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Canon network camera VBM641VE User Manual

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Page 261

Warning log
System warning
S220 PAN/TILT operation warning [warning]
S 230 Decrease of fan rotation speed 
S 231 Heater unit not operating [warning]
 HTTP server warning
H201 Timeout disconnect [warning]
wvhttp warning
W101 Invalid user name [notice] W102 Invalid password [notice]
W130 Buffer recovered [notice]
W201 Invalid panorama image [warning]
W230 Buffer overflow [warning]
Audio server warning
B101 Received unusual request [notice]
Description %1 warning detected. [%2]...

Page 262

B102 Client connection denied [notice]
B103 Client forcibly disconnected [notice]
B201 Event notification failure [warning]
B202 Event receive failure [warning]
B203 Audio message send failure [warning]B204 Audio message receive error [warning]
Camera application warning
C201 Day/Night Mode switching warning 
C211 Camera control command overflow 
Video warning
V200 Video input warning [warning]
Uploader warning
A274 Event buffer for upload overflowed 
Description %1...

Page 263

A275 Image buffer for upload overflowed 
Memory card warning
M201 Memory card is write-protected 
M203 Not enough space on memory card 
[warning] M204 Invalid file removed [warning]
M205 Checking management information file 
M206 Invalid management information 
removed [warning]
Notification log
System notification
S001  System started [info]
S 002  System settings changed [info]
S 010 Event service started [info]
S 011 Event service shut down [info] S

Page 264

S030 Heater unit detected [info]
S 070 Change to  SSL certificate [info]
HTTP server notification
H143 User name specification error [notice]
H144 Password specification error [notice]
wvhttp notification
W001  Starting and stopping of system [info] W030 
Startup and shutdown of WebView 
Livescope Client [info]
W031 Transmitted video data size [info]
W040 Clearing to external memory [info]
 Audio server notification
B001  Starting and stopping of audio server 
B011 Audio client connected...

Page 265

B012 Audio client closed [info]
Camera application notification
C001  Starting and stopping of camera control 
module [info]
C002 Camera application started and 
stopped [info]
 Video notification
V001  Starting and stopping of video server 
V020  Starting intelligent service [info]
V021  Shutting down intelligence service [info]
Uploader notification
A004  Starting and stopping of uploader [info]
A040 Number of uploads (MAIL) [info]
A041 Number of uploads (FTP) [info]

Page 266

A122 Connection to upload destination failed 
A134 Invalid upload setting (FTP/HTTP 
mode) [notice]
A135 Invalid upload setting (FTP PORT/
PASV mode) [notice]
A136 Invalid upload setting (HTTP 
notification only/image mode) [notice]
A137 Invalid upload setting (E-mail 
notification) [notice]
A138 Invalid upload setting (E-mail 
notification authentication mode) [notice] Memory card notification
M001  Starting and stopping of memory card 
control module [info]
M002 Valid management...

Page 267

R003 RTSP PLAY request received [info]
R004 RT SP TEARDOWN request received 
R005  Starting multicast [info] R006 
Stopping multicast [info]
R101 RTP session timeout [notice]
R102 Information acquisition failure (RTP 
payload size) [notice]
R102 Information acquisition failure (IP 
address) [notice]
R103 RT SP authentication failure [notice]
Description PLAY received:  client_IP=%1, 
num_of_sessions=%3(V=%4, A=%5, 
M=%6,BC=%7) (R003)
%1 Client IP address
%2 Profile name...

Page 268

R107 RTSP connection failure [notice] 
Description RTSP Error: error_code=%d: Service 
Unavailable (R107) 
%d 400: Value used for RTSP is invalid. 401: RTSP authentication failure or 
missing valid authentication 
457: Playback time for RTSP is invalid.
501: An invalid RTSP option was used.
503: Failure to offer service, due to 
insufficient resources.
The number of maximum RTP 
sessions, has passed the limit.
Meaning RTSP connection has failed. 

Page 269

Messages Displayed in the Information Display
Messages displayed in the information display of the Viewer are classified into the following three types.
Warning Message
List of Viewer Messages
  Information Message Help messages on various buttons, pull-down lists, etc., as well as frame rate and other  information from the camera are shown.
  Warning Message A message will be displayed notifying the user when camera control privileges cannot be 
obtained, the...

Page 270

If you have forgotten the settings and want to set the camera from the beginning, restore the f actory default settings first.
It is recommended that you cr eate a backup file using [Back Up Settings] in  the Camera Management Tool before restoring 
the factory default settings.
 For details on using Camera Management Tool, pl ease refer to “Camera Management Tool User Manual”.
 For factory default settings, please refer to P. 273.
Restoring the Initial Setting from the Maintenance Page in the...
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