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Canon I Sensys Mf8280cw User Guide

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Page 391

Disabling  SNMPv3
Clear the  [Use SNMPv3]  check  box.
Specify  Printer Management Information  Acquisition Settings.
With SNMP,  the  printer management  information, such as printing protocols and  printer ports,  can be monitored and  obtained
regularly from a computer  on  the  network.
[Acquire Printer Management  Information  from Host]
Select the  check  box to  enable  monitoring of the  printer management  information  of the  machine via  SNMP.  To disable monitoring
of the  printer management...

Page 392

Restart the machine.
Turn  OFF  the  machine, wait  for  at least  10 seconds,  and  turn  it back ON.
Disabling  both SNMPv1 and  SNMPv3
If  both  versions  of SNMP are  disabled, some  of the  functions of the  machine become unavailable, such as obtaining machine
information  via  the  printer driver.
Using  the operation panel
You  can enable  or disable the  SNMP settings from .SNMP  Settings
Enabling Both SNMPv1 and SNMPv3
If  both  versions  of SNMP are  enabled,  it is  recommended  that...

Page 393

Configuring SLP Communication with imageWARE
You  can facilitate the  collection  and  management  of various information  about  networked devices by implementing  device management
software, such as imageWARE Enterprise Management Console , into the  network. Information such as device settings,  Address Books,
and  error  logs  is  retrieved and  distributed via  the  server  computer. If  the  machine is  connected to  such a network, imageWARE s earches
the  network for  the  machine by...

Page 394

Notifying  imageWARE  of the power status of the machine
2Select the [Respond to Discovery] check box and  specify the required  settings.
[Respond to Discovery]
Select the  check  box to  set the  machine to  respond to  imageWARE multicast discovery packets  and  enable
monitoring by imageWARE.
[Scope Name]
To include  the  machine into a specific scope,  enter up  to  32 characters  for  the  scope  name.
3Click [OK].
To change the  port number for  multicast discovery, see  
Changing Port...

Page 395

Restart the machine.
Turn  OFF  the  machine, wait  for  at least  10 seconds,  and  turn  it back ON.
Entering Sleep  Mode
Select the  check  box to  notify  imageWARE of the  power status of the  machine. When  [Notify] is  selected,  you can
expect  the  machine to  avoid  unnecessary communication during sleep mode and  reduce  the  total power
[Port Number]
Change  the  port number for  this function according to  the  network environment.
[Number  of Routers  to...

Page 396

Confidential information  is  handled by information  devices everywhere,  including computers and  printers, and  any of these devices may
become a target for  malicious third parties at anytime. Attackers may  directly  gain unauthorized access to  your devices,  or indirectly take
advantage of negligence or improper  use. Either way, you may  incur unanticipated losses when your confidential  information  is  leaked.
To counter these risks,  the  machine is  equipped with a variety...

Page 397

Protecting the Machine from Unauthorized Access
Prevent unauthorized third parties from accessing and  using the  machine. You  can implement multiple security measures, such as
managing user  access privileges,  using firewalls, and  changing  port numbers.

Page 398

Setting Access Privileges
Protect  the  machine from unauthorized access by only allowing users  with access privileges to  use the  machine. Access privileges are  set
separately for  each account, or "ID."  A PIN  can be set for  each ID.  If  a user  tries to  operate the  machine when IDs  are  enabled,  a logon
screen is  displayed,  and  the  user  must enter a correct ID and  PIN  to  use the  machine.
IDs  are  divided into two types:  System Manager  ID,  which is  intended...

Page 399

Setting the System Manager ID
Register the  System Manager  ID,  an  ID that  is  intended exclusively  for  Administrators.  You  can also  set a PIN  for  the  System Manager
ID.  If  this ID is  enabled,  you can access   and    only when the  System Manager  ID
and  PIN  have been entered  correctly. The System Manager  ID settings information  is  critical to  the  security of the  machine, so make
sure  that  only Administrators know the  System Manager  ID and  PIN.
Press  .
Use  / to...

Page 400

Logging on to the machine
If  you try to  access   or   when only the  System
Manager  ID is  enabled,  the  following  logon screen is  displayed:
Setting Access Privileges
Setting the Department  ID Management
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