DataCORDER. Throughout the program the user will be able to use the alphanumeric keys to select a feature without using the arrow keys. Upon pressing an alphanumeric key the selected feature is executed. In addition the user will be able to use the mouse to select a feature. Upon single clicking the left mouse button, the feature the pointer is on is executed.

3-5 62-02575-07 Throughout the program two major types of menus are used: 1. Check boxes allow the selection of all menu items that apply and look like this: [] Graph [X] Tabular Data [ ] Raw Events 2. Radio buttons allow the selection of only one item and look like this: (*) Metric Units ( ) Standard Units To select or deselect an item in either of these two menu’s, use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to highlight the selection and press to select. TOPIC 4 RAW FILE CONVERSION The raw file conversion feature, C:\DATAVIEW\DATAVIEW --CONVERT, converts a RAW formatted file to a DCX formatted file. A DCX formatted file can be viewed and/or printed using the DataView program. The Raw File Conversion process is the same process used when the DataView program interrogates a data recorder and produces a DCX formatted file. The Raw File Conversion screen will be displayed when the DataView program is started with the convert argument. The following is a summary of the options available to the user: Directories -- Provides the user with the ability to change the current and working directories. The following describes the directories; 1. Current -- The current directory is the location of the RAW files. The RAW files will have the file extension, “.RAW”, but it is not required. This feature allows the user to view and/or change the current directory. 2. Working -- The working directory is the location where the DCX files will be stored. These files contain the interrogated recorder data. This feature allows the user to view and/or change the working directory. Files -- Allows the user to list the files within the selected directory (i.e., current or working). The file menu box allows the user to scan through the files available by pressing the up arrow, down arrow, page up, and page down keys. If no files are found, the “NO FILES FOUND” message is displayed.

3-6 62-02575-07 Go -- Allows the user to start the RAW to DCX file conversion. The following steps are processed: 1. The Raw File Conversion screen is cleared. 2. The File Processing popup is displayed. 3. Each file in the current directory is checked to verify if it is a RAW formatted file. If not, it skips this file and checks the next file. 4. Each RAW formatted file found within the current directory is converted to the DCX format and stored in the work- ing directory with the same filename and the new file extension, “.DCX.” If a problem occurs while converting the RAW file to a DCX formatted file, a message box is displayed with the failed file and describing the problem. The program will end and return to the MS--DOS prompt. TOPIC 5 MICRO-LINKS SELECTION SCREEN This section describes the features available on the Micro-Links selection screen. The Micro-Links selection screen will be displayed when the DataView program is started without being connected to the Recorder. The user is allowed to select which program to run: the Micro-Link 1 or Micro-Link 2/2i. The following screen is displayed when the program starts up. The following is a summary of the options available to the user: Micro-Links -- Allows the user to select which program to execute; 1. Micro-Link 1 -- CTD2.exe Interrogation program for the Micro-Link 1 units. 2. Micro-Link 2/2i. -- DataView Interrogation program for the Micro-Link 2/2i units. Go -- Starts the selected program.

3-7 62-02575-07 TOPIC 6 MAIN MENU SCREEN This section describes the features available from the main menu. The following screen will be displayed when the program starts up. The following is a summary of the options available to the user: Interrogate -- This will allow the user to extract the data from the Recorder. The available interrogation methods are: By Trip, By Date, Last 30 Days, and All Data. DataReader -- This will allow the user to transfer copied data from the DataReader to the computer, erase files from the DataReader, or upload Data Set files to the DataReader. System Tools -- This will allow the user to change the operation of the Controller or Recorder. Users can change: the Controller set point; user selectable functions such as defrost interval; view the compressor hour meter; configure the controller for a specific temperature unit; change recorder Time and Date, recording Configuration, and Probe Calibration; enter Trip Starts and Comments. Users can also monitor the operation of the controller input/output functions, enter the ISO Trip Header. Program Setup -- This will allow the user to setup a Printer, a Communication port, and a Working Directory. In program setup the user can also change the Screen Display, Temperature Units, and enable the Function Keys. View Data -- This will allow the user to view the data in a numerical format or to filter the data and display it in a graphical and tabular form. Users can also select and edit new sensor configurations, name the new sensor configuration, and save each configuration in a file. Print Data -- This will allow the user to print reports of numerical and formatted data with or without graphics, to a printer or to a file. Users can also select and edit new sensor configurations, name the new sensor configuration, and save each configuration in a file. Help -- Displays to the help screen. Exit -- Exits the program and returns the user to the DOS prompt.

