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Canon Imageprograf Ipf815 User Guide

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Page 221

Make sure the  Main sheet is displayed. 4.
In the  AMedia Type  list, select the type of paper that is loaded. Note
• Click the  BGet  Information  button  to  display  the  Paper  Information  on  Printer  dialog  box.  On
the  Paper Information on Printer dialog box, you can obtain information on the paper in the printer
and configure printer driver settings for the feed source and type of paper.
This function requires that the  Status Monitor be installed. Windows Software 
> Printer Driver >...

Page 222

Click the  Page Setup tab to display the  Page Setup sheet.6.
In the  APage Size  list, select the size of the original as specified in the application.
7. In the  LPaper Source  list, select how paper is supplied.
8. If you have selected roll paper in  LPaper Source, select the width of the loaded roll in  MRoll Paper Width. Note
• A variety of settings are available in the printer driver to suit different printing applications.
For details on available printing conditions, see " Printer Driver...

Page 223

Checking a preview of the settings
A preview of the settings is displayed on the left side of the  Main, Page Setup, and Layout sheets. By checking illustra-
tions and numerical values in the preview, you can confirm current settings for the page size, orientation, paper source, lay-
out, and so on. Display Area
Information Displayed
P Top illustrations Illustrations indicate the orientation, page layout, borderless printing selection, col-
or mode, and other settings information.
Q Middle, bordered area...

Page 224

Select the printer in the dialog box, and then display the printer driver dialog box.(See " Accessing the Printer Driv-
er Dialog Box from Applications  →P.211
3. Make sure the  Main sheet is displayed. 4.
Select the  LOpen Preview
  When Print Job Starts check box.
5. After you click  OK, when you print a job, the  imagePROGRAF Preview window will be displayed. Note
• If 
PageComposer is running, access the  Special Settings dialog box from the Layout sheet and clear
Enable Preview...

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On the main window, you can check the layout and change settings as needed.
7. To print, click  Print in the File menu. Note
• For details on imagePROGRAF Preview  functions, see Preview →P.243
. Using Favorites
This topic describes how to register favorites and print using favorite settings. Registering a favorite
This section describes the procedure for registering printing settings that have been changed in the driver as  Favorites.
1. Choose Print in the application menu.
2. Select 
the printer in...

Page 226

Click  HAdd to display the  Add dialog box. 6.
Enter a desired name in  Name, such as Photos for Presentations or Monthly Report.
7. Choose a fitting icon for these print settings in the  Icon list.
8. In Comment, enter a description of the favorite to be added, as desired.
9. Click  OK to close the  Add dialog box.
The favorite you have added is now displayed in  AFavorites. Note
• To save a favorite as a file, click  JExport and specify the file to save. Printing using the favorite
Follow the steps...

Page 227

Click the  Favorites tab to display the  Favorites sheet.4.
In the  AFavorites , choose the favorite you registered. Note
• To import a favorite, click  IImport and specify the favorite file.
5. Click  DApply Favorite  to replace the favorite settings with the current print settings.
6. Confirm the print settings and print as desired. Note
• For instructions on confirming print settings, see " Confirming Print Settings  →P.206
" Accessing the Printer Driver Dialog Box from Applications

Page 228

Six  sheets  of  print  settings  are  displayed  by  the  printer  driver: 
Main, Page  Setup, Layout,  Favorites,  Utility,  and
Support. Note
• The 
titles  of  dialog  boxes  may  vary  depending  on  the  application,  and  sheets  other  than  these  six
sheets may be displayed.
Windows Software 
> Printer Driver >
Accessing the Printer Driver Dialog Box from Applications

Page 229

• If you access the printer driver dialog box from the source application, changes you make to the settings will
only apply temporarily to that application. Because these are sizes you specify temporarily in the printer driv-
er, the sizes will not be available after you exit the application.
• You can also access the printer driver dialog box from the Windows system menu.
To use the settings continuously in all applications, open the printer driver from the system menu to make the

Page 230

Click  Printing Preferences  to display the Printing Preferences  dialog box, titled with the name of this printer. Note
• The  Device  Settings  sheet  is  also  an  extension  of  the  printer  driver.(See  " Device  Settings  Sheet→P.242
Six  sheets  of  print  settings  are  displayed  by  the  printer  driver:  Main, Page 
 Setup, Layout,  Favorites , Utility,  and
Support . Windows Software 
> Printer Driver >
Accessing the Printer Driver Dialog Box from the Operating System Menu...
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