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Canon Imageprograf Ipf815 User Guide

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Page 291

Place the pointer inside the selection box of the object to show the crosshair handle, and drag it to move the object.
you can move the Object Position by changing the values in  Vertical Pos, Horizontal Pos  and Page
Pos in the  Format Dialog Box →P.265
. Rotating an Object
You can rotate the object.
1. Select an object.
2. Select  Rotate Left 90 Degrees  or Rotate Right 90 Degrees from the toolbar.

you may click on the Rotate check box in the  Format Dialog Box...

Page 292

Laying out Objects Automatically
Click  Auto Arrange Object in the tool bar. This automatically lays out objects. Alternatively, you may select  Auto Ar-
range Object  from the Object  menu. Note
• The object  layout  order  varies  depending  on  the  Order  setting  in  the Page  Options  Dialog  Box →P.263
dialog box. Aligning Objects
You can align objects systematically.
1. Select multiple objects.
2. Click the align button from the toolbar.
Alternatively, you may select the align menu from the...

Page 293

Center Vertically
Lays out the objects, justifying them to the vertical center. Align Bottom
Lays out the objects, justifying them to the bottom. Align Left
Lays out the objects, justifying them to the left. Windows Software > Free Layout >
Aligning Objects 4

Page 294

Center Horizontally
Lays out the objects, justifying them to the horizontal center. Align Right
Lays out the objects, justifying them to the right. Changing the Object Overlapping Order
You can change the object overlapping order.
1. Select an object.
2. Select the Overlapping Order menu from the  Object menu.Note
• The order of overlapping affects the order of objects automatically laid out.
• You can also select by clicking the right button of the mouse on an object.
Windows Software > Free Layout >...

Page 295

Bring to Front
Moves the object to the frontmost position. Send to Back
Moves the object to the backmost position. Bring Forward
Moves the object one position to the front. Windows Software > Free Layout >
Changing the Object Overlapping Order 4

Page 296

Send Backward
Moves the object one position to the back. Pasting a Copied or Cut Object
1. Click Copy or Cut  from the toolbar.
Alternatively, you may select  Copy or Cut from the Edit menu.
2. Click Paste from the toolbar.
Alternatively, you may select  Paste from the Edit menu.Note
• The copied or cut object is laid out at the end of the page.
• You can also select by clicking the right button of the mouse on an object.
• In 
order  to  paste  an  object  on  any  position  that  you  like,  you  can...

Page 297

Folded Duplex Window
This window is displayed if you select  Folded Duplex from the Edit menu after selecting an object. Using the  Folded Du-
plex function allows you to print with fold lines added.
The  Folded Duplex window consists of the menu and tool bars, layout area and status bar. Note
• The toolbar and status bar can be toggled between hidden and displayed from the  View menu.Menu Bar
This allows you to select menus required for operations. Tool Bar
This allows you to select tool buttons...

Page 298

Layout Area
This allows you to check the arrangement and orientation of objects. Status Bar
This shows the paper source, roll paper width, and output size. Finished Size Settings Dialog Box
This dialog box is displayed when you select  Finished Size Settings from the Edit menu. This allows you to configure
finished size settings. Finished Size
Selects the method for setting the finished size.
Windows Software > Free Layout >
Finished Size Settings Dialog Box

Page 299

The following settings are available for the finished size.
Fit Roll Paper Width Prints by automatically enlarging or reducing the entire document so that the width
of the document matches the roll paper width.
Specify Folded Size Prints by automatically enlarging or reducing the entire document to match the size
of the paper. Select the actual size of the paper you want to print on in  Fit Paper
Rotate Page 90 degrees (Con-
serve Paper) Prints by rotating pages by 90 degrees. Pages...

Page 300

Print Fold Lines
Configures the color and type of fold lines. Note
• To not print fold lines, clear the  Print Fold Lines checkbox.Fold Line Color
You can select the fold lines. Fold Line Type
You can select the fold lines.
The following settings are available for the fold line type. Setting
Solid Line You can print the solid line as the frame style.
Dotted Line You can print the dotted line as the frame style.
Dashed Line You can print the dashed line as the frame style.Only Print Center and...
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