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Canon printer PIXMA iP110 User Manual

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Delete DocumentDeletes the selected document from the document list.If the document list contains only one document, the document is grayed out and cannot be
This command has the same function as the 
(Delete Document) on the toolbar.
Grayscale Printing Allows you to change the monochrome print settings.
This command has the same functionality as the  Grayscale Printing check box in the print
settings area.
Page Layout Printing... Opens the  Page Layout Printing  dialog box.
This dialog box...

Page 393

Move to LastMoves the currently selected page to the end of the document.
If the currently selected page is the last page, this command is grayed out and cannot be
View Menu Selects the documents and pages to be displayed.Documents Use the following command to select the document to display.
First Document Displays the first document in the document list.
If the currently selected document is the first document, this command is grayed out and
cannot be selected.
Previous Document Displays the...

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Page Selection...Displays the  Page Selection  dialog box.
This command allows you to specify the page number of the page to be displayed.
Zoom Menu Selects the ratio of the actual size printed on the paper to the preview display size.
You can also select the ratio from the drop-down list box located on the toolbar. Whole Displays the entire page of data as one page.
50% Reduces the displayed data to 50% of the actual size to be printed.
100% Displays the data at the actual size to be printed.

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(Combine Documents)Combines the documents selected in the document list into one document.If only one document is selected, this command is grayed out and cannot be selected.
(Delete Document) Deletes the selected document from the document list.If the document list contains only one document, the document is grayed out and cannot be selected.
(Reset Documents) Returns the document selected in the document list to their status before they were added to the Canon
IJ XPS Preview.
The combined documents are...

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PagesDisplays the number of pages in the print document.

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Canon IJ Status Monitor DescriptionThe Canon IJ Status Monitor displays the status of the printer and the printing progress. The monitor uses
graphics, icons, and messages to let you know the printer status.
Canon IJ Status Monitor Features
The Canon IJ Status Monitor offers the following advantages: You can check the status of the printer on the screen.The status of the printer is shown on the screen in real time.You can check the printing progress of each printing document (print job).
Error types and...

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Display Print QueueShows the print window used to manage the print job that is being printed or being in the print
Cancel Printing Cancels the current print job.

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Message (displayed at right)Shows information such as the ink status and ink colors with sentences.
Ink Model Number Shows the ink tank types for your printer.
Close Closes the  Ink Details dialog box to return to Canon IJ Status Monitor.
Help Menu When you select this menu item, the Help window for Canon IJ Status Monitor is displayed, and
you can check the version and copyright information.
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