3-8 62-02575-07 TOPIC 7 INTERROGATION MENU This section describes how to retrieve data from the recorder. The following screen is displayed when this option is selected. The following is a summary of the options available in Interrogation. By Trip -- All data logged from the Trip Start selected until the next Trip Start (or the last date in the recorder) will be downloaded. By Date -- All data logged between two user specified dates will be downloaded. Last 30 Days -- All data logged in the last 30 calendar days will be downloaded. All Data -- All data logged in the recorder will be downloaded. Working Directory -- Allows the user to view and/or change the working directory where the interrogated files will be stored. Help -- Displays the help screen. Close -- Closes the window and returns the user to the Main Menu Screen. As the data is being downloaded to the file in the working directory, a progress window is displayed to indicate how much data has been copied and how much remains. Upon completion of copying the file the user is asked to enter a comment about the interrogation file. This is optional. If the user does not wish to enter the comment, press to skip. To enter the comment, the following fields are available to enter information: Billing of Lading #, Point of Origin, Origin Date, Point of Destination, Destination Date, and Comment. For an ML2i product, the following comment fields initialized by reading the ISO Trip Header from the data recorder. The point of origin, origin date, point of destination, and comment fields. The bill of lading and destination date are initialized to blank fields. The final step convert the raw file to a DCX format file. This format is used to view and print the file.

3-9 62-02575-07 TOPIC 8 DATAREADER The DataReader Interface program communicates with the DataReader. It provides the user with the ability to view the files on the DataReader, read the files from the DataReader and store the data into the DCX file format on the users computer. The program also allows the user to erase all the files on the DataReader. The following screen is displayed when this option is chosen. The following is a summary of the options available in DataReader Interface Utility. Working Directory -- Allows the user to view and/or change the working directory where the interrogated data files will be stored. Files -- Provides the user with a list of the files located in the DataReader. The user will be allowed to select one of the DataReader files. Upload -- Allows the user to read the files from the DataReader, converts the files to DCX file format, and store them into the working directory on the computer. The DataReader files must be selected before up loading files to the computer. Erase -- Allows the user to delete all the files on the DataReader.

3-10 62-02575-07 TOPIC 9 SYSTEM TOOLS The system tools screen provides the user with the ability to view and/or modify the recorder and controller data values. The following screen is displayed when this option is chosen. The following is a summary of the options available in System Tools. Controller Utilities -- This will allow the user to set the controller configuration, enter a new container ID, change how the controller operates via the selectable parameters, change the set point and view the compressor hour meter. For further information refer to the following sections: TOPIC 10 -- Controller Utilities and TOPIC 11 -- Controller Configuration. Recorder Utilities (DataCORDER) -- This will allow the user to change the recorder configuration, reset the recorder time and date, enter a trip start and comment, calibrate USDA probes, and ISO trip header. For further information refer to the following sections: TOPIC 12 -- Recorder Utilities, TOPIC 13 -- Recorder Configuration, and TOPIC 14 -- Probe Calibration. Controller Monitor -- This feature displays the values of the controller data in real time to enable an overview of the controller operation when trouble shooting. The user has the ability to log the controller data values into a spreadsheet formatted file. This file is compatible with most spreadsheet programs (i.e., MS--Excel and Lotus). For further information refer to TOPIC 15. Help -- Displays the help screen. Close -- Closes the window and returns the user to the Main Menu Screen.

3-11 62-02575-07 TOPIC 10 CONTROLLER UTILITIES This section describes the features available on the controller utilities. View/Change Container ID This will allow the user to view and modify the current container ID read from the controller. Upon changing the container ID, the new ID is sent to the controller, the DataView program informs the user that the container ID was successfully sent, and returns the user to the System Tools Screen. The following screen is displayed when this option is chosen. Upon pressing to Cancel, the container ID is canceled and the user is returned to the System Tools Screen.

3-12 62-02575-07 Control Setpoint This will allow the user to view and modify the current control setpoint being read from the controller. Upon changing the setpoint, the new setpoint value is sent to the controller, the DataView program informs the user that the setpoint was successfully sent, and returns the user to the System Tools Screen. The following screen is displayed when this option is chosen. Upon pressing to Cancel, the setpoint is canceled and the user is returned to the System Tools Screen.

3-13 62-02575-07 Control Parameters The following screen is displayed for the user to view and modify the current settings of the controller user selectable parameters. The following is a summary of the options available in Controller Parameters. Defrost Interval -- Allows the user to view and modify the automatic defrost interval. Units -- Allows the user to view and modify the temperature units which are used when displaying controller temperature sensors. Shutdown Mode -- Allows the user to view and modify how the refrigeration unit will shutdown. In-Range Band -- Allows the user to view and modify the in-range band width of the control temperature sensor. Current Limit -- Allows the user to view and modify the refrigeration unit’s current limit setting. Stagger Start -- Allows the user to view and modify the stagger start time of the refrigeration unit. Send -- Allows the user to send the parameter changes to the controller. Upon completion the DataView program informs the user that the parameters have been successfully sent. Help -- Displays the help screen. Cancel -- Cancels all settings and returns the user to the System Tools Screen. Compressor Hour Meter This feature allows the user to view the compressor run time. Configuration This will allow the user to select the controller configuration required by a particular model or to customize a models configuration. For further information, refer to TOPIC 11.