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Canon printer Color imageCLASS MF8380Cdw User Manual

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Page 161

This	message	appears	when	the	paper	size	loaded	in	the	paper	cassette	or	multi-purpose	tray	(manual	feed	slot)	does	not	match	
the	size	specified	in	,	,	or		in	the		menu.	When	this	message	appears,	
follow	the	steps	in	the	procedure	\felow.
	Cassette	2	(optional)	can	\fe	used	only	for	MF8380Cdw.
Ignore the \fessage and p\Rroceed to print
You can \brint on \ba\ber currently set in the \ba\I\ber cassette or multi-\bur\bose tray (manual feed slot) if you \bress [OK] to ignore the...

Page 162

If	a	pro\flem	occurs	while	the	machine	is	in	use,	try	the	actions	suggested	in	this	section	\fefore	contacting	technical	support
Check the Following First
Is the power switched ON?
Make	sure	that	the	power	cord	is	securely	plugged	into	the	machine	and	into	the	wall	outlet.
Make	sure	that	electricity	is	supplied	from	the	power	cord.
\bse	another	power	cord	or	check	to	see	if	the	cord	is	\froken	using	a	voltmeter.
Turn	ON	the	power	switch.If	this	works,	proceed	to	
	“Has	the	power...

Page 163

Does a \fessage appear on the screen?
If	an	error	message	appears	on	the	screen,	see	the	following	section	and	try	the	appropriate	action.
	“Onscreen	Message” 	(→P.9-9)
Print	the	transmission	management	report	to	see	if	the	report	shows	any	errors.
	e-Manual	→	Basic	Operation	→	Printing	the	List	→	Printing	a	Communication	Management	Report
If	this	works
Is the telephone line connected or configured properly?
Make	sure	that	the	telephone	ca\fle	is	properly	connected.	Make	sure	that...

Page 164

The	machine	cannot	\fe	used	while	the	power	supply	is	cut	off.
When there is a power failure, you can or cannot perfor\f the following fax operations.•	 You	cannot	send	or	receive	faxes.
•	 You	may	not	\fe	a\fle	to	make	a	call	using	the	external	telephone,	depending	on	your	telephone	system.
•	 You	may	\fe	a\fle	to	answer	a	call	using	the	external	telephone,	depending	on	your	telephone	system.
To save docu\fents in \fe\fory when the power supply is cut o\Rff
If the...

Page 165

To contact your local authorized Canon dealer
When a \broblem occurs that i\Is not suggested in this manual o\Ir the e-Manual, or a \broblem \bersists if y\Iou follow the instructions, or you cannot 
determine the nature of the \broblem, contact your local authorized Canon dealer.
Paper Curls
Try	one	of	the	following	to	solve	the	pro\flem.
 Da\fp paper is used.
SolutionReplace	the	paper	stack	with	new	unopened	one.	“Supported	Paper	 Types”	(→P.2-6)
 The paper type loaded is...

Page 166

Paper Creases
Try	one	of	the	following	to	solve	the	pro\flem.
 The paper stack is not lo\Raded correctly.
SolutionLoad	the	paper	stack	is	not	loaded	correctly.	“Loading	Paper” 	(→P.2-9)
 Da\fp paper is used.
SolutionReplace	the	paper	stack	with	new	unopened	one.	“Supported	Paper	 Types”	(→P.2-6)
 The paper type loaded is not ap\Rpropriate.
Make	sure	that	the	num\fer	of	sheets	or	the	paper	type	loaded	in	the	paper	cassette	or	multi-purpose	tray	(manual	feed	
slot)	meets	the...

Page 167

Toner S\fudges and Sp\Ratters \bppear around Text and I\fages
Perform	following	procedure.
 The paper type loaded is not ap\Rpropriate.
Make	sure	that	the	num\fer	of	sheets	or	the	paper	type	loaded	in	the	paper	cassette	or	multi-purpose	tray	(manual	feed	
slot)	meets	the	paper	specifications.
	“Supported	Paper	 Types”	(→P.2-6)
The Botto\f Edge of Paper or Following Paper Has S\fudge Marks
Perform	following	procedure.
 \b docu\fent with no \fargins was printed.

Page 168

Data Is Printed Diagonally
Try	one	of	the	following	to	solve	the	pro\flem.
 Printed on curled paper.
Solution Flatten	curls	and	print	again.
 The positions of the pa\Rper guides does not fit to paper.
Align	the	paper	guides	securely	against	the	edges	of	the	paper.	If	the	paper	guides	are	too	loose	or	too	tight,	paper
is	not	fed	properly.
 Printing fro\f the \fulti-purpose tray (\fanual feed slot)
Solution Load	paper	in	the	paper	cassette.
\b Portion of the Page Is Not...

Page 169

Custo\fer Support (U.S.\b.)
If	you	cannot	solve	a	pro\flem	\fy	referring	to	the	information	
in	this	chapter,	contact	the	Canon	Customer	Care	Center	at	
1-800-OK-CANON,	Monday	through	Friday,	\fetween	8:00	A.M.	
and	8:00	P.M.	EST.	On-line	support	is	availa\fle	24	hours	a	day	at	
Please have the following infor\fation ready when 
contacting the Canon Custo\fer Care Center:•	 Product	name	(Color	imageCLASS	MF8380Cdw/MF8080Cw)
•	 Serial	num\fer	(a...

Page 170

If the \fachine \fakes strange noises or e\fit\Rs s\foke or 
an odd odor
Turn OFF the \bower switch immediately, disconnect the 
\bower cord, and contact the Canon Customer Care Center. 
Do not attem\bt to disassemble or re\bair the machine 
If you atte\fpt to fix the \fachine y\Rourself
It may void the limited warranty.  
Start reading Canon printer Color imageCLASS MF8380Cdw User Manual

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