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Canon network camera VBM641VE User Manual

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Page 221

Admin Tools
Detection Status for Moving Object Detection
All moving objects detected are shown with contour lines.
If a moving object is smaller than [Object Size (%)], its contour lines are white.
If the moving object is larger than [O bject Size (%)], its contour lines take  on the same color as the detection area, 
indicating that “d etected” mode has been triggered.
If an object is placed in or removed from  the moving object detection area, “detected”  mode will be triggered for Moving...

Page 222

Detection Status for Abandoned Object Detection
All moving objects detected are shown with contour lines.
If [Object Size (%)] and [Dur ation (Sec)] are not exceeded, contour lines are white.
If both [Object Size (%)] and [Duration (Sec)] are exceeded, t he contour lines take on the same color as the detection 
area, indicating that  “detected” mode ha s been triggered.
How to Configure Remo ved Object Detection
Set an area around the target objects, for Removed Object De tection. If there are...

Page 223

Admin Tools
Detection Status for Removed Object Detection
All moving objects detected are shown with contour lines.
As long as [Duration (Sec)] is no t exceeded, contour lines are white.
When [Duration (Sec)] is exceeded, contour lines take on th e same color as the detection area, indicating that 
“detected” mode has been triggered.
 How to Configure Camera Tampering Detection
For [Camera Tampering Detection], the en tire video display area is the detection area. The area cannot be changed.

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Detection will not be possible for three seconds after the change ratio for camera tampering detection is changed, or when 
switching into camera tampering detection from another detection mode.
How to Configure Passing Detection
The detection line for passing moving ob jects is determined by setting the passing direction and object decision 
In the video display area, click the start point of the detection line. ▼
Click another location.
The passing detection line will be set between...

Page 225

Admin Tools
You can configure a polygonal detection line with a maximum of 32 vertices.
Click any of the set vertices.
The detection line is determined.
 Even after configuring a detection line, you can drag each vertex  to change the shape of the detection line and the lines between 
vertices to move the entire detection line.
 Click [Clear detection line] to delete a detection line.
If a moving object crosses the detection line in the se lected direction, it will be detected as ‘passed’.

Page 226

Detection Status for Passing Detection
All moving objects detected are shown with white contour lines.
When the [Decision Point] of a moving object that exceed s the [Object Size (%)] setting crosses a detection line in 
the direction specified in [Passing Di rection], The countour line changes to the  same color as the detection line, and 
“detected” mode is triggered.
A passing detection event notification  only occurs when the decision line is crossed. Take care in setting the 
operation to be...

Page 227

Admin Tools
Detection Status for Intrusion Detection
All moving objects detected are shown with contour lines.
When [Decision Point] of a moving object larger than [O bject Size (%)] enters a detection area and exceeds 
[Duration (Sec)], its contour lines take on the same color as  the detection area, indicating that “detected” mode has 
been triggered.
Configure Operations for Tri ggered Detection ([Event] Tab)
Set operations to be performed upon detection of changes in a subject.
This will also...

Page 228

[Detected mode Operation]
When selected, the operations set in (3) are performed while “detected” mode is active.
(2) [Action During  Auto Tracking] 
When selected, the operations set in (3) are performe d while the moving object is automatically tracked.
(3) Specify Event Operation (Multiple  Selections Possible)
[E-mail Notification]
When selected, e-mail notification is sent  according to the timing set in (1) or (2). [Video Record] > [E-mail Notification] 
in the Setting Page must be set in...

Page 229

Admin Tools
Context Menu
Right-click on the video detection setting screen to display a menu that allows you to use the following functions. 
Unavailable functions will be gr ayed-out when you right-click.
If you right-click while using auto tracking, the context menu will appear but none of the functions will be available.
[Copy detection area/line]
Copy the detection area/line of the select ed detection setting to the clipboard.
[Paste detection area/line]
Paste the copied detection...

Page 230

For Auto Tracking, set the detection area for moving objects while checking the video on the computer screen. The camera 
is controlled so that the detected moving object appears near the center of the video display area. You can also set which 
operations (such as e-mail notification, recording video, or playing audio from  the speaker connected to the camera) are 
carried out when detection occurs.
Set Auto Tracking
Use the following steps to set Auto Tracking.
For details on how to adjust presets,...
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