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Canon network camera VBS900F User Manual

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Page 71

[Memory Card] Memory Card Operations and Settings
Setting PageNote
For accessing files saved to the memory card, see “Memory Card 
Access” (p. 142). 
Information recorded to the memory card may be regarded as 
“personal information”. Take sufficient precautions for handling 
this information when releasing to third parties for disposal, 
transfer or repair.  

Page 72

(1) [LAN] 
LAN interface, maximum packet size settings (p. 37)
(2) [IPv4] 
IP address, IPv4 settings, etc. (p. 37) 
(3) [IPv6] 
Settings regarding IPv6 (p. 38) 
(4) [HTTP Server] 
Authentication method, HTTP, and HTTPS port 
settings (p. 55) 
[Reboot Item] Setting Items Requiring Rebooting 
The following settings that require rebooting before 
changes take effect can be found on a single page. 
 LAN, IPv4, IPv6, HTTP Server
These settings relate to network connectivity. If any setting is...

Page 73

Setting Page
Device Information
[Model Name], [Firmware Version], [Serial Number], [Build 
Number], [MAC address] 
Displays information about the currently connected 
(1) [View Logs] 
Display a history of camera operations and 
connections to each viewer, etc. 
(2) [View Current Settings] 
Display a list of current settings. 
(3) [Reboot] 
The camera is rebooted.
The camera angle will return to the home position. If a 
home position has not been registered, the camera 
will return to...

Page 74

(1) Video Display Area
Displays video currently captured by the camera.
(2) [Resize] button
Each time this button is clicked, the screen size of the 
video display area switches between “480 x 270” and 
“960 x 540”.
(3) [Reconnect] button
The camera is reconnected.
(4) [Zoom] slider, [Zoom] buttons
These control the digital zoom ratio. 
The [Zoom] slider zooms in (telephoto) by moving the 
knob upwards or zooms out (wide-angle) by moving 
the knob downwards. 
The [Zoom] buttons zoom in or out...

Page 75

Chapter 5
Admin Tools
❏Privacy Mask Setting
❏Panorama Image Registration 
❏View Restriction Setting  
❏Camera Preset Setting
❏Intelligent Function Setting
❏Viewing Logs
❏Managing Memory Card Video 

Page 76

Admin Tools consists of applications for remotely making camera settings, checking operating conditions, and acquiring logs.
Admin Tools
This is the top page of Admin Tools. All tools can be 
launched from this page. 
Privacy Mask Setting Tool
A tool that lets you hide areas you do not want to be seen 
by setting privacy masks. Up to eight areas can be 
masked, allowing thorough protection of privacy. 
Panorama Creation Tool 
A panorama image creation tool that shows the entire 
area that can be...

Page 77

Admin Tools Overview
Admin Tools
Preset Setting Tool
A tool that lets you set presets and the home position 
visually. You can make the desired settings with the 
mouse by referring to the preview in panorama or full 
video mode.
Intelligent Function Setting Tool
This tool is used to set intelligent functions that perform 
uploads, notify the viewer, record a log, etc., if a change 
has occurred in the captured video due to movement of a 
subject. By setting the conditions, you can let the camera...

Page 78

Launching the Admin Tools
The Admin Tools can be launched from the top page of 
the camera.
A user authentication window appears.
The Admin Tools top page will appear.
(1) [Admin Viewer] 
Click to launch Admin Viewer.
(2) [Setting Page] 
Click to launch Setting Menu.
(3) [Back to top] 
Click this button to navigate to the top page. 
(4) [Admin Tools] 
Click the buttons of any tool to launch Admin Tools.
 The first time you launch any of the Admin Tools, wait about 5 
to 10 seconds until the...

Page 79

Admin Tools
A tool that lets you cover certain areas on the camera video with privacy masks.
When the camera is panned, tilted, or zoomed, the privacy mask area responds to the camera video. 
Display Screen of Privacy Mask Setting Tool
(1) Video Display Area
The video currently captured by the camera is shown. 
Privacy masks can be resized/moved in the video 
display area. 
Pan, tilt, and zoom operations are the same as in the 
Admin Viewer. For details, see “How to Operate the 
Viewer” (p. 124)....

Page 80

such as in the Admin Viewer, the control privileges will 
be obtained the moment the Privacy Mask Setting 
Tool is launched.
(6) [Control for Admin] button
Displays the Control for Admin Panel (p. 117).
(7) Registered Privacy Mask Display Area (Capture area)
You can check the settings for the area where the 
camera can physically capture privacy masks.
Even if a panorama image is saved in the camera, it 
will not be displayed here. 
(8) [Registered Privacy Masks] 
Show the number of registered...
